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 Instructions for Form NYC-2A/BC

Member’s Detail Report Filed by a Corporation Filing Requirements                                                               2022

Form NYC-2A/BC is an individual report that       turn. Also included in the final return are the TABLE - FIXED DOLLAR 
must be filed by each member of the New           remaining profits not yet received from all     MINIMUM TAX 
York City combined group except for the tax-      prior years’ installment sales. When applica-    
payer that is the designated agent of the com-    ble to a member of the combined group, such     For  a corporation with New York City receipts of: 
bined group (the corporation responsible for      member should include such amounts when         Not  more than $100,000 ........................$ 25 
filing Form NYC-2A, Combined Business             computing its own federal separate taxable in-
Corporation Tax Return).                          come in accordance with the provisions of the   More than $100,000 
                                                  IRC that govern the computation of taxable      but  not over $250,000 ............................$ 75 
The form also includes a detail schedule of the   income for separate return purposes, but sub-   More than $250,000 
member’s business and investment capital and      ject to U.S.  Treasury Regulations section      but  not over $500,000 ..........................$ 175 
business allocation line items.                   1.1502-12 (as that member reports on its 
                                                                                                  More than $500,000 
                                                  Form NYC-2A/BC, Schedule A, line 4 or, in 
                                                                                                  but not over $1,000,000 .......................$ 500 
Form NYC-2A/BC must be filed annually and         the case of the designated agent, on Form        
must be attached to the designated agent’s        NYC-2A Schedule A, line 31).                    More than $1,000,000 
Form NYC-2A.                                                                                       but not over $5,000,000 .....................$1,500 
                                                                                                  More than $5,000,000 
Every member of the combined group that is        LINE INSTRUCTIONS                               but  not over $25,000,000 ...................$3,500 
subject to tax under Subchapter 3-A of Chap-       
                                                                                                  More than $25,000,000 
ter 6 of Title 11 of the City of New York is      Schedule A –  
                                                                                                  but not over $50,000,000 ...................$5,000 
jointly and severally liable for the tax due pur- Group member’s general information               
suant to the combined return.                                                                     More than $50,000,000 
                                                  Line 3 A nontaxpayer member of the com-        but not over $100,000,000 ...............$10,000 
Reporting period                                  bined group is not required to pay the fixed    More than $100,000,000 
Use this form for calendar year 2022, fiscal      dollar minimum tax. However, it is required     but  not over $250,000,000 ...............$20,000 
years that begin in 2022 and end in 2023, and     to report all other items included in all other 
tax years of less than 12 months that begin on    computations of Form NYC-2A, including re-      More than $250,000,000 
or after January 1, 2022, but before January      ceipts for allocation purposes.                 but  not over $500,000,000 ...............$50,000 
1, 2023.                                                                                          More than $500,000,000 
                                                  Line 4   Federal separate taxable income      but  not over $1,000,000,000 ..........$100,000 
The 2022 Form NYC-2A/BC also can be used          means for this purpose, the amount you com-     Over $1,000,000,000......................$200,000 
if:                                               puted (or if your federal consolidated group     
                                                  is not the same as its New York City com-       Short Periods - Fixed Dollar Minimum Tax 
l   You have a tax year of less than 12           bined group, the amount you      would have     Compute the New York City receipts for short 
    months that begins and ends in 2023, and      computed if the federal consolidated group      periods (tax periods of less than 12 months) 
                                                  was comprised of the same members as the        by dividing the amount of New York City re-
l   The 2022 Form NYC-2A/BC is not avail-         New York City combined group) as follows:       ceipts by the number of months in the short 
    able at the time you are required to file the Report the amount computed in accordance        period and multiplying the result by 12.  Once 
    return.                                       with the provisions of the IRC that govern the  this annualized amount is calculated, use the 
                                                  computation of taxable income for separate      table above to determine the fixed dollar min-
All filers must complete the beginning and        return purposes, but subject to Treasury Reg-   imum tax  based on the annualized amount. 
ending tax year boxes in the upper right cor-     ulations section 1.1502-12.                     The resulting fixed dollar minimum tax may 
ner on page 1 of the form.                                                                        be reduced for short periods  as indicated 
                                                  Group Member’s Minimum Tax.                     below.  Enter the reduced amount on line 2 
Filing your final return                          The fixed dollar minimum tax is determined      (“Minimum Tax”) (If applicable). 
Mark an  Xin the  Final return box on Form        for each member corporation by the corpora-      
NYC-2A/BC if the group member is a corpo-         tion’s New York City receipts. To avoid an er-  Period Reduction 
ration that is no longer subject to tax in New    roneous assessment or a delay in your refund,    
York City.                                        you must enter the member’s NYC Receipts         Not more than 6 months ........................50% 
                                                  on line 1 in this section. If you do not have 
Do not mark an  Xin the   Final return box if     New York City receipts, enter 0 in the box on   More than 6 months 
you are only changing the type of return that     line 1. If you are a nontaxpayer member of the  but  not more than 9 months ...................25% 
you file (for example, from Form NYC-2A to        combined group, enter 0 on line 1. Failure to   More than 9 months..............................None 
NYC-2 or NYC-3A).                                 make an entry on this line may result in an as-  
                                                  sessment of tax, or reduction of your refund    Schedule B - 
Do not mark an  Xin the   Final return box in     or credit.                                      Group Member’s Business Income Base 
the case of a merger or consolidation.                                                            Line Items  
                                                  Enter the applicable fixed dollar minimum tax    
Full profits from all installment sales made in   on line 2 of this form. To determine the fixed  See the instructions to the corresponding lines 
the final tax year are included in the final re-  dollar minimum tax, use the table below.        for Schedule B of the NYC-2A. 

