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 Instructions for Form NYC-1A

 Combined Banking Corporation Tax Return  For fiscal years beginning in 2022 or for calendar year 2022

 Pursuant to section 11-639 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York as amended by sections 4 and 5 of Part D of Chapter 60 of the 
 Laws of 2015, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2015, the Banking Corporation Tax is only applicable to Subchapter S Corpo-
 rations and Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries.   Therefore, only these types of corporations should file this return.  All other corporations should 
 file a return on Form NYC-2 or, if included in a combined return, on Form NYC-2A.

 Payments may be made on the NYC Department of Finance website at nyc.gov/eservices, or via check or money order. If paying with check or money 
 order, do not include these payments with your New York City return. Checks and money orders must be accompanied by payment voucher form NYC-
 200V and sent to the address on the voucher. Form NYC-200V must be postmarked by the return due date to avoid late payment penalties and interest. See 
 form NYC-200V for more information.

   Highlights      of Recent Tax Law Changes for Banking Corporations
 l For details on the proper reporting of income and expenses addressed in the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, such as mandatory deemed 
   repatriation income, foreign-derived intangible income (FDII), global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI), please refer to Finance Memo-
   randum 18-10.  For information about the IRC section 163(j) limitation on the business interest expense deduction, please refer to Finance Mem-
   orandum 18-11. 
 l For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2021, eligible pass through entities may opt into the New York State Pass Through Entity Tax 
   (“NYS PTET”) imposed under New York Tax Law Article 24-A. For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2022, eligible New York City 
   pass through entities may opt into the New York City Pass Through Entity Tax (“NYC PTET”) imposed under New York Tax Law Article 24-
   B. Taxpayers are required to add back to federal taxable income any NYC PTET, NYS PTET, and similar pass through entity taxes from other 
   jurisdictions that were previously deducted when calculating federal taxable income. See Section 11-641(b)(2) of the Administrative Code of 
   the City of New York. 
 l Section 4 of Chapter 555 of the Laws of 2022 added a new subdivision (t) to section 11-641 of the New York City Administrative Code, which 
   excludes from entire net income the amount of any grant received through either the COVID-19 Pandemic Small Business Recovery Grant 
   program pursuant to section 16-ff of the New York State Urban Development Corporation Act or the New York City Small Business Re-
   silience Grant program administered by the New York City Department of Small Business Services to the extent the amount of either such 
   grant is included in federal taxable income. 

GENERAL INFORMATION                                Ad. Code section 11-641(q), as amended, elim-          thereof, that is not less than 80 percent of 
                                                   inates the income exclusion previously allowed         the rate of tax that applied to the taxpayer 
NOTE: This form may be used by  federal Sub-       to certain royalty recipients.  It also modifies the   under Ad. Code section 11-643.5 for the tax 
chapter S Corporations and Qualified Subchap-      two previous exceptions to the add-back re-            year (Ad. Code section 11-641(q)(2)(B)(ii));  
ter S Subsidiaries only.  If any instructions      quirement and adds two additional exceptions.         
appear to apply to C Corporations, they should     Those four exceptions generally can apply in         l If the related member is organized under the 
be read to apply only to S corps and qualified S   following situations (for additional conditions        laws of a foreign country that has a tax 
subsidiaries                                       that must be met, see sections indicated below):       treaty with the United States, the related 
                                                                                                          member’s income from the transaction was 
Additional instructions are on Form NYC-1.         l If all or part of the royalty payment a re-          taxed in such country at an effective rate of 
                                                     lated member received was then paid to an            tax at least equal to that imposed by this city, 
Royalty Payments to Related Members                  unrelated third party during the tax year,           and the transaction giving rise to the royalty 
For tax years beginning on or after January 1,       that portion of the payment will be exempt           was undertaken for a valid business purpose 
2013, the Banking Corporation Tax has been           if the transaction giving rise to the original       and reflected an arm's length relationship.  
amended to change the treatment of royalty pay-      royalty payment to the related member was            (Ad. Code section 11-641(q)(2)(B)(iii)); or  
ments to related members.  Under prior law, tax-     undertaken for a valid business purpose,            
payers who made royalty payments to related          and the related member was subject to tax          l If the taxpayer and the Department of Finance 
entities were required to add back the amount of     on the royalty payment in this city or an-           agree to alternative adjustments that more ap-
the payments to taxable income if they were de-      other city within the United States or a for-        propriately reflect the taxpayer's income.  
ducted when calculating federal taxable income.      eign nation or some combination thereof.             (Ad. Code section 11-641(q)(2)(B)(iv)). 
To avoid double taxation, if the royalty recipient   (Ad. Code section 11-641(q)(2)(B)(i));              
was also a New York taxpayer, the statute al-                                                           The law as amended also defines the term “re-
lowed the recipient to exclude the royalty in-     l If the taxpayer's related member paid an ag-       lated member” by linking it to the definition in 
come if the related member added back the            gregate effective rate of tax on the royalty       Internal Revenue Code Sec. 465(b)(3)(c), but 
deduction for the royalty payment expense.           payment, to this city or another city within       substituting 50 percent for the 10 percent own-
                                                     the United States or some combination              ership threshold. 

