ACTIVITIES REPORT OF BUSINESS -245 AND GENERAL CORPORATIONS TO BE FILED ONLY BY CORPORATIONS DISCLAIMING LIABILITY FOR TAX. THE FILING OF THIS REPORT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE THE FILING OF A RETURN n Business Corporation - File Federal Form 1120,n General Corporation - File Federal Form 1120S 1120C, 1120F, 1120-RIC, 1120-REIT or 1120H n Check box if the corporation has ceased operations n Check this box if you claim an overpayment. Refund Amount: ___________________$ For CALENDAR YEAR ____________ or FISCAL YEAR beginning _________________________________ and ending _________________________________ Name: Name TAXPAYER’S EMAIL ADDRESS Change n In Care of EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Address (number and street): Address *30812291* Change n City and State: Zip Code: BUSINESS CODE NUMBER AS PER FEDERAL RETURN Location of Executive or Main Office: NYC PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITY Date incorporated ________ -________ -________ under laws of ______________________________________ 1. OFFICES AND OTHER PLACES OF BUSINESS IN NEW YORK CITY LOCATION NATURE OF ACTIVITY DATE ESTABLISHED 2. OTHER OFFICES AND PLACES OF BUSINESS LOCATION (CITY AND STATE) NATURE OF ACTIVITY DATE ESTABLISHED 3. OFFICERS, AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES IN NEW YORK CITY (Attach a full description of duties for each officer, agent or representative) NAME RESIDENCE ADDRESS OFFICIAL TITLE 4. Number of employees in New York City ___________________ (give number, titles, and duties of each class on a rider) 5. The corporation is exempt from General Corporation Tax or Business Corporation Tax as a) an insurance corporation (attach copy of New York State Certificate of Authority)...................................................... 5a. n YES n NO b) a nonstock, nonprofit organization (see instructions)................................................................................................. 5b. n YES n NO 6. Did the corporation: a) own or lease real property in New York City? .............................................................................................. 6a. n YES* n NO b) own or lease tangible personal property in New York City? ........................................................................ 6b. n YES* n NO c) employ any other assets in New York City?................................................................................................. 6c. n YES* n NO d) own merchandise located in New York City for sale?.................................................................................. 6d. n YES* n NO e) own assets located in New York City which are leased to others?.............................................................. 6e. n YES* n NO f) perform any construction, erection, installation or repair work or other services in New York City?............ 6f. n YES* n NO g) file a New York State Franchise Tax Report? If "Yes," attach a copy of report. ........................................... 6g. n YES n NO h) regularly solicit business by representatives going into New York City? ..................................................... 6h. n YES* n NO i) participate in a partnership or joint venture doing business in New York City? ........................................... 6i. n YES* n NO j) derive receipts from activity in New York City? (see instructions)................................................................ 6j. n YES n NO * If "Yes," attach schedule giving full details. CERTIFICATION OF AN ELECTED OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION I hereby certify that this report, including any accompanying rider, is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct and complete. Signature of Officer: Title: Date: ALL RETURNS EXCEPT REFUND RETURNS RETURNS CLAIMING REFUNDS ENTER YOUR CORRECT NYC DEPT. OF FINANCE, GENERAL CORPORATION TAX NYC DEPT. OF FINANCE, GENERAL CORPORATION TAX EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION P.O. BOX 5564, BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5564 P.O. BOX 5563, BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-5563 NUMBER 30812291 NYC-245 2022 |
Instructions for Form NYC-245 - 2022 Page 2 This report must be filed by any corporation WHEN TO FILE There is no prescribed application form and no that has an officer, employee, agent, or repre- Any S corporation required to file this report application fee. sentative in the City and claims not to be sub- must do so annually, on or before March 15th if ject to the New York City General Corporation it reports on a calendar year basis for federal in- LINE 6 Tax or Business Corporation Tax. For taxable come tax purposes, or on or before the 15th day If you answer "yes" to any question, the corpo- years beginning in 1996 and thereafter, entities of the 3rd month following the close of its fis- ration may be subject to General Corporation taxable as corporations for federal income tax cal year if it reports on a fiscal year basis. Tax or Business Corporation Tax. See "Corpo- purposes under IRC §7701(a)(3) and §7704 are rations Subject to Tax" for more information. considered corporations for purposes of the Any C corporation required to file this report Corporations subject to tax cannot use this General Corporation Tax. A corporation sub- must do so annually, on or before April 15th if form. ject to General Corporation Tax or Business it reports on a calendar year basis for federal in- Corporation Tax cannot use this form; it come tax purposes, or on or before the 15th day LINE 6g must file a General Corporation Tax return, of the 4th month following the close of its fis- If the answer to question 