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                                                                        UBT PAID CREDIT                                                                                                    2022
                                 -114.7                                 UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAXPAYERS
                                                                        ATTACH TO FORM NYC-204
                                 For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR beginning ______________________ 2022 and ending ___________________________
                       t  Print or Type name  as shown on Form NYC-204                                                                             t  EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 

                        SCHEDULE A 
                       1a. Add total of amounts from Schedule B, line 9, for all partnerships 
                           with respect to which you are claiming a credit (see instructions)     .........................  1a. 
                       1b. Enter amount from Schedule D, line 9..................................................................................1b. 
                       1c.  Total of lines 1a and 1b .............................................................................................................1c. 
                       2.  Enter amount from Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 19   .............................................  2. 
                       3.  UBT PAID CREDIT - Enter the lesser of line 1c and line 2 and transfer 
                           amount to Form NYC-204,Schedule A, line 20        ................................................................. 3.
A separate Schedule B must be completed for each partnership with respect to which you are claiming this credit.
    Name of partnership from which you received a distributive                   EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER OF DISTRIBUTING PARTNERSHIP  
    share or guaranteed payment  (distributing partnership):

1.  Unincorporated business tax paid by distributing partnership (from its Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 23)                                           1. 
2. Credits taken by distributing partnership on its own return (from its Form NYC-204, Schedule A, 
    line 20 and lines 22a through 22e) (see instructions)                    ........................................................................................  2.                 
3.  Total of lines 1 and 2   .......................................................................................................................................................  3. 
4.  Your distributive share percentage with respect to the distributing partnership  (see instructions)  ..........4.  
5.  Multiply line 3 by the percentage on line 4                ..............................................................................................................     5.
6.  Tax from Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 17, modified if necessary (see instructions)......................     6.
7.  Tax from pro forma Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 17(see instructions)       ................................................     7.
8.  Subtract line 7 from line 6  ................................................................................................................................................8.  
9.  Enter lesser of line 5 and line 8 here ................................................................................................. 9.                              
1.  7th preceding year percentage .......1a.  _____________________             current year percentage......1b.  ______________________ 
2.  6th preceding year percentage .......2a.  _____________________             current year  percentage.....2b.  ______________________ 
3.  5th preceding year percentage .......3a.  _____________________             current year  percentage.....3b.  ______________________ 
4.  4th preceding year percentage .......4a.  _____________________             current year  percentage.....4b.  ______________________ 
5.  3rd preceding year percentage.......5a.  _____________________              current year  percentage.....5b.  ______________________ 
6.  2nd preceding year percentage ......6a.  _____________________              current year  percentage.....6b.  ______________________ 
7.  1st preceding year percentage .......7a.  _____________________             current year  percentage.....7b.  ______________________
 SCHEDULE D  (see instructions)
    APPLICABLE YEAR          COLUMN A                          COLUMN B         COLUMN C                                                              COLUMN D                             COLUMN E 
                            Credit Available in 2023                            Credit Percentage                                                                                          Credit Carryforward to 2023 
                                                                                                                                                                                           Column A Minus Column B 
                                                                                                                                                                                           (if less than zero, enter “0”)   
1.  Current year                                                             NA                                                 NA                                                         
2.  7th preceding year      
3.  6th preceding year      
4.  5th preceding year      
5.  4th preceding year      
6.  3rd preceding year      
7.  2nd preceding year      
8.  1st preceding year      
9.  Total Column D, lines 2 through 8 (enter on Schedule A, line 1b).......................................................   9.
61112291                                                                                                                                                                                   NYC-114.7  2022  