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Instructions for Form NYC-1A - 2022                                                                                                      Page 2
Treatment of Credit Cards Banks                     the captive REIT or RIC must be included in a       under Ad. Code section 11-646(f)(2) with-
For tax years beginning on or after January 1,      combined return under the BCT with that cor-        out regard to that corporation.  
2011, the Banking Corporation  Tax has been         poration.  For these purposes, the “closest con-    
amended to provide criteria by which banking cor-   trolling stockholder” means the corporation: (a)   (d) If a captive REIT owns the stock of a qual-
porations, engaged in the business of credit card   that indirectly owns or controls over 50% of the    ified REIT subsidiary (as defined in IRC 
transactions and not otherwise doing business in    voting stock of a captive REIT or RIC; (b) is       section 856(i)(2) ), then the qualified REIT 
New York City, will be subject to the tax if they   subject to tax under the GCT or BCT or other-       subsidiary must be included in any com-
meet certain criteria regarding credit card cus-    wise required to be included in a combined re-      bined return required to be made by the cap-
tomers or merchant customer contracts in the City   turn or report under the GCT or BCT; and (c) is     tive REIT that owns its stock.  
(“credit card banks”).  (For more information, see  the fewest tiers of corporations away in the own-   
Instructions to Form NYC-1, “Who Must File.”)       ership structure from the captive REIT or RIC.     (e) If a captive REIT or a RIC is required by 
                                                                                                        any of the conditions set out herein to be in-
The law has also been amended concerning the        If a captive REIT or RIC is required to be in-      cluded in a combined return with another 
inclusion of credit card banks in combined re-      cluded in a combined return under the BCT, it       corporation, and that other corporation is re-
turns.  Under Ad. Code section 11-646(f)(2)(v),     will be subject to tax under the BCT and will not   quired to be included in a combined return 
if a bank is considered to be doing business in     be subject to tax under the GCT, and, as a result,  with another corporation under other provi-
New York City solely because it is a credit card    must file an NYC-1 return.  Ad. Code section        sions of Ad. Code 11-646(f), the captive 
bank, then it will not be included in a combined    11- 640(d).                                         REIT or RIC must be included in that com-
return with any other banking corporation or                                                            bined return with those corporations.  
bank holding company that is exercising its cor-    Requirement to be Included in a Combined            
porate franchise or doing business in this city,    Return under the BCT.                              (f) A captive REIT or RIC must not be included 
unless a combined return is necessary to prop-      A captive REIT or RIC must be included in a         in a combined return or report under the 
erly reflect the tax liability of the credit card   combined return under the BCT under the fol-        BCT or GCT if a banking corporation or 
bank, the banking corporation, or the bank hold-    lowing conditions:                                  bank holding company that directly or indi-
ing company.  The credit card bank may be re-                                                           rectly owns or controls over 50% of the vot-
quired to be included in a combined return with     (a) A captive REIT or a RIC must be included in     ing stock of the captive REIT or RIC and is 
a non-taxpayer banking corporation or bank           a combined return with the banking corpo-          the closest controlling stockholder of the 
holding company if the non-taxpayer banking          ration or bank holding company that directly       captive REIT or RIC is a member of an af-
corporation or bank holding company provides         owns or controls over 50% of the voting            filiated group (1) that does not include any 
service or support to the credit card bank’s op-     stock of the captive REIT or RIC if that           corporation that is engaged in a business 
erations.  (For more information, see “Who May       banking corporation or bank holding com-           that a subsidiary of a bank holding company 
