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                               TAX COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK 
                               1 Centre Street, Room 2400, New York, NY 10007               TC101INS 
                               FORM TC101 INSTRUCTIONS FOR 2023                                          2023/24 
Read TC600 How to Appeal a Tentative Assessment                     (Form TC10). 
before you begin to complete this form. 
                                                                    A date-stamped Form TC10 is the only acceptable proof 
Who  should  use  this  form?   Use  Form  TC101  to                of timely filing.  Proof of mailing, or a return receipt from 
protest only the valuation of a property in tax class two           the post office or an express delivery company, is not 
or four,  including  a claim that  the  statutory limits on         acceptable  proof  of  timely filing with  the Tax 
annual increases have been exceeded by the                          Commission.   
Department of Finance for the tax year that will begin on 
                                                                    File an original. Keep a photocopy for your records and 
July  1,  2023.    If  you  are  making  a  classification  or 
                                                                    to use at your hearing.  See TC600 for information about 
exemption claim either alone or with a valuation claim, 
                                                                    filing additional copies of your application with your 
use Form TC106.  Use just one application form for each 
                                                                    Applications  require  an original signature and, 
What other forms and instructions are needed? 
                                                                    therefore, may not be filed by fax or e-mail. 
Form TC10 Receipt.   
                                                                    Supplemental affidavits.   Use  Form TC159, 
One or more of the following may also be required as an             supplemental affidavit, to provide additional or missing 
attachment to the application:                                      information,  or  to  correct  any  information  that  is 
                                                                    misstated  in the application or attachments.  See Form 
TC200     Addendum to Application 
                                                                    TC600 and TC159. 
TC201     Income Schedule (Rental Property) 
                                                                    Completeness.  Your application should be complete 
TC203     Income Schedule (Coop or Condo)                           when filed.  Failure  to answer all questions may 
                                                                    result in your application being denied review by the 
TC208     Income Schedule (Hotel or Motel)  
                                                                    Tax Commission. 
TC214     Income Schedule for Department Stores,                                                                          
                                                                    An income and expense schedule may be required.
          Theaters, and Service Sites                               For most properties, an income and expense schedule 
TC230     Sale Statement                                            must be attached to the application for correction.  Use 
                                                                    Form TC201 if the property produced rental income in 
TC244     Agent’s Statement of Authority and                        2022.  Use Form TC203 for residential and commercial 
          Knowledge (when  an  agent signs the                      cooperatives and condominiums.  Use Form TC208 for 
          application) Note: a Power of Attorney is                 hotels and  motels.   Use Form TC214  for  department 
          required to be filed with Form TC244.                     stores,  public  parking  garages  and  lots,  and  theaters 
TC309     Accountant’s Certification                                where the Applicant is the business operator or a related 
                                                                    person.  If the Applicant operates its own business in 
When and where to file.  The Tax Commission must                    part of the property, and rents part of the property, attach 
receive your application by 5:00 P.M. on March 1, 2023.             both Form TC201 and Form TC214.  Form TC214 is not 
The  deadline  is  set  by  law  and  cannot  be  waived  or        required for an operator of a department store having 
extended for any reason.  Late applications will not be             less than 10,000 gross square feet of retail space. 
                                                                    A net lessor leasing to a related lessee who occupies 
Filing by mail.  Mail the completed Form TC101 to the               the property may use Form TC200, Part 5, instead of 
Tax Commission, 1 Centre Street, Room 2400, New                     TC201 to report net lease information.  A net lessor with 
York, NY 10007.  DO NOT MAIL THE TC101 TO ANY                       a related lessee who sublets any part of the property to 
OTHER ADDRESS. Applications received after the                      unrelated sublessees must use TC201. 
March 1 deadline will not be accepted even if they 
were mailed  before that  date.  Include a self-                    An income and expense schedule is not required when: 

addressed, stamped Tax Commission receipt Form                      • Property produced no rental income in 2022;
TC10.                                                               • Applicant’s operation began after July  1,  2022,
Filing in Person: Bring the completed application forms               unless the prior operator was a related person;
to the Tax Commission’s Manhattan office at 1 Centre                • Property is exclusively residential with six or fewer
St.  or  to  a  Finance  Dept.  Business  Center  in  any             apartments; or
borough by the deadline.  Get a date-stamped  receipt               • Property is owner-occupied and used by a business