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NYC-114.7  -  2022                                                                                             Page 2
INSTRUCTIONS                                                            without taking into account your distributive share of income, 
A person or entity subject to the Unincorporated Business Tax           gain, loss and deductions of, or guaranteed payments from, the 
(UBT) that is a partner in a partnership subject to the UBT may         distributing partnership with regard to which you are claiming a 
claim a credit against its own UBT liability if the partner is required credit on this form.  Enter on line 7 the amount from the pro 
to include its distributive share of the income, gain, loss and de-     forma Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 17.  Attach pro forma 
ductions of, or guaranteed payments from, the partnership in its        Form  NYC-204. 
own tax base.                                                           If your answer to ANY of the questions in the instructions for 
                                                                        line 6 is “yes”, fill out a modified pro forma Form NYC-204, tak-
                                                                        ing into account the modifications required  at a, b, and c of the 
LINE 1a - Enter amount from Schedule B, line 9.  If you are 
                                                                        instructions for line 6 above and recalculating your modified 
claiming credits with respect to more than one partnership, add 
                                                                        UBT liability without taking into account your distributive share 
the amounts on line 9 on all attached Schedules B and enter the 
                                                                        of income, gain, loss and deductions of, or guaranteed payments 
sum on this line. 
                                                                        from, the distributing partnership with regard to which you are 
LINE 1b - Before completing Schedule A, line 1b, you must have          claiming a credit on this form.  Enter on line 7 the amount from 
completed Schedule D, Column D.                                         the modified pro forma Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 17.  At-
                                                                        tach modified pro forma form NYC-204. 
SCHEDULE      B   
                                                                        SCHEDULE C  
LINE 2 - If the distributing partnership has taken credits on its        
own Form NYC-204, line 20 and lines 22a through 22e, enter the          If the taxpayer is a partnership, complete this schedule with refer-
sum of such credits but only to the extent that they do not reduce      ence  to the partners in the taxpayer. 
the distributing partnership’s unincorporated business tax below        LINE 1a - Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-
zero.  The amount entered on line 2 may not exceed the amount           ductions for 2015 of partners who were also partners in the cur-
on line 19 of the distributing partnership’s Form NYC-204.              rent  year. 
LINE 4 - Enter here the percentage of total distributive shares re-     LINE 1b - If the percentage on line 1a is equal to or greater than 
ported for you in column 4 of Schedule C of the distributing part-      80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions 
nership's Form NYC-204.   Attach a copy of the distributing             for the current year of those partners who were partners in both 
partnership’s Form NYC-204, Schedule C.  Attach taxpayer’s K-1          2015 and the current year.  If the percentage on line 1a is less than 
from the distributing partnership.                                      80%,  enter 0% on line 1b. 
LINE 6 - If your answer to all of the following questions is “no”,      LINE 2a - Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-
enter on line 6, the amount from your Form NYC-204, Schedule            ductions for 2016 of partners who were also partners in the cur-
A, line 17.                                                              rent year. 
1. Did you claim an NOL deduction on line 11 of Schedule A of           LINE 2b - If the percentage on line 2a is equal to or greater than 
   your Form NYC-204?                                                   80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions 
2. Was the sum of your net distributive share of income, gain, loss,    for the current year of those partners who were partners in both 
   and deductions of, and guaranteed payments from, any unincor-        2016 and the current year.  If the percentage on line 2a is less than 
   porated business less than zero (a “net loss distributive share”)?   80%,  enter 0% on line 2b. 
                                                                        LINE 3a - 
3. Was your unincorporated business taxable income less than                        Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-
   zero before taking into account any distributive share or guar-      ductions for 2017 of partners who were also partners in the cur-
   anteed payments from any partnerships, or NOL deduction              rent  year. 
   (hereafter referred to as “separate UBTI”)?                          LINE 3b - If the percentage on line 3a is equal to or greater than 
If your answer to ANY of these questions is “yes”, you must fill        80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions 
out a modified Form NYC-204 on which you make the following             for the current year of those partners who were partners in both 
                                                                        2017 and the current year.  If the percentage on line 3a is less than 
 adjustments:                                                           80%,  enter 0% on line 3b. 
a. Do not take into account any NOL carryforward or carryback; 
                                                                        LINE 4a - Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-
b. Treat all “net loss distributive shares” as zero (see question       ductions for 2018 of partners who were also partners in the cur-
   2); and                                                              rent  year. 
c. If your separate “UBTI” is less than zero, treat it as zero (see     LINE 4b - If the percentage on line 4a is equal to or greater than 
                                                                        80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions 
   question 3). 
                                                                        for the current year of those partners who were partners in both 
Enter on line 6 the amount from the above described modified 
                                                                        2018 and the current year.  If the percentage on line 4a is less than 
Form NYC-204, Schedule A, line 17 (hereafter referred to as the 
                                                                        80%,  enter 0% on line 4b. 
“modified  UBT liability”).  Attach modified form NYC-204. 
                                                                        LINE 5a - Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-
LINE 7 - If your answer to   ALL three questions in the instruc-
                                                                        ductions for 2019 of partners who were also partners in the cur-
tions for line 6 is “no”, fill out a pro forma Form NYC-204 in 
                                                                        rent year. 
which you calculate your Unincorporated Business Tax liability           