File Form NYC-1A,” on page 4.)                       pany is subject to tax or required to be in-       would not be permitted to be engaged in, 
                                                     cluded in a combined return under the BCT.         unless the business is de minimus, and (2) 
In addition, the law has been amended to pro-                                                           whose members own assets the combined 
vided that, for allocation purposes, interest, fees (b) If over 50% of the voting stock of a captive    average of which does not exceed $8 billion. 
and certain penalties from bank, credit, travel      REIT or RIC is not directly owned or con-          In that instance, the captive REIT or RIC is 
and entertainment card receivables are consid-       trolled by a banking corporation or bank           subject to the provisions of Ad. Code sec-
ered to be earned within the City if the mailing     holding company that is subject to tax or re-      tion 11-603.7 or 11-603.8.  
address of the card holder is in the city.           quired to be included in a combined return         
                                                     under the BCT, then the captive REIT or           Computation of tax for Captive REITs 
Captive Real Estate Investment  Trusts               RIC must be included in a combined return         and RICs.  
(REITs) and Regulated Investment Compa-              or report under the BCT with the corpora-         In the case of a combined return under the BCT, 
nies (RICs).                                         tion that is the “closest controlling” stock-     the tax is measured by the combined entire net 
                                                     holder of the captive REIT or RIC if it is        income, combined alternative entire net income, 
Captive REITs and RICs.                              subject to the BCT.                               or combined taxable assets of all the corpora-
For tax years beginning on or after January 1,                                                         tions included in the return, including any cap-
2009, the law has been amended to provide that      (c) If the corporation that directly owns or con-  tive REIT or RIC.  
a captive REIT or RIC must generally be in-          trols the voting stock of the captive REIT or      
cluded in a combined return under the General        captive RIC is a corporation organized            In the case where a captive REIT is required 
Corporation Tax (GCT) or Banking Corporation         under the laws of a foreign country and not       under Ad. Code section 11-646(f) to be included 
Tax (BCT).  Under new Ad. Code sections 11-          permitted to make a combined return as pro-       in a combined return, “entire net income” means 
601.12 and 11-601.13, a REIT or RIC is a cap-        vided in Ad. Code section 11-646(f)(4)(ii),       real estate investment trust taxable income as 
tive REIT or RIC if more than 50% of its voting      then the captive REIT or captive RIC must         defined in IRC section 857(b)(2) (as modified 
stock is owned or controlled, directly or indi-      determine the closest controlling share-          by section 858), plus the capital gains amount 
rectly, by a single corporation.  Any voting stock   holder under Ad. Code section 11-646(f)(2)        taxable under IRC 857(b)(3), subject to the 
held in a segregated asset account of a life in-     to be included in a combined return with          modifications to entire net income required by 
surance corporation as described in Internal         that corporation.  If, the corporation that is    Ad. Code section 11-641. 
Revenue Code section 817 is not taken into ac-       the closest controlling stockholder of the         
count for the purpose of determining the per-        captive REIT or captive RIC is a corpora-         In the case where a RIC is required under Ad. 
centage of stock ownership.  As explained more       tion not permitted to make a combined re-         Code section 11-646(f) to be included in a com-
below, if a corporation subject to the BCT di-       turn, then that corporation is deemed to not      bined return, “entire net income” means invest-
rectly owns over 50% of the voting stock of a        be in the ownership structure of the captive      ment company taxable income as defined in 
captive REIT or RIC or is the “closest control-      REIT or captive RIC, and the closest con-         IRC section 852(b)(2) (as modified by section 
ling shareholder” of a captive REIT or RIC, then     trolling stockholder will be determined           855), plus the capital gains amount taxable 

