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                                                               CLAIM FOR BEER PRODUCTION CREDIT                                                                                                 2022
                                      - 114.12                ATTACH TO FORM NYC-204, NYC-202                  OR NYC-202EIN 
                                                              THIS CREDIT IS ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE PRODUCING BEER, 
                                                              NOT OTHER ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES.

                          For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR beginning _____________________________ 2022 and ending _____________________________________
                          Name as shown on NYC-204, NYC-202 or NYC-202EIN:                              Employer Identification Number: 
                                                                                                         Social Security Number: 
              *61612291*  NYC form filed (check appropriate box): 
                          Partnership               Sole Proprietorship        Estate or Trust           
                                                                                                        Federal Business Code:
                           n NYC-204                n NYC-202                  n NYC-202EIN

 A.  Are you claiming this credit as an unincorporated business that earned the credit (not as a partner in a partnership)?                                                               n YES n NO 
     If YES, proceed to line B. 
     If NO, STOP.  You do not qualify for this credit for this tax year.
 B.  Are you registered as a distributor under Tax Law Article 18?                                                                                                                        n YES n NO 
     If YES, enter the name, the EIN, and the State Liquor Authority (SLA) license number of the registered distributor below and proceed to line C. 
     If NO, STOP.  You do not qualify for this credit for this tax year.
Name of Registered Distributor                                            EIN or SSN of Registered Distributor               SLA License Number of Registered Distributor

 C.  For the tax year, did you produce 60 million gallons or less of beer in New York State?  (See Eligibility in the instructions).                                                      n YES n NO 
     If YES, complete Schedules B and C. 
     If NO, STOP.  You do not qualify for this credit for this tax year.

                                      A - Beer production facility's physical address                                                                                                     B - Total gallons of beer 
 Total from additional sheet(s)...........................................................................................................................................................
 1.  Add column B amounts ........................................................................................................................................................... 1.
 2.  Enter the lesser of line 1 or 500,000........................................................................................................................................ 2.
 3.  Subtract 500,000 from line 1 (if less than zero, enter zero)..................................................................................................... 3.
 4.  Enter the lesser of line 3 or 15,000,000................................................................................................................................... 4.
 5.  Credit for the first 500,000 gallons (multiply line 2 by 0.12: see instructions).......................................................................... 5.
 6.  Credit for the remainder of the beer produced up to additional 15,000,000 gallons (multiply line 4 by .0386)........................ 6.
 7.  Total credit for beer produced in New York City (add lines 5 and 6)........................................................................................7.

 8.  Tax due before credits ............................................................................................................................................................. 8.
 9.  Tax credits claimed before this credit ...................................................................................................................................... 9.
 10. Subtract line 9 from line 8......................................................................................................................................................10. 
 11. Enter the lesser of line 7 or line 10  (not less than 0) ............................................................................................................11. 
 12. Amount of unused credit to be refunded or credited (line 7 less line 11)...............................................................................12. 
 13. Add lines 11 and 12.  Enter here and on Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 22e, Form NYC-202, Schedule A, line 20e or 
     Form NYC-202EIN, Schedule A, line 20e..............................................................................................................................13.

61612291                                                                                                                                                                                        NYC - 114.12 - 2022

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Form NYC-114.12 - 2022 - Instructions                                                                                     Page 2

General Information 
Section 11-503(p) of the New York City Administrative Code applicable to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2017 
provides a beer production credit to taxpayers who meet the eligibility requirements. 
To be eligible for this credit, you must meet all of the following requirements: 
l You are claiming this credit as an unincorporated business that earned the credit (not as a partner in a partnership),  
l you are registered as a distributor under Article 18 (Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages), and 
l you produce 60 million gallons or less of beer in New York State during the tax year. 
l A registered distributor that produces more than one type of alcoholic beverage in New York State in the same tax year 
  qualifies for the credit for beer produced within the production limits stated above. If the production limitation for beer 
  is exceeded, no credit is allowed. 
Credit Information 
l The amount of credit per tax year for each gallon of beer produced in New York City is:  
  u 12 cents (.12) per gallon for the first 500,000 gallons produced, plus 
  u 3.86 cents (.0386) per gallon for each gallon produced in excess of 500,000 gallons (up to 15 million additional gal-
    lons of beer).   
l However, no credit is allowed for any beer produced in excess of 15.5 million gallons during the tax year. 
l Any unused amount of credit for the current tax year will be treated as a refund or overpayment of tax to be credited to 
  next year’s tax. Interest will not be paid on the refund or overpayment. 

                                          l Line C – If you answered       No to   Schedule C – Computation of tax 
Specific Instructions 
                                            question C, stop.  You do not qual-    credit used, refunded, or credited as 
                                            ify for the beer production credit for an overpayment to the next year 
Line instructions                           this tax year.  If you answered Yes     
l Complete a separate Form NYC-             to question B, complete Schedules      l  Line 8 – Enter your tax due before 
  114.12 for each registered distributor.   B and C.                                  credits from NYC-204, Schedule A, 
l Please check the appropriate box for                                                line 21; NYC-202, Schedule A, line 
  NYC form filed.                         Schedule B – Computation of credit          19 or NYC-202EIN, Schedule A, 
                                          for beer produced in  New York City         line 19. 
Schedule A – Eligibility                                                            
                                          l Column A –    Enter the street num-    l  Line 9 –  If you are claiming more 
l Line A – If you are claiming this         ber and name, and the borough in          than one tax credit for this year, 
  credit as an unincorporated business      New York City where the beer is           enter the total amount of credits 
  that earned the credit (not as a part-    produced. Do not enter a PO Box or        claimed before applying this credit.  
  ner receiving a share of the credit),     the mailing address of the company        Otherwise, enter 0. You must apply 
  mark an  Xin the   Yes box and pro-       if it differs from the physical loca-     certain credits before this credit.   
  ceed to the next question in this         tion where the beer is produced.        
  schedule.                                                                        l  Line 11 - Enter the lesser of line 7 or 
                                          l Column B – Enter the total number         line 10 but not less than zero.  
l Line B –  If you answered  No to          of gallons produced in New York         
  question B, stop. You do not qual-        City in this tax year.                 l  Line 13 – Add lines 11 and 12 and 
  ify for the beer production credit for                                              enter here and on NYC-204, Sched-
  this tax year.  If you answered Yes     l Lines 5, 6 and 7 – No credit is al-       ule A, line 22e; NYC-202, Schedule 
  to question B, enter the name, EIN        lowed for any beer produced in ex-        A, line 20e or NYC-202EIN, Sched-
  or SSN and State Liquor Authority         cess of 15,500,000 gallons (500,000       ule A, line 20e. 
  license number for the registered         gallons on Line 5 plus 15,000,000       
  distributor and proceed to the next       gallons on Line 6). Round the results 
  question in this schedule.                on line 7 to nearest whole dollar. 

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