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                                                              NET OPERATING LOSS DEDUCTION COMPUTATION                                                                                       2022

                                                              Attach to Form NYC-204
Print or Type    t                                            For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR beginning ____________________ 2022 and ending ____________________________
 Name as shown on NYC-204:                                                                                                                         EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 

                                                                     YEAR 1                    YEAR 2                YEAR 3                               YEAR 4                      YEAR 5 
                                                              MM-DD-YYYY                MM-DD-YYYY            MM-DD-YYYY                           MM-DD-YYYY                  MM-DD-YYYY    
1a. Loss year ended 

1b. Allocated NYC net operating loss incurred 
                                                              MM-DD- YYYY: AMOUNT:      MM-DD- YYYY: AMOUNT:  MM-DD- YYYY:         AMOUNT:         MM-DD- YYYY: AMOUNT:        MM-DD- YYYY:  AMOUNT: 
2.    Amount of Line 1b previously absorbed by year ended 
3. Add line 2 plus any additional year(s) 
      (Attach schedules) 
4. Subtract Line 3 from Line 1b 
5.    Enter the amount from Form NYC-204, Page 1, 
      Schedule A, Line 10 (See instructions) 
 5a. Enter 80% of Form NYC-204, Page 1, 
      Schedule A, Line 10 (See instructions) 
5b. Subtract from line 5a the sum of amounts  
      entered on line 10 of prior loss years and  
      divide by line 9.  Enter results. (See instructions) 
6. Enter the lesser of Lines 4, 5, 5a or 5b 
7.    Compute and enter the total percentage interests 
      in income and deductions for the loss year partners 
      who were also partners during the current year                                 %%%%% 
8. Is this percentage equal to or greater than 80%? 
      If “NO,” the loss cannot be applied to the current year YES  n       NO n         YES n        NO n     YES n                NO n            YES n        NO n           YES n         NO n        
9. Compute and enter the total percentage interests 
      in income and deductions for the current year  
      of those partners who were partners in both  
      the loss year and the current year                                             %%%%% 
10. Multiply amount on Line 6 by Loss Limitation 
      Percentage on Line 9 
11. Sum of the amounts on Line 10 . Enter here and on Form NYC-204, Page 1, Schedule A, Line 11.  This is your Net Operating Loss Deduction.
                                                                                                                                                                                      2022 NYC-NOLD-UBTP

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Instructions for Form NYC-NOLD-UBTP - 2022                                                                                           Page 2

Note: According to the federal Tax Cuts and      for the earliest loss year in column Year 1.       and divide the result by the percentage on 
Jobs Act of 2017, net operating losses (NOL)                                                        line 9 of the current loss year. 
generated during or after 2018 generally may     LINE 1b                                             
no longer be carried back. These losses may      Enter the amount of loss allocated to New          LINES 7, 8, 9 and 10 
be carried forward indefinitely; however each    York City for the loss year                        For limitations on the net operating loss de-
year’s NOL deduction will be limited to 80% of                                                      duction of a partnership where the interests 
taxable income (without regard to the deduc-     LINES 2 and 3                                      of the member partners have changed be-
tion).                                           For purposes of completing line 2, the             tween a loss year and the year for which the 
                                                 amount of loss absorbed in a year is deter-        deduction is claimed, refer to Section 11-
The schedule allows for up to five (5) loss      mined without regard to changes in interests       507(2)(b) of the NYC Administrative Code 
years.  If the current year’s net operating loss of the member partners.                            and 19 RCNY Section 28-06(c)(3). If line 8 is 
deduction is derived from more years, please                                                        marked “NO”, skip lines 9 and 10 for that loss 
complete and attach separate schedule(s).        LINE 5                                             year. 
                                                 If the amount on Form NYC-204, Schedule             
The net operating loss deduction allowable       A, line 10 is a loss, enter "0."  Enter on line 5  LINE 10 
on Form NYC-204 is computed in the same          the amount from Form NYC-204, Schedule             Multiply the percentage on line 9 by the 
manner for unincorporated business tax pur-      A, line 10. On the column for any subsequent       amount on line 6. The excess, if any, of the 
poses as it would be for federal income tax      loss year, enter on line 5 the amount from the     amount on line 6 over the amount entered on 
purposes if the unincorporated business were     current year's Form NYC-204, Schedule A,           line 10 is considered absorbed and is not 
an individual taxpayer, but taking into account  line 10, reduced by the sum of the amounts         available as a carryover to another year.  
only unincorporated business gross income        entered on line 10 for any earlier loss years.      
and unincorporated business deductions al-                                                          LINE 11 
located to New York City of the unincorpo-       LINE 5a                                            Add the amounts on Line 10.  Enter the total 
rated business.                                  This line should only be filled out for loss years here and on Form NYC-204, Page 1, Sched-
                                                 beginning on or after January 1, 2018. Enter       ule A, Line 11. 
If the unincorporated business was carried on    on this line 80% of Form NYC-204, Schedule 
both inside and outside New York City during     A, line 10. Do not reduce this line for subse-
the year in which the net operating loss was     quent loss years. 
sustained, the allowable current year’s net       
operating loss deduction is determined by ref-   LINE 5b 
erence to the allocation basis or method used    This line should only be filled out for loss 
in the year the loss was sustained, regardless   years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. 
of whether the unincorporated business was       For the first loss year beginning on or after 
carried on both inside and outside New York      such date, the amount on this line should 
City during  the current year.                   equal the amount on line 5a. For all subse-
                                                 quent loss years, deduct from line 5a the sum 
LINE1a                                           of amounts entered on line 10 for prior loss 
Enter the year ended date (MM-DD-YYYY)           years beginning on or after January 1, 2018, 

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