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Instructions for Form NYC-1A - 2022                                                                                                        Page 3

under IRC section 852(b)(3), subject to the          vestment Trusts (REITs) and Regulated In-          pacity and which owns or controls, directly 
modifications to entire net income required by       vestment Companies (RICs),” above).                or indirectly, 65% or more of its voting 
Ad. Code section 11-641.                                                                                stock; and 
                                                  However, a banking corporation or bank hold-        
Under new Ad. Code section 11-641(e)(16), a de-   ing company doing business in New York City        l  any banking corporation or bank holding 
duction is allowed in determining entire net in-  in a corporate or organized capacity which            company which is doing business in New 
come, to the extent not deductible in determining meets the 80% or more stock ownership re-             York City in a corporate or organized ca-
federal taxable income, for 100% of dividend in-  quirement may be excluded from a combined             pacity and in which it owns or controls, di-
come from subsidiary capital received during the  return if the corporation or the Department of        rectly or indirectly, 65% or more of the 
taxable year.  The dividend income must be di-    Finance shows that the inclusion of such a cor-       voting stock. 
rectly attributable to a dividend from a captive  poration in the combined return fails to properly   
REIT or RIC for which the captive REIT or RIC     reflect the tax liability of such corporation.     The Department of Finance may permit or re-
claimed a federal dividends paid deduction and    Tax liability may be deemed to be improperly re-   quire the filing of a combined return by bank-
that captive REIT or RIC is included in a com-    flected because of intercorporate transactions     ing corporations or bank holding companies 
bined return or report under the BCT.             (refer to Intercorporate Transactions below) or    65% or more of the voting stock of each of 
                                                                                                     which is owned or controlled, directly or indi-
In computing entire net income, the deduction     some agreement, understanding, arrangement or 
under the IRC for dividends paid by the captive   transaction whereby the activity, business, in-    rectly, by the same interest if at least one of such 
REIT or RIC to any member of the affiliated       come or assets of the corporation within New       corporations is a taxpayer. 
group that includes the corporation that directly York City is improperly or inaccurately reflected.  
or indirectly owns over 50% of the voting stock   A banking corporation or bank holding com-         In making its determination whether a combined 
of the captive REIT or RIC must be included in    pany which seeks to be excluded from a com-        return is necessary in order to properly reflect the 
the federal taxable income of the captive REIT    bined return may be permitted to do so in the      tax liability of any one or more of such corpora-
or RIC.  This add back will be phased in over     discretion of the Department of Finance.           tions, the Department of Finance will first deter-
                                                                                                     mine whether the group of corporations under 
three years.  For taxable years beginning on or   B. CORPORATIONS THAT MAY  BE PERMITTED    OR       consideration is engaged in a unitary business.  
after January 1, 2009 and before January 1, 2011,    REQUIRED   TO FILE   A COMBINED RETURN          In deciding whether a corporation is part of a 
75% of the amount deducted on the REIT or         A banking corporation or bank holding com-         unitary business, the Department of Finance will 
REITs federal return must be added back.  For tax pany which meets any of the 65% or more stock      consider whether the activities in which the cor-
years beginning on or after January 1, 2011,      ownership requirements described below may         poration engages are related to the activities of 
100% of the amount deducted on the REIT or        be permitted or required to file a combined re-    the other corporations in the group, or whether 
REITs federal return must be added back.  The     turn only if the Department of Finance deter-      the corporation is engaged in the same or related 
term affiliated group is defined in IRC section   mines that such filing is necessary to properly    lines of business as the other corporations in the 
1504 without regard to the exceptions of 1504(b). reflect the tax liability of such corporation or   group.  It is presumed that corporations which 
                                                                                                     are eligible to be included in a combined return 
WHO MAY FILE FORM NYC-1A                          other corporations.  
                                                                                                     meet the unitary business requirement. 
A. CORPORATIONS REQUIRED   TO FILE                A banking corporation or bank holding com-          
   A COMBINED RETURN                              pany which is doing business in New York City      A corporation engaged in a unitary business 
                                                  in a corporate or organized capacity may be per-   with one or more of the corporations in the 
A banking corporation or bank holding com-        mitted or required to file a combined return with  group may be permitted or required to file a 
pany which is doing business in New York City     the following:                                     combined return where the Department of Fi-
in a corporate or organized capacity is required                                                     nance determines that: 
to file a combined return with the following:     l  any banking corporation or bank holding         l  such corporation has intercorporate trans-
l  any banking corporation or bank holding           company which is doing business in New             actions  (refer to Intercorporate Transac-
   company which is doing business in New            York City in a corporate or organized ca-          tions, below)  with one or more of the 
   York City in a corporate or organized capac-      pacity and which owns or controls, directly        corporations in the group which cause the 
   ity and which owns or controls, directly or       or indirectly, 65% or more of its voting           improper reflection of the activity, busi-
   indirectly, 80% or more of its voting stock;      stock; and                                         ness, income or assets within New York 
                                                                                                        City of one or more of the corporations; or 
l  any banking corporation or bank holding        l  any banking corporation or bank holding          
   company which is doing business in New            company which is doing business in New          l  such corporation has an agreement, under-
   York City in a corporate or organized ca-         York City in a corporate or organized ca-          standing, arrangement or transactions with 
   pacity and in which it owns or controls, di-      pacity and in which it owns or controls, di-       one or more of the corporations in the group 
   rectly or indirectly, 80% or more of the          rectly or indirectly, 65% or more of the           which cause the improper reflection of the ac-
   voting stock; and                                 voting stock.                                      tivity, business, income or assets within New 
                                                                                                        York City of one or more of the corporations. 
l  a captive real estate investment trust (REIT)  A banking corporation or bank holding com-          
   or a captive regulated investment company      pany which is not doing business in New York       A banking corporation required to file a New York 
   (RIC), where the banking corporation or        City in a corporate or organized capacity may      City tax return solely by reason of being a credit 
   bank holding company subject to the Bank-      be permitted or required to file or be included    card bank, as described in “Treatment of Credit 
   ing Corporation Tax either directly owns or    in a combined return with the following:           Card Banks” above, will not be required to be in-
   controls over 50% of the voting stock of the                                                      cluded in a combined return with another Banking 
   captive REIT or RIC or is the closest con-     l  any banking corporation or bank holding         Corporation Tax taxpayer unless it is necessary to 
   trolling shareholder of the REIT or RIC’s         company which is doing business in New          properly reflect the tax liability of any of the tax-
   voting stock (see “Captive Real Estate In-        York City in a corporate or organized ca-       payers involved.   A banking corporation that 

