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                                                                            UNDERPAYMENT OF ESTIMATED TAX BY                                                                                                    2022
                                                                            SUBCHAPTER S BANKING CORPORATIONS
                                                                            ATTACH TO FORM NYC-1 OR NYC-1A

                                                                            For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or Fiscal Year beginning_______________________, 2022 and ending_______________________
                         Print or Type t   
                          Name                                                                                                                                                  - EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER - 


 Computation of Underpayment
1.  2022 Tax (from NYC-1, Schedule A, line 5 or NYC-1A, line 7) ........................................................................................ 1.
2.  Credits (from NYC-1, Schedule A, lines 6, 8a and 8b or NYC-1A, Schedule A, lines 8, 10a and 10b) ........................... 2.
3.  Line 1 less line 2  ............................................................................................................................................................. 3.
4.  90% of line 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................4.
                                                                                                        1 - FIRST                                          2 - SECOND           3 -     THIRD               4 - FOURTH 
     Enter quarterly due dates of installments:

5.  2021 Tax ............................................................ 5.
6.  Enter 25% of line 5 if over $1,000 or, if Form NYC-EXT was filed 
    for 2020, enter amount paid on Form NYC-EXT, line 2  ......................6. 
7.  Line 4 less line 6 ................................................7. 
8.  Enter amount of the installments due in quarters 2, 3 and 4 (see inst.)                         ........................................8. 

9.  Amount paid or credited for each period .............................................9. 
10. Overpayment of previous installment (see instructions)                  .............................................................10. 
11. Total of lines 9 and 10  .......................................................................11. 
                       quarter 1 - line 11 less line 6 
12. OVERPAYMENT                                                             12.
                       quarters 2, 3 and 4 - line 11 less line 8                                        
                       quarter 1 - line 6 less line 11 
13. UNDERPAYMENT                                                                                    13.
                       quarters 2, 3 and 4 - line 8 less line 11
                                                                                                                                                            COMPUTATION CONTINUES ON PAGE 2
  Exceptions that Avoid the Underpayment Penalty
Total cumulative amount paid or credited from the beginning of the                                      1 -FIRST QUARTER                                   2 -SECOND QUARTER      3 -THIRD QUARTER          4 -FOURTH QUARTER
taxable year through the installment dates that correspond to the 15th  
day of the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months of the taxable year ....................
                                                                                                                                                               50% of 2021 tax          75% of 2021 tax         100%  of 2021 tax
s   EXCEPTION 1 -       Prior year's tax (2021)      $ 
    (see instructions) ................................................................................................................................... 
s   EXCEPTION 2 -       Tax on prior year's facts and law using 2022 rates                                                                                     Enter 50% of tax         Enter 75% of tax        Enter 100% of tax
    (attach computation) (see instructions) ..................................................................................... 
s   EXCEPTION 3 -       Tax on annualized 2022 income                                                                                                          Enter 45% of tax         Enter 67.50% of tax     Enter 90% of tax
    (attach computation) (see instructions) ................................................................................................. 
s   EXCEPTION 4 -       Tax on recurring seasonal 2022 income 
    (attach computation) (see instructions) .................................................................................................
10312291                                                                                                                                                                                                        NYC - 222B - 2022

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Form NYC-222B - 2022                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2

                                                                                                     1 - FIRST 2 - SECOND         3 - THIRD                                                               4 - FOURTH 

14. Enter the date of payment or the 15th day of the 3rd month 
    after the close of the taxable year, whichever is earlier  .................14. 

15. Number of days from due date of installment to the date  
    shown on line 14 ............................................................................15. 

