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                                                                           INVESTMENT AND OTHER EXEMPT 
                                                                           INCOME AND INVESTMENT CAPITAL
                                                                                 You MUST attach this form to Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A if you 
                                                                                 have any entries on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 
                                                                                 25, 27 or 29 or Schedule D, line 1, 2, 3 or 5
 Name as shown on NYC-2 or NYC-2A                                                                          Employer Identification Number 
 SCHEDULE A - 40% safe harbor election (see instructions)
1.  If making the election to reduce your gross investment income and gross other exempt income (other than gross exempt 
    unitary insurance or utility dividends) by 40% in lieu of direct or indirect attribution, mark an X in the box(see instructions)..................1 .
 SCHEDULE B - Other exempt income (see instructions)
 Part 1 - Gross exempt controlled foreign corporation (CFC) income, gross exempt unitary corporation dividends, and 40% safe harbor reduction 

1.  Gross exempt CFC income       (do not enter less than zero) ........................................................................... 1.
2.  Gross exempt unitary corporation dividends    (do not enter less than zero) (see instructions)    .....................  2.
3.  Add lines 1 and 2 (if safe harbor election is made, complete lines 4 and 5; otherwise, skip to Part 2)       ......  3.
4.  40% safe harbor reduction (if safe harbor election is made, multiply line 3 by 40%; see instructions)        ....  4.
5.  Exempt CFC income and exempt unitary corporation dividends after safe harbor reduction 
    (subtract line 4 from line 3; do not complete Parts 3, 4, or 5 below) ....................................................... 5.
 Part 2 - Gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends and deductions attributable to gross exempt unitary insurance and utility dividends

6.  Gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends...................................................................................... 6.
7.  Interest deductions directly attributable to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends .................  7.
8.  Interest deductions indirectly attributable to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends..............  8.
9.  Total interest deductions attributable to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends (add lines 7 and 8)... 9. 
10. Exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends (if line 9 is less than line 6, subtract line 9 from line 6; otherwise enter  )0  10. 
11. Excess interest deductions attributable to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends (if line 9 is 
    more than line 6, subtract line 6 from line 9; otherwise enter  )0 ......................................................................... 11.
 Part 3 - Deductions attributable to gross exempt CFC income - only if safe harbor election is not    made (see instructions)

12. Interest deductions directly attributable to gross exempt CFC income..................................................... 12. 
13. Interest deductions indirectly attributable to gross exempt CFC income.................................................. 13. 
14. Total interest deductions attributable to gross exempt CFC income (add lines 12 and 13)        ....................... 14.
 Part 4 - Deductions attributable to gross exempt unitary corporation dividends - only if safe harbor election is not made (see instructions)

15. Interest deductions directly attributable to gross exempt unitary corporation dividends........................... 15. 
16. Interest deductions indirectly attributable to gross exempt unitary corporation dividends ....................... 16. 
17. Total interest deductions attributable to gross exempt unitary corporation dividends (add lines 15 and 16) . 17. 
 Part 5 - Total other exempt income and excess deductions attributable - only if safe harbor election is not made

18. Total gross other exempt income (add lines 3 and 6)..................................................................................18. 
19. Interest deductions attributable to gross other exempt income (add lines 9, 14, and 17) ......................... 19. 
20. Other exempt income (if line 19 is less than line 18, subtract line 19 from line 18; otherwise, enter  )0 .... 20. 
21. Excess interest deductions attributable to gross other exempt income (if line 19 is more than line 18, 
    subtract line 18 from line 19; otherwise, enter  )0 ....................................................................................... 21. 
 Part 6 - Total other exempt income and excess deductions attributable - onlyif safe harbor election is made
22. Add lines 5 and 10 ......................................................................................................................................22. 
23. Excess interest deductions attributable to gross exempt unitary insurance or utility dividends (from line 11) . 23. 
24. Other exempt income   (if line 23 is less than line 22, subtract line 23 from line 22; otherwise, enter  )0  ... 24. 
25. Excess interest deductions attributable to gross exempt income      (if line 23 is more than line 22, 
    subtract line 22 from line 23; otherwise enter  )0 ........................................................................................ 25.
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Form NYC-2.1 - 2020    NAME:     ______________________________________     EIN:                          __________________________________ Page 2
 SCHEDULE B continued - Other exempt income (see instructions)
 Part 7 - Entire net income (ENI) limitation on other exempt income 
26. ENI (from Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 24)          ..........................................................................26. 
27. Other exempt income (if the safe harbor election is not made, enter the amount 
    from line 20; if the safe harbor election is made, enter the amount from line 24) 27. 
28. Total other exempt income allowed after ENI limitation (enter the lesser of line 26 or line 27; if zero 
    or less, enter  )0 ........................................................................................................................................... 28. 
29. Remaining ENI limitation (subtract line 28 from line 26; if zero or less, enter  )0                  ....................................... 29. 
 SCHEDULE C - Investment income (see instructions)
 Part 1 - Limitation on gross investment income (see instructions)

