NET OPERATING LOSS DEDUCTION COMPUTATION 2022 -NOLD-GCT GENERAL CORPORATION TAX ATTACH TO FORM NYC-3A, NYC-3L, NYC-4S or NYC-4SEZ For CALENDAR YEAR 2022 or FISCAL YEAR beginning ____________________ 2022 and ending ________________________ Print or Type t Name as shown on NYC-3A, NYC-3L, NYC-4S or NYC-4SEZ: EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER SCHEDULE A - NYC Net Operating Loss Deduction Schedule (NOLD) APPLICABLE COLUMN A - COLUMN B - COLUMN C - COLUMN D - COLUMN E - COLUMN F - COLUMN G - YEAR Tax Year Federal Taxable Amount from NYC-3A, NYC Net Operating Loss NYC Net Operating NYC Net Operating NYC Net Operating Income (Loss) NYC-3L, NYC-4S Generated (attach rider for Loss Utilized Loss Expired Loss Remaining before NOL and or NYC-4SEZ Separate Return Limitation special deductions (See instructions) Year (SRLY) Loss) A. NOL Carryforward from prior years ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 20th preceding yr ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________19th preceding yr 3.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________18th preceding yr 4.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________17th preceding yr 5.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________16th preceding yr 6.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________15th preceding yr 7.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________14th preceding yr 8.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________13th preceding yr 9.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________12th preceding yr 10.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________11th preceding yr 11.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________10th preceding yr 12.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9th preceding yr 13.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8th preceding yr 14.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7th preceding yr 15.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6th preceding yr 16.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5th preceding yr 17.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4th preceding yr 18.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3rd preceding yr 19.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd preceding yr 20.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1st preceding yr 21.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Current year Note: Current Year's Net Operating Loss Utilized should be carried forward to NYC-3A or NYC-3L, Sch. B, Line 11 or NYC-4S, Sch. B, Line 6a or NYC-4SEZ, Sch.B, line 4. Were there any special federal Net Operating Loss elections? ................................................................................................................ n YES n NO SCHEDULE B - Complete the Net Operating Loss Apportionment to Investment Income ( if applicable) NYC Net Operating Loss Apportionment To Investment Income DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1. Investment Income before Net Operating Loss from NYC-3A or NYC-3L, Sch. B line 20g........................................... 1. __________________________ 2. Entire Net Income before Net Operating Loss from NYC-3A or NYC-3L, Sch. B line 18 or 19 plus line 11 .................... 2. __________________________ 3. Ratio: (Divide line 1 by line 2)............................................................................................................................... 3. __________________________ 4. Net Operating Loss (NYC-3A or NYC 3L, Sch. B line 11) ......................................................................................... 4. __________________________ 5. Net Operating Loss Apportionment to Investment Income (multiply line 3 by line 4 and enter on NYC-3A or NYC-3L, Sch. B line 21). 5. __________________________ NYC-NOLD-GCT 2022 |
Instructions for Form NYC-NOLD-GCT - 2022 Page 2 GENERAL INFORMATION from entire net income: (2) the deductions must not include any taxable year in which the taxpayer was not subject to the New Note that according to the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of York City tax; and (3) the deduction shall not exceed the federal 2017, most net operating losses (NOL) generated during or net operating loss deduction for the period. See NYC Adminis- after 2018 generally may no longer be carried back. These trative Code section 11-602(8)(f). Note that as a result of clause losses may be carried forward indefinitely; however each (3), above, the NYC Net Operating Loss deduction will be sub- year’s NOL deduction will be limited to 80% of federal tax- ject to any applicable restrictions on the taxpayer’s federal net able income (without regard to the deduction). operating loss limitations, including the federal "as if" net oper- ating loss limitation provided in IRC section 382 and the fed- WHO SHOULD FILE THIS FORM? eral Separate Return Limitation Year (SRLY) limitation set forth in Treasury Regulation section 1.1502-15. NOTE: This form may be used by federal Subchapter S Cor- porations and Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiaries only. If any SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS instructions appear to apply to C Corporations, they should be read to apply only to S corps and qualified S subsidiaries. SCHEDULE A - COLUMN BY COLUMN INSTRUCTIONS This schedule should be completed for net operating losses being utilized in the current year and subsequent years. A combined NOTE: Except with respect to the amount on Line A regarding an group of corporations should file one Form NYC-NOLD-GCT interrupted NOL, discussed below, Schedule A should not include for the entire group. prior year losses that have been fully used or expired previously. Only the losses expiring or used in the current year and all losses re- The net operating loss is computed as though the federal Sub- maining to be carried forward should be included in the schedule. chapter S election had not been made. Line A: New York City generally allows net operating losses to be used NOL Carryforward from prior years: Enter the NOL Carryfor- in the same manner as provided