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Instructions for Form NYC-NOLD-UBTI - 2022 Page 2
Note: According to the federal Tax Cuts ness was carried on both inside and out- Line 7
and Jobs Act of 2017, net operating losses side New York City during the current Add the amounts on Line 6 and enter the
(NOL) generated during or after 2018 gen- year total here and on Form NYC-202 or
erally may no longer be carried back. NYC-202-EIN, Page 1, Schedule A, Line
These losses may be carried forward in- LINE1a 11.
definitely; however each year’s NOL de- Enter the year ended date (MM-DD-
duction will be limited to 80% of taxable YYYY) for the earliest loss year in col-
income (without regard to the deduction). umn Year 1.
The schedule allows for up to five (5) LINE 1b
loss years. If the current year’s net op- Enter the amount of loss allocated to
erating loss deduction is derived from New York City.
more years, please complete and attach
separate schedule(s). LINE 5
If the amount on Schedule A, line 10 is a
The net operating loss deduction allow- loss, enter "0." For Loss Years beginning
able on Form NYC-202 and NYC-202- on or prior to December 31, 2017 (pre-
EIN is computed in the same manner for TCJA years), enter on line 5 the amount
unincorporated business tax purposes from Schedule A, line 10 reduced by the
as it would be for federal income tax pur- sum of the amounts entered on line 6, for
poses, but taking into account only unin- any earlier loss years. For Loss Year be-
corporated business gross income and ginning on or after January 1, 2018
unincorporated business deductions al- (post-TCJA years), enter on line 5 80%
located to New York City of the unincor- of the amount from Form NYC-202 or
porated business. NYC-202-EIN, Schedule A, line 10, re-
duced by the sum of the amounts en-
If the unincorporated business was car- tered on line 6, for any earlier loss years.
ried on both inside and outside New York If utilizing losses from both pre- and
City during the year in which the net op- post-TCJA years, the total amount car-
erating loss was sustained, the allowable ried from post-TCJA years may not ex-
current year’s net operating loss deduc- ceed 80% of Schedule A, line 10, and
tion is to be determined by reference to the total combined deduction cannot ex-
the allocation basis or method used in ceed the amount of Form NYC-202 or
the year the loss was sustained, regard- NYC-202-EIN, Schedule A, line 10.
less of whether the unincorporated busi-