Instructions for Form NYC-2.2 Subtraction Modification for Qualified Banks and Other Qualified Lenders 2022 GENERAL INFORMATION SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS All citations are to New York City Administrative Code sections unless When filing a combined return, enter the legal name and employer iden- specifically noted otherwise. tification number of the group’s designated agent. For tax years beginning on and after January 1, 2015, three new entire net SCHEDULE A income (ENI) modifications were created for thrifts and community Modification used in the current tax year banks. An additional modification was also created for lenders owning If you qualify for the modification in Schedule B, you must calculate it, certain types of housing accommodations or residential property (see the and may not calculate or utilize the modifications under Schedule C or D. description for Schedule E). You are still eligible, however, for the modification under Schedule E if you meet the criteria specified in the instructions to that schedule. If you The modification computed on Schedule B must be utilized by small do not qualify for the modification in Schedule B, you may calculate and thrifts and qualified community banks that maintained a captive real es- choose from either of the modifications in Schedule C or Schedule D and tate investment trust (REIT) as of April 1, 2014, and maintained that cap- you may also calculate and use the modification under Schedule E if you tive REIT on the last day of the tax year for which they are filing a meet the criteria specified in the instructions to that schedule. combined return that properly includes such captive REIT (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(r)). Taxpayers qualifying for this modification are precluded SCHEDULE B from calculating the modifications on Schedules C and D but may qual- Computation of modification for a captive real estate investment ify for the modification under Schedule E. trust (REIT) (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(r)) This modification can only be utilized by small thrifts and qualified com- The modification computed on Schedule C is available to qualified com- munity banks that: munity banks and thrift institutions who maintain a qualified residential • maintained a captive REIT as of April 1, 2014; loan portfolio (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(s)). The modification computed on • maintained such captive REIT on the last day of the tax year for which Schedule D is available to qualified community banks and small thrift in- they are reporting; and stitutions (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(q)). Taxpayers who are not required to • properly included such captive REIT in their combined return (Form utilize the modification on Schedule B may choose either the Schedule NYC-2A) for the tax year. C orSchedule D modification but not both. An additional modification under Schedule E is permitted to lenders owning loans secured by hous- If you qualify to use this modification you must utilize it and you are ing accommodations that are rental units subject to rent control, rent sta- precluded from using either of the other two modifications described in bilization or to a regulatory agreement (subject to certain limitations) or the instructions to Schedules C or D in any tax year in which the captive secured by residential real property located in a low-income community REIT was maintained. (as defined by statute). See Ad. Code §11-652(8)(t). The subtraction equals 160% of the dividends paid deductions allowed If more than one member of a combined group is eligible for any of the to that captive REIT for the tax year for federal income tax purposes. modifications, all members must utilize the same modification (Ad. Code §11-654.3(4)(g)). For purposes of these instructions, a thrift insti- Note: When you are computing combined ENI you should not elimi- tution, a small thrift, and a qualified community bank are defined below. nate any intercompany dividends received from the combined captive REIT, as the Ad. Code §11-652(8)(r) modification accomplishes this. A thrift institution is a savings bank, a savings and loan association, or other savings institution chartered and supervised as such under federal If this schedule is applicable, complete this schedule in its entirety, but or state law (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(s)(3)). do not complete Schedules C and D. If this schedule is not applicable to you, skip to line 3 and enter 0, then continue with the rest of the form. A small thrift is a thrift institution whose average value of assets during the tax year, or, if the taxpayer is included in a combined group that is fil- SCHEDULE C ing a combined return, the assets of the combined reporting group, does Computation of modification for qualified residential loan portfo- not exceed $8 billion (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(q)(2-a)). lios (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(s)) This modification is available only to either a thrift institution or a qual- A qualified community bankis: ified community bank that maintains aqualified residential loan portfo- • a bank or trust company organized under or subject to Article 3 of the lio as defined below. The subtraction equals the amount, if any, by which New York State Banking Law or comparable law of another state, or 32% of your ENI (less the amount on Schedule