Enlarge image | State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation IFTA-APP International Fuel Tax Agreement License Application 14123488880101 Applicant legal name FEIN Business name (if different from above) Registration period ending 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 Y Y Physical address City, town or post office State ZIP code Mailing address (include apt., office or unit #, if any) City, town or post office State ZIP code USDOT number International Registration Plan (IRP) registration number Date you began or will begin IFTA in Rhode Island If you previously registered for IFTA with another jurisdiction, enter jurisdiction below / / Contact name for questions regarding IFTA quarterly tax reporting Telephone number ( ) - E-mail address Type of business: Individual Corporation Partnership Other (specify) _____________ Ownership Information: Enter the names, titles, social security numbers and residence addresses of principal officers of a corporation or of members, partners, owners, etc. Social security City or Town/ Name Title Address number State/ZIP Decal Order and License Application Number of vehicles.................................................... Mail to RI Division of Taxation - One Capitol Hill - Providence, RI 02908 |
Enlarge image | State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation IFTA-APP International Fuel Tax Agreement License Application 14123488880102 Applicant legal name FEIN Indicate type(s) of fuel used - check all that apply: Diesel CNG Gasohol Motor Fuel Gasoline A-55 LNG Ethanol E-85 Methanol Propane (LPG) M-85 Biodiesel Indicate with an "X" the jurisdictions in which you are operating and also those in which you maintain bulk fuel storage locations. (OP=Operate; BK=Bulk Fuel) OP BK Jurisdiction OP BK Jurisdiction OP BK Jurisdiction AL Alabama NE Nebraska CANADIAN PROVINCES AZ Arizona NV Nevada AB Alberta AR Arkansas NH New Hampshire BC British Columbia CA California NJ New Jersey MB Manitoba CO Colorado NM New Mexico NB New Brunswick CT Connecticut NY New York NF New Foundland DE Delaware NC North Carolina NW Northwest Territory FL Florida ND North Dakota NS Nova Scotia GA Georgia OH Ohio ON Ontario ID Idaho OK Oklahoma PE Prince Edward Island IL Illinois OR Oregon QC Quebec IN Indiana PA Pennsylvania SK Saskatchewan IA Iowa RI Rhode Island YU Yukon Territory KS Kansas SC South Carolina KY Kentucky SD South Dakota LA Louisiana TN Tennessee ME Maine TX Texas MD Maryland VA Virginia MA Massachusetts WA Washington MI Michigan WV West Virginia MN Minnesota WI Wisconsin MS Mississippi WY Wyoming MO Missouri UT Utah MT Montana VT Vermont CERTIFICATION: The applicant agrees to comply with reporting, payment, recordkeeping, and display requirements as specified in the International Fuel Tax Agreement. The applicant authorizes the State of Rhode Island to withhold any refund of fuel use tax overpayment, if delinquent taxes are due any member IFTA jurisdiction. Failure to comply with these provisions shall be grounds for revocation of the IFTA license in all member jurisdictions. Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this application, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, accurate and complete. Authorized signature Print name Title Date Applicant signature Print name Date Telephone number |
Enlarge image | State of Rhode Island Division of Taxation IFTA-APP International Fuel Tax Agreement License Application 14123488880103 Applicant legal name FEIN VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS For each IFTA decal requested, please provide the plate number, state of registration, and the vehicle VIN number for each IFTA qualified vehicle. You will receive a decal for each vehicle listed. Plate Number State of Registration Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Please attach additional sheet(s) if needed. Taxpayer spreadsheets containing the above requested information will be accepted in lieu of this form. |