NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DIVISIONl OF LEGAL AFFAIRS REQUEST FOR LETTER RULING Mail to: NYC Department of Finance, Office of Legal Affairs, 375 Pearl Street, 30th Floor, New York, NY 10038 Instructions: Mail the completed form along with a check or money order for $250 processing fee to the address above. Please review instructions for further details before completing this form. SECTION I - TAXPAYER/REPRESENTATIVE INFORMATION 1. Taxpayer’s Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ PRINTFIRSTNAME LASTNAME PRINT 2. Telephone 3. Email 4. Identification Number: (____) ______________ Address: ________________ Number: __________________ 5. Taxpayer’s Address:___________________________ City: _________________ State: ____ Zip Code: ________ NUMBERANDSTREET 6. Representative’s Name (if any): _______________________________________________________________________ PRINTFIRSTNAME LASTNAME PRINT 7. Telephone 8. Email 9. Identification Number: (____) ______________ Address: ________________ Number: __________________ 10.Representative’s Address:___________________________ City: _________________ State: ____ Zip Code: ________ NUMBERANDSTREET SECTION II - LETTER RULING 1a.Tax Issue: List tax in issue in the space provided (General Corporation Tax, Real Property Tax, etc.): ___________________________________________________________________________________ b. Describe the tax issue regarding the letter ruling request (attach additional sheets if necessary): _______ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2a.Currently Under Audit or Review: Does this request relate to any matter currently under City audit or review or for which there is a pending claim with the City for refund (or, in the case of a request submitted on hypothetical facts, to any taxpayer to the best of the requester’s knowledge and belief)? ..................................................................... q YES qNO b.If answer to the above question is “Yes”, please provide the Audit or Claim Number: # _______________ 3a.Period And Year: Indicate period and year under audit or review or for which refund claim______________has been filed: b.List date of Notice of Tax Due (if any): __________/__________/__________. OLA-0509 Rev. 09/11/19 |
NYC Department of Finance - Request for Letter Ruling Page 2 SECTION II - LETTER RULING - Continued 4a. Statement of Facts: The taxpayer must submit a statement of facts as the basis for the requested let- ter ruling (attach additional sheets if necessary): __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ b.List documents submitted with this request (attach additional pages, if necessary, and any documents to be considered):_________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Mail to Instructions: The final letter ruling will be mailed to the address listed in Section I, unless you wish to re- ceive a copy by fax. If so, please provide your fax number: (_______)_____________________ SECTION III - CERTIFICATION AND SIGNATURE The taxpayer hereby represents that this request does not cover an issue or set of facts regarding which a No- tice of Determination or a Notice of Disallowance of a claim for refund or credit has been issued to the taxpayer (or, in the case of a request submitted on hypothetical facts, to any taxpayer to the best of the requester knowl- edge and belief.) If this requests covers an issue or set of facts regarding which a Notice of Determination or a Notice of Disallowance of a claim for refund or credit has been issued, no ruling can be issued. See 19 Rules of the City of New York Section 16-01(c)(1). _______________________________________________ _________/_________/_________ Signature Date _______________________________________________ _________________________________ Print Name Of Individual Signing This Request Title Or Relationship To Taxpayer |
NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DIVISIONl OF LEGAL AFFAIRS INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING REQUEST FOR LETTER RULING Taxpayers who can request a Letter Ruling: Power of Attorney Form: l An individual may file a request for letter ruling on A power of attorney form can be obtained by access- his own behalf. In addition a ruling may be re-ing the Department of Finance website at quested by a general partner of a partnership (with-nance. Requests submitted on hypothetical facts need out filing a power of attorney) on behalf of the not be accompanied by a power of attorney. partnership, or by an officer or employee of a cor- poration on behalf of the corporation. Where a cor- Section I - Taxpayer/Representative Information poration is acting through an employee, a power of attorney executed by an officer of the corporation Provide taxpayer’s social security number, employer must be filed. identification number or other number assigned by Fi- nance, unless the request is submitted on hypothetical l The adult spouse, parent or guardian or any person facts. Indicate contact number and email address. having legal custody of a minor or a person who pre- pared the tax return of a minor may file a request for Section II - Letter Ruling a letter ruling on behalf of such minor. Complete items 1a through 5 and attach copies of all l A committee or conservator appointed pursuant to tax returns, contracts, deeds, instrument or other docu- the Mental Hygiene Law, an attorney-in-fact act-ments relevant to the issues to be decided. ing pursuant to Section 5-1601 of the General Ob- ligation Law, or any other person authorized by law Fees: may request a ruling on behalf of an individual who A processing fee of $250 is charged for all Letter Ruling is mentally or physically incapable of making such requests received by the Department of Finance, Divi- request. sion of Legal Affairs. Checks or money orders for $250 l Any of the following may file a request for letter rul-made payable to the “New York City Department of Fi- ing on behalf of another individual or a business en-nance” must accompany all requests. tity if authorized by a power of attorney signed by Mail To: such an individual, by a general partner of a part- nership or an officer of a corporation, where such A completed request for ruling, accompanied by a check power of attorney is filed with Finance before or con-or money order for $250 should be mailed to: currently with the filing of the request for a letter rul-Department of Finance ing; Office of Legal Affairs 375 Pearl Street, 30th Floor l an attorney-at-law licensed to practice in New New York, NY 10038 York State; After reviewing the request, Finance may request addi- l a certified public accountant duly qualified to tional information necessary to process the request. practice in New York State; Where practical, that information may be submitted by fax l an attorney-at-law or accountant duly author-to 212-748-6982. In addition, the taxpayer or represen- ized to practice in any other state tative may ask to receive a copy of the final letter by fax in addition to or in lieu of mailing. See Section II, Item 5. l a person admitted to practice before the Inter- nal Revenue Service or before the Tax Court of the United States; and l the petitioner’s spouse, child or parent. |