E, line 21) exceeds a national banking association; and amounts deducted by you on your federal return under IRC sections 166 and 585, less any amounts included in federal taxable income (FTI) as a • a taxpayer whose average value of assets during the tax year, or, if the result of a recovery of a loan. taxpayer is included in a combined group that is filing a combined re- turn, the assets of the combined reporting group, does not exceed $8 A qualified residential loan portfolio is maintained by you if at least 60% billion (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(q)(2)). of your total assets at the close of the tax year consist of the assets de- scribed in items (i) through (xii) below, with the application of the rule Combined groups need to file only one Form NYC-2.2 computed on a in item (xiii). If you are a member of a combined group, the determina- combined basis for their group. However, multiple copies of Schedule F tion of whether there is a qualified residential loan portfolio will be made may need to be attached. by aggregating the assets of the thrift institutions and qualified commu- nity banks that are members of the combined group. |
Instructions for Form NYC-2.2 - 2022 Page 2 Assets are: (xiii) the value of accrued interest receivable and any loss-sharing com- (i) cash, which includes cash and cash equivalents including cash items mitment or other loan guaranty by a governmental agency will be in the process of collection, deposit with other financial institutions, considered part of the basis in the loans to which the accrued inter- including corporate credit unions, balances with federal reserve est or loss protection applies. banks and federal home loan banks, federal funds sold, and cash and cash equivalents on hand. Cash does not include any balances serv- At the election of the taxpayer, the 60% can be applied on the basis of ing as collateral for securities lending transactions; the average assets outstanding during the tax year, in lieu of the close of the tax year. The taxpayer can elect to compute an average using the as- (ii) obligations of the U.S. or of a state or political subdivision thereof, sets measured on the first day of the tax year and on the last day of each and stock or obligations of a corporation which is an instrumental- subsequent quarter, or month, or day during the tax year. This election ity or a government sponsored enterprise of the U.S. or of a state or may be made annually. political subdivision thereof; For purposes of item (iv), if a multi-family structure securing a loan is (iii) loans secured by a deposit or share of a member; used in part for nonresidential use purposes, the entire loan is deemed a residential real property loan if the planned residential use exceeds 80% (iv) loans secured by an interest in real property which is (or from the of the property’s planned use (measured, at the taxpayer’s election, by proceeds of the loan, will become) residential real property or real using square footage or gross rental revenue, and determined as of the property used primarily for church purposes, and loans made for the time the loan is made). improvement of residential real property or real property used pri- marily for church purposes. For purposes of this item, residential For purposes of item (iv), loans made to finance the acquisition or de- real property includes single or multi-family dwellings, facilities in velopment of land shall be deemed to be loans secured by an interest in residential developments dedicated to public use or property used on residential real property if there is a reasonable assurance that the prop- a nonprofit basis for residents, and mobile homes not used on a tran- erty will become residential real property within a period of three years sient basis; from the date of acquisition of such land; but this does not apply to any tax year unless, within such three-year period, such land becomes resi- (v) property acquired through the liquidation of defaulted loans de- dential real property. scribed in item (iv) above; For purposes of determining whether any interest in a REMIC qualifies (vi) any regular or residual interest in a real estate mortgage investment under item (vi), any regular interest in another REMIC held by such conduit (REMIC), as such term is defined in IRC section 860D, but REMIC shall be treated as a loan described in a preceding item under only in the proportion which the assets of such REMIC consist of principles similar to the principle of such item (vi), except that if such property described in any of the preceding items of this clause, ex- REMICs are part of a tiered structure, they shall be treated as one cept that if 95% or more of the assets of such REMIC are assets de- REMIC for purposes of such item (vi). scribed in items (i) through (v), the entire interest in the REMIC shall qualify; Line 4 – Enter the amount of assets described in (i) through (xii), with the application of the rule in (xiii) above. (vii) any mortgage-backed security which represents ownership of a frac- tional undivided interest in a trust, the assets of which consist pri- Form NYC-2A filers: Include assets for all members that are thrifts or marily of mortgage loans, provided that the real property which qualified community banks. serves as security for the loans is (or from the proceeds of the loan, will become) the type of property described in item (iv) and any col- Compute the assets in the same manner as is required by the banking