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 Instructions for Form NYC-2.1

 Investment and Other Exempt Income and Investment Capital                2022

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                           
                                                                             For purposes of these instructions, the term gross exempt unitary insur-
All citations are to New York City Administrative Code sections unless       ance or utility dividends means dividend income received from unitary 
specifically noted otherwise.                                                corporations that are taxable or would be taxable, if subject to tax, under 
                                                                             the New York City Utility Tax (except for vendors of utility services that 
For tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2015, significant changes    are also taxable under the  Business Corporation Tax) and corporations 
were made to the definitions of investment capital and investment in-        that would have been taxable as insurance corporations under former 
come, and a new other exempt income category of income was created.          part IV, title R, chapter forty-six of the Administrative Code as in effect 
Investment income and other exempt income are subtracted from entire         on June 30, 1974, but are not included in a combined return with the tax-
net income (ENI) in the computation of business income. Investment           payer, less any interest deductions directly or indirectly attributable to 
capital is subtracted from total net assets in the computation of the cap-   such income (the 40% safe harbor does not apply). Gross exempt unitary 
ital base.  Neither gross investment income nor gross other exempt in-       insurance or utility dividends are one type of exempt unitary corpora-
come is included on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule F.                        tion dividends. 
Taxpayers (including combined groups) must subtract from gross invest-
                                                                             For purposes of these instructions, gross other exempt income, gross in-
ment income any interest deductions directly or indirectly attributable to 
                                                                             vestment income, gross exempt unitary insurance and utility dividends, 
investment capital or gross investment income. Taxpayers (including 
                                                                             gross exempt controlled foreign corporation (CFC) income, and gross 
combined groups) must subtract from gross other exempt income any in-
                                                                             exempt unitary corporation dividends is the amount of each of these 
terest deductions directly or indirectly attributable to gross other exempt 
                                                                             types of income as defined in sections 11-652.5 and 11-652.5-a, but be-
income. Interest deductions must be attributed regardless of whether or 
                                                                             fore the 40% safe harbor reduction or any subtraction for the attribution 
not income is actually earned in a particular tax year. For specific rules 
                                                                             of interest deductions.  
guidance regarding the computation of interest deductions attributable,       
see Finance Memoranda 16-2 (“Direct and Indirect Attribution of Inter-       Purpose of form 
est Deductions under the Business Corporation Tax (Corporate Tax of          Form NYC-2.1 provides detail for the amounts reported on certain lines 
2015)”), 18-9 (“New York City Tax Treatment of Foreign-Derived Intan-        in Form NYC-2 or NYC-2-A, Schedules B, C, and D. Schedule A is used 
gible Income Deduction, Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income, and              to make the 40% safe harbor election. Schedules B and C compute other 
Repatriation Amounts Under the Business Corporation Tax”) and 18-11          exempt income and investment income, respectively. 
(“Attribution of Interest Deductions for Taxpayers with IRC §163(j) Lim-      
itations under the Business Corporation Tax, General Corporation Tax,        Schedule D computes the total amounts that are reported on Form NYC-
Banking Corporation Tax, and Unincorporated Business Tax”).  In lieu of      2 or NYC-2-A, Schedule B, lines 25 and 27. 
actual attribution, a 40% safe harbor election may be made by complet-        
ing Schedule A.                                                              Schedule E computes investment capital, and Schedule F computes the 
                                                                             addback of prior year presumed investment capital and income. Total 
For purposes of calculating investment income, other exempt income,          amounts are reported on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2-A, Schedule B, line 
the attribution of interest deductions, and the safe harbor election, the    29, and Schedule D, lines 1, 2, 3, and 5. 
combined group is treated as a single corporation and computes these          
amounts on a combined basis.  All intercompany transactions and activ-       Limitations 
ity must be eliminated.                                                      Other exempt income, investment income, and gross investment income 
                                                                             are subject to certain limitations per sections 11-652(5)(a)(i), 11-
A corporate partner using the aggregate method to determine its tax with     652(5)(a)(iii), 11-652(5-a)(d),11-652(4)(e) and 11-652(7).  Investment 
respect to its interest in a partnership must include its distributive share capital is not impacted by the limitations on investment income.  How-
of each partnership item of receipts, income, gain, loss and deduction       ever, the net average fair market value (FMV) of each item of invest-
and the corporation’s proportionate part of each asset and liability from    ment capital cannot be less than zero per section 11-652(4)(b). 