                                                               - 1 -

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 for which Form TC214  is  not  required, such  as  a               residential property with six or fewer apartments and no 
 factory, bank, club, nursing home or office.                       more than one commercial unit, and  (iii)  residential 
                                                                    cooperatives with less than 2,500 square feet of 
Information for  certain  Applicants not  otherwise 
                                                                    commercial space, not including a garage. 
required to report rental income and expenses.   If                  
an Applicant owned income-producing property before                 FEE FOR CERTAIN PROPERTIES  -  A  $175 fee  is 
January 1, 2022, but is not required to report income and           charged  for all  Applications for Correction  where 
expenses for 2022, and the property is rented or offered            the assessed value on the Notice of Property Value 
for rent on January 5, 2023, the Applicant must either              for 2023/24 is $2 million or more.  No fee is due if the 
provide the information required in section 2 of TC101              Applicant  or  representative  waives  review  of  the 
or complete Part 4 of TC201.  Attach Form TC201 to the              application before  it is scheduled for review.  DO 
application or submit it at the hearing with Form TC159.            NOT PAY THE FEE WITH THIS APPLICATION. THE 
                                                                    FEE WILL BE INCLUDED ON THE REAL PROPERTY 
Forms and information.   
                                                                    TAX BILL.  If  the  fee is unpaid, review of your 
Tax  Commission     forms     are available      at 
                                                                    application  may  be  denied  and  any  offer  of 
www1.nyc.gov/site/taxcommission/index.page, at the 
                                                                    correction revoked. 
Tax Commission’s  Manhattan  office and at Finance                   
Dept. Business Centers in each borough.  If you have                Definitions for purposes of completing Form TC101:     
questions about the application procedure, contact the 
Tax Commission by e-mailing   tcinfo@oata.nyc.gov.                  Construction  or  major  alteration.    Construction  or 
Address questions about how your assessment was                     major  alteration  work  includes  any  work  that  (a) 
determined or general questions about real property tax             increases the enclosed floor area or cubic content of a 
                                                                    building, (b) renovates a substantially vacant building (c) 
assessments to  the  Finance  Dept.  on  their  website: 
www1.nyc.gov/site/finance/about/contact-us.page  or                 converts the use of one or more floors of a building, such 
call 3-1-1.                                                         as from  office  to residential use,  (d)  completes 
                                                                    renovation, or tenant installations affecting at least 25% 
Form TC200  may be  required with TC101.   Form                     of a building’s area, (e)  installs or replaces HVAC, 
TC200 generally is required with TC101 when:                        elevators, electric wiring or plumbing, (f)  replaces at 
                                                                    least one of the exterior faces of the building, or (g) costs 
•  Applicant is not an owner or lessee  of the entire 
                                                                    or is expected to cost an amount that equals or exceeds 
 property  who pays all property charges, such as 
                                                                    the tentative total actual assessment under review. 
 taxes,  insurance  and  maintenance  of  the  entire                
 property;                                                          Demolition.  Demolition is any work involving the 
•  Applicant is a partial tenant, a tenant who does not             dismantling,  razing or removal of all of a building or 
 pay all property  charges,  a  contract vendee,                    structure, or the dismantling,  razing or  removal of 
 mortgagee, receiver, trustee in bankruptcy, or owner               structural members, floors, interior bearing walls, and/or 
 of a divided interest;                                             exterior walls or portions thereof. 
•  Applicant is a lessee who does not report the lease 
                                                                    Owner.  The owner is the individual(s) or entity having 
 information on Form TC201, TC208 or TC214. 
                                                                    legal title to the real property assessed.  Unless title has 
•  Either question in Part 10 is answered “yes” as to 
                                                                    been conveyed to a trust, the trust is not the owner. 
 construction,  major  alteration  or  a sale.   If                  
 information regarding a sale or contract of sale is to             Related persons. Related persons include individuals 
 be provided after the application is filed, it must be             related by blood, marriage or adoption, individuals and 
 reported on either Form TC200  (if the sale is                     the  business  entities  they  control,  business  entities 
 between related parties) or TC230, and filed with a                under common control, and fiduciaries and the 
 completed Form TC159 at the hearing.                               beneficiaries  for  whom  they  act.  A  person  includes  a 
•  The application is signed by a fiduciary.                        corporation or other business entity. 
If TC200 is not filed when necessary, the application               Year of purchase.  The year the owner or  other 
will not receive Tax Commission review. See TC200                   Applicant or any related person purchased the property 
Instructions for  complete  information  on when to                 or acquired an interest in the property. 
file TC200. 
Part 7 Outdoor space.  Specify whether the outdoor 
space  is  used  for  signage,  cell  towers/telecom 
equipment, and/or generators. 
Part 8 - Floor area.  Provide approximate gross floor 
area to the best of your knowledge and ability.  Measure 
from exterior wall to exterior wall for each floor.  This 
section is optional for: (i) residential property with ten or 
fewer apartments  and no commercial space,  (ii) 
                                                              - 2 - 

