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Instructions for Form NYC-2A/BC
Member’s Detail Report Filed by a Corporation Filing Requirements 2022
Form NYC-2A/BC is an individual report that turn. Also included in the final return are the TABLE - FIXED DOLLAR
must be filed by each member of the New remaining profits not yet received from all MINIMUM TAX
York City combined group except for the tax- prior years’ installment sales. When applica-
payer that is the designated agent of the com- ble to a member of the combined group, such For a corporation with New York City receipts of:
bined group (the corporation responsible for member should include such amounts when Not more than $100,000 ........................$ 25
filing Form NYC-2A, Combined Business computing its own federal separate taxable in-
Corporation Tax Return). come in accordance with the provisions of the More than $100,000
IRC that govern the computation of taxable but not over $250,000 ............................$ 75
The form also includes a detail schedule of the income for separate return purposes, but sub- More than $250,000
member’s business and investment capital and ject to U.S. Treasury Regulations section but not over $500,000 ..........................$ 175
business allocation line items. 1.1502-12 (as that member reports on its
More than $500,000
Form NYC-2A/BC, Schedule A, line 4 or, in
but not over $1,000,000 .......................$ 500
Form NYC-2A/BC must be filed annually and the case of the designated agent, on Form
must be attached to the designated agent’s NYC-2A Schedule A, line 31). More than $1,000,000
Form NYC-2A. but not over $5,000,000 .....................$1,500
More than $5,000,000
Every member of the combined group that is LINE INSTRUCTIONS but not over $25,000,000 ...................$3,500
subject to tax under Subchapter 3-A of Chap-
More than $25,000,000
ter 6 of Title 11 of the City of New York is Schedule A –
but not over $50,000,000 ...................$5,000
jointly and severally liable for the tax due pur- Group member’s general information
suant to the combined return. More than $50,000,000
Line 3 – A nontaxpayer member of the com- but not over $100,000,000 ...............$10,000
Reporting period bined group is not required to pay the fixed More than $100,000,000
Use this form for calendar year 2022, fiscal dollar minimum tax. However, it is required but not over $250,000,000 ...............$20,000
years that begin in 2022 and end in 2023, and to report all other items included in all other
tax years of less than 12 months that begin on computations of Form NYC-2A, including re- More than $250,000,000
or after January 1, 2022, but before January ceipts for allocation purposes. but not over $500,000,000 ...............$50,000
1, 2023. More than $500,000,000
Line 4 – Federal separate taxable income but not over $1,000,000,000 ..........$100,000
The 2022 Form NYC-2A/BC also can be used means for this purpose, the amount you com- Over $1,000,000,000......................$200,000
if: puted (or if your federal consolidated group
is not the same as its New York City com- Short Periods - Fixed Dollar Minimum Tax
l You have a tax year of less than 12 bined group, the amount you would have Compute the New York City receipts for short
months that begins and ends in 2023, and computed if the federal consolidated group periods (tax periods of less than 12 months)
was comprised of the same members as the by dividing the amount of New York City re-
l The 2022 Form NYC-2A/BC is not avail- New York City combined group) as follows: ceipts by the number of months in the short
able at the time you are required to file the Report the amount computed in accordance period and multiplying the result by 12. Once
return. with the provisions of the IRC that govern the this annualized amount is calculated, use the
computation of taxable income for separate table above to determine the fixed dollar min-
All filers must complete the beginning and return purposes, but subject to Treasury Reg- imum tax based on the annualized amount.
ending tax year boxes in the upper right cor- ulations section 1.1502-12. The resulting fixed dollar minimum tax may
ner on page 1 of the form. be reduced for short periods as indicated
Group Member’s Minimum Tax. below. Enter the reduced amount on line 2
Filing your final return The fixed dollar minimum tax is determined (“Minimum Tax”) (If applicable).
Mark an Xin the Final return box on Form for each member corporation by the corpora-
NYC-2A/BC if the group member is a corpo- tion’s New York City receipts. To avoid an er- Period Reduction
ration that is no longer subject to tax in New roneous assessment or a delay in your refund,
York City. you must enter the member’s NYC Receipts Not more than 6 months ........................50%
on line 1 in this section. If you do not have
Do not mark an Xin the Final return box if New York City receipts, enter 0 in the box on More than 6 months
you are only changing the type of return that line 1. If you are a nontaxpayer member of the but not more than 9 months ...................25%
you file (for example, from Form NYC-2A to combined group, enter 0 on line 1. Failure to More than 9 months..............................None
NYC-2 or NYC-3A). make an entry on this line may result in an as-
sessment of tax, or reduction of your refund Schedule B -
Do not mark an Xin the Final return box in or credit. Group Member’s Business Income Base
the case of a merger or consolidation. Line Items
Enter the applicable fixed dollar minimum tax
Full profits from all installment sales made in on line 2 of this form. To determine the fixed See the instructions to the corresponding lines
the final tax year are included in the final re- dollar minimum tax, use the table below. for Schedule B of the NYC-2A.