that partnership, after the elimination of all inter-entity transactions and  
activity, when calculating investment income, other exempt income, and       Table A below provides a summary of applicable limitations. 
the attribution of interest deductions.                                       
                                        Table A - Summary of applicable limitations
 ITEM                                                    Description of limitation                               New York City Ad. Code § 
 Gross investment income            Limited to the greater of 8% of ENI or the amount of income (before the      11-652(5)(a)(iii) and 
                                    40% safe harbor reduction or any subtraction for the attribution of interest 11-652(4)(e) 
                                    deductions) that taxpayer claims New York City cannot constitutionally tax 
 Other exempt income*               Limited to ENI                                                               11-652(5-a)(d)
 Investment income*                 Limited to ENI minus other exempt income                                     11-652(5)(a)(i) and 
 Sum of investment income*  Limited to ENI                                                                       11-652(7)
 and other exempt income* 
 Investment capital**               Not impacted by any of the limitations on investment income; the net average 11-652(4)(b)
                                    FMV of any particular item of investment capital cannot be less than zero 
 * after the 40% safe harbor reduction or any subtraction for the attribution of interest deductions 
 ** net of liabilities attributable 

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 Instructions for Form NYC-2.1 - 2022                                                                                                         Page 2
SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS                                                            this election, it also applies to gross investment income and gross exempt 
                                                                                 CFC income. If you do not make this election because you do not have 
When filing a combined return, enter the legal name and employer iden-           gross exempt unitary corporation dividends, you will not be precluded from 
tification number of the group’s designated agent.                               making those other elections.  Also, if you are precluded from making this  
Schedule A – 40% safe harbor election                                            election because your only gross exempt unitary corporation dividends are 
In lieu of subtracting from gross investment income and gross other ex-          dividends from corporations taxed as utilities under the Utility Tax under 
empt income the actual amount of interest deductions directly and indi-          Chapter 11 of Title 11 of the Ad. Code, you will not be precluded for mak-
rectly attributable to such income and to investment capital, taxpayers may      ing those other elections.  (§11-652(5-a)(c)).  The safe harbor election does 
make a revocable election to reduce such income by 40%, provided, how-           not apply to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends; interest 
ever, that the safe harbor election does not apply to gross exempt unitary       deductions must be directly or indirectly attributed to gross exempt unitary 
insurance or utility dividends. Interest deductions must always be attrib-       insurance and utility dividends. 
uted to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends, regardless of       Other exempt income cannot exceed ENI. If you attribute interest de-
whether or not the safe harbor election is made.  Any such election applies      ductions to gross other exempt income and the amount attributed ex-
to all members of the group. If you subsequently revoke this election, it is     ceeds gross other exempt income, the excess must be added back to ENI. 
revoked for all such income.  To revoke this election, file an amended re-       (§11-652(5-a)(d)). 
turn  using actual attribution.  (§§11-652(5)(b) and 11-652(5-a)(b)).            Note: If you made the safe harbor election, complete Parts 1, 2, 6 and 7. If you 
Certain rules apply; see Finance Memoranda 16-2, 18-9, 18-11 and the             did not make the safe harbor election, complete Parts 1 through 5 and Part 7. 
instructions for Schedules B and C.                                              Part 1 
                                                                                 Line 1 – Enter the result of adding: 
Line  1 To make this revocable election, mark an  Xin the box.                  
Schedule B – Other exempt income                                                   the mandatory deemed repatriation inclusion amount that is received 
Schedule B computes other exempt income.  You must also complete this                from a corporation that is not included in a combined return with the 
schedule when you own any assets that could generate other exempt income             taxpayer, plus 
apart from repatriation income, regardless of whether or not such other ex-        any income required to be included in taxpayer’s federal gross in-
empt  income is actually earned in a particular year.                                come per IRC section 951(a), received from a corporation that is 
Other exempt income means the sum of exempt CFC income and ex-                       conducting a unitary business with the taxpayer but is not included 
empt unitary corporation dividends (§11-652(5-a)(a)). It does not in-                in a combined return with the taxpayer. 