6g is “yes,” state on a Form NYC-4S, NYC-4S-EZ or NYC-3L or a cal year if it reports on a fiscal year basis. rider what activities take place elsewhere in Business Corporation Tax return, Form NYC-2 New York State that do not also take place in or NYC-2S. See "Corporations Subject to Tax" LINE 5b New York City, or other reasons for filing a below. The filing of this form does not con- Every corporation claiming exemption from State Franchise Tax Report. stitute the filing of a return by the corpora- General Corporation Tax or Business Corpora- tion sufficient to start the running of the tion Tax as a nonstock, nonprofit corporation LINE 6h limitations period for assessments of tax. To (except for corporations exempt from federal If the answer is "yes," see section 11-04(b)(11) obtain the protection of the limitations pe- income tax under IRC Section 501(c)(2) and of Title 19 of the Rules of the City of New York riod, a General Corporation Tax return or (25) must apply for an exemption from the De- for information regarding the application of P.L. Business Corporation Tax return must be partment of Finance by submitting an applica- 86-272 to activities in New York City. properly filed. A corporation that has ceased tion for exemption containing an affidavit doing business in the City during the taxable setting forth the following information about LINE 6j year cannot use this form. Such a corporation the corporation: This question is only applicable to C corpora- must file a final return or request an extension tions. The term “deriving receipts from activ- of time to file a final return on or before the 1) the type of organization; ity” in New York City is defined in 15th day after the date that the corporation Administrative Code section 11-653(1) and dis- ceases to be subject to the General Corpora- 2) the purposes for which it is organized; cussed below. Note that if a C corporation is a tion Tax or Business Corporation Tax. See partner in a partnership that is deriving receipts Form NYC-EXT and instructions for further in- 3) a description of its actual activities; from activity in New York City, it may be sub- formation. ject to tax. 4) the source and disposition of its income; A corporation is not required to file this report CORPORATIONS SUBJECT TO TAX if it falls under one of the following: 5) whether any of its income is credited to sur- plus or may inure to any private stockholder A corporation subject to General Corpora- 1) the corporation is exempt from the General or individual; and tion Tax or Business Corporation Tax can- Corporation Tax under Section 11-603.4 or not use this form; it must file either Form the Business Corporation Tax under Sec- 6) such other facts that may affect its right to NYC-4S, NYC-4S-EZ or NYC-3L (GCT) or tion 11-653(4) of the Administrative Code; exemption. Form NYC-2 or Form NYC-2S (Business Cor- poration Tax). Sections 11-603.1 and 11-653(1) 2) the corporation has received a letter from The affidavit must be supplemented by: a of the Administrative Code provide that a cor- the Department of Finance exempting it copy of the articles of incorporation or articles poration is subject to tax if it is: from tax as a nonstock, nonprofit corpora- of association, a copy of the bylaws, copies of tion (see instructions for line 5b below), statements showing the corporation's assets and 1) doing business in New York City; provided there has been no change in its liabilities and receipts and disbursements for character, activities or federal tax status the most recent year, a photostatic copy of a let- 2) employing capital in New York City; since the date of that letter; ter from the United States Treasury Department granting the corporation an exemption from 3) owning or leasing property in New York 3) the corporation’s only tie with New York federal income taxation and photocopies of fed- City, in a corporate or organized capacity; City is that one or more of the corporation’s eral, state and local tax returns filed by the or- officers, employees, agents or representa- ganization for the three most recent preceding 4) maintaining an office in New York City; or tives reside in the City or come into the years. City infrequently in connection with iso- 5) in the case of a C corporation, deriving re- lated transactions of the corporation; All of the above information should be sent to: ceipts from activity in New York City. 4) the corporation is a Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC); or NYC Department of Finance The term “doing business” is used in a com- Exemption Processing Unit prehensive sense and includes all activities that 5) the corporation is exempt from Federal in- 59 Maiden Lane, 20th Floor occupy the time or labor of people for profit. come tax under IRC section 501(c)(2) or New York, NY 10038 Regardless of the nature of its activities, every (25). corporation organized for profit and carrying |