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                                    TAX COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK  High Value                              
                                    1 Centre Street, Room 2400, New York, NY 10007 
                                    APPLICATION FOR CORRECTION OF ASSESSED VALUE 
                                                    OF TAX CLASS TWO                                                                       OR   FOUR PROPERTY 
“NO” TO QUESTIONS MARKED  .                                                      
MORE.   DO NOT PAY THE FEE WITH THIS APPLICATION.  SEE TC600 FOR                                                                           MORE INFORMATION. 

  1. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION - A separate application is required for each tax lot.                                                                                                                                 2023/24                     1YEAR 
BOROUGH (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens or Staten Island)                    BLOCK                                                                             LOT                  ASSESSMENT YEAR 
 Lot is filing consolidated income and expense schedule with one or more other blocks and lot(s).  (TC166 must be filed.) 
  2. APPLICANT - The Applicant must be an owner or other person adversely affected by the assessment, not an 
  attorney or agent.  See TC600 “Who May Apply”.                                                                                                                                                                   ______________               BOROUGH 
Name of Applicant ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
 Is Applicant an owner/title holder of entire property? _____  If YES, is the entire property subject to a net lease? _____ See TC101 Instructions. 
 Is Applicant a lessee (tenant) of entire property who pays all property charges and is not barred from contesting the assessment? ____  If YES, check 
box (a) or (b). 
       (a)   Lease from unrelated owner or sublease.  Provide lease information on Form TC200 or TC201. See TC101 Instructions.                                                                                                                 
       (b)  Lease from a related owner.  Specify Applicant's relation to owner___________________________________________________________ 
If neither owner nor lessee of entire property, explain Applicant's relation to property ______________________________________ and submit Form 
TC200. FAILURE TO SUBMIT FORM TC200 WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF A REVIEW OF YOUR APPLICATION.                                                                                                                         _________                    BLOCK 
 Does Applicant claim eligibility for review without filing an income schedule (TC201, TC203, TC208 or TC214) or net lease rent on TC200? ______.  If 
YES, specify the reason: _________________________________________________________________________________________________. 
 If YES and property is 4, 5, or 6-unit exclusively residential property, is any part of the property rented or being offered for rent as of January 5, 2023? 
_____(Y/N).   If YES, enter ______% floor area at or above grade that is rented or offered for rent and enter the 2022 gross rent: $ __________ 
If TC101 is filed after March 1, application is eligible for review because filing is within 20 calendar days of:    Apportionment notice     Notice of increase                                                 _______                      LOT 
You must attach a copy of the apportionment notice or notice of increase from the Finance Dept. 
  3. REPRESENTATION - Complete this section even if you will represent yourself.                                                                                                                                                                 
PHONE NO.                                                                                                                                   FAX NO. 
                       (_____________)    ______________-----______________                                                                          (____________)    ______________-----_______________ 
NAME OF INDIVIDUAL OR FIRM TO BE CONTACTED                                                                                                                                              GROUP #, IF ANY 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ___________                  GROUP #
MAILING ADDRESS                                                                                                                                      EMAIL ADDRESS 
The person listed is:      The Applicant       An attorney           Other  representative                Employee                                or officer of owner legal entity named in Pt. 2 
  4.   ATTACHMENTS - List all schedules and documents attached to this application.  Number the pages.  
  _________________________________                            _________________________________                                                       ___________________________________                 
  _________________________________                            _________________________________                                                       ___________________________________ 
 Lot is consolidated. See attachments to application for block ________ lot ______.                          Last page number _____                                                                                                             
Attach a statement of facts and other documents supporting your market value estimate or submit them at hearing. If you request review on papers in Part 
5, submit supporting facts and other documents with the application. 
  5. HEARING REQUEST - Check only one box. 
 Review on papers submitted without a personal hearing, OR    Personal hearing in Manhattan,   Telephone hearing,  
 Video conference using Microsoft Teams          
  6. CLAIMS OF UNEQUAL OR EXCESSIVE ASSESSMENT                                                                                                                                          
Applicant objects to the assessment on the grounds that it is (i) unequal or (ii) excessive because the assessment exceeds the full 
value  of the property or statutory limits on increases, as follows: 
a. Tentative actual assessment                                                                                                              $____________________________ 

b. Applicant's estimate of market value                                                                                                     $____________________________ 

 c. Requested assessment = line b x 45% assessment ratio                                                                                    $____________________________                                                                                
The Applicant reserves the right to allege an assessment ratio lower than 45% and seek a lower assessment in a proceeding for                                                                                                                            
judicial review. 
Do not use this form to claim unlawful assessment, misclassification, or full or partial exemption; use Form TC106.                                                                                       DATE RECEIVED 
 Signer's initials _______.  You must initial this page if you do not use a two-sided application form. 