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Instructions for Form NYC-1A - 2022                                                                                                        Page 4

meets any of the tests that was included in a com-   l  a banking corporation or bank holding          of the tax liability of a corporation within New 
bined return under the Banking Corporation Tax          company that does not meet the 65% or          York City, the Department of Finance will con-
for its most recent filing before January 1, 2011,      more stock ownership requirement;              sider transactions directly connected with the 
may continue to be included in a combined return                                                       business conducted by the corporations, such as 
for future years.  However, once included in a       l  a banking corporation that must use             
combined return for a tax year beginning on or          weighted factors in determining its alloca-    l  performing services for other corporations 
after January 1, 2011, such banking corporation         tion percentage (see “Weighted Factor Al-         in the group; 
must continue to file in a combined return until        location for Certain Banking Corporations,”     
consent to file on a separate basis is received from    below) can file a combined report only with    l  providing funds to other corporations in the 
the Commissioner of Finance.                            other corporations subject to tax under the       group; or 
                                                        Banking Corporation Tax that qualify to use     
A banking corporation required to file a New            the same allocation percentage; and            l  performing related customer services using 
York City tax return solely due by being a credit                                                         common facilities and employees. 
card bank is required to be included in a com-       l  a captive REIT or RIC must not be in-           
bined return with:                                      cluded in a combined return or report under    Service functions will not be considered when 
                                                        the BCT or GCT if a banking corporation        they are incidental to the business of the corpo-
(1) any banking corporation not subject to tax          or bank holding company that directly or       ration providing the services. Service functions 
   under the Banking Corporation Tax whose              indirectly owns or controls over 50% of the    include, but are not limited to, accounting, legal 
   voting stock is 65% or more owned or con-            voting stock of the captive REIT or RIC        and personnel services. It is not necessary to 
   trolled, directly or indirectly, by the bank-        and is the closest controlling stockholder of  have intercorporate transactions between each 
   ing corporation required to file;                    the captive REIT or RIC is a member of an      member and every other member of the group. 
                                                        affiliated group (1) that does not include     It is, however, essential that each corporation 
(2) any banking corporation or bank holding             any corporation that is engaged in a busi-     have intercorporate transactions with one other 
   company not subject to tax under the Bank-           ness that a subsidiary of a bank holding       combinable corporation or with the combined 
   ing Corporation Tax that owns or controls,           company would not be permitted to be en-       group of corporations. 
   directly or indirectly, 65% or more of the           gaged in, unless the business is de min-        
   voting stock of the banking corporation re-          imus, and (2) whose members own assets         CHANGE IN COMPOSITION OF A 
   quired to file; or                                   the combined average of which does not         COMBINED GROUP 
(3) any banking corporation not subject to tax          exceed $8 billion. In that instance, the cap-  If a banking corporation or bank holding com-
   under the Banking Corporation Tax whose              tive REIT or RIC is subject to the provi-      pany has been required or permitted to file a 
   voting stock is 65% or more owned or con-            sions of  Ad. Code section 11-603.7 or         combined return, the corporation must continue 
   trolled, directly or indirectly, by the same         11-603.8.  The term affiliated group is de-    to file a combined return until the facts affecting 
   corporation or corporations that own or              fined in IRC section 1504 without regard       its combined reporting status materially change. 
   control, directly or indirectly, 65% or more         to the exceptions of 1504(b).                   
