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                                                                      -300         MANDATORY FIRST INSTALLMENT (MFI)                                                 2021
                                                                                   BY BUSINESS C CORPORATIONS 

                                                                       For CALENDAR YEAR 2021 or FISCAL YEAR beginning _______________, 2021 and ending _______________, ________
                                                    Print or Type:
                                                     Name (If combined filer, give name of designated agent) See Instructions Name     Taxpayer’s Email Address 
                                                                                                                              Change  n
                                                     In Care of 
                                                                                                                                              EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER
                                                     Address (number and street)                                              Address 
                                                                                                                              Change  n
                                                     City and State                 Zip Code           Country (if not US) 
                                                                                                                                         BUSINESS CODE NUMBER AS PER FEDERAL RETURN
                                      *32712191*     Business telephone number      Person to contact

                                                                      Business C Corporations only.  Filing form:  NYC-2,  NYC-2A,  NYC-2S 
 COMPUTATION OF MANDATORY FIRST INSTALLMENT                                                                                                           Payment Amount
 A.                          Payment               Amount included with form - Make payable to: NYC Department of Finance ......A.

1. C Corporation tax from the second preceding year ..............................................................  1.  

2. First installment for upcoming year ......................................................................................  2.  

3. Credits from prior year  .........................................................................................................  3.  

4. Amount due (line 2 less line 3) .............................................................................................  4.
                                                                CERTIFICATION OF AN ELECTED OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION
I hereby certify that this form, including any accompanying rider, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.                            
I authorize                   the Dept. of Finance to discuss this form with the preparer listed below.(See instructions) ......YES                n  
  SIGN   HERE              Signature                                                                                                  Firm’s email 
                           of officer                                    Title                        Date                            address
                                                                                                                                                      Preparer's Social Security Number or PTIN
                           Preparer's                                 Preparer’s                      Check if self-          n
                           signature                                  printed name                    employed 4               Date     
                                                                                                                                                      Firm's Employer Identification Number
       PREPARER S USE ONLY s Firm's name (or yours, if self-employed)  s Address                                               s Zip Code

MAILING                                               MAIL FORM TO:                 Make remittance payable to the order of:                          To receive proper credit, you must 
INSTRUCTIONS:                                         NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE     NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE                                         enter your correct Employer Identi-
                                                      P.O. BOX 3929                 Payment must be made in U.S.dollars,                              fication Number on your declaration 
                                                      NEW YORK, NY 10008-3929       drawn on a U.S. bank.                                             and remittance.

                                                 KEEP A COPY OF THIS FORM FOR YOUR RECORDS. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON PAGE 2.

                                                                                    ELECTRONIC FILING 
       Register for electronic filing.  It is an easy, secure and convenient way to file a declaration and an extension and pay taxes on-line. 
                                                                      For more information log on to  NYC.gov/eservices

 32712191                                                                                                                                                            NYC-300 2020

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Form NYC-300 - 2021 - Instructions                                                                                        Page 2 

WHO MUST FILE                                                            PENALTY 
Every C corporation subject to the New York City Business Corpo-         The law imposes penalties for failure to pay or underpayment of 
ration Tax (Title 11, Chapter 6, Subchapter 3-A of the Administrative    estimated tax. (Refer to Section 11-676, Subdivisions 3 and 4 of 
Code) must file Form NYC-300 and pay the Mandatory First In-             the Administrative Code.) 
stallment (“MFI”) if its tax for the second preceding year exceeded       
$1,000.  The MFI is equal to 25 percent of the tax for the second pre-   ELECTRONIC FILING 
ceding tax year for which the payment must be made.  See Adminis-        Note: Register for electronic filing.  It is an easy, secure and 
trative Code §11-658.  For a group filing a combined return,  this       convenient way to file and pay an extension on-line.  For more 
form should be filed by the designated agent of the group, as defined    information log on to  NYC.gov/eservices 
in Administrative Code §11-654.3(7).                                      
                                                                         TAX PREPARERS 
WHEN TO FILE                                                             Anyone who prepares a return for a fee must sign the return as 
The due date is 2-1/2 months into the current year, not the due date     a paid preparer and enter his or her Social Security Number or 
of the return or extension. For a calendar year taxpayer, the due        PTIN.  (See Finance Memorandum 00-1.)  Include the com-
date is March 15th.  If any of the dates fall on a Saturday, Sunday      pany or corporation name and Employer Identification Num-
or legal holiday, the due date is the next business day.                 ber, if applicable. 
COMPUTATION OF  MANDATORY FIRST INSTALLMENT                              Preparer Authorization:  If you want to allow the Department 
(MFI) OF ESTIMATED TAX FOR CURRENT YEAR                                  of Finance to discuss your return with the paid preparer who 
Corporations whose tax liability for the second preceding year ex-       signed it, you must check the "Yes" box in the signature area of 
ceeds $1,000 are required to pay 25% of the tax liability for the        the return. This authorization applies only to the individual 
second preceding year as a first installment of estimated tax for        whose signature appears in the "Preparer's Use Only" section of 
the current year (MFI).  The second preceding year’s tax means           your return.  It does not apply to the firm, if any, shown in that 
the tax imposed on the taxpayer by section 11-653 of the Admin-          section.  By checking the "Yes" box, you are authorizing the 
istrative Code for the second preceding calendar or fiscal year.         Department of Finance to call the preparer to answer any ques-
                                                                         tions that may arise during the processing of your return. Also, 
EXAMPLE                                                                  you are authorizing the preparer to: 
Corporation A is a calendar year taxpayer.  For calendar year 2015,       
Corporation A reported $2,000 in Business Corporation Tax.  Cor-           give the Department any information missing from your re-
poration A must pay $500 with its Form NYC-300 for 2017.                  
                                                                         l call the Department for information about the processing 
Line 1 - Enter the total tax after credits for the second preceding        of your return or the status of your refund or payment(s), 
         tax year.                                                         and 
                                                                         l respond to certain notices that you have shared with the 
Line 2 - If the tax on line 1 is greater than $1,000, the MFI is com-      preparer about math errors, offsets, and return preparation.  
         puted by multiplying the tax by 25%.                              The notices will not be sent to the preparer. 
Note:    If you do not have a second preceding tax year because a re-    You are not authorizing the preparer to receive any refund check, 
         turn was not required to be filed, then you are not required to bind you to anything (including any additional tax liability), or oth-
         make an MFI of estimated tax;do notfile this form.  You         erwise represent you before the Department.  The authorization can-
         must still make a declaration of estimated tax, and pay the re- not be revoked;  however, the authorization will automatically expire 
         maining installments of estimated Business Corporation Tax      no later than the due date (without regard to any extensions) for fil-
         using Form NYC-400, Estimated Tax by Business Corpora-          ing next year's return.  Failure to check the box will be deemed a 
         tions and Subchapter S General Corporations.                    denial of authority.
Line 3 - Line 3 is available as an option to satisfy the payment of 
         MFI of estimated tax by using overpayments from prior 
         periods instead of remitting additional money.  The 
         amounts used for this purpose must be overpayments 
         shown on prior period returns already filed.  Do not use 
         overpayments that you anticipate computing on the tax 
         return you will file after you file Form NYC-300. 
A calendar-year filer is filing Form NYC-300 by March 15, 2021 
to make the MFI payment for 2021.  The filer reasonably believes 
that when filing its 2020 return due on April 15, 2021, it will have 
an overpayment for 2020.  When filing Form NYC-300, the tax-
payer is not allowed to include on line 3 the 2020 overpayment as 
partial or full payment of the 2021 MFI requirement because the 
2020 return has not yet been filed. 

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