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State of Rhode Island This legal document
Department of State - Business Services Division should be typed.
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Instructions for Filing will be REJECTED.
Certificate of Cancellation for a Foreign Limited Liability Company
Section 7-16-53 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, 1956, as amended
The attached form is designed to meet minimal statutory filing requirements pursuant to the relevant statutory provision.
This form and the information provided are not substitutes for the advice and services of an attorney and/or tax specialist.
All filings are public records under RIGL 38-2-1, et seq. This means all information is available to the public by a variety of methods
including, without limitations, inspections at our office, telephone inquiries and electronically through our online database.
How to pay the filing fee:
Before submitting this form, ensure your entity has filed
its final tax return and is in good standing with the RI The filing fee is payable either by mail via check made
Division of Taxation. You can confirm your tax status by payable to RI Department of State or in person via cash,
contacting the Division of Taxation at tax.collections@ credit card, or check at the Business Services Division, 148
tax.ri.gov or (401) 574-8941. W. River Street, Ste. 1, Providence, RI 02904. Contact our
office at (401) 222-3040 for further information.
How to complete the form: How to confirm your filing:
1. List the limited liability company’s ID number. The ID Entity records are retrievable and viewable through our
number can be found by looking up your entity in the website. Successful filings will NOT result in a mailed
Corporate Database. confirmation. Filings that cannot be processed will be posted
2. List the name of the limited liability company. The entity online and then returned. To confirm your submission and
name can be verified through our Corporate Database. obtain evidence of your filing:
3. List the state or jurisdication under whose laws the LLC • Go to our Corporate Database.
is organized. • Enter the name or ID number of your entity and click
4. The entity is not transacting business in this state and
• Click on the link to your entity record, scroll down,
surrenders its authority to transact business in this state.
select “All Filings” and then “View Filing.”
5. The Department of State will receive future service of • Identify the desired type of filing and click on “PDF”
process for the LLC regarding the transaction of business under “View PDF” to view and print the record.
in Rhode Island.
6. List the complete postal address to which the
How to maintain your status:
Department of State can mail a copy of any service of
process against the LLC. The entity is responsible for filing an annual report each
7. As required by RIGL 7-16-8, the limited liability company calendar year, excluding the year of incorporation, between
must certify that it has paid all fees and franchise taxes. February 1 and May 1. A courtesy reminder will be mailed
Confirm with the RI Division of Taxation that all tax to the registered agent prior to February 1 of each year. Be
obligations have been satisfied. Verify tax status by sure to follow up with your registered agent concerning the
emailing tax.collections@tax.ri.gov. filing of this report. Failure to file an annual report or maintain
a registered agent/office will result in revocation proceedings.
8. Check “Date received” unless you prefer that the
application go into effect at a later date than the form is Every entity registered with the RI Department of State -
received in the office. Any later date must be within 90 Business Services Division will have filing requirements with
days of filing. the Rhode Island Division of Taxation, even if no business
9. An authorized person of the LLC MUST sign and date is conducted within Rhode Island for a particular year. Your
this form. business may require additional licensing. Please visit our
website for further information.
FORM 452 - Revised: 8/2023