16. Number of days on line 15 after 3/15/2022 and before 4/1/2022 ...16. 

17. Number of days on line 15 after 3/31/2022 and before 7/1/2022 ...17. 

18. Number of days on line 15 after 6/30/2022 and before 10/1/2022 .18. 

19. Number of days on line 15 after 9/30/2022 and before 1/1/2023 ...19. 

20. Number of days on line 15 after 12/31/2022 andbefore 4/1/2023 .20. 

21. Number of days on line 15 after 3/31/2023 andbefore 7/1/2023 ...21. 

22. Number of days on line 15 after 6/30/2023 and before 10/1/2023 .22. 

23. Number of days on line 15 after 9/30/2023 and before 1/1/2024 ...23. 

24. Number of days on line 15 after 12/31/2023 and before 3/15/2024  .24. 

25. Number of days on line 16 x 7.5% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............25. 
26. Number of days on line 17 x 8% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............26. 
27. Number of days on line 18 x 9% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............27. 
28. Number of days on line 19 x  10% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............28. 
29. Number of days on line 20 x *% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............29. 
30. Number of days on line 21 x *% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............30. 
31. Number of days on line 22 x *% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............31. 
32. Number of days on line 23 x *% x amount on line 13  
                           365                            ...............32. 
33. Number of days on line 24 x *% x amount on line 13  
                           366                            ...............33. 

34. Add lines 25 through 33  ................................................................34. 

35. To complete this line, refer to the instructions for line 35................35.
36. Add line 34 (or line 35, if applicable) quarters 1 through 4. Enter total and transfer amount to Form NYC-1, Schedule A, 
    line 15c or Form NYC-1A, Schedule A, line 17c (see instructions)                             ......................................................................................................36.

                                                                                                                 *For information regarding interest rates, call 311.   
                                                                                                                   If calling from outside of the five NYC boroughs, 
                                                                                                                   please call 212-NEW-YORK (212-639-9675) 
    *10322291*                                               10322291                                            or consult the Finance website at nyc.gov/finance

- 3 -
Instructions for Form NYC-222B - 2022                                                           Page 3

PURPOSE OF FORM                       merely because its tax liability for  ported on its prior year’s return. To 
Form NYC-222B will enable sub- the preceding year was $1,000 or  qualify for this exception, the cor-
chapter S banking corporations to  less or it did not file a return for the  poration must have filed an income 
determine if they paid the correct  preceding year. However, if the pre- tax return showing a tax liability 
amount of estimated tax by the  ceding year’s tax was less than  for the prior year, and that taxable 
proper due date.  If the minimum  $1,000, the taxpayer is not  required  year consisted of 12 months. 
amount was not paid timely, an un- to make the 25% prepayment based            
derpayment penalty may be imposed  on the preceding year’s tax at the         Exception 2 - Tax Based On 
for the period underpaid.  This form  time it files its return (or its appli- Prior Year’s Facts and Law 
helps you to determine whether or  cation for extension of time for the       Using Current Year’s Rates 
not you are subject to this penalty.  filing of the return) for that year.    This exception applies if a sub-
                                                                              chapter S banking corporation paid 
ESTIMATED TAX                         EXCEPTIONS THAT                         an amount of estimated tax equal 
Every subchapter S banking corpo-     AVOID THE UNDERPAY-                     to a tax computed by applying the 
ration subject to the New York City   MENT PENALTY                            current year’s rates, to the facts 
Tax on Banking Corporations must  You will not have to pay a penalty  shown on the return for, and under 
pay, either with its return (Form  if you made all tax payments on  the law applicable to the prior tax-
NYC-1 or Form NYC-1A) or with  time and they equal or exceed the  able year.  The term  currentyear’s 
its Application for Automatic Ex- amount that would have been re- rate” is any of the four methods of 
tension (Form NYC-EXT), an  quired to be paid by each install- calculating the Banking Corpora-
amount equal to 25% of its preced- ment date if the estimated tax were  tion Tax including the minimum 
ing year’s tax if the preceding  an amount determined under any  tax. 
year’s tax is more than $1,000.       of the exceptions listed below.          
                                                                              Exception 3 - Tax On Annual-
In addition, corporations must file  A different exception may be ap-
                                                                              ized Income 
a Declaration of Estimated  Tax  plied to each underpayment.  If no 
                                                                              This exception applies if a banking 
(Form NYC-400B) if the estimated  exception applies, complete lines 
                                                                              corporation made an estimated tax 
tax for the current taxable year  14 through 36 to determine the 
                                                                              payment of at least 90% of the 
after all allowable credits can rea- amount of the penalty. 
                                                                              amount it would owe if its estimated 
sonably be expected to exceed          
                                                                              tax were a tax computed on annual-
$1,000.  The due date for the dec-    NOTE:  Large corporations (cor-
                                                                              ized taxable income for the months 
laration and the dates for paying  porations that had allocated taxable 
                                                                              preceding an installment date. 
the installments of estimated tax  income or entire net income of $1           
depend upon when the require- million or more in any of the three  A subchapter S banking corpora-
ments for making a declaration are  years preceding the current year)  tion may annualize its income: 
first met. (Refer to Form NYC-        may not use exceptions 1 or 2.  
                                                                              a) for the first 3 months, or for the 
400B for details.)                    Such corporations may only use 
                                                                               first 5 months if the installment 
                                      the exception for annualized in-
                                                                               was required to be paid in the 6th 
NOTE:  If any date falls on a Sat- come, or the exception for recur-
urday, Sunday or legal holiday,  ring seasonal income (exceptions 3 
substitute the next regular workday.  or 4, respectively). 
                                                                              b) for the first 6 months, or for the 
                                                                               first 8 months, if the installment 
NOTE:  A subchapter S banking         Exception 1 - Prior Year’s Tax 
                                                                               was required to be paid in the 
corporation is not excused from fil- This exception applies if a sub-
                                                                               9th month; and 
ing a declaration and paying esti- chapter S banking corporation paid          
mated taxes for the current year  estimated taxes equal to the tax  re- c) for the first 9 months, or for the 

