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                                                                                           UNINCORPORATED                              BUSINESS TAX RETURN  
                                                             - 204EZ                       FOR PARTNERSHIPS (INCLUDING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANIES)                                                         2022
                                                                                           This form is for certain partnerships, including limited liability companies treated as 
                                                                                           partnerships for federal income tax purposes, who are required to file an Unincorpo-
                                                                                           rated Business Tax Return but have no tax liability. See instructions on Page 3.
                                                                                           For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR  beginning  ________________2022, and ending _________________ , ______
                                             Name                                                                                         Name           TAXPAYER’S EMAIL ADDRESS: 
                                                                                                                                          Change  n     
                                            In Care Of                                                                                                   EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 
                                                                                                                                       Change  n
                                *60912291*  City and State                                        Zip Code                Country (if not US) 
                                            Address (number and street)                                                                                      BUSINESSENTITY TYPE:CODE NUMBER AS PER        FEDERAL RETURN:   
                                            Business Telephone Number                           Nature of Business 
                                                                                                                                                          n       general partnership        n limited partnership 
                                            Date business began in NYC (mm-dd-yy)               Date business ended in NYC, if applicable (mm-dd-yy)                 registered limited liability partnership 
                                                                                                                                                                  limited liability company

                      n Amended return If the purpose of the amended return is to report a                         n    IRS change             Date of Final 
                                            federal or state change, check the appropriate box:                         NYS change                             nn nn nnnn-                      -                                        
                      n Final return - Check this box if you have ceased operations in NYC.          n Engaged in an exempt unincorporated business activity 
 CHECK ALL THAT APPLY n Claim any 9/11/01-related federal tax benefits (see instructions)            nn            Enter 2‑character special condition code, if applicable. (see instructions) 
      SCHEDULE A                                      See instructions on Page 3.
1.                    Amount from Analysis of Net Income (Loss) from federal Form 1065, Schedule K, line 1............................    1.                                              
2.                    Other income and expenses not included on line 1 that are required to be reported                                                                                   
                      separately to partners (attach schedule and see instructions)......................................................................    2.                           
3.                    Income taxes and Unincorporated Business Tax deducted on federal Form 1065 
                      (attach list and see instructions)....................................................................................................................   3.
4.                    Total Income (add lines 1 through.........................................................................................................   3)4.
5.                    Amount included in line 4 representing net income or loss from activities exempt from the tax (see    5.                                                        instr.)...
6.                    Subtract any net income on line 5 from, or add any net loss on line 5 to, line 4 amount ..............................   6.
7.                    Allowance for active partners' services (see instructions) Number of active partners:       #...........................   7.
8.                    Line 6 minus line 7 ........................................................................................................................................    8.  
9.                    Enter the number of months in business in NYC during the tax year............................................................    9.                                 
10.                   Enter the maximum total allowed income from table on page 2 based on the number of months                                                                           
                      on line 9.  If the amount on line 8 exceeds the amount on line 10 by more than $100 you                                                                             
                      cannot use this form; - you must file on Form NYC-204 .......................................................................  10.                                                               00
11.                   Enter payment of estimated Unincorporated Business Tax including carryover credit from 
                      previous year and payment with extension, NYC-EXT. This amount is your overpayment.............................    11.
12.                   Amount of line 11 to be refunded - n Direct deposit - fill out line 12a    OR    n Paper check...................  12. 
12a.                  Routing                                        Account                                                           ACCOUNT TYPE   
                      Number                                         Number                                               Checking  n   Savings  n  
13.                   Amount of line 11 to be credited to 2023 estimated tax on form NYC-5UB.................................................  13. 
14.                   NYC rent deducted on Federal tax return ..........................................  14.

  I hereby certify that this return, including any accompanying rider, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete.               Firm's Email Address:                          
 I authorize the Dept. of Finance to discuss this return with the preparer listed below. (see instructions) .........YES   n                             _____________________________________________ 
S IGN                   
HERE:                         Signature of partner:                                                  Title                                 Date                                            Preparer's Social Security Number or PTIN
PREPARER S'                   Preparer's                                           Preparer's 
USE                   ONLY:   signature:                                           printed name:                                           Date        
                                                                                                                                               Check the box                               Firm's Employer Identification Number
                                                                                                                                               if self-employed: n
                              s Firm's name                     s Address                                  s Zip Code
60912291                                   YOU MUST ATTACH A COPY OF FEDERAL FORM 1065, INCLUDING THE INDIVIDUAL K-1s, TO THIS RETURN AND                                                                          NYC-204EZ - 2022

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Form NYC-204EZ  - 2022                                                                                                                                             Page 2