clude any amount treated as dividends pursuant to Internal Revenue               Line 2  – Enter your total amount of gross exempt unitary corporation 
Code (IRC) section 78. (§11-652(5-a)(e)).  However, if a stock that gen-         dividends other than gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends, 
erates other exempt income as defined in section 11-652(5-a) is   itself         which are reported separately in Part 2, line 6. 
marked to market, and the 8% fixed percentage method election is made,           Line 4 – If you made the safe harbor election by marking an X in Sched-
no income from such stock is includible in other exempt income for that          ule A, line 1, multiply line 3 by 40% (.40) and enter the result. See the 
tax year. For information concerning marking to market, and the 8%               instructions for Schedule A. 
fixed percentage method election, see the instructions to line 8 of Form 
                                                                                 Parts 2, 3, and 4 
NYC-2.5    or Form NYC-2.5A.                                                     Lines 7, 8, 12, 13, 15 and 16 For specific rules regarding the attribu-
Exempt  CFC income means the sum of:                                             tion of interest deductions, see Finance Memoranda 16-2, 18-9 and 18-11.  
a) The income (other than that described in (b) below) required to be in-        Lines 10 and 11 – Complete these lines only if the safe harbor election 
     cluded in the taxpayer’s federal gross income per IRC section 951(a), re-   is made.  Otherwise, continue with Part 3. 
     ceived from a corporation that is conducting a unitary business with the 
                                                                                 Lines 12 and 13 – Complete these lines if   not making the safe harbor 
     taxpayer but is not included in a combined return with the taxpayer; plus 
                                                                                 election; report interest deductions directly and indirectly attributable to 
b) mandatory deemed repatriation inclusion amount required to be in-
                                                                                 the gross exempt CFC income reported in Schedule B, line 1. 
     cluded in the taxpayer’s federal gross income per IRC section 965(a),        
     as adjusted by IRC section 965(b) and without regard to IRC section         Lines 15 through 17 – Do not include any interest deductions attribut-
     965(c) received from a corporation that is not included in a combined       able to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends. 
     return with the taxpayer;                                                   Schedule C – Investment income 
 less                                                                            Schedule C computes investment income. You must complete this schedule 
c) any interest deductions directly or indirectly attributable to the income. In if you own any assets that could generate investment income, regardless of 
     lieu of attribution, you may make a revocable election (by completing        whether or not such income is actually earned in a particular tax year. 
     Schedule A) to reduce gross exempt CFC income by 40%. If you make 
     this election, it also applies to gross investment income and gross exempt  Investment income means income, including capital gains in excess of 
     unitary corporation dividends. If you do not make this election because     capital losses, from investment capital, to the extent included in com-
     you do not have gross exempt CFC income, you will not be precluded          puting ENI, less any interest deductions allowable in computing ENI 
                                                                                 which are directly or indirectly attributable to investment capital or gross 
     from making those other elections.                                          investment income. (§11-652(5)(a)).  See Schedule E instructions for 
These amounts donot constitute exempt unitary dividends or investment            definition ofinvestment capital. 
 income.                                                                         When income or gain from a debt obligation or other security cannot be 
Exempt unitary corporation dividends means those dividends from a cor-           apportioned to New York as a result of U.S. constitutional principles 
poration that is conducting a unitary business with the taxpayer but is not      found in decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court, the debt obligation or 
included in a combined return with the taxpayer, less any interest deductions    other security will be included in investment capital; any such income or 
directly or indirectly attributable to such income (§11-652(5-a)(c)). In lieu    gain, less interest deductions directly or indirectly attributable to such 
of attribution, you may make a revocable election (by completing Sched-          income or capital, is included in investment income. (§ 11-652(4)(e)). 
ule A) to reduce gross exempt unitary corporation dividends (except for           
gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends) by 40%. If you make         Note: This rule applies only to entities domiciled outside New York City.  For 

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 Instructions for Form NYC-2.1 - 2022                                                                                                               Page 3
a combined return, the determination of domicile is done on an entity-by-entity    Part 2 
basis.  Thus, while the designated agent may be domiciled in New York City,        Line 14   If you made the safe harbor election by marking an   inX
the combined group may claim this type of investment capital for assets owned      Schedule A, line 1, multiply line 13 by 40% (.40) and enter the result. See 
by other members of the combined group domiciled outside of New York City.         the instructions for Schedule A. 