   of the voting stock of the banking corpora-                                                         Provided all of the information required to be 
   tion required to file, if the corporation or      (Note:  Unlike the New York State Tax Law, the    submitted on page 6 of the Form NYC-1A and 
   corporations in 1, 2, or 3 provide services       Ad. Code does not presently prohibit a banking    on the Combined Group Information Schedule 
   for, or support to, the operations of the         corporation whose greatest tax, computed on a     is submitted, a group of corporations meeting 
   banking corporation required to file unless       separate basis, is on taxable assets and whose    the requirements set forth above (WHO MAY 
   it is shown that the inclusion of the corpo-      net worth ratio, computed on a separate basis,    FILE FORM NYC-1A, B. CORPORATIONS 
   ration or corporations in 1, 2, or 3 fails to     is less than five percent and whose total assets  THAT MAY BE PERMITTED OR REQUIRED 
   properly reflect the tax liability of the cor-    are comprised of 33% or more of mortgages,        TO FILE A COMBINED RETURN  ) is deemed 
   poration required to file.                        from filing a combined return.)                   to have tentative permission to file on a com-
                                                                                                       bined basis, however, the combined filing is 
Services for, or support to, include such activities D. ALIEN CORPORATIONS                             subject to revision or disallowance on audit.  
as billing, credit investigation and reporting, mar-                                                   This return will not be considered complete un-
keting, research, advertising, mailing, customer     For tax years beginning on or after January 1,    less all of the information required is submitted.  
service, information technology, lending and fi-     2015, this provision is no longer applicable be-   
nancing services, and communications services,       cause alien corporations cannot be Subchapter     In general, each banking corporation or bank 
but not accounting, legal, or personal services.     S corporations and, therefore, these corporations holding company is a separate taxable entity and 
                                                     are subject to the Business Corporation Tax.      must file its own tax return; however, a group 
C. CORPORATIONS THAT CANNOT   BE INCLUDED   IN                                                         of banking corporations and bank holding com-
   A COMBINED RETURN                                 l  A banking corporation or bank holding          panies may be permitted or required to file a 
                                                        company organized under the laws of a 
l  a corporation which elected under Section                                                           combined return to properly reflect the tax lia-
                                                        country other than the United States may 
   11-640(d) of the Administrative Code to                                                             bility of such corporations under the Banking 
                                                        not file a combined return with a banking 
   be taxed under Subchapter 2 of Chapter 6,                                                           Corporation Tax Law.  In all cases where a com-
                                                        corporation or bank holding company or-
   Title 11 of the Administrative Code (Gen-                                                           bined return is permitted or required, a com-
                                                        ganized under the laws of the U.S., New 
   eral Corporation Tax) for those years such                                                          bined tax return must be filed on Form 
                                                        York State or any other state. An alien cor-
   election is in effect;                                                                              NYC-1A.  In addition, a separate tax return 
                                                        poration can only be included in a com-        must be filed by each corporation in the com-
l  a banking corporation or bank holding                bined return with other alien corporations.    bined group on Form NYC-1 and attached to 
   company whose accounting period differs                                                             Form NYC-1A. 
   from the accounting period adopted by the         INTERCORPORATE  TRANSACTIONS                       
   combined group;                                   In deciding whether there are intercorporate      If the parent corporation is not included in the 
                                                     transactions which cause the improper reflection 