lateralized mortgage obligation, the security for which consists pri- regulator of the taxpayers included in the combined group that is filing marily of mortgage loans that maintain as security the type of the combined return. property described in item (iv); Line 5 – Enter the amount of total assets. (viii) certificates of deposit in, or obligations of, a corporation organized Form NYC-2A filers: Include assets for all members that are thrifts or under a state law which specifically authorizes such corporation to qualified community banks. insure the deposits or share accounts of member associations; Total assets are those assets that are properly reflected on a balance sheet, (ix) loans secured by an interest in educational, health, or welfare insti- computed in the same manner as is required by the banking regulator of tutions or facilities, including structures designed or used primarily the taxpayers included in the combined return. Assets will only be in- for residential purposes for students, residents, and persons under cluded if the income or expenses of the assets are properly reflected (or care, employees, or members of the staff of such institutions or fa- would have been properly reflected if not fully depreciated or expensed, cilities; or depreciated or expensed to a nominal amount) in the computation of the taxpayer’s ENI for the tax year. Assets will not include deferred tax (x) loans made for the payment of expenses of college or university ed- assets and intangible assets identified as goodwill. Tangible real and per- ucation or vocational training; sonal property, such as buildings, land, machinery, and equipment are valued at cost. For leased assets that are not properly reflected on a bal- (xi) property used by the taxpayer in support of business which consists ance sheet, only leased real property is included in total assets, and such principally of acquiring the savings of the public and investing in real property is valued at the annual lease payment multiplied by eight. loans; Intangible property, such as loans and investments, are valued at book value exclusive of reserves. Average assets are computed using the assets (xii) loans for which the taxpayer is the creditor and which are wholly se- measured on the first day of the tax year, and on the last day of each sub- cured by loans described in item (iv) of this clause; and sequent quarter of the tax year, or month, or day during the tax year. |
Instructions for Form NYC-2.2 - 2022 Page 3 For a combined return, intercorporate stockholdings and bills, notes, and sequent quarter of the tax year, or month, or day during the tax year. accounts receivable, and other intercorporate indebtedness between the corporations included in the combined return are eliminated. For purposes of this schedule, a qualifying loan is a loan that meets the following conditions: Line 6 – If the result is less than 60%, you do not qualify for this mod- ification. Proceed directly to line 14 and enter 0. (i) the loan is originated by the qualified community bank or small thrift institution or purchased by the qualified community bank or Form NYC-2 filers: If the result is 60% or more, skip lines 7 through 10, small thrift institution immediately after its origination, in connec- and continue with line 11. tion with a commitment to purchase made by the bank or thrift in- stitution prior to the loan’s origination; Form NYC-2A filers: If the result is 60% or more, continue with line 7. (ii) the loan is a small business loan or a residential mortgage loan, the Lines 7, 8, and 9 – Per Ad. Code §11-652(8)(s)(1)(ii)(A), if you are in principal amount of which is $5 million or less, and either the bor- a combined group that is filing a combined return under §11-654.3, this rower is located in this city as determined under Ad. Code §11-654.2 deduction is computed on a combined basis. The ENI of the combined and the loan is not secured by real property, or the loan is secured group (less the amount on Schedule E, line 21) is multiplied by a frac- by real property located in New York City. tion, the numerator of which is the average total assets of all the thrift in- stitutions and qualified community banks included in the combined •A residential mortgage loan is a loan which meets the defini- return, and the denominator of which is the average total assets of all the tion of an asset as described in Ad. Code §11-652(8)(s)(2)(i)(D). corporations included in the combined return. Total assets for this pur- See Schedule C instructions, clause (iv) under Assets. pose has the same meaning as stated in the instructions for line 5. •A small business loan is a loan made to an active business that Lines 10 through 14 – If Form NYC-2 or NYC-2A, Schedule B, line 22 had an average of 100 or fewer full-time employees and $10 is zero or a loss, skip lines 12 and 13, and enter 0on line 14. million or less gross receipts in its immediately preceding tax year. (If the borrower applies in its first year of operations, these Line 10 – The ENI of the combined group is initially reduced by the requirements are determined on the date of the loan applica- amount on Schedule E, line 21. That amount is then multiplied by line tion.) The borrower may not be part of an affiliated group, un- 9. The product is the ENI amount subject to this modification. less the group itself would have met the active business, employee, and gross-receipts requirements. An active business SCHEDULE D is one in which the value of