If a taxpayer acquires stock that is a capital asset under IRC section 1221        Part 3 
during the tax year, and owns that stock on the last day of the tax year, it will  Lines 16 and 17 – For specific rules regarding the attribution of interest 
be presumed, solely for purposes of determining whether that stock should          deductions, see Finance Memoranda 16-2, 18-9 and 18-11.  Do not enter 
be classified as investment capital after it is acquired, that the taxpayer held   less than zero. 
that stock for more than one year.  However, if the taxpayer can determine, 
                                                                                   Schedule E – Investment capital 
at the time it files its original return for the tax year in which it acquired the 
                                                                                   Schedule E computes investment capital items to be included in Form 
stock, whether or not it actually held the stock for more than one year, then 
                                                                                   NYC-2 or NYC-2-A, Schedule D. The income generated from the in-
the presumption in the preceding sentence does  not apply and the actual 
                                                                                   vestments reported on Schedule E is reported on Schedule C.  Invest-
period of time during which the taxpayer owned the stock is used to deter-
                                                                                   ment capital is not limited by any limitations applicable to investment 
mine whether the stock could be classified as investment capital. 
                                                                                   income  or gross investment income. 
Two situations in which the holding period presumption described above             Note: Reverse repurchase agreements, securities borrowing agreements, 
 would not apply are:                                                              and their underlying securities, are business capital and cannot be listed 
1) you still own the stock on the date you file your return, but as of that        as investment capital. 
   date you have owned the stock for more than one year; and                       Investment capital means investments in stocks of non-unitary corporations that 
 2) you have sold the stock prior to the date you file your return.                satisfy the definition of a capital asset under IRC section 1221 at all times the tax-
In both cases, you would use your actual holding period to determine               payer owned such stock during the tax year, are held by the taxpayer for invest-
                                                                                   ment for more than one year, and the dispositions of which are, or would be, 
whether  the stock could be classified as investment capital.                      treated by the taxpayer as generating long-term capital gains or losses under the 
When the presumption applies, the statute also includes an addback re-             IRC.  Stocks acquired on or after January 1, 2015 must have never been held for 
quirement in the immediately succeeding tax year for both the presumed             sale to customers in the regular course of business after the close of the day on 
investment capital and the related income if the holding period require-           which they are acquired. Such stocks must be clearly identified in the taxpayer’s 
ment is not met. (§ 11-652(4)(d)).  Alternatively, a taxpayer may file an          records as stock held for investment in the same manner as required under IRC 
amended return for the year in which the presumption applied to reflect            section 1236(a)(1) for the stock of a dealer in securities to be eligible for capital 
the fact that the stock is no longer investment capital.                           gain treatment (whether or not the taxpayer is a dealer of securities subject to sec-
Gross investment income cannot exceed the greater of 8% of your ENI or             tion 1236). Generally, the identification must occur before the close of the day on 
the income (prior to attribution or the safe harbor reduction) that New York       which the stock was acquired, although floor specialists have seven business days 
                                                                                   to make the identification. (§11-652(4)(a)). 
City cannot constitutionally tax. (§§ 11-652(5)(a)(iii) and 11-652(4)(e)).          
Investment income cannot exceed ENI (§11-652(5)(a)(i)). If you attrib-             For nondealers not subject to IRC section 1236, holding stock acquired 
ute interest deductions to investment capital or to gross investment in-           prior to October 1, 2015, such identification must occur before October 
come, and the amount attributed exceeds gross investment income, the               1, 2015.  See Finance Memorandum 15-3, Investment Capital Identifi-
                                                                                   cation Requirements for the Corporate Tax of 2015.   For stocks acquired 
excess  must be added back to ENI.  (§11-652(5)(a)(ii)).                           by such taxpayers after October 1, 2015, additional identification peri-
In lieu of subtracting from investment income the amount of actual attrib-         ods may apply (see Finance Memorandum 16-3 Additional Investment 
uted interest deductions, you may make a revocable election (by complet-           Capital Identification Periods for Certain Non-Dealers under the Busi-
ing Schedule A) to reduce your total gross investment income, determined           ness  Corporation Tax (Corporate Tax of 2015)) 
after applying the limitations in sections 11-652(5)(a)(iii) and 11-652.4(e), 
by 40% (§11-652.(5)(b)). If you make this election, it also applies to gross       Stock in a corporation that is conducting a unitary business with the taxpayer, 
exempt CFC income and gross exempt unitary corporation dividends. If               stock in a corporation that is included in a combined return with the taxpayer 
you do not make this election because you do not have investment capi-             pursuant to the commonly owned group election in section 11-654.3(3), and 
tal, you willnot be precluded from making those other elections.                    stock issued by the taxpayer doesnot constitute investment capital.  