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Instructions for Form NYC-1A - 2022                                                                                                         Page 5

group of banking corporations and bank hold-      to taxable income or other tax base by filing an   Preparer Authorization:  If you want to allow 
ing companies filing a combined return, then      amended return.  This amended return must in-      the Department of Finance to discuss your re-
one of the group’s member corporations shall be   clude the DOF tax worksheet that identifies each   turn with the paid preparer who signed it, you 
designated as the parent for purposes of com-     change to the tax base (“Tax Base Change”) and     must check the "yes" box in the signature area of 
pleting Form NYC-1A.  This designated parent      shows how each such Tax Base Change affects        the return. This authorization applies only to the 
must be used in all subsequent years in which     the taxpayer’s calculation of its New York City    individual whose signature appears in the "Pre-
the group continues to file a combined return,    tax.  A template for the tax worksheet is avail-   parer's Use Only" section of your return.  It does 
unless the group has received the permission of   able on the DOF website at nyc.gov/finance.   not apply to the firm, if any, shown in that sec-
the Department of Finance to designate a dif-     This amended return must also include a copy       tion.  By checking the "Yes" box, you are au-
ferent parent for the combined return.            of the IRS and/or DTF final determination,         thorizing the Department of Finance to call the 
                                                  waiver, or notice of carryback allowance.  Tax-    preparer to answer any questions that may arise 
WHERE AND WHEN TO FILE                            payers that have federal and state  Tax Base       during the processing of your return.  Also, you 
This return must be filed by calendar year tax-   Changes for the same tax period may report         are authorizing the preparer to: 
payers for the calendar year ended December       these changes on the same amended return that       
31, 2022, on March 15, 2023, and by fiscal year   includes separate explanatory tax worksheets for   l Give the Department any information miss-
taxpayers on or before the 15th day of the third  the IRS Tax Base Changes and the DTF Tax             ing from your return; 
month following the close of the reporting pe-    Base Changes.  Note that for taxable years be-      
riod.  An automatic extension of time to file the ginning on or after January 1, 2015, DTF Tax       l Call the Department for information about 
tax return may be obtained by filing Form NYC-    Base Changes may include changes that affect         the processing of your return or the status 
EXT and paying the properly estimated tax.        income or capital allocation.                        of your refund or payment(s); and 
All returns, except refund returns:               The Amended Return checkbox on the return is       l Respond to certain notices that you have 
                                                  to be used for reporting an IRS or DTF Tax Base      shared with the preparer about math er-
NYC Department of Finance                         Changes, with the appropriate box for the            rors, offsets, and return preparation.  The 
P.O. Box 5564                                     agency making the  Tax Base Changes also             notices will not be sent to the preparer. 
Binghamton, NY 13902-5564                         checked.  Taxpayers must file an amended re-       You are not authorizing the preparer to receive 
Remittances -    Pay online with Form NYC-        turn for Tax Base Changes within 90 days (120      any refund check, bind you to anything (includ-
200V at nyc.gov/eservices, or Mail payment        days for taxpayers filing a combined report)       ing any additional tax liability), or otherwise 
and Form NYC-200V only to:                        after (i) a final determination on the part of the represent you before the Department.  The au-
                                                  IRS or DTF, (ii) the signing of a waiver under     thorization cannot be revoked, however, the au-
NYC Department of Finance                         IRC §6312(d) or NY Tax Law §1081(f), or (iii)      thorization will automatically expire no later 
P.O. Box 3933                                     the IRS’ allowance of a tentative adjustment       than the due date (without regard to any exten-
New York, NY  10008-3933                          based on a an NOL carryback or a net capital       sions) for filing next year's return.  Failure to 
                                                  loss carryback.                                    check the box will be deemed a denial of au-
Returns claiming refunds:                                                                            thority. 
                                                  If the taxpayer believes that any  Tax Base         
NYC Department of Finance                         Change is erroneous or should not apply to its     SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS 
P.O. Box 5563                                     City tax calculation, it should not incorporate     
Binghamton , NY 13902-5563                        that Tax Base Change into its City tax calcula-    Check the box marked "yes" on page 1 of this 
                                                  tion on its amended return.  However, the tax-     form if, on your federal return: (i) you reported 
SIGNATURE                                         payer must attach: (i) a statement to its report   bonus depreciation and/or a first year expense 
This report must be signed by an officer author-  that explains why it believes the adjustment is    deduction under IRC §179 for "qualified Resur-
ized to certify that the statements contained     erroneous or inapplicable; (ii) the explanatory    gence Zone property," regardless of whether you 
herein are true.                                  tax worksheet that identifies each  Tax Base       are required to file form NYC-399Z, or (ii) you 
                                                  Change and shows how each would affect its         replaced property involuntarily converted as a 
Certain short-period returns:  If this is NOT     City tax calculation; and (iii) a copy of the IRS  result of the attacks on the World Trade Center 
a final return and your Federal return covered a  and/or DTF final determination, waiver, or no-     during the five (5) year extended replacement 
period of less than 12 months as a result of your tice of carryback allowance.                       period.  You must attach Federal forms 4562, 
joining or leaving a Federal consolidated group                                                      4684 and 4797 to this return. 
or as a result of a Federal IRC §338 election,    For more information on federal or state Tax        
this return generally will be due on the due date Base Changes, including a more expansive ex-       If this combined return includes a captive real 
for the Federal return and not on the date noted  planation of how taxpayers must report these       estate investment trust or captive regulated in-
above. Check the box on the front of the re-      changes as well as a sample of the explanatory     vestment company, check the box on page 7 of 
turn.                                             schedule to be included within the amended re-     the return and compute the combined group’s 
                                                  turn, see Finance Memorandum 17-5 revised          tax in accordance with the instructions set out 
FEDERAL OR NEW YORK STATE                         and dated 10/10/2018.                              in “Captive Real Estate Investment  Trusts 
CHANGES                                                                                              (REITs) and Regulated Investment Companies 
 For taxable years beginning on or after January  To report changes in taxable income or other tax   (RICs),” above. 
1, 2015, changes in taxable income or other tax   base made by the Internal Revenue Service and       
base made by the Internal Revenue Service         /or New York State Department of Taxation and      Special Condition Codes 
(“IRS”) and /or New York State Department of      Finance for taxable years beginning prior to Jan-  Check the Finance website for applicable special 
Taxation and Finance (“DTF”) will no longer be    uary 1, 2015, the Form NYC-3360B should still      condition codes. If applicable, enter the two char-
reported on form NYC-3360B.  Instead, tax-        be used.                                           acter code in the box provided on the form. 
payers must report these federal or state changes                                                     