     ADDITIONAL REQUIRED INFORMATION                       The following information must be entered for this return to be complete.
1.  New York State Sales Tax ID Number:____________________________________________________________ 
2.  Did you file a NYC Partnership Return in 2020? .......................................................................................                  n YES n NO 
3.  Did you file a NYC Partnership Return in 2021? .......................................................................................                  n YES n NO 
4.  Has the Internal Revenue Service or the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance increased 
    or decreased any taxable income (loss) reported in any tax period, or are you currently being audited? ........                                         n YES n NO 
    If "yes," by whom?          Internal Revenue Service             n            New York State Department of Taxation and  nFinance 
    State periods: _______________________________________________________________________________ 
5.  If “YES” to question 4: 
5a. For years prior to 1/1/15, has Form(s) NYC-115 (Report of Federal/State Change in Taxable Income) been filed? .                                         n YES n NO 
5b. For years beginning on or after 1/1/15, has an amended return(s) been filed? ....................................................                       n YES n NO 
6.  At any time during the taxable year, did the partnership have an interest in real property 
    located in NYC or in an entity owning such real property? ........................................................................                      n YES n NO 
6a.  If "YES" to question 6, attach a schedule of such property, indicating the nature of the interest and 
    including the street address, borough, block and lot number. 
7.  If "YES"  to 6: 
    a) Was there a partial or complete liquidation of the partnership?...........................................................                           n YES n NO 
    b) Was 50% or more of the partnership interests transferred in the last 3 years or according to a plan? ...............                                 n YES n NO  
8.  If "YES" to 7a or 7b, was a Real Property Transfer Tax Return filed?........................................................                            n YES n NO 
9.  If "NO" to 8, explain: (attach additional sheet if necessary) ___________________________________________________________ 
10. Does this taxpayer pay rent greater than $200,000 for any premises in NYC in the borough of 
    Manhattan south of 96th Street for the purpose of carrying on any trade, business, profession, vocation 
    or commercial activity?...............................................................................................................................  n YES n NO  
11. If "YES", were all required Commercial Rent Tax Returns filed?  ..............................................................                          n YES n NO 

    Please enter Employer Identification Number which was used on the Commercial Rent Tax Return_________________________________

   TABLE OF MAXIMUM ALLOWED INCOME FROM BUSINESS                                                        MAILING  INSTRUCTIONS
    IN BUSINESS             FROM BUSINESS        If total income from                      The due date for calendar year 2022 is on or before March 15, 2023.  
       1 ....................$85,416                business after                                 For fiscal years beginning in 2022 file by the 
       2 ....................$85,833          deduction for active                    15th day of the third month following the close of the fiscal year. 
       3 ....................$86,250             partners’ services                            To receive proper credit, you must enter your correct 
       4 ....................$86,667          is more than $90,000,                            Employer Identification Number on your tax return.
       5 ....................$87,083                you must use 
       6 ....................$87,500             Form NYC-204 
                                                                                           RETURNS CLAIMING REFUNDS                                         ALL OTHER RETURNS  
       7 ....................$87,917                        
       8 ....................$88,333             FIFTEEN OR            MORE           NYC DEPT. OF FINANCE                                 NYC DEPT. OF FINANCE 
       9 ....................$88,750             CALENDAR DAYS                        UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX                          UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX 
       10 ....................$89,167               CONSTITUTES                       P.O. BOX 5563                                        P.O. BOX 5564 
       11 ....................$89,583               ONE MONTH                         BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5563                            BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5564
       12 ....................$90,000

Download forms and instructions online at nyc.gov/finance or call 311.  If calling from outside of the five NYC boroughs, please call 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675).