                                                                                   If the taxpayer, or all the members of a combined group, owns or con-
Investment income does     not include any amount treated as dividends             trols, directly or indirectly, less than 20% of the voting power of the stock 
pursuant to IRC section 78. (§11-652.(5)(c)).                                      of a corporation, that corporation will be presumed to be conducting a 
Note: If you made the safe harbor election, complete Parts 1, 2, 4, and 5.         business that is not unitary with the business of the taxpayer for purposes 
If you did not make the safe harbor election, complete Part 1 and Parts 3,         of determining whether or not the stock constitutes investment capital. 
4, and 5.                                                                          Stock means an interest in a corporation that is treated as equity for fed-
                                                                                   eral income tax purposes. (§11-652(3-a)). 
Part 1                                                                              
                                                                                   Any liabilities which are directly or indirectly attributable to an item of in-
Note: The amounts entered in this part should be the amounts        before         vestment capital are deducted from that item of investment capital. If the 
the 40% safe harbor reduction or any subtraction for the attribution of in-        amount of those liabilities exceeds the amount of that item of investment cap-
terest deductions. Donot enter less than zero.                                     ital, the amount of that item of investment capital will be zero. 11-652.(4)(b)) 
Line 3 – Enter income (including gains in excess of losses) generated from         If a taxpayer acquires stock that is a capital asset under IRC section 1221 dur-
investments identified in Schedule E, Part 1.                                      ing the tax year, and owns that stock on the last day of the tax year, it will be 
                                                                                   presumed, solely for purposes of determining whether that stock should be 
Lines 6 and 7 – Enter income generated from investments identified in              classified as investment capital after it is acquired, that the taxpayer held that 
Schedule E, Part 2.                                                                stock for more than one year. (§11-652(4)(d)).  However, if the taxpayer can 
Line 11 – Enter dividend income generated from investments identified              determine, at the time it files its original return for the tax year in which it ac-
in Schedule E, Part 3.                                                             quired the stock, whether or not it actually held the stock for more than one 
                                                                                   year, then the presumption in the preceding sentence does not apply and the 

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actual period of time during which the taxpayer owned the stock is used to de-                    Column A       – For Part 1, provide identifying information, such as stock 
termine  whether the stock could be classified as investment capital.                             name, committee on uniform security identification procedures (CUSIP) 
Two situations in which the holding period presumption described above                            or CUSIP international numbering system (CINS) number, lot number, 
                                                                                                  or issuer and maturity date of bond.  For Parts 2 and 3, provide the name, 
 would not apply are:                                                                              CUSIP or CINS number, and lot number. 
1) you still own the stock on the date you file your return, but as of that 
                                                                                                  Columns B and C – For Parts 1, 2, and 3, provide the requested addi-
    date you have owned the stock for more than one year; and  
                                                                                                  tional      information in these columns. 
2)  you have sold the stock prior to the date you file your return.                               Columns D and E - For Parts 1 and 2, provide the requested information 
In both cases, you would use your actual holding period to determine                              in these columns.  For Part 3, columns D and E are not applicable. To qual-
whether  the stock could be classified as investment capital.                                     ify as presumed investment capital the stock must still be owned at the 
When the presumption applies, the statute also includes an addback re-                            time the taxpayer files its original return for the tax year.  Any stock that 
quirement in the immediately succeeding tax year for bothpresumedthe                 in-          has     been sold isnever reported as presumed investment capital in Part 3. 
vestment capital and the related income if the holding period requirement is                      Note:    For all parts, you must complete column F before completing column G. 