1.  ENI (from Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 24)        ............................................................................1 .
2.  8% of ENI   (multiply line 1 by 8% (.08); do not enter less than zero) ...........................................................  2.
3.  Gross investment income from investments generatingnotincome taxable by New York City under the U.S. Constitution...  3.
4.  Limitation on gross investment income     (enter the greater of line 2 or line 3)                    ..............................................  4.
5.  Remaining limitation (subtract line 3 from line 4; if zero or less, enter 0)........................................................                           5.   
6.  Dividend income from investment capital from stocks actually held more than one year..6.              
7.  Net capital gains in excess of losses from investment capital from stocks 
    actually held more than one year..................................................................7.  
8.  Add lines 6 and 7...........................................................................................................................................8.      
9.  Gross investment income from stocks actually held more than one year after limitation 
    (enter the lesser of line 5 or line 8) ...............................................................................................................9.            
10. Remaining balance of limitation on gross investment income (subtract line 9 from line 5; if zero or less, enter  )0 .........10.                                    
11. Dividend income from investment capital from stocks presumed held more than one year 11.              
12. Gross investment income from stocks presumed held more than one year after limitation 
    (enter the lesser of line 10 or line 11) ..........................................................................................................12.              
13. Total gross investment income   (add lines 3, 9 and 12) ...............................................................................13.
 Part 2 - 40% safe harbor reduction for gross investment income (see instructions)

14. 40% safe harbor reduction (if the safe harbor election is made, multiply line 13 by 40%; see instructions)... 14. 
15. Investment income after safe harbor reduction (subtract line 14 from line 13; skip Part 3 below and 
    continue with Part 4) ................................................................................................................................ 15.
 Part 3 - Deductions attributable to investment capital to gross investment income - only                if the safe harbor election is not made (see instructions)
16. Interest deductions directly attributable to investment capital or to 
    gross investment income (not less than zero) ...................................... 16. 
17. Interest deductions indirectly attributable to investment capital or to 
    gross investment income (not less than zero) ...................................... 17. 
18. Total interest deductions attributable to investment capital or to gross investment income (add lines 16 and 17) . 18. 
19. Investment income (if line 18 is less than line 13, subtract line 18 from line 13; otherwise, enter  )0             .........19. 
20. Excess interest deductions attributable to investment capital or to gross investment income (if line 18 
    is more than line 13, subtract line 13 from line 18; otherwise enter  )0  ......................................................                               20.
 Part 4 - Total investment income and excess deductions attributable
21. Investment income   (if the safe harbor election is made, enter the amount from line 15; if the safe 
    harbor election is not made, enter the amount form line 19)     ........................................................................ 21. 
22. Excess interest deductions attributable to investment capital or to gross investment income (if the safe 
    harbor election is made, enter 0; if the safe harbor election is not made, enter the amount from line 20)           . 22.
 Part 5 - ENI limitation on investment income
23. Total investment income allowed after ENI limitation (enter the lesser of line 21 or Schedule B, line 29)..... 23.

