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                                                                                    NYC DEPAR TM ENT              OF FIN AN CE              AU DI T DIV ISI ON

                                 AGRE EM EN T TO AUT HO RIZE                                                                                            EL ECTRONI                                     C
Financ     e
                                        TRAN SM IT TAL OF TAX                                                                               IN FORMA                       TION

Name of Taxp aye r: ______       ___ _____FI RST NAM E____ _____                    ____ _____LAST NAME_______    ___    Type(s)       of Tax:     ________    _________    _________________
Taxpayer   ʼs                                                                                                            NYC Adm in. Code,
E-mai    l Addr ess:  ___ ____ ____ ____ _____          ____ _____                             ____ ___ ________         Title 11, Chapter(           s) ________ _________          ______________
Taxpayer   ʼs                                                                                                  Taxpayerʼs
Phone    Num ber:   (___ ___ __ ) ______ __________ _________                                                  Fax Number:          (________      )____ __ ___ __ _____ __ __ __ ___ ___ _
Name of                                                                                                                  Represen          tativeʼs
Represe    nta tive:____ ____ ____FI RST____NAM E     _________ _________LAST                      NAME___ _______       E-mail       Address:     ______      _________   __________________
Repre se ntat iveʼs                                                                                            Repres    ent ati veʼs
Phone    Num ber:    (___ __ ___ ) ___________ ______________                                                  Fax Number:           (_____    ___ ) __ __ ___ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ ___ _

Ef fecti ve Da te of Agre eme nt:MO__NT____H          / __DA____Y                   /__ __YEAR________         En d Dateof Agreement: ________MONTH            /__ ______DAY /________YEAR

The Ta xpa yer hereby       au th or izes th e Ne w Yor k City Dep ar tme nt of Fi nance                                        (“D OF”)   to tra nsmi t ta x se cret      inf ormat ion per tain ing to
th e Ta xpay er wit h the Tax pa yer or th e Ta xp aye rʼs Re pre sen ta tive usi ng e-mail,                                           web     sites, or other    int ern et- bas ed service            (h ere -
ina fter refe rre d to as “the electr on ic tra nsm ittal                           of inf orm at ion") .

DOF is ag re eing to the electr on ic tr ans mitta l of inf or mat ion sol el y for the conve                                        nie nce of the Ta xpaye      r or the Tax payer'     s Re presen          -
ta tiv e. Th e tax secret   inf orma tion tha t will be tra nsm itted in such man ner may                                           includ e th e Taxpay     erʼs tax re turns  or informa             tio n co n-
ta ined in Taxpa yerʼ s tax retu rns . App lic able                                 pr ovisio  ns in the New Yo rk Ci ty Admi nist rati ve Code                prohi bit the discl osure               by DOF of
ta x se cre t inf orm ation.

DOF ha s wri tt en sec ur ity pr oc ed ure s re lating to tra nsm itting                                inf ormat ion wi th membe          rs of th e pu bli c using e-m ail , web si tes, or othe r
inte rn et- base d serv ice, of wh ich the Ta xpa yer and Ta xpa ye rʼs Rep resentati                                           ve may     hav e a copy      upo n requ est. DOF         does not repre -
sen t or pro mise that thes e pro ce dur es ar e ade qu ate to pr eser ve the secre                                        cy of ta x secr et informa          tion tran smitt ed in such              manne r.

The Ta xpa yer and the Ta xp aye rʼs Re pr ese nta tive her eb y re lea se The City of New Yo rk (“Ci ty”) fro m any and all liab ility , and the Tax -
pay er agre es to indem nify an d hold the Cit y harm less fro m any damage,                                             ari sin g out of the ele ctroni          c tra nsmi ttal of inform atio n.

                                                                                                  CERTI FICATI           ON

Si gnatureof Taxp aye r: ___ ____ _________ _________ ____________                                                    __ _____        Dated:       ___MO_____NTH /___DAY_____/_____YEAR___
Si gnat ure of Taxpayerʼs
Represe    nta tive:  ___ ____ ____ ____ _________ _________ ___ _____________                                                        Dated:       ___MO_____NTH /___DAY_____/_____YEAR___
ACKN OW LE DGEMENT            OF TAXP AYERʼS            SIGNAT                                 URE

On thi s __ __ _ da y of __ ____ ____ __, 20___ _ , befor e me__came_________FI_________RST                                          NAME          _________   _________    _________________,LAST NAME
to me kn ow n, who swore      that (s) he is the person                             describe      d in the above         instrument    as the Taxpa          yer, and acknowled      ged that (s)he          ex -
ecuted     the ab ove instr um ent.
                                                                                    AFFI X
                                                                                    NO TA RY
                                                                                    SEA L
                                                                                    HE RE
_________     ___ __ __ _____    ___ _____    ____ ____
                         No tar y Public

Note: If the Taxp ayer      or the Taxp ayerʼs        Rep resen tative                            is no t an individual, then the following           signatur    e format should        be used:
Si gnature  of Taxp aye r (or Taxpa     yerʼs  Repr esenta                          tive):        _____ _______       _________       _________       ________

By:   _____   __ __ ___ ____ ____ ____ _____PR INT FI RS T AND LAS T NAM E OF SIGNER____ _____ ____ ___                  Title:     ______  _________        _________     ___________________
                                                                                                                                                                                Aut h-0505 Re v. 12/01/09

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