- 4 -
Instructions for Form NYC-222B - 2022                                        Page 4

 first 11 months, if the install- for the year.  Enter the result in the  line 3 divided by 4, multiply the 
 ment was required to be paid in  appropriate columns, 2 through 4.         penalty shown on line 34 in each 
 the 12th month.                                                            applicable column by 75%.  Enter 
                                      LINE 10 - OVERPAYMENT                 this result under the applicable col-
To annualize, multiply taxable in-
                                      OF  PREVIOUS                          umn on line 35.  Combine these re-
come for the period by 12 and di-
                                      INSTALLMENT                           vised amounts with the remaining 
vide the resulting amount by the 
                                      An overpayment on line 12 in ex- amounts on line 34 for any quarter 
number of months in the period (3, 
                                      cess of prior underpayments is to  for which no amount appears on 
5, 6, 8, 9 or 11 as the case may be). 
                                      be applied as a credit against the  line 35 and enter the total on line 
                                      next installment.  A payment of es- 36.
Exception 4   - Additional Ex-
                                      timated tax on any installment date 
ception for Recurring Sea-
                                      is considered a payment of any 
sonal Income 
                                      previous underpayment only to the 
This exception applies to a sub-
                                      extent of the excess of the payment 
chapter S banking corporation with 
                                      over the amount of the installment 
recurring seasonal income.  Under 
                                      as computed on line 12. 
this exception, income may be an-
nualized by assuming that income 
                                      PAGE 2 - COMPUTATION 
earned in the current year is earned 
                                      OF PENALTY 
in the same seasonal pattern as in 
                                      If no exception applies, complete 
the 3 preceding tax years.  (For in-
                                      lines 14 through 36 to determine 
formation about computing this ex-
                                      the amount of the penalty for each 
ception, refer      to      Section
                                      installment.  If you made more 
11-676.4(d) of the NYC  Adminis-
                                      than one payment for a given in-
trative Code.  Attach your compu-
                                      stallment, attach a separate com-
tation to this form.) 
                                      putation for each payment.  The 
                                      penalty is computed for the period 
                                      of underpayment, line 15, at a rate 
                                      set periodically by the New York 
Corporations who filed an Applica-
                                      City Department of Finance. 
tion for  Automatic Extension          
(Form NYC-EXT) for the previous       For information regarding interest 
year or who were required to make     rates, call 311.  If calling from out-
less than four payments on account    side of the five NYC boroughs, 
of estimated tax for the current year please call 212-NEW-YORK (212-
may find that the stated percentages  639-9675).  You may also call the 
on the Exception  Worksheet on        Bank Tax Unit at 718-403-3691 or 
page 1 do not accurately reflect the  consult the Finance website at 
computation of the exceptions.        nyc.gov/finance. 
Such taxpayers should compute    
these exceptions on a separate rider  LINE 35 PENALTY - FOR  
and attach it to this form.           UNDERPAYMENT OF 
                                      ESTIMATED TAX 
LINE 8 - AMOUNT OF                    In columns 1 through 4 of line 35, 
INSTALLMENTS DUE                      for those installment payments 
Divide the amount on line 7 by the    (line 11) that equal 80% or more of 
number of installments required 

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