Instructions for Form NYC-245 - 2022 Page 3 out any of the purposes of its organization is $10,000 of receipts within the city have, in In addition, a corporation will not be subject to deemed to be “doing business” for the purpose the aggregate, receipts within the city of $1 the General Corporation Tax or Business Cor- of the tax. In determining whether a corpora- million or more in a taxable year. See Ad- poration Tax if its sole connection with New tion is doing business, it is immaterial whether ministrative Code Section 11-653. York City is: its activities actually result in a profit or a loss. The term “employing capital” includes any of a (i) the maintenance of a statutory office at the Under the Business Corporation Tax applicable large variety of uses, which may overlap other address of its registered agent or the main- to federal C Corporations for tax years begin- categories and give rise to taxable status. In tenance of a mailing address; or ning on or after January 1, 2015, a corporation general, the use of assets instrumental in main- is doing business in the city if: taining or aiding the corporate enterprise or ac- (ii) the mere ownership of shares of stock of tivity in the City will create liability. corporations doing business in the City. (1) it has issued credit cards to one thousand or Employing capital includes activities such as: more customers who have a mailing ad- Under Administrative Code Section 11-653(2- dress within the city as of the last day of its a) maintaining stockpiles of raw materials or a), an alien corporation is not considered to be taxable year; inventories; and doing business, etc. in the City if its activities in the City are limited solely to investing or trad- (2) it has merchant customer contracts with b) maintaining securities in the City for trad- ing in stocks, securities or commodities for its merchants and the total number of locations ing purposes. own account within the meaning of the Internal covered by those contracts equals one thou- Revenue Code §864(b)(2)(A) or §864(b)(2)(B). sand or more locations in the city to whom Under Sections 11-603.2 and 11-653(2) of the the corporation remitted payments for credit Administrative Code, a corporation is not con- For purposes of the Business Corporation Tax, card transactions during the taxable year; or sidered to be doing business, employing capital, an alien corporation that under any provision of owning or leasing property, or maintaining an the Internal Revenue Code is not treated as a (3) the sum of the number of customers de- office in New York City by reason of: “domestic corporation” as defined in IRC §7701 scribed in item #1 plus the number of lo- and has no effectively connected income for the cations covered by its contracts described a) the maintenance of cash balances with taxable year pursuant to clause (iii) of the open- in item #2 equals one thousand or more. banks or trust companies or brokers in the ing paragraph of Administrative Code §11- City; 652(8) is not subject to the Business Corporation Additionally, for tax years beginning on or after Tax for that taxable year. For purposes of the January 1, 2022, a corporation which does not b) the ownership of shares of stock or securi- Business Corporation Tax, an alien corporation meet the requirements of either (1), (2), or (3) ties kept in the City, if kept in a safe deposit is defined as a corporation organized under the above will be considered to be doing business box, safe, vault or other receptacle rented laws of a country, or any political subdivision in the city, if the corporation has at least ten cus- for the purpose, or if pledged as collateral thereof, other than the United States, or organ- tomers, or locations, or customers and locations, security, or if deposited with one or more ized under the laws of a possession, territory or as described above in (1), (2) and (3), the cor- banks or trust companies, or brokers who commonwealth of the United States. See Ad- poration is part of a unitary group AND if the are members of a recognized security ex- ministrative Code Section 11-653(2-a). number of customers, locations, or customers change, in safekeeping or custody ac- and locations, within the city of the members of counts; NOTE: For additional guidance concerning the unitary group that have at least ten cus- what activities constitute "doing business," tomers, or locations, or customers and locations c) the taking of any action by any such bank "employing capital," "owning or leasing prop- within the city in the aggregate meets either (1), or trust company or broker which is inci- erty," and "maintaining an office" in New York (2), or (3) above. dental to the rendering of safekeeping or City, see Sections 11-03 and 11-06 of Title 19 custodial service to the corporation; of the Rules of the City of New York. For ad- For purposes of these provisions, the term ditional information concerning corporations “credit card” includes bank, credit, travel and d) the maintenance of an office in the City by not subject to tax, see Section 11-04 of those entertainment cards. See Administrative Code one or more officers or directors of the cor- rules and Administrative Code Sections 11-603 Section 11-653(1)(c). poration who are not employees of the cor- and 11-653. poration as long as the corporation is not For tax years beginning on or after January 1, otherwise doing business or employing REFUNDS: If a corporation has previously 2022, a C corporation will be subject to the capital in the City and does not own or paid tax or made estimated tax payments for the Business Corporation Tax if it derives receipts lease property in the City; taxable year and is filing this form disclaiming from activity in the city and meets any one of liability for those taxes, the corporation should the following: e) the keeping of books or records of a corpo- file a refund claim and attach this form to that ration in the City if the books or records are claim. (1) the receipts within the city are $1 million or not kept by employees of the corporation more in a taxable year; or and the corporation is not otherwise doing business or employing capital in the City (2) the corporation’s receipts from activity in and does not own or lease property in the the city are less than one million dollars but City; or at least ten thousand dollars in a taxable year and the corporation is part of a unitary f) any combination of the foregoing activities. group where the members that have at least |