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Instructions for Form NYC-2.5A/BC
Computation of Receipts Factor 2022
Filing Requirements allocation rule or fraction, as computed on a lender, plus the value of the combined mem-
separate company basis, for each such line ber’s securities borrowing agreements where
(this includes not taking into consideration in- the combined member is the securities bor-
Form NYC-2.5A/BC is an individual report tercorporate eliminations when computing rower.
that must be filed by each member of the New column C).
York City combined group except for the tax- In column C, enter 8% of the amount in col-
payer that is the designated agent of the com- Example: For line 44, in column C, a com- umn A.
bined group (the corporation responsible for bined member would multiply its own sepa-
filing Form NYC-2A, Combined Business rate amount of receipts from the conduct of a PRIVACY ACT NOTIFICATION
Corporation Tax Return) where the allocation railroad business or a trucking business by a The Federal Privacy Act of 1974, as amended,
percentage of the combined group is less than fraction, the numerator of which is the total requires agencies requesting Social Security
100%. miles of that combined member within New Numbers to inform individuals from whom
York City and the denominator of which is the they seek this information as to whether com-
Form NYC-2.5A/BC must be filed annually total miles of that combined member within pliance with the request is voluntary or
and must be attached to the designated agent’s and outside the City. mandatory, why the request is being made and
Form NYC-2.5A. how the information will be used. The disclo-
In column B, generally City receipts amounts sure of Social Security Numbers for taxpayers
For this form, line 8, only mark an X in the should be calculated on a combined group is mandatory and is required by section 11-
“YES” box when the fixed percentage method basis, using the applicable allocation rule or 102.1 of the Administrative Code of the City
is in effect for the entire combined group as fraction as computed for the combined of New York. Such numbers disclosed on any
the election is binding on all members of the group for each line. report or return are requested for tax adminis-
group. Otherwise, mark an X in the “NO” tration purposes and will be used to facilitate
box. Example: For line 44, in column B, a com- the processing of tax returns and to establish
bined member would multiply such receipts and maintain a uniform system for identify-
For lines or section headings with a QFI box, by a fraction, the numerator of which is the ing taxpayers who are or may be subject to
only mark an X in the QFI box when the QFI total miles of the combined group within the taxes administered and collected by the De-
box on the corresponding lines (in the case of City and the denominator of which is the total partment of Finance, and, as may be required
lines 11 and 12) or next to the corresponding miles of the combined group within and out- by law, or when the taxpayer gives written au-
section headings on Form NYC-2.5A, has side the City. thorization to the Department of Finance for
been marked with an X. another department, person, agency or entity
Worksheets A, B, and C in the instructions to to have access (limited or otherwise) to the in-
For this form, the line numbers correspond to Form NYC-2.5A compute certain amounts for formation contained in his or her return.
the line numbers on Form NYC-2.5A. For in- lines 10, 12, 21, 24, 28, and 30 in Form NYC-
structions to this form, refer to both the cor- 2.5A/BC. These worksheets must be com-
responding line instructions in the instructions pleted before amounts are entered in these
to Form NYC-2.5A and the instructions lines on Form NYC-2.5A/BC.
below. In columns A and B, for all lines in-
volving the computation of net gains, net in- Line 25 – In column A enter the combined
come, or net interest, amounts less than zero member’s net interest income (not less than
are allowed and must be entered where appli- zero) from reverse repurchase agreements and
cable on Form NYC-2.5A/BC. Amounts less securities borrowing agreements. For this cal-
than zero are allowed in columns A and B be- culation, a combined member’s net interest
cause these amounts must be netted on a com- income is determined after the deduction of
bined basis to amounts not less than zero on the amount of the combined member’s inter-
Form NYC-2.5A in determining the receipts est expense from repurchase agreements and
factor. Use a minus sign (-) to report amounts securities lending agreements, but cannot be
less than zero (not parentheses or brackets). less than zero. The amount of a combined
However, for column C, such gain, income, member’s interest expense to be deducted is
or interest cannot net to an amount less than the combined member’s interest expense as-
zero; therefore, amounts less than zero must sociated with the sum of the value of the com-
be entered as 0 in column C. bined member’s repurchase agreements
where the combined member is the seller or
Corporations in the combined group that are borrower, plus the value of the combined
not subject to tax under Subchapter 3-A do member’s securities lending agreements
not need to complete column C. where the combined member is the securities
lender; provided that such sum is limited to
In column C , generally New York City re- the sum of the value of the combined mem-
ceipts amounts should be calculated on a sep- ber’s reverse repurchase agreements where
arate company basis using the applicable the combined member is the purchaser or
NYC-2.5A/BC Instructions - 2022