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NYC-114.7  -  2022                                                                                                              Page 3
LINE 5b - If the percentage on line 5a is equal to or greater than    COLUMN C, LINE 4 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C, 
80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions    line 3b. 
for the current year of those partners who were partners in both       
2019 and the current year.  If the percentage on line 5a is less than COLUMN D, LINE 4 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 4 
                                                                      and Column B, line 4, by the percentage from column C, line 4. 
80%, enter 0% on line 5b.                                              
LINE 6a -   Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-    COLUMN A, LINE 5 -       Enter amount from last year’s Form 
ductions for 2020 of partners who were also partners in the cur-      NYC-114.7, Schedule D, Column E, line 6. 
rent year.                                                            COLUMN B, LINE 5 -       Enter the excess, if any, of the amount 
LINE 6b – If the percentage on line 6a is equal to or greater than    from Column B, line 4, over the amount from Column A, line 4.  
80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions    If less than zero, enter “0”. 
for the current year of those partners who were partners in both       
2020 and the current year.  If the percentage on line 6a is less than COLUMN C, LINE 5 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C, 
                                                                      line 4b. 
80%, enter 0% on line 6b.                                              
LINE 7a – Enter the total percentage interests in income and de-      COLUMN D, LINE 5 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 5, 
ductions for last year of partners who were also partners in the      and Column B, line 5, by the percentage from Column C, line 5. 
current year.                                                         COLUMN A, LINE 6 -       Enter amount from last year’s Form 
LINE 7b – If the percentage on line 7 is equal to or greater than     NYC-114.7 Schedule D, Column E, line 7. 
80%, enter the total percentage interests in income and deductions     
for the current year of those partners who were partners in both last COLUMN B, LINE 6 - Enter the excess, if any, of the amount 
year and the current year.  If the percentage on line 7a is less than from Column B, line 5, over the amount from Column A, line 5.  
80%, enter 0% on line 7b.                                             If less than zero, enter “0”.  
 SCHEDULE D                                                           COLUMN C, LINE 6 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C, 
COLUMN A, LINE 1 -       Enter on Column A, line 1 the amount         line 5b. 
from Schedule A, line 1a.                                             COLUMN D, LINE 6 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 6, 
COLUMN B, LINE 1 -       Enter on Column B, line 1 the amount         and Column B, line 6, by the percentage from Column C, line 6. 
from Schedule A, line 2.                                              COLUMN A, LINE 7 - Enter the amount from  last year’s NYC-
COLUMN A, LINE 2 -        Enter amount from last year’s form          114.7 Schedule D, Column E, line 8. 
NYC-114.7, Schedule D, Column E, Line 3.                              COLUMN B, LINE 7 - Enter the excess, if any, of the amount 
COLUMN B, LINE 2 -       Enter the excess if any, of the amount       from Column B, line 6, over the amount from Column A, line 6.  
from Column B, Line 1 over the amount from Column A, Line 1.          If less than zero, enter “0”. 
If less than zero, enter “0”.                                         COLUMN C, LINE 7 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C, 
COLUMN C, LINE 2 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C,              line 6b. 
Line 1b. 
                                                                      COLUMN D, LINE 7 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 7, 
COLUMN D, LINE 2 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 2,           and Column B, line 7, by the percentage from Column C, line 7. 
and Column B, line 2, by the percentage from Column C, line 2. 
                                                                      COLUMN A, LINE 8 -       Enter amount from last year’s Form 
COLUMN A, LINE 3 -        Enter amount from last year’s Form          NYC-114.7, Schedule D, Column E, line 1. 
NYC-114.7, Schedule D, Column E, line 4.     
                                                                      COLUMN B, LINE 8 - Enter the excess if any of the amount 
COLUMN B, LINE 3 - Enter the excess, if any, of the amount            from Column B, line 7, over the amount from Column A, line 7.  
from Column B, line 2, over the amount from column A, line 2.         If less than zero, enter “0”. 
If less than zero, enter “0”. 
                                                                      COLUMN C, LINE 8 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C, 
COLUMN C, LINE 3 - Enter the percentage from Schedule C,              line 7b. 
line 2b.   
                                                                      COLUMN D, LINE 8 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 8, 
COLUMN D, LINE 3 - Multiply the lesser of Column A, line 3,           and Column B, line 8, by the percentage from Column C, line 8. 
and Column B, line 3, by the percentage from Column C, line 3.  
                                                                      COLUMN E -   For each of lines 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, enter the 
COLUMN A LINE 4 -         Enter amount from last year’s Form          excess, if any, of the amount in Column A over the amount in 
NYC-114.7, Schedule D, Column E, line 5.                              Column B.  If less than zero, enter “0”.  This is the amount avail-
                                                                      able as a carryover to next year.
COLUMN B, LINE 4 - Enter the excess if any, of the amount 
from Column B, Line 3, over the amount from Column A, line 3.  
If less than zero, enter "0". 

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