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                                            -2S                   BUSINESS CORPORATION                                                                              TAX RETURN                                                     
                                                                  To be filed by C Corporations ONLY – All Subchapter S Corporations must file Form NYC-1, NYC-3L, NYC-4S or NYC-4SEZ 

                                                                  For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR beginning ___________________ 2022 and ending ______________________
                        Name                                                                                                                                Name        
                                                                                                                                                            Change  n  Employer Identification Number: 
                        In care of                                                                                                                                      
                        Address (number and street)                                                                                                         Address     
                                                                                                                                                            Change  n   
                          City and State                                                      Zip Code                  Country (if not US)                            Business Code Number as per federal return: 
             *32612291* Business telephone number                                    Taxpayer’s email address:                                                          
                        State or country of organization                             Date organized                                                                     
                                                                                                                                                                       2-character special condition code, 
                        Date business began in NYC       Final    -Check this box if you have          If final return, date business ended in NYC                     if applicable  (See instructions):
                                                         Return          ceased operations in NYC   n
 THAT  APPLY            n Special short period return          n 52/53-week taxable year                        n Pro-forma federal return attached                               n                                  Claim any 9/11/01-related federal tax benefits 
                        n Amended return                 If the purpose of the amended return is to report        n IRS change                                            Date of Final                                         
                                                         a federal or state change, check the appropriate box:          NYS change                                        Determination  nn nn nnnn-                           -                                      
                        Federal form filed:    n 1120              n 1120C                     n    1120F         n 1120-H                                          n  Other/None
 SCHEDULE A - Computation of Balance Due or Overpayment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Payment Amount
 A.  Payment              Amount being paid electronically with this return                    ..............................................................................  A.
 1.   Tax on business income base (from Schedule B, line 13) .................................................................................................................                                       1.   ___________________________________ 
 2.   Tax on capital base (from Schedule C, line 10; Maximum Tax is $10,000,000)  ................................................................................                                                   2.  ___________________________________      
 3.   Minimum tax - (see instructions) - NYC Gross Receipts:                                                                 .............................................                                           3.   ___________________________________ 
 4.   Tax (enter the amount from line 1, 2 or 3, whichever is largest) ........................................................................................................                                      4.   ___________________________________ 
 5.   Total prepayments (from Composition of Prepayments Schedule below, line G or H) (See Instructions)..........................................                                                                   5.   ___________________________________ 
 6.   Balance due        (subtract line 5 from line 4).............................................................................................................................................                  6.   ___________________________________ 
 7.   Overpayment        (subtract line 4 from line 5) ...........................................................................................................................................                   7.   ___________________________________ 
 8a.  Interest (see instructions)        ............................................................................................................. 8a.                                                                                                           
 8b.  Additional charges (see instructions)        ...........................................................................................         8b.                                                                                                           
 8c.  Penalty for underpayment of estimated tax (attach Form NYC-222) ..........................................                                       8c.                                                                                                           
 9.   Total of lines 8a, 8b and 8c .................................................................................................................................................................                 9.   ___________________________________ 
 10.  Net overpayment (line 7 less line 9)     ....................................................................................................................................................                 10.   ___________________________________ 
 11.  Amount of line 10 to be:           a. Refunded - n Direct deposit - fill out line 11c    OR    n           Paper check                                ..............................................          11a. ___________________________________ 
                                         b. Credited to 2023 estimated tax ..........................................................................................................                               11b. ___________________________________ 
11c.   Routing                                                    Account                                                                                   Account Type:         n                                  
       Number:                                                    Number:                                                                                                 Savings n                                  
12.   TOTAL REMITTANCE DUE.                 (see instructions) .................................................................................................................................                    12. ___________________________________ 
13.   NYC rent deducted on federal tax return (see instructions) ..................................................................................................................                                 13. ___________________________________ 
14.   Gross receipts or sales from federal return.........................................................................................................................................                          14. ________________________________ 
15.   Total assets from federal return ............................................................................................................................................................................ 15. ___________________________________
     PREPAYMENTS CLAIMED                 ON    SCHEDULE  A LINE  ,                 5                                                                                DATE                                                       AMOUNT 
 A. Mandatory First Installment paid for tax year 2022 
      (Do not include your mandatory first installment paid for tax year 2023) ............... 
 B. Payment with Declaration, Form NYC-400  ............................................................ 
 C. Payment with Notice of Estimated Tax Due  ........................................................... 
 D. Payment with Notice of Estimated Tax Due ............................................................ 
 E. Payment with Extension, Form NYC-EXT............................................................... 
 F. Overpayment from preceding year credited to this year ......................................... 
 G. TOTAL of A through F (enter on Schedule A, line 5) .................................................. 
      For Amended Returns only:  
 H. Total payments and credits applicable at time of filing of this Amended return (see instr.)
32612291                 ATTACH COPY OF YOUR FEDERAL RETURN.  SEE PAGE 3 FOR PAYMENT AND MAILING INSTRUCTIONS                                                                                                                                          NYC-2S - 2022