the financial instruments held for Computation of modification for community banks and small thrifts investment does not exceed 50% of the value of its total assets. (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(q)) A loan made to an entity that meets these requirements at the time of the filing of the loan application is deemed to be a small This modification is available only to either a qualified community bank business loan throughout the term of such loan. or a small thrift institution. The subtraction equals 50% of the amount computed by multiplying the net interest income from loans during the A loan that meets the definition of a qualifying loan in a prior tax year tax year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the gross interest in- (including years beginning prior to January 1, 2015) remains a qualify- come during the tax year from qualifying loans and the denominator of ing loan in tax years during and after which such loan is acquired by an- which is the gross interest income during the tax year from all loans. other corporation in the taxpayer’s combined reporting group under Ad. Code §11-654.3 For purposes of these instructions, net interest income from loans means gross interest income from loans less gross interest expense from loans. Line 15 – Form NYC-2 filers: Enter the amount from Schedule F, line Gross interest expense from loans is determined by multiplying gross in- 11. terest expense by a fraction, the numerator of which is the average total value of loans owned by the small thrift institution or qualified commu- Form NYC-2A filers: See the instructions for Schedule F, Computation nity bank during the tax year, and the denominator of which is the aver- of total net interest income from qualifying loans. age total assets of the small thrift institution or qualified community bank during the tax year. SCHEDULE E Computation of modification for qualified affordable housing and Total assets are those assets that are properly reflected on a balance sheet, low income community loans (Ad. Code §11-652(8)(t)) computed in the same manner as is required by the banking regulator of the taxpayers included in the combined return. Assets will only be in- Note: If the total average value during the taxable year of the assets of cluded if the income or expenses of the assets are properly reflected (or the taxpayer, or if the taxpayer is included in a combined report, the as- would have been properly reflected if not fully depreciated or expensed, sets of the combined reporting group of the taxpayer, exceeds $150 bil- or depreciated or expensed to a nominal amount) in the computation of lion, the taxpayer does not qualify for this deduction. the taxpayer’s ENI for the tax year. Assets will not include deferred tax assets and intangible assets identified as goodwill. Tangible real and per- A taxpayer that owns a qualifying loan as described below is allowed a sonal property, such as buildings, land, machinery, and equipment are deduction as calculated in this schedule. valued at cost. For leased assets that are not properly reflected on a bal- ance sheet, only leased real property is included in total assets, and such For purposes of this schedule, a qualifying loan is a loan that meets the real property is valued at the annual lease payment multiplied by eight. following conditions: Intangible property, such as loans and investments, are valued at book value exclusive of reserves. Average assets are computed using the assets (A) The loan is originated by the taxpayer lender or purchased by the measured on the first day of the tax year, and on the last day of each sub- taxpayer immediately after its origination in connection with a com- |
Instructions for Form NYC-2.2 - 2022 Page 4 mitment to purchase made by the taxpayer prior to the loan’s orig- Total assets are those assets that are properly reflected on a balance sheet, ination; and computed in the same manner as is required by the banking regulator of the taxpayers included in the combined return. Assets will only be in- (B) Satisfies conditions of item (I) or (II) of this paragraph B. cluded if the income or expenses of the assets are properly reflected (or would have been properly reflected if not fully depreciated or expensed, (I) The loan is secured by a housing accommodation located or depreciated or expensed to a nominal amount) in the computation of within the city, where there are rental units in such housing ac- the taxpayer’s ENI for the tax year. Assets will not include deferred tax commodation that are qualifying units, which for purposes of assets and intangible assets identified as goodwill. Tangible real and per- this paragraph B, means units subject to rent control, rent sta- sonal property, such as buildings, land, machinery, and equipment are bilization or to a regulatory agreement, provided that, each such valued at cost. Leased assets (other than assets leased under a capital loan will be considered a qualifying loan for purposes of this lease and reflected on the balance sheet) are valued at the annual lease modification only in proportion to a percentage equal to the payment multiplied by eight. Intangible property, such as loans and in- number of qualifying units divided by the total number of all vestments, are valued at book value exclusive of reserves. Average assets residential and commercial units located on the site of the real are computed using the assets measured on the first day of the tax year, property securing