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                                                                                      REAP CREDIT APPLIED TO                                                                                                                     2020
                                              -114.5                                  UNINCORPORATED BUSINESS TAX
                                                                                      ATTACH TO FORM NYC-202, NYC-202EIN OR NYC-204

                                              For CALENDAR YEAR 2020 or FISCAL YEAR beginning ____________________ 2020 and ending _________________________
                         Print or Type
                        Name as shown on NYC-202, NYC-202EIN or NYC-204:                                                       PARTNERSHIPS, ESTATES AND TRUSTS ONLY, 
                                                                                                                               ENTER EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION                                                               NUMBER 
                         Type of Business:                                                                  
                         Check one:           n COMMERCIAL      n  INDUSTRIAL        n  RETAIL
             *61012091*    Unincorporated Business Tax year                                                                                                                                                        
                           for which claim is made:ended:                    MONTH:_________________  YEAR:___________                                                                                     SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER
                           Principal Business Activity:

Form NYC-114.5 must be attached to and submitted with Unincorporated Business Tax Return (Form NYC-202 or NYC-202EIN) or 
Partnership Tax Return (Form NYC-204) in order to claim the REAP credit.

Relocation and Employment Assistance Program (REAP) Credit
If you have carryover credits from preceding years, complete the carryover schedule below regardless of whether you will carry over credits to the cur-
rent year. Enter in column B (the applied column) the amount applied to each carryover year until the total applied agrees with the amount on line 6.

Nonrefundable Credit applied against Unincorporated Business Tax
1. Current year’s tax (amount from NYC-202 or NYC-202EIN, Schedule A, line 19 or NYC-204, 
   Schedule A, line 21)     ..........................................................................................................................................................................  1. 
2. Computation of current year’s credit: 
   (number of eligible aggregate employment shares: ____________ X the applicable amount (see instructions))                   ....  2. 
3. If line 2 is greater than line 1, enter the difference and skip lines  4through 7. Transfer amount  
   on line 1 to line 9 (see instructions)          ...........................................................................................................................  3. 
4. If line 2 is less than line 1, enter the difference. Complete carryover schedule below.                              ......................  4. 
5. Total carryover credits from prior taxable years (line 8f, column A below)                              ...............................................  5. 
6. Amount of carryover credit that may be carried over to the current year. 
   Enter lesser of line  4or line   5      ....................................................................................................................................... 6. 
7. Total allowable credit for current year. Sum of the current year credit plus the applicable 
   carryover from prior years. Add lines 2 and 6. Go to line 9. ...........................................................................  7.

 REAP carryover schedule                                                      COLUMN A                               COLUMN B                                                                                     COLUMN C 
      You may not carry over the 5th                                         CARRYOVER   CTOURRENT YEAR                APPLIED                                                                             CARRYOVER   NTO       EXT YEAR   
   preceding year’s credit to next year.                                           (unused credit)                                                                                                                (column A minus column B)

8a. Carryover from 5th preceding year .. 8a. 
8b. Carryover from 4th preceding year .. 8b. 
8c. Carryover from 3rd preceding year .. 8c. 
8d. Carryover from 2nd preceding year              . 8d. 
8e. Carryover from 1st preceding year... 8e.  
8f. Total................................................................ 8f.
9.  Allowable nonrefundable REAP credit for current year (amount from line 1 or line 7, whichever is less).... 9.
Refundable Credit applied against Unincorporated Business Tax
    Number of eligible aggregate employment shares: _______________ X $3,000.                              .......................................... 10.
TOTAL of Nonrefundable and Refundable Credits
11. Line 9 plus line 10.  Transfer amount to Form NYC-202 or NYC-202EIN, Sch. A, line 20a or 
    Form NYC-204, Sch. A, line 22a ................................................................................................................................ 11.

61012091                                                                                                                                                                                                                         NYC - 114.5  2020

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Form NYC-114.5 - 2020                                                                          Page 2

INSTRUCTIONS                                    the Carryover Schedule of your next year’s 
                                                Form NYC 114.5.  See Instructions for 
                                                Carryover Schedule below. 
General Information 
REAP benefits are available only to tax-        Carryover Schedule 
payers that have previously applied to the      If you have carryover credits from preced-
New York City Department of Finance and         ing years, complete the carryover schedule 
received an initial Certificate of Eligibility. regardless of whether you will use any of 
                                                the carryover credits this year.  Enter on 
If you have relocated more than once, at-       each line in column B the amount from 
tach a schedule showing your apportion-         each carryover year starting with the earli-
ment of eligible aggregate employment           est preceding carryover year (line 8a) that 
shares to each relocation.  See Administra-     can be applied to the current year.  The total 
tive Code §11-503(i)(1).                        amount of carryover credits applied to the 
                                                current year (line 8f, column B) cannot ex-
You must attach your annual certificate of 
                                                ceed the amount on line 4. 
eligible aggregate employment shares             
(ACEAES) received from the New York             The credit is refundable only if  all of the 
City Department of Finance and your initial     following three criteria are met: 
Certificate of Eligibility for each relocation   
for which you are claiming credit.              1. the initial Certificate of Eligibility must 
                                                 be dated on or after July 1, 2000; 
Specific Instructions                           2. the relocation must be to eligible prem-
                                                 ises located in a "Revitalization Area" as 
The credit is non-refundable unless all of 
                                                 defined in subdivision (n) of §22-621 of 
the three criteria listed below are met. 
                                                 the New York City Administrative Code; 
For relocations where the credit is non-re-
fundable fill out lines 1 through 9 of this      
schedule and not line 10.   If all of the three 3. the taxable year for which the credit is 
criteria are met the credit is refundable.  If   being claimed must be either the year of 
the credit is refundable,  skip lines 1          the relocation or  one of the four taxable 
through 9 and fill out line 10.                  years immediately succeeding the year 
                                                 of the relocation.  
A non-refundable REAP credit is limited to       
the tax imposed for the year less the UBT        
paid Credit.  It must be taken before all 
other credits except the UBT paid credit.  If 
the allowable non-refundable portion of the 
credit exceeds the tax imposed for the year 
less the UBT  Paid Credit, the excess may 
be carried over to the five immediately suc-
ceeding taxable years and, to the extent not 
previously utilized, may be credited against 
the taxpayer's tax for such years. 
Line 2 
If your relocation was to a revitalization 
area, the applicable amount is $3,000.  If 
your relocation area was not to a revital-
ization area, the applicable amount is 
Line 3 
The amount on line 3 represents the 
amount of your REAP credit that you can 
carry forward to the next five taxable years 
and apply against the tax for such years.  
Enter the amount from line 3 on line 8e of 

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