not met.  See the specific addback instructions in Schedule F.  Alternatively, 
a taxpayer may file an amended return for the year in which the presump-                          Column F – Enter the total average FMV of each item listed in column A. On any 
                                                                                                  date, the FMV of stocks, bonds, and other regularly traded securities is the mean be-
tion applied to reflect the fact that the stock is no longer investment capital.                  tween the highest and lowest selling prices. The average value is generally computed 
Parts 1 through 4                                                                                 quarterly if your usual accounting practice permits, but you may use a monthly, 
If more space is needed, attach additional sheets providing the informa-                          weekly, or daily average. If your usual accounting practice does not permit a quar-
tion in the same format as in each part. Add together all such amounts                            terly or more frequent computation of average FMV, you may use a semiannual or 
and  include the sum in “Total from additional sheets” line.                                      annual computation if no distortion of average FMV results. If the security is not mar-
Note: Enter only directly owned investments in Items A through F; at-                             ketable,      value it using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). 
tach additional sheets as necessary.  Where investments are owned                                 Column G – Enter all liabilities, both long-term and short-term, directly and 
through an interest in a partnership, attach additional sheets listing the                        indirectly attributable to each item of investment capital listed in column A. 
name and EIN of each partnership as well as the information requested                             Use the same method of averaging used to determine the average value of 
in Columns A through H, which amounts reflect taxpayer’s proportion-                              assets in column F.  Enter for each item of investment capital listed in col-
ate interest in the investments.  The sum of the proportionate part of part-                      umn A the sum of the liabilities directly and indirectly attributable to such 
nership  items is included in the “Total from additional sheet(s)” line.                          capital. Liabilities directly attributable to an asset include those that were in-
Complete Part 1 first, listing directly owned assets that generated income                        curred in connection with the acquisition or holding of that asset. 
being claimed as not taxable by New York City under the U.S. Constitu-
                                                                                                  Use Column G worksheet – Computation of liabilities indirectly attributa-
tion.  Any asset listed in Part 1 cannot also be listed in Part 2 or Part 3. 
                                                                                                  ble to a particular item of investment capital, to determine the amount of li-
In Part 2, list all stocks actually held more than one year.  In Part 3, list 
                                                                                                  abilities indirectly attributable to each particular item of investment capital. 
all stocks presumed held more than one year. 
         Column G worksheet Computation of liabilities indirectly attributable                  to a particular item of investment capital
  A. Total liabilities (see instructions below)  ........................................................................................................  A.__________________ 
  B. Liabilities directly attributable to investment capital (see instructions below) .......... B. _________________ 
  C. Liabilities directly attributable to business capital (see instructions below)   ........... C. _________________ 
  D. Total liabilities directly attributable (add lines B and C) .................................................................................  D. __________________  
  E. Total liabilities indirectly attributable (subtract line D from line A) .................................................................  E. __________________  
  F. Average FMV of investment capital before subtraction of liabilities attributable 
     (from Schedule E, column F, line 4).........................................................................  F. _________________ 
  G. Average FMV of adjusted total assets (see instructions below)  ............................. G. _________________                                      
  H. Investment capital factor (divide line F by line G). ........................................................................................  H. __________________  
  I. Liabilities indirectly attributable to total investment capital (multiply line E by line H) ...................................   I. __________________  
  J. Enter the average FMV of a particular item of investment capital before  
     subtraction of liabilities attributable (see instructions below).................................... J. _________________ 
  K. Investment capital factor for that particular item of investment capital (divide line J by line F) .....................  K. __________________  
  L. Liabilities indirectly attributable to that particular item of investment capital (multiply line I by line K)...........  L. __________________  
   Line A  Enter the amount from Form NYC-2, Schedule C, column C, line 6 or from Form NYC-2-A, Schedule C, column D, line 6. 
   Line B  Enter the total average FMV of all liabilities directly traceable to the items of investment capital reported in Schedule E, Parts 1, 2, and 3. 
   Line C  Enter the total average FMV of all liabilities directly traceable to business capital. Include the               lesser of: 
           (a)   the sum of the total average FMV of repurchase agreements and stock lending agreements, or 
           (b)   the sum of the total average FMV of reverse repurchase agreements and stock borrowing agreements. 
   Note:   Reverse repurchase agreements, securities borrowing agreements, and their underlying securities, are business capital. Repurchase agreements and 
           stock lending agreements are liabilities directly traceable to business capital to the extent of the sum of the total value of reverse repurchase agree-
           ments and stock borrowing agreements. 
