Enlarge image | 01 0000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 04 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT TAX 05 2022 REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATION 99 06 07Form 800 (page 1) (for eligible personal property taxes paid in 2021) *1510700* 08 Application must be filed no later than January 3, 2023. 09 10 11 If applicant is a corporation, partnership or LLC, enter federal EIN ................................. 12 13 14 Business Name: 15 OR 16 If applicant is a sole proprietor, enter social security number .......................................... 17 18 19 First Name: MI: Last Name: 20 21 Mailing Address: 22 23 City/Town: State: ZIP Code: 24 25 1. Consolidated Application (Is property located in two or more municipalities?) 26 (If YES, skip lines 3 and 7. Lines 5, 6 and 8 must reflect the total from all municipalities. If NO, complete lines 2-9.) YES NO 27 28 2. Business Code: 4. Check this box if the business also receives reimbursement for 29 personal property taxes under a TIF agreement (see instructions) ...... 30 3. Municipal Code: (see pages 7 and 8 ) 31 32 Enter the following information for property tax payments made in calendar year 2021 based on the April 1, 2020 and/or April 1, 2021 assessments. 33 See Instructions. Assessed April 1, 2020 Assessed April 1, 2021 34 35 5. Original Cost of Eligible Property...........5a. $ 5b. $ 36 37 6. Assessed Value ...................................6a. $ 6b. $ 38 39 7. Property Tax Rate .................................7a. . mills 7b. . mills 40 8. Requested Reimbursement 41 (see instructions) ..................................8a. $ 8b.$ 42 43 9. Total Reimbursement. Line 8a plus line 8b ................................................................................ 9. $ 44 Include taxes paid for eligible property only, taking into account any early payment discounts, but exclusive of any interest, penalties or any other 45 charges. Dated proof of tax payment and a copy of the tax bill must be included with your application. Other limitations apply. See instructions. 46 47 Third Party Designee: Check this box if you want to allow another person to discuss this return with Maine Revenue Services 48 49 50 51 Designee’s Name Phone # Email 52 Applicant (or business owner) signature: DECLARATION(S) UNDER THE PENALTIES OF PERJURY. I declare that I have examined this return/ 53 report/document and (if applicable) accompanying schedules and statements and to the best of my knowledge and belief they are true, correct, and 54 complete. Declaration of preparer (other than taxpayer) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge. 55 56 57 Applicant (or business officer) Signature and date Phone # Email 58 59 Preparer 60 Signature Phone # Date 61 MAIL TO: MAINE REVENUE SERVICES 62 P.O. BOX 1064 63 Preparer ID Number AUGUSTA, ME 04332-1064 Revised 6/2022 64 6566 |
Enlarge image | 01 0000000001111111111222222222233333333334444444444555555555566666666667777777777888888 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 04 05 CONSOLIDATION SCHEDULE 99 06 (Use whole dollars) 2022 07Form 800 (page 2) *1510701* 08 A B C D E 09 Municipal Original Assessed Property Tentative Requested 10 Code Cost Value Tax Rate (mills) Reimbursement 11 12 2020 $ $ . $ 13 14 2021 $ $ . $ 15 16 17 2020 $ $ . $ 18 19 2021 $ $ . $ 20 21 22 2020 $ $ . $ 23 24 2021 $ $ . $ 25 26 27 2020 $ $ . $ 28 29 2021 $ $ . $ 30 31 32 2020 $ $ . $ 33 34 2021 $ $ . $ 35 36 37 2020 $ $ . $ 38 39 2021 $ $ . $ 40 41 42 2020 $ $ . $ 43 44 2021 $ $ . $ 45 46 47 2020 $ $ . $ 48 49 2021 $ $ . $ 50 51 52 2020 $ $ . $ 53 54 2021 $ $ . $ 55 56 57 Column B Column C Column E 58 59 60 1. PAGE TOTAL ......... $ 61 For those with property in ten or more municipalities, an Excel spreadsheet version of the consolidation schedule may be downloaded 62 from the MRS website at: www.maine.gov/revenue/taxes/tax-relief-credits-programs/property-tax-relief-programs/business-equipment- tax-programs Please return completed spreadsheet electronically to betr.mrs@maine.gov. 63 64 6566 |