   *60922291*                                             60922291

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Form NYC-204EZ  - 2022                                                                                                                       Page 3
Who may use this form - This form is for certain partnerships, including                   gaged solely in the purchase, holding or sale of property, 
limited liability companies treated as partnerships for federal income tax                 transactions in positions in property, or the acquisition, hold-
purposes, who are required to file an Unincorporated Business Tax Return                   ing or disposition, other than in the ordinary course of busi-
but have no tax liability.  For taxable years beginning on or after January                ness, of interests in other unincorporated entities that are 
1, 2009, a partnership engaged in an unincorporated business is required                   themselves engaged solely in the foregoing activities.  NOTE: 
to file an Unincorporated Business Tax return if its unincorporated busi-                  entities receiving $25,000 or less of gross receipts from other 
ness gross income is more than $95,000.  This form may also be used by                     activities may still be eligible for this exclusion. Ad. Code §11-
a partnership that is not required to file but wishes to disclaim any liability            502(c)(3).  However, entities eligible for the partial self-trad-
for tax because it is engaged solely in activities exempt from the tax.                    ing exemption under Ad. Code §11-502(c)(4) are not eligible 
                                                                                           for this exclusion and may not use this form.  
You may not use this form if:                                                    
u  You have NYC modifications other than the addback of income and Un-                 (ii) for taxable years beginning on or after July 1, 1994, exclude 
   incorporated Business Taxes on Schedule B, line 13(a) of Form NYC-204.                  the income, gain or loss from real property held to produce 
   For a complete list of modifications, see instructions for Form NYC-204.                rental income or from the disposition of such property by an 
                                                                                           entity, other than a dealer.  Also exclude income or loss from 
u  You allocate total business income within and without NYC.  (If you al-                 a business conducted at the property solely for the benefit of 
   locate 100% of your business income to NYC, you may use this form.)                     tenants at the property that is not open to the public, and el-
u  You claim a credit for Unincorporated Business Tax Paid (see Form                       igible income from parking services rendered to tenants.  See 
   NYC-114.7) or other credits (see Forms NYC-114.5, NYC-114.6, NYC-                       Ad. Code §11-502(d). 
   114.8 or NYC-114.12).                                                               (iii) exclude the income or loss from any separate and distinct 
u  You claim a partial exemption for investment activities. (See instruc-                  activity carried on wholly outside of New York City.  
   tions to Form NYC-204 "Who is Subject to the Tax".)                                 (iv)  for tax years beginning on or after August 1, 2002, exclude 
u  You have any investment income or loss (See instructions for NYC-                       all of the federal taxable income of partnerships that receive 
   204, Schedule B, Lines 29 (a-f)).                                                       80% or more of their gross receipts from charges for the pro-
                                                                                           vision of mobile telecommunications services to customers 
u  You claim any deduction for a net operating loss. (See Form NYC-204,                    and exclude a partner's distributive share of income, gains, 
   Schedule A, line 11.)                                                                   losses and deductions from any partnership subject to tax 
u  Your unincorporated business gross income less the allowance for ac-                    under Ad. Code Title II, Ch. II as a “utility” as defined in Ad. 
   tive partners' services is more than $90,000. (See Form NYC-204,                        Code section 11-1101(6), including its share of separately re-
   Schedule A, line 14.)                                                                   ported items.  
u  For federal purposes, a portion of your business interest expense de-        Line 7 A deduction may be claimed for reasonable compensation for 
   duction is disallowed under IRC §163(j).                                            personal services rendered by the partners.  The allowable de-
                                                                                       duction is the lower of (i) 20% of line 6 (if greater than zero) or (ii) 
u  For federal purposes, you have income under IRC sections 951A or 965.               $10,000 for each active partner. 
9/11/01-related tax benefits - Check the box marked “9/11/01-related tax        Preparer Authorization - If you want to allow the Department of Finance 
benefit” on this form if you claim any of the following benefits on your fed-   to discuss your return with the paid preparer who signed it, you must check 
eral return: (i) bonus depreciation or a deduction under IRC §179 for prop-     the "yes" box in the signature area of the return. This authorization applies 
erty in the Resurgence Zone, whether or not you file form NYC-399Z, (ii)        only to the individual whose signature appears in the "Preparer's Use Only" 
IRC §1033 treatment for property converted due to the attacks on the            section of your return.  It does not apply to the firm, if any, shown in that sec-
World Trade Center.  Attach Federal forms 4562, 4684 and 4797 to this           tion.  By checking the "Yes" box, you are authorizing the Department of Fi-
return.   See instructions for Form NYC 204, Sch. B, lines 14c and 19.          nance to call the preparer to answer any questions that may arise during 
Special Condition Codes - Check the Finance website for applicable spe-         the processing of your return.  Also, you are authorizing the preparer to: 
cial condition codes. If applicable, enter the two character code in the box    u   Give the Department any information missing from your return, 
provided on the form.                                                            
                                                                                u   Call the Department for information about the processing of your return 
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS                                                               or the status of your refund or payment(s), and 
                                                                                u   Respond to certain notices that you have shared with the preparer 
SCHEDULE A                                                                          about math errors, offsets, and return preparation.  The notices will 
Line 2   Enter the net amount of the partners' distributive shares of income        not be sent to the preparer. 
         and deduction items not included in line 1 but required to be re-      You are not authorizing the preparer to receive any refund check, bind 
         ported separately on federal Form 1065. Attach a schedule.             you to anything (including any additional tax liability), or otherwise repre-
                                                                                sent you before the Department.  The authorization cannot be revoked, 
Line 3   Enter the amount of income and unincorporated business taxes           however, the authorization will automatically expire no later than the due 
         imposed by New York City, New York State or any other taxing ju-       date (without regard to any extensions) for filing next year's return.  Fail-
         risdiction that was deducted in computing the amounts on lines         ure to check the box will be deemed a denial of authority. 
         1 or 2.  Attach a schedule. Taxpayers are required to file Form         
         NYC-204 instead of this form if  required to add back any pass         Privacy Act Notification - The Federal Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, 
         through entity taxes when calculating entire net income.               requires agencies requesting Social Security Numbers to inform individ-
Line 5   Enter on this line the amount included in line 4 that represents       uals from whom they seek this information as to whether compliance with 
         the net income or net loss from an activity that is not an unincor-    the request is voluntary or mandatory, why the request is being made and 
         porated business carried on by the taxpayer wholly or partly in        how the information will be used. The disclosure of Social Security Num-
         the City. See Instructions for Form NYC-204 "Who is Subject to         bers for taxpayers is mandatory and is required by section 11-102.1 of 
         the Tax."   For this purpose:                                          the Administrative Code of the City of New York for tax administration pur-
                                                                                poses and will be used to facilitate the processing of tax returns.
         (i) exclude the income or loss of an entity, other than a dealer as 
            defined in Ad. Code §11-501(1), that, for its own account, en-                                                          2022 NYC-204EZ

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