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 Instructions for Form NYC-2A/BC - 2022                                                                   Page 2

For lines 2 through 14 and 16 through 20,         On line 2, enter the value of real property and   Line F – Include Business Corporation Tax, 
enter the amounts for this particular member      marketable securities included in line 1. Enter   General Corporation Tax and Bank Tax  pay-
corporation of the combined group.  All other     on line 4 the fair market value of real prop-     ments credited from prior years on Line F. 
lines on Schedule B of the NYC-2A are omit-       erty and marketable securities.                    
ted from the NYC-2A/BC because individual                                                           PRIVACY ACT NOTIFICATION 
member specific information is not required       LINE 6                                            The Federal Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 
for these lines of Form NYC-2A.                   Enter the amount of all liabilities attributable  requires agencies requesting Social Security 
                                                  to assets entered on line 1, both long and short  Numbers to inform individuals from whom 
Schedule C -                                      term. Use the same method of averaging used       they seek this information as to whether com-
Group Member’s Capital Base Line Items            to determine average value of assets.             pliance with the request is voluntary or 
                                                                                                    mandatory, why the request is being made and 
The tax on the combined capital base is com-      Lines 7 through 14, are not included on Form      how the information will be used. The disclo-
puted on that portion of the combined capital     NYC-2A/BC because individual member spe-          sure of Social Security Numbers for taxpayers 
allocated  to New York City.                      cific information is not required for these lines is mandatory and is required by section 11- 
                                                  of Form NYC-2A.                                   102.1 of the Administrative Code of the City 
Capital is defined as  all assets, other than in-                                                   of New York. Such numbers disclosed on any 
vestment capital and stock issued by the tax-     Schedule D -                                      report or return are requested for tax adminis-
payer, less liabilities not deducted from         Group Member’s Investment Capital                 tration purposes and will be used to facilitate 
investment capital. Capital includes only         for the Current Year                              the processing of tax returns and to establish 
those assets the income, loss, or expense of                                                        and maintain a uniform system for identify-
which are properly reflected (or would have       For Schedule D, the line numbers and text on      ing taxpayers who are or may be subject to 
been properly reflected if not fully depreci-     Form NYC-2A/BC correspond to the line             taxes administered and collected by the De-
ated or expensed, or depreciated or expensed      numbers of Form NYC-2A. For schedule and          partment of Finance, and, as may be required 
to a nominal amount) in the computation of        line instructions, refer to the corresponding     by law, or when the taxpayer gives written au-
ENI for the tax year. On this Schedule C, enter   line instructions for Form NYC-2A.                thorization to the Department of Finance for 
the amounts for this particular member cor-                                                         another department, person, agency or entity 
poration of the combined group.                   However, for lines 1 through 3 and line 5 only    to have access (limited or otherwise) to the in-
                                                  enter the amounts for the particular member       formation contained in his or her return. 
Corporate partners filing using the aggregate     corporation of the combined group included 
method must include their proportionate part      in the amount on each of the corresponding 
of the partnership’s assets and liabilities in    lines on Form NYC-2A, Schedule D.   
their computation.                                 
                                                  Do not enter any combined amounts on these 
LINES 1  THROUGH 5 -  AVERAGE                     lines. 
VALUE OF TOTAL ASSETS                               
To determine the value of your assets for busi-   Schedule F, Part 2 - 
ness and investment capital purposes, you         Group Member’s Three Factor 
must include real property and marketable se-     Business Allocation Line Items 
curities at fair market value.                    for Small Businesses Only 
The value of all other property must be in-       Please see the instructions for Schedule F, 
cluded at the value shown on the taxpayer's       Form NYC-2A, pages 18-19 to see if you are 
books and records in accordance with gener-       eligible to  use the three-factor allocation for-
ally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).       mula on Schedule F, Part 2. 
Attach a schedule showing the computation          
of the average value.                             For lines 1 through 1e and line 3a, see the in-
                                                  structions to the  corresponding for Form 
Average value is generally computed on a          NYC-2A, Schedule F, Part 2.  For line 2 enter 
quarterly basis.  A more frequent basis           the amounts from Form NYC-2.5A/BC, line 
(monthly, weekly or daily) may be used.           54.  All other  lines on Schedule F, Part 2 of 
                                                  the NYC-2A are omitted from the  NYC-
Where the taxpayer’s usual accounting prac-       2A/BC because individual member specific 
tice does not permit computation of average       information is not required for these lines of 
value on a quarterly or more frequent basis, a    the NYC-2A.   
semiannual or annual basis may be used if no       
distortion of average value results.              Prepayment Schedule 
                                                  Complete this schedule only if the corpora-
With respect to real property owned by the tax-   tion filing this form made separate payments 
payer and located within New York City, the       or has separate credits. 
fair market value is presumed to be not less       
than the estimated market value of the prop-      Enter the member’s prepayments to be in-
erty on the Final Assessment Roll of the City     cluded in Form NYC-2A. If you need more 
for the period covered by the return or the       space, write “see attached” in this section, and 
most recent sales price, whichever is greater.    attach a separate sheet showing all relevant 
                                                  prepayment information. 
                                                                                                          NYC-2A/BC Instructions - 2022

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