the loan, as determined as of the date the loan and on the last day of each subsequent quarter of the tax year, or month, is made. or day during the tax year. (II) To the extent not included in item (I) of this paragraph B, loans If the total average value during the taxable year of the assets of the tax- secured by residential real property located in a low-income payer, or if the taxpayer is included in a combined return, of the assets community. For purposes of this modification, low-income of the combined reporting group of the taxpayer under Ad. Code §11- community areas are census tracts within the New York City in 654.3, does not exceed $100 billion, the deduction is equal to the tax- which the poverty rate for such tract is at least twenty percent payer’s net interest from qualifying loans. and the median family income for such tract does not exceed eighty percent of metropolitan area median family income. If the total average value during the taxable year of the assets of the tax- This determination will be made by reference to the poverty payer, or if the taxpayer is included in a combined report, the assets of and median family income census data for application of sec- the combined reporting group of the taxpayer, exceeds $100 billion but tion 45D of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as in effect on is less than $150 billion, the taxpayer is allowed a deduction equal to the April 13, 2015. taxpayer’s net interest income from qualifying loans multiplied by a frac- tion, the numerator of which is $150 billion minus the total average value (C) The loan is not treated as a qualifying loan in the computation of a during the taxable year of the assets of the taxpayer or if the taxpayer is subtraction from entire net income pursuant to paragraph Ad. Code included in a combined report, the assets of the combined reporting §11-652(8)(q) (See instructions to Schedule D above) group of the taxpayer, and the denominator of which is $50 billion. (D) If the taxpayer applies a subtraction pursuant to Ad. Code §11- Net interest income from qualifying loans is the taxpayer’s net interest in- 652(8)(r), the interest or net gains from the loan are not recognized come from loans during the taxable year multiplied by a fraction, the nu- by a captive REIT as defined in Ad. Code §11-601. merator of which is the gross interest income during the taxable year from qualifying loans and the denominator of which is the gross interest (E) A loan that meets the definition of a qualifying loan in a prior tax- income from all loans. able year (including years prior to the effective date of this para- graph) remains a qualifying loan in taxable years during and after Net interest income from loans is the gross interest income during the which such loan is acquired by another corporation in the taxpayer's taxable year from loans less gross interest expense from loans. Gross in- combined reporting group under Ad. Code §11-654.3. terest expense from loans is determined by multiplying gross interest ex- pense by a fraction, the numerator of which is the average total value of “Housing accommodations” for purposes of this modification means a loans owned by the taxpayer during the taxable year and the denomina- multiple dwelling that contains at least five dwelling units together with tor of which is the average total assets of the taxpayer for the year. the land on which such structure is situated. SCHEDULE F “Regulatory agreement” for purposes of this modification means a writ- Computation of total net interest income from qualifying loans ten agreement with or approved by any local, municipal, state, federal or other government agency that requires the provision of housing accom- Check the appropriate box to indicate whether this form is being com- modations for families and persons of low or moderate income, and binds pleted for purpose of the subtraction under Ad. Code §11-652(8)(q) or the owner of such real property and its successors and assigns. A regu- Ad. Code §11-652(8)(t). For purposes of determining the qualifying latory agreement may include such other terms and conditions as the lo- loans specified on line 8 of this schedule, use the appropriate definition cality, municipality, state, or federal government shall determine. of qualifying loans found in the instructions to Schedule D orE, above. If both subtractions are being claimed, complete a separate Schedule F “Rent stabilization” for purposes of this modification means, collectively, for each subtraction. the rent stabilization law of nineteen hundred sixty-nine, the rent stabi- lization code, and the emergency tenant protection act of nineteen sev- Form NYC-2A filers: Complete this schedule on a separate basis for enty-four, all as in effect as of April 13, 2015 or as amended thereafter, each entity in the combined group that is a qualified community bank or together with any successor statutes or regulations addressing substan- small thrift institution or for each member of the combined group claim- tially the same subject matter ing a subtraction under Schedule D or Schedule E, and attach all such schedules. Enter the total of all Schedule F, line 11 amounts on Sched- In order to determine your eligibility for this modification, you must first ule D, line 15 or Schedule E, line 17, as appropriate. complete Schedule F using the definition of qualifying loans above and NOT the definition of qualifying loans applicable to Schedule D. NYC-2.2 Instructions - 2022 |