under Internal Revenue Code ward available for NYC purposes during the years indicated on (“IRC”) Section 172. However, for losses sustained during tax- Schedule A that was generated in tax years more than 20 years able years ending after June 30, 1989, only the first $10,000 of prior to the current year and where the carryforward of this loss loss in any taxable year may be carried back to preceding taxable interrupted the use of net operating losses generated during the periods as permitted under IRC Section 172. Any remaining twenty year period indicated on Schedule A which was subse- NOL may be carried forward: for loss years before 8/5/1997 quently partially or wholly used during the current year. Attach there is a 15-year carry forward; for loss years beginning after a schedule indicating the year(s) the NOL was generated, the 8/5/1997 but on or before December 31, 2017, there is a 20-year amount used and the year(s) it was used. loss carry forward. Example: Losses incurred during taxable years beginning after December In 1988 Taxpayer A had a net operating loss of $1 million. Tax- 31, 2017, may not be carried back, but can be carried forward in- payer A carried forward $500,000 of this NOL to 1989. Subse- definitely. The deduction for losses incurred during taxable years quently, in 2002, Taxpayer A had a net operating loss of beginning after December 31, 2017, is limited to 80% of federal $300,000. In 2003, instead of carrying forward the loss from taxable income calculated as if the corporation had not made the 2002, Taxpayer used the $500,000 net operation loss available election pursuant to subchapter S of the IRC (without regard to from 1988. Taxpayer A then carries forward the NOL generated the deduction). in 2002 to 2005 (using $150,000) and 2012 (using the remain- ing $150,000). Because the use of the 1988 loss interrupted the Any net operating loss that may be carried back or forward for use of the loss incurred in 2002 and the 2002 loss was partially federal tax purposes must be adjusted to reflect the additions and used in 2012, the 1988 loss should be reflected on Line A of subtractions required by Section 11-602(8)(f) of the NYC Ad- Schedule A of this form filed with the 2012 return. If instead ministrative Code. Taxpayer A had carried forward the available $500,000 loss from 1988 to 1990 or if the 2002 loss had been used prior to the cur- If a corporation files a federal consolidated return, but for New rent year, the loss generated in 1988 would not need to be re- York City purposes files a separate return rather than a combined flected on Line A or Schedule A of the NOLD form filed with the return, that corporation must determine its eligibility for a net 2012 return. operating loss deduction by computing the deduction for New York City purposes as if it filed on a separate basis for federal NOTE: In any tax year where an NOL is generated, you may purposes. not have an NOL utilized except in the following situation. As more fully explained below, any NYC Net Operating Loss The New York City (“NYC”) Net Operating Loss deduction is amount carried back to a previous year should be included subject to three general statutory limitations: (1) any net operat- in the year or period in which the Net Operating Loss was ing loss must be adjusted to reflect the inclusions and exclusions generated. |
Instructions for Form NYC-NOLD-GCT - 2022 Page 3 Column A tween business income and investment income. The amount ap- For fiscal year taxpayers insert the year in which the taxpayer’s portioned to investment income is determined by multiplying fiscal year began the NOL deduction by a fraction. The numerator is the invest- ment income before deducting any net operating loss. The de- Column B nominator is entire net income before deducting any net Insert amount from Form NYC-ATT-S-CORP, Part III, line 22. operating loss. The fraction should be expressed as percentage with two decimals places. Column C For taxpayers filing form NYC-3A or NYC-3L, use the amount computed as follows: take the amount from Form NYC-3A or NYC-3L, Schedule B, line 18 or 19, plus the amount from line 11. For taxpayers filing form NYC-4S, take the amount from Schedule B, line 8, plus the amount on line 6a. For taxpayers fil- ing Form NYC-4SEZ, take the amount from Schedule B, line 6, plus the amount on line 4. Column D Use the amount for the same period from Column C, as modified by any applicable federal net operating loss limitations such as the IRC section 382 limitations and the SRLY limitations. Column E Include the amount of the NYC Net Operating Loss utilized by the taxpayer in each of the years listed since the year generated. Any NYC Net Operating Loss amount carried back to a previ- ous year should be reflected in Column E in the year or period in which the Net Operating Loss was generated. Except as in- dicated in the previous sentence, in any tax period in which an NYC NOL is generated, you may not have an NYC NOL uti- lized. In the case of Net Operating Losses generated in taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, the total amount of NYC NOLs utilized may not exceed 80% of federal taxable in- come. Column F Only include the NYC Net Operating Loss expiring in the cur- rent tax period. Column G For the earliest year from which an NYC Net Operating Loss utilized in the current year is generated, the amount in Column G should be the same as the amount in Column D, unless the taxpayer has carried back an amount to a prior year in which case the amount in Column G is the amount in Column D, less the amount in Column E. For all subsequent years, except the current year, the amount in Column G is the amount in Column G for the immediately preceding year, plus the amount in Col- umn D, less the amount, if any, in Column E. For the current year on line 21 of Schedule A, the amount in Column G is the amount in Column G for the immediately preceding year, plus the amount in Column D, less the amounts, if any, in Column E and/or Column F. SCHEDULE B - NOL APPORTIONMENT TO INVEST- MENT INCOME (if applicable) Corporations that claim both business and investment income must apportion any Net Operating Loss (NOL) deduction be- |