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7. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AS OF JANUARY 5, 2023 – Property uses, retail units, dwellings, parking spaces. 
NUMBER OF BUILDINGS                                                                                      NUMBER OF STORIES  ABOVE GRADE                        YEAR OF CONSTRUCTION 
NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS                        NUMBER OF RETAIL UNITS                                                                           NUMBER OF VEHICLE PARKING SPACES 
                                                                                                                                                   Indoor:  ______________                     Outdoor:  ________________ 
YEAR OF PURCHASE                                                                                                                                 NUMBER OF VEHICLE PARKING SPACES PAID 
                                                                                                                                                   Indoor:  ______________                     Outdoor:  ________________ 
USES   (residential, office, retail, hotel, loft, factory, warehouse, storage, garage, theater, etc.). 
FLOORS      3 -___              _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
SECOND      FLOOR               _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
FIRST FLOOR                      
 BASEMENTS                      _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
OUTDOOR SPACE (e.g. cell tower/telecom equipment, signage, generators)_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 
               Floor                    All uses (above grade)                                                    Retail                                         Garage                               Offices 
FLOORS 3 - ___                                                                                           sq.ft.                                    sq.ft.                              sq.ft.                        sq.ft. 
SECOND FLOOR                                                                                             sq.ft.                                    sq.ft.                              sq.ft.                        sq.ft. 
FIRST FLOOR                                                                                              sq.ft.                                    sq.ft.                              sq.ft.                        sq.ft. 
BASEMENTS                                                                                                                                          sq.ft.                              sq.ft.                        sq.ft. 
TOTAL AREA                                                                                               sq.ft.                                    sq.ft.                              sq.ft.                        sq.ft. 
  On January 5, 2023, was any of the property used by the Applicant or related persons? _______.  If YES, complete this Part 9. 
Use by Applicant:     Entire property.         Part.  Specify location in building ___________________________________________________________ 
Approximate nonresidential gross floor area used by Applicant  _______________ sq.ft., of which first floor ______________,  basement ____________ 
Describe Applicant's use ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
__________________________________________________See instructions if used as a department store, public parking garage or lot, theater or hotel. 
10. SALE, DEMOLITION OR CONSTRUCTION AFTER JANUARY 5, 2021 – Failure to answer BOTH questions will result 
in denial of review.  
 Has the property or an interest in it been bought, sold, transferred or placed under contract of sale after January 5, 2021?  Yes                                                           No.   Tobe provided at 
or before hearing (see instructions.).  If YES, submit Form TC230 or TC200 (submit TC200 for transfers between related parties only.) 
 After January 5, 2021, has there been any construction, demolition or major alteration work or have plans for demolition or a new building been filed with 
