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*31412291* -2.5 You MUST attach this form to Form NYC-2 if you have ANY entries
on Form NYC-2, Schedule F, Part 1, line 1, or Part 2, line 2a.
Name as shown on NYC-2 Employer Identification Number
Section 11-654.2(2)
1. Sales of tangible personal property .............................................. 1. 1.
2. Sales of electricity.......................................................................... 2. 2.
3. Net gains from sales of real property ............................................ 3. 3.
Section 11-654.2(3)
4. Rentals of real and tangible personal property ............................. 4. 4.
5. Royalties from patents, copyrights, trademarks, and similar
intangible personal property............................................................ 5. 5.
6. Sales of rights for certain closed-circuit and cable TV 6.
transmissions of an event.............................................................. 6.
Section 11-654.2(4)
7. Sale, licensing, or granting access to digital products ................... 7. 7.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(1) Fixed percentage method for qualified financial instruments (QFIs)
8. To make this irrevocable election, check Yes; otherwise, check No, (see instructions) n YES n NO
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2) Mark an X in each box that is applicable (see line 8 instructions)
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(i)
9. Interest from loans secured by real property.................................. 9. 9.
10. Net gains from sales of loans secured by real property...............10. 10.
11. Interest from loans not secured by real property (QFI n ) ........11. 11.
12. Net gains from sales of loans not secured by real property (QFI n )...12. 12.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(ii) (QFI n )
13. Interest from federal debt..............................................................13. 13.
14. This line intentionally omitted........................................................14. 14.
15. Interest from debt of NYS or its political subdivisions, including NYC ....15. 15.
16. Net gains from federal debt and debt of NYS or its political subdivisions, including NYC..16. 16.
17. Interest from debt of other states or their political subdivisions.....17. 17.
18. Net gains from debt of other states or their political subdivisions .18. 18.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(iii) (QFI n )
19. Interest from asset-backed securities and other government agency debt .19. 19.
20. Net gains from government agency debt or asset-backed
securities sold through an exchange ............................................20. 20.
21. Net gains from all other asset-backed securities .........................21. 21.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(iv) (QFI n )
22. Interest from corporate bonds.......................................................22. 22.
23. Net gains from corporate bonds sold through broker/dealer
or licensed exchange....................................................................23. 23.
24. Net gains from other corporate bonds .........................................24. 24.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(v)
25. Net interest from reverse repurchase or securities borrowing agreements .25. 25.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(vi)
26. Net interest from federal funds .....................................................26. 26.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(ix) (QFI n )
27. Net income from sales of physical commodities...........................27. 27.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(x) (QFI n )
28. Marked to market net gains ..........................................................28. 28.
Section 11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(viii) (QFI n )
11-654.2(5)(a)(2)(vii) (QFI n )
29. Interest from other financial instruments.......................................29. 29.
30. Net gains and other income from other financial instruments ......30. 30.
31412291 NYC-2.5 - 2022