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General information Where to file your application
A direct payment permit allows eligible businesses to pay sales Mail this form and all required documentation to:
tax directly to the Tax Department instead of paying tax to a NYS TAX DEPARTMENT
seller. The permit was designed for businesses that are unable TFAB – SALES TAX
to determine at the time of a purchase how otherwise taxable W A HARRIMAN CAMPUS
property or services will be used. For more information, see Tax ALBANY NY 12227-9340
Bulletin Direct Payment Permits (TB-ST-163).
Private delivery services – See Publication 55, Designated
Note: A direct payment permit is not the same as a sales tax Private Delivery Services.
exemption certificate. An exemption certificate allows a business
to make tax-free purchases that would otherwise be subject
to sales tax. For more information, see Tax Bulletin Exemption Privacy notification
Certificates for Sales Tax (TB-ST-240). New York State Law requires all government agencies that
maintain a system of records to provide notification of the legal
authority for any request, the principal purpose(s) for which the
Eligibility information is to be collected, and where it will be maintained.
To be eligible for a direct payment permit, a business must: To view this information, visit our website, or, if you do not
• be registered for sales tax purposes; have Internet access, call and request Publication 54, Privacy
• maintain a place of business in New York State; Notification. See Need help? for the Web address and telephone
• have filed all required returns and paid all taxes due on time
for the four preceding sales tax quarters immediately prior
to applying for the permit (an exception applies to a new Need help?
business that has not yet filed returns); and
• be unable to determine at the time of purchase how otherwise Visit our website at www.tax.ny.gov
taxable property or services will be used. • get information and manage your taxes online
The Tax Department will issue a specifically numbered direct • check for new online services and features
payment permit to an approved business for use when making
qualifying purchases. If an application is not approved, the Telephone assistance
business will be notified by mail.
Sales Tax Information Center: (518) 485-2889
Note: Approved businesses must file quarterly or (if required) To order forms and publications: (518) 457-5431
part-quarterly (monthly) sales tax returns.
Text Telephone (TTY) Hotline (for persons with
Specific Instructions hearing and speech disabilities using a TTY): (518) 485-5082
Enter the legal name, telephone number, address, and sales Persons with disabilities: In compliance with the
tax identification number at the top of the application. Do not Americans with Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our
make any entries in the spaces indicated for permit number and lobbies, offices, meeting rooms, and other facilities are
effective date. accessible to persons with disabilities. If you have questions
about special accommodations for persons with disabilities, call the
Line 1 Describe type of business conducted – Clearly information center.
describe the type of business conducted.
Line 2 Attach a statement of facts – It must include:
• the specific reasons a direct payment permit is needed;
• a description of the method to be used to account for use tax,
including the types of records that will be kept;
• if currently an annual sales tax return filer, a request to be
switched to a quarterly filing frequency; and
• any other facts that the applicant would like us to consider as
a basis for issuing the permit.
Be sure to keep a copy of your completed application for
your records.