     the Buildings Dept.?   Yes      No.   If   YES, submit Form TC200. 
                                                                                                                                                   BOROUGH                         BLOCK              LOT 
This application must be signed by an individual having personal knowledge of the facts who is the Applicant, a fiduciary, an agent, or an officer of a corporation, 
a general partner of a partnership or a member or manager of a limited liability company (LLC), which legal entity either is the Applicant or a general partner or 
member or manager of the Applicant. See instructions.                                                    NOTE: Forms TC200, TC244 and/or a Power of Attorney may be required. If required and not 
attached to this application, it will be dismissed.   
Signer is (check one of boxes i-vii     below):  If box (v) or (vi) is checked, Mark application “Special Counsel Review” on the top of page 1.) 
i  . The Applicant named in Part 2.  (Check this box only if Applicant is an individual.)     
ii.   Officer of corporate Applicant named in Part 2. Title: _________________________________________ 
iii.  General partner of partnership Applicant named in Part 2.      
iv.  Member or manager of, or individual officer of LLC Applicant named in Part 2.  Signer’s Title: _______________________________    
v.    An attorney, employee, property manager or other agent for Applicant named in Part 2.                                                       TC244 and a notarized                                                    power of attorney must be attached.
vi.   Fiduciary. Specify fiduciary’s relationship to Applicant __________________________                                                         Form TC200 may be required. See TC200INS (instructions). 
      If signing as fiduciary for a corporation, partnership or LLC, enter name of entity: _______________________________________________  
vii. An officer, general partner, or member or manager of an entity that is the general partner, member or manager of the Applicant.  
       Enter name of entity, relationship to Applicant and signer’s title:   Name of entity __________________________________________________________  
       Relationship to Applicant _________________________________________________  Signer’s Title: ________________________________________ 
OATH  I have read this  entire application before signing below, including  all  instructions, whether on this form or on another.   I  am personally 
responsible for the accuracy of the information provided on this application and on any attachments and I certify that all such information is true 
and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.  I also understand that such information is subject to verification, is being relied upon by the 
City of New York and that the making of any willfully false statement of material fact on                                                                 this application or any attachments will subject me to the 
provisions     of the penal law relevant to the making and filing of false statements. 

PRINT    CLEARLY NAME OF PERSON SIGNING                                                                  ____________________________________________________                                          
Signed: ___________________________________________________________Date _____________________                                                                                                          
The  signer must appear and acknowledge the signature before a notary.                                                                                                                                 
Sworn    to before me (signature of notary):  ________________________________________________________                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                                               NOTARY STAMP 
County __________________________ State ___________________________  Date _________________ 
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