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 Form NYC-2S - 2022             NAME:     ______________________________________     EIN:                                           __________________________________ Page 2
  SCHEDULE B -  Computation of Tax on Business Income Base
 1.       Federal taxable income (FTI) before net operating loss (NOL) and special deductions                                       (see instructions) . 1.             _________________________ 
 2.       Interest on federal, state, municipal and other obligations not included on line 1.................................................2. _____________________________ 
 3.       Income taxes paid to the US or its possessions deducted on federal return ........................................................3.                          ____________________________ 
 4.       NYS Franchise Tax, including MTA taxes and other business taxes deducted on federal return (see inst; attach rider) .4.                                       ____________________________________ 
 5.       NYC Corporate Taxes deducted on federal return            (see instructions) ...........................................................5.                    _________________________ 
 6.       ACRS depreciation and/or adjustments (attach Form NYC-399 and/or NYC-399Z) ....................................6.                                             _________________________ 
 7.       Total additions (add lines 1 through 6) ..........................................................................................................7.          _________________________ 
 8.       NYC and NYS tax refunds included on line 7 (see instructions)...................................................................8.                            _________________________ 
 9.       Depreciation and/or adjustment calculated under pre-ACRS or pre - 9/11/01 rules 
          (attach Form NYC-399 and/or NYC-399Z; see instructions) ............................................................................9. ______________________________ 
 10.      Total subtractions (add lines 8 through 9)....................................................................................................10.             _________________________ 
 11.      Net Business Income (subtract line 10 from line 7)  (see instructions) .......................................................11.                             _________________________ 
 12.      Tax rate (see instructions)   ........................................................................................................................... 12. _________________________%
 13.      Tax on business income base (multiply line 11 by line 12 and enter here and on Schedule A, line 1) ..... 13.                                                  _________________________
 SCHEDULE C -  Computation of Tax on Capital Base
 Basis used to determine average value in column C. Check one. (Attach detailed schedule.) 
 n     - Annually           n  - Semi-annually            n - Quarterly                                 COLUMN A                     COLUMN B                                                      COLUMN C 
                                                                                                        Beginning of Year                  End of Year                                 Average Value
 n     - Monthly            n - Weekly                    n - Daily                                  
    1. Total assets from federal return  ............................................                                                                                    1. 
    2. Real property and marketable securities included on line 1 ........                                                                                               2. 
    3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 ..............................................................                                                                        3.  
    4.    Real property and marketable securities at fair market value .                                                                                                 4. 
    5.    Adjusted total assets (add lines 3 and 4) .....................................                                                                                5. 
    6.    Total liabilities (see instructions)  ...................................................                                                                      6.
 7.    Net business capital (subtract line 6, column C, from line 5, column C) .............................................................................. 7.                
 Computation of tax on capital base: 
                                                                                                        A                                       B                                                    C 
                                                                                                        Business                                Tax                                                 Tax on  
                                                                                                        Capital                            Rate                              Business Capital Base
 8a.      At tax rate 0.15%  ..................................................................... 8a.                              X 0.0015                            8a.   
 8b.    At tax rate 0.04%, enter borough, block and lot numbers: 
          Boro n    Block nnnnn                       Lot nnnnn          .. 8b.                                                     X 0.0004                            8b.   

