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Form CHAR001-RT Registration Statement and Notice of Termination of
Intervening Interest for Charitable Remainder Trusts Open to Public
For Registration of Remainder Trusts Only New York State Department of Law (Office of the Attorney General) Inspection
(lead trusts use CHAR001-LT, Charities Bureau
charitable organizations use CHAR410, www.charitiesnys.com/
estates submit Notice of Probate)
Part A - Identification of Registrant
1. Full Name of Trust 7. Full Name of Grantor/Testator
2. c/o Name (individual, law firm, etc.) 8. Fed. employer ID no. (EIN)
3. Mailing address (Number and street) Room/suite 9. Date of Trust and any Amendments/Codicils
City or town, state or country and ZIP+4 10. Type of Trust:
Inter vivos ................................ G
Testamentary ............................. G
4. Phone 5. Fax 6. Email address 11. Fiscal Year End (mm/dd)
Part B - Identification of Trustees (list information for each trustee)
Name Address
Part C.1. - Identification of Lead Beneficiaries (list information for each lead beneficiary)
Name Date of Death (if applicable) Description of Interest
Part C.2. - Identification of Charitable Remainder Beneficiaries (list information for each charitable remainder beneficiary)
Organization Name Federal EIN Description of Interest
Part D - Notice of Termination of Intervening Interest
Check 0 G if the trust has complied with the requirement of EPTL ยง 8-1.4(f)(1) to mail a copy of this notice of termination to each current charitable
remainder beneficiary identified in Part C.2. above.
Part E - Attachments - All Documents Required
Attach a copy of the trust instrument to this Registration Statement.
Part F - Certification
Signature Printed Name Title Date
Form CHAR001-RT (2010)