   Line G  Most taxpayers should enter the amount from Form NYC-2, Schedule C, column C, line 5, or from Form NYC-2-A, Schedule C,column D, line 5. How-
           ever, if you have reverse repurchase agreements and/or stock borrowing agreements, you must reduce such amount by the lesser of: 
           (a)   the sum of the total average FMV of reverse repurchase agreements and stock borrowing agreements, or 
           (b)   the sum of the total average FMV of repurchase agreements and stock lending agreements. For more information, see Finance Memorandum 
   Line J  For each item of investment capital listed in Schedule E, Parts 1, 2, and 3, column A, enter the amount from the respective line in column F. 
   Note:   Lines J through L are completed for each item of investment capital listed in Schedule E, and the line L amount is included in the computation of the 
           amount entered on each respective line in column G. 

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 Instructions for Form NYC-2.1 - 2022                                                                                       Page 5

For each item listed in column A, enter in the respective line in column        reported on your prior tax year Form NYC-2.1, Schedule E, Part 3, for 
G the sum of the line L amount from this worksheet (liabilities indirectly      that particular item of investment capital. 
attributable to that particular item of investment capital) and the amount       
of liabilities directly attributable to that particular item of investment      Part 2 
capital.                                                                        The required addback of prior year presumed investment income from 
                                                                                the investment capital items listed in Part 1 above is calculated based on 
Column H – Determine the net average FMV of each item listed in col-            the specific stocks identified in Part 1. 
umn A by subtracting column G from column F. The net average FMV                 
of any particular item cannot be less than zero.                                Lines 2 and 3 – Enter the requested information for the stocks identified 
                                                                                in Part 1, as previously reported on your prior tax year Form NYC-2.1.
Lines 1, 2, and 3 – In each part, add all amounts in columns F, G, and 
H; enter the totals on lines 1, 2, and 3, respectively. If none, enter  0in the 
appropriate column. The totals on lines 1, 2, and 3 are then entered on 
Form NYC-2 or NYC-2-A, Schedule D, lines 1, 2, and 3, in columns A, 
B, and C, respectively. 
Schedule F – Current year addback of prior year presumed invest-
ment capital and investment income 
Schedule F computes the addback of prior year presumed investment 
capital items that failed to meet the holding period presumption. These 
addback amounts are reported on the current year Form NYC-2 or NYC-
2-A, Schedule D, line 5. Schedule F also computes the addback of in-
come from such investment capital items which is then reported on the 
current year Form NYC-2 or NYC-2-A, Schedule B, line 29. 
If the taxpayer reported presumed investment capital items in the prior 
year, and then failed to hold a particular item of such presumed invest-
ment capital for more than one year, then the taxpayer must increase its 
total business capital in the immediately succeeding tax year by the 
amount included in investment capital in the prior year return for that 
stock, net of any liabilities attributable to that stock in the prior year re-
turn computed as provided in section 11-652(4)(b), and must increase 
its business income in the immediately succeeding tax year by the 
amount of income and net gains (but not less than zero) from that stock 
included in investment income, in the prior year return less either any in-
terest deductions directly and indirectly attributable to that stock, or if the 
safe harbor election is made, less 40% of the gross investment income 
from that stock claimed in the prior year return, as provided in section 11-
652(5).  Alternatively, a taxpayer may file an amended return for the pre-
ceding tax year to reflect the fact that the stock is no longer considered 
investment capital. If you choose to file an amended return, mark an X 
in the box on line A. See, Finance Memoranda 16-2, 18-9 and 18-11. 
Part 1 
List all prior year presumed investment capital items, as previously re-
ported on your prior tax year Form NYC-2.1, that did not meet the hold-
ing period requirement. In column A, provide the name, CUSIP number, 
or CINS, or lot number and provide the requested additional informa-
tion in all other columns. If more space is needed, attach additional 
sheets, providing the information in the same format.  Add together all 
such amounts and include in the “Total from additional sheet(s)” line. 
Note: Enter only directly owned investments in Items A through G; at-
tach additional sheets as necessary.  Where investments are owned 
through an interest in a partnership, attach additional sheets listing the 
name and EIN of each partnership as well as the information requested 
in Columns A through H, which amounts reflect taxpayer’s proportion-
ate interest in the investments.  The sum of the proportionate part of part-
nership items is included in the “Total from additional sheet(s)” line. 
For all columns other than columns D and E, the information entered for 
each item of investment capital should be identical to the information 
                                                                                                                            NYC-2.1 Instructions - 2022

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