 9.   Sum of taxes on capital before exclusion (Enter the sum of line 8a plus line 8b)..................................................................................9. 
 10. Tax on capital base (Subtract $10,000 from line 9; If zero or less, enter 0 here and on Schedule A, line 2) .....................................10. 
 SCHEDULE D -  Additional Required Information
1.        List all significant business activities in NYC and everywhere                           (see instructions; if necessary, attach list ____________________________________)                              
2.        At any time during the taxable year, did the corporation have an interest in real property (including a leasehold interest) located in 
          NYC or a controlling interest in an entity owning such real property? ..................................................................................................... n YES                 n NO 
3a.       If "YES" to question 2, attach a schedule of such property, indicating the nature of the interest and including the street address, 
          borough, block and lot number. 
3b.       Was any NYC real property (including a leasehold interest) or controlling interest in an entity owning NYC real property 
          acquired or transferred with or without consideration?  ..................................................................................................................... n YES               n NO  
4.        Does this taxpayer pay rent greater than $200,000 for any premises in NYC in the borough of Manhattan south of 96th Street 
           for the purpose of carrying on any trade, business, profession, vocation or commercial activity? ...................................................                n YES                        n NO  
 5.       If "YES" to question 4, were all required Commercial Rent Tax Returns filed?  ................................................................................ n YES                              n NO 
          Please enter Employer Identification Number which was used on the Commercial Rent Tax Return: ______________________________________ 
6.        Did this corporation carry out any commercial banking business (as defined by Section 11-640(b) of the Ad. Code) during this filing period? .. n YES                                              n NO 
7.        Are you subject to tax solely as a result of deriving receipts in New York City? (see instructions)                        ............................................................. n YES    n NO

    *32622291*                                              32622291

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Form NYC-2S - 2022                     NAME: ______________________________________     EIN:                    __________________________________ Page 3
A.                 Enter the tax rate computed or used below  (see instructions)............................................................................A. ______________________________%
B.                 Enter the line number of the tax rate computed or used below (see instructions) ..............................................B.______________________________  
C.                 Enter your business income from Schedule B, line 11 ........................................................................................C.______________________________  
D.                 If you are a Qualified Manufacturing Corporation as defined in Administrative Code Section 11-654(1)(k)(4), mark an x in the box (see instr.)                        ........D.   n

    1.              If business income (Schedule B, line 11) is less than $1M.                                                                                  6.50%
                                                                                                                               line 11 - 1,000,000                                                   % 
    2.              If business income (Schedule B, line 11) is equal to or greater than $1M                6.50% + (2.35% X                                                       ) =   
                    but less than $1.5M                                                                                                   500,000
    3.              If business income (Schedule B, line 11) is equal to or greater than $1.5M                                                                  8.85%

  TAX RATE COMPUTATION FOR QUALIFIED MANUFACTURING CORPORATIONS                                                  (see instructions)

    4.              If business income (Schedule B, line 11) is less than $10M                                                                                   4.425%
                                                                                                                                                               line 11 - 10,000,000
    5.              If business income (Schedule B, line 11) is equal to or greater than $10M but less than 4.425% + (4.425% X                                                  ) =       
                    $20M                                                                                                                                             10,000,000
    6.              If business income (Schedule B, line 11) is equal to or greater than $20M                                                                    8.85%

                                                  CERTIFICATION OF AN ELECTED OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION
I hereby certify that this return, including any accompanying rider, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.                                                          
I authorize               the Dept. of Finance to discuss this return with the preparer listed below. (See instructions) ......YES                              n  
  SIGN        HERE Signature                                                                                          Firm’s email 
                   of officer                                    Title                           Date                 address
                                                                                                                                                                Preparer's Social Security Number or PTIN
       ONLY        Preparer's                                 Preparer’s                         Check if self- n
                                                                                                 employed 4  
       USE         signature                                  printed name                                       Date    
                                                                                                                                                                Firm's Employer Identification Number
       PREPARER S  s Firm's name (or yours, if self-employed)  s Address                                         s Zip Code
                                                                          MAILING INSTRUCTIONS
Attach copy of all pages of your federal tax return or pro forma federal tax return.  The due date for the calendar year 2022 return is on or 
before April 18, 2023.  For fiscal years beginning in 2022, file on or before the 15th day of the 4th month following the close of the fiscal year.

                     ALL RETURNS EXCEPT                                           REMITTANCES                                                                   RETURNS CLAIMING 
                                                                           AT NYC.GOV/ESERVICES                                                                    REFUNDS
                      REFUND RETURNS                                PAY ONLINE WITH FORM NYC-200V                                                                                       
 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE                                                        OR                                     NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 
 BUSINESS CORPORATION TAX                                     Mail Payment and Form NYC-200V ONLY to:                    BUSINESS CORPORATION TAX 
                                                                       NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 
 P.O. BOX 5564                                                                    P.O. BOX 3933                          P.O. BOX 5563 
 BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5564                                               NEW YORK, NY 10008-3933                         BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5563

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