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Form NYC-2.1 - 2020       NAME: ______________________________________                                   EIN: __________________________________ Page 3
 SCHEDULE D - Total investment and other exempt income and excess interest deductions attributable
1.   Total investment and other exempt income (add Schedule B, line 28 and Schedule C, line 23; enter 
     here and on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 25; do not enter less than zero)                      ...........................1 .
2.   Total excess interest deductions attributable to gross investment income, investment capital, and gross other exempt  
     income (add Schedule C, line 22, and either Schedule B, line 21 (if the safe harbor election is not made) or Schedule 
     B, line 25 (if the safe harbor election is made); enter here and on NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 27)                             ................. 2.
 SCHEDULE E - Investment capital (see instructions)
 Part 1 - Investment capital that generates income claimed not taxable by New York City under the U. S. Constitution
Description of asset (identify each asset, and enter number of shares (if applicable) and date acquired here; for each asset complete columns D through H on the corresponding 
lines below; enter only directly owned assets in items A through F) 
Item                      ABCDEFGH 
                    Description of asset Number of shares           Date             Number of shares         Date                           Average           Liabilities  Net 
                                         acquired, if applicable    acquired         sold, if applicable      sold                           FMV reported      attributable average FMV
 Total from additional sheet(s) 
 1.     Total columns F, G and H; enter here and on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule D, line 1 ..............................1.
 Part 2 - Investment capital - stocks actually held more than one year
Description of investment (identify each investment, and enter number of shares and date acquired here; for each investment complete columns D through H on the corre-
sponding lines below; enter only directly owned investments in items A through F) 
Item                      ABCDEFGH 
            Name/CUSIP/CINS/lot number   Number of                  Date             Number of                Date                           Average           Liabilities  Net 
                                         shares acquired            acquired         shares sold              sold                           FMV reported      attributable average FMV
 Total from additional sheet(s) 
 2.     Total columns F, G and H; enter here and on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule D, line 2 ..............................2.
 Part 3 - Investment capital - stocks presumed held more than one year
Description of investment (identify each investment, and enter number of shares and date acquired here; for each investment complete columns F through H on the corre-
sponding lines below; enter only directly owned investments in items A through F) 
Item                      ABCDEFGH 
            Name/CUSIP/CINS/lot number   Number of                  Date             Number of                Date                           Average           Liabilities  Net 
                                         shares acquired            acquired         shares sold              sold                           FMV reported      attributable average FMV
 Total from additional sheet(s) 
 3.     Total columns F, G and H; enter here and on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule D, line 3 ..............................3.
 Part 4 - Total Investment capital
 4.     Total of all investment capital (add lines 1, 2 and 3 in columns F, G and H) ......................................................4.

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Form NYC-2.1 - 2020    NAME:     ______________________________________     EIN:                  __________________________________                                                             Page 4
 SCHEDULE F - Current year addback of prior year presumed investment capital and investment income (see instructions)
A.   If you have prior year presumed investment capital that failed to meet the holding period presumption, 
     and if you amended your prior year return to reflect the fact that the stock was        not investment capital 
     (and that any related income was not investment income), mark an  Xin the box            (if you marked this 
     box, do not complete Parts 1 and 2 below) ..................................................................................................A.

 Part 1 - Addback of prior year presumed investment capital for stocks that did not meet the holding period requirement (see instructions)
Description of investment (identify each investment, and enter number of shares and date acquired here; for each investment complete columns D through H on the corre-
sponding lines below; enter only directly owned investments in items A through F) 
Item                   ABCDEFGH 
            Name/CUSIP/CINS/lot number          Number of      Date               Number of           Date                   Average FMV, as                           Liabilities attributable, Net average FMV, as 
                                             shares acquired acquired             shares sold         sold                   previously reported                       as previously reported    previously reported
 Total from additional sheet(s) 
 1.     Total columns F, G and H; enter here and on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule D, line 5 ..............................1.

 Part 2 - Addback of prior year presumed investment income for stocks that did not meet holding period requirement (see instructions)

2.  Prior year presumed gross investment income after the Schedule C, Part 1 limitation for stocks 
    presumed in the prior year to be held more than one year that failed to meet the holding period 
    presumption (see instructions)     ...................................................................................................................... 2.

3.  If the safe harbor election was made on the prior year return, multiply line 2 by 40% (.40) and enter 
    the result; if the safe harbor election was not made on the prior year return, enter the amount of interest 
    deductions directly and indirectly attributable on the prior year return to the specific stocks listed in 
    Part 1 above or to the prior year income from those stocks shown on line 2 above           (see instructions).           ....  3.

4.  Prior year presumed investment income from stocks presumed in the prior year to be held more 
    than one year that failed to meet the holding period presumption (subtract line 3 from line 2; 
    if zero or less, enter  )0  ................................................................................................................................ 4. 
5.  Maximum addback based on prior year limitations (enter the amount from prior year Form NYC-2.1, 
    Schedule C, line 12)       ..................................................................................................................................... 5.

6.  Addback of prior year presumed investment income for stocks not held more than one year 
    (Enter the lesser of line 4 or 5; enter here and on Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 29. 
    If zero or less, enter 0).................................................................................................................................   6.

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