- 6 -
Instructions for Form NYC-1A - 2022                                                                                                 Page 6

Computation of Combined Tax                          must clearly show the amount of the intercor-      Minimum Tax 
Each corporation included in the combined re-        porate transactions and identify the corporations  Each corporation included in the combined re-
turn is required to compute entire net income,       involved in each transaction.                      turn, other than the taxpayer paying the com-
alternative entire net income and taxable assets                                                        bined tax, is required to pay the minimum tax 
on Form NYC- 1 as if it had filed its federal in-    Computation of Combined Allocation                 of $125.00.  When the fixed minimum tax 
come tax return on a separate basis.                 Percentages                                        (Schedule A, line 4) is the combined tax of the 
                                                     Each corporation included in the combined re-      group (Schedule A, line 5), this fixed minimum 
When computing combined entire net income            turn must compute the entire net income alloca-    tax must be paid in addition to the amount of the 
(Schedule K, line 36) and combined alternative       tion percentage, alternative entire net income     combined fixed minimum tax for subsidiaries 
entire net income (Schedule L, line 40) on Form      allocation percentage, and taxable assets alloca-  (Schedule  A, line 6).   A corporation which 
NYC-1A, intercorporate dividends and inter-          tion percentage on Form NYC-1 as if it had filed   would not otherwise be taxable in New York 
corporate transactions between the corporations      its federal income tax return on a separate basis. City except for its inclusion in a combined re-
included in the combined return must be elimi-                                                          turn is not required to pay the minimum tax of 
nated.  Intercorporate profits are deferred, capi-   When computing the combined allocation per-        $125.00. 
tal losses are to be offset against capital gains    centages (Schedule J) on Form NYC-1A, the           
and contributions are to be deducted as if the       payroll, receipts and deposits factors in each al- IBF Adjustment to Entire Net Income, Alter-
corporations in the group had filed a consoli-       location percentage are computed as though the     native Entire Net Income and Allocation Per-
dated federal income tax return.                     corporations included in the combined return       centages 
                                                     were one corporation.  Intercorporate dividends    If any corporation in a combined return modi-
When computing combined entire net income and        and all other intercorporate transactions includ-  fied entire net income and alternative entire net 
combined alternative entire net income, taxpayers    ing intercorporate receipts and deposits between   income pursuant to Section 11-641(f), all cor-
using a different adjusted basis for property placed the corporations included in the combined re-      porations in the combined return are deemed to 
in service in taxable years beginning before Janu-   turn are eliminated.                               have made such modification and are required 
ary 1, 1981, or a different method of depreciation                                                      to compute entire net income, alternative entire 
for City tax purposes than for Federal tax purposes  Combined groups with more than three mem-          net income and the allocation percentages ac-
for such property must make appropriate adjust-      bers must attach a rider for each such additional  cordingly. If any corporation in a combined re-
ments to Federal taxable income.  Attach a sched-    member providing the amounts of lines 1            turn computed entire net income and alternative 
ule showing the adjustments.  See subdivisions (c)   through 35 of Schedule J.  Such amounts must       entire net income pursuant to Section 11-
and (j)(2) of Ad. Code section 11-641 and the in-    be included within the total shown in column A     642(b)(2), all corporations in the combined re-
structions to Form NYC-1 for details.                of Schedule J.                                     turn are deemed to have made such election and 
                                                                                                        are required to compute entire net income, al-
When computing combined taxable assets               Riders must be attached to the return setting      ternative entire net income and the allocation 
(Schedule M, line 44) on Form NYC-1A, inter-         forth all intercorporate eliminations.  The rider  percentages accordingly. 
corporate stockholdings and bills, notes, accounts   must clearly show the amount of the intercor-       
receivable and payable, and other intercorporate     porate transactions and identify the corporations  TOTAL REMITTANCE DUE 
indebtedness between the corporations included       involved in each transaction.                      If the amount on line 15 is greater than zero or 
in the combined return must be eliminated.                                                              the amount on line 19 is less than zero, enter on 
                                                     ALLOCATION FOR CERTAIN BANKING                     line 21 the sum of the amount on line 14 and the 
A corporation is not subject to the tax on taxable   CORPORATIONS                                       amount by which line 18 exceeds the amount on 
assets for that portion of the tax year in which it  For tax years beginning after 2017, corporations   line 16, if any.  
had outstanding net worth certificates issued to     that are 65% or more owned subsidiaries of          
the following: the Federal Deposit Insurance         banks and bank holding companies that are sub-     ISSUER’S ALLOCATION 
Corporation (FDIC) under 12 USC section              ject to tax under the Banking Corporation Tax      PERCENTAGE 
1823(i); or the Resolution Trust Corporation         as a result of the Administrative Code section     See instructions for Form NYC-1, Schedule A, 
(RTC) under 12 USC section 1823(c)(1), (2), or       11-640(a)(9), and that substantially provide       line 20.  
(3); or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance       management, administrative, or distribution         
Corporation (FSLIC) under former section             services to an investment company must make        COMBINED GROUP 
406(f)(5) of the Federal National Housing Act,       adjustments on Schedule J as described below.      INFORMATION SCHEDULE 
as amended, before its repeal.                       A banking corporation that must make these ad-     All of the information required on this schedule 
                                                     justments to their Schedule J can file a com-      must be submitted for this return to be consid-
For information concerning the computation of net    bined report only with other corporations that     ered complete.  Failure to provide any informa-
worth ratio (Schedule M, line 48) and mortgages      qualify to use the same allocation percentage.     tion requested will result in correspondence and 
included in total assets (Schedule M, line 49), see                                                     may result in the filing on a combined basis by 
instructions to Schedule D of Form NYC-1.)            Adjustments to Part 1 of Schedule J               this group being revised or disallowed.
Combined groups with more than three mem-            l Certain banking corporations as described 
bers must attach a rider for each such additional      above only complete lines 5, 6, 7. 
member providing the amounts of lines 36             l Enter the amount on line 7 on line 14 
through 49 of Schedules K, L and M.   Such            
amounts must be included within the total             Adjustments to Part 3 of Schedule J 
shown in column A of Schedules K, L and M.           l Certain banking corporations as described 
Riders must be attached to the return setting          above only complete lines 26, 27, 28. 
forth all intercorporate eliminations.  The rider    l Enter the amount on line 28 on line 35. 
                                                                                                                          NYC-1A Instructions - 2022

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