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                                  Department of Taxation and Finance

                                  Authorization for Release of Photocopies of                                            DTF-505(3/20)
                                  Tax Returns and/or Tax Information

This form must be signed by the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s authorized representative, and a form of identification to validate 
your signature must be provided (such as a photocopy of your driver license or non-driver ID card).

Part A – Taxpayer information
 Taxpayer’s name                                                                          Taxpayer’s SSN or EIN

 Joint taxpayer’s name                                                                    Joint taxpayer’s SSN

 Street address                                                                           Telephone number (include area code)

 City, state, ZIP code 

Part B – Tax return information (attach additional sheets if necessary)
If you are authorizing the release of only information verifying the timely filing of tax returns listed below, mark an X in the box (see instr.)  ..
                       Column A                                     Column B                   Column C
 Tax type(Mark an  Xin the appropriate boxes for the type      Tax years requested        Information requested
             of tax information requested.)                    (List all years or periods 
                                                               requested for the tax
                                                                    types in Column A.)

 Income tax
                   VIN number (only if requesting Form DTF-802)
 Sales tax

 Wage reporting/W-2 info

 Corporation tax

 Withholding tax

 Other (list)
 If the copies must be certified mark an X here.               Reason for request

Part C – Third party or authorized individual information (Complete this section only if the return or information is to 
be sent to someone other than the taxpayer.)
 Print name of third party or authorized individual

 Print firm’s name (if applicable)

 Street address (number and street or PO Box)

 City, state, ZIP code                                                                    Telephone number (include area code)

Part D – Certification
 I certify that I am either the taxpayer whose name is shown on the return, or the taxpayer’s representative authorized to obtain the tax 
 return or information requested.
 Printed name of taxpayer or authorized representative                                    Title

 Signature of taxpayer or authorized representative                                       Date


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General instructions                                                    Part C – Third party or authorized individual 
Use this form to request copies of paper returns or e-filed returns not information
available through Online Services.                                      Complete this section only if you are requesting that the information 
                                                                        be sent to someone other than you.
You may be able to access certain tax information online. Visit our 
website (see Need help?) to create an Online Services account 
to view and print a copy of your e-filed return for the following tax   Part D – Certification
types:                                                                  This form must be signed by the taxpayer or the taxpayer’s 
•  Sales and use                                                        authorized representative, and you must provide a form of 
                                                                        identification from which your signature can be validated (such as a 
• Corporation                                                           legible photocopy of your valid driver license or non-driver ID card). 
•  Fuel use                                                             If the request applies to a joint return, only one spouse is required to 
Refer to the website for the most current information.
                                                                        If the taxpayer is unable to sign, you must submit a power of 
Payment and mailing information                                         attorney, power of appointment, or other evidence to establish 
                                                                        that you are authorized to act on behalf of the taxpayer or are 
There is a charge of twenty-five cents ($.25) per page. Send no         authorized to receive the taxpayer’s tax information. A representative 
payment now. The amount due will be billed to you in the letter we      can sign Form DTF-505 for a taxpayer only if this authority has 
send upon completion of your request.                                   been specifically delegated to the representative on a power of 
Mail your completed request, along with a copy of a form of             attorney (for example, Form POA-1, Power of Attorney). Attach a 
identification from which your signature can be validated, to:          copy.
        NYS TAX DEPARTMENT                                              For a corporation, the signature of the president, secretary, or other 
        DISCLOSURE UNIT                                                 principal officer is required.
        ALBANY NY 12227-0870                                            For partnerships, any person who was a member of the requesting 
If not using U.S. Mail, see Publication 55, Designated Private          partnership during any part of the tax period can sign the form.
Delivery Services.                                                      For entities other than individuals, you must attach the authorization 
                                                                        document. For example, this could be the letter from the principal 
Important information                                                   officer authorizing an employee of the corporation or the Letters 
We will return your request if the form is incomplete or you            Testamentary authorizing an individual to act for an estate.
did not provide a legible copy of your valid identification. It 
takes approximately 30 days for your request to be processed            Privacy notification
once all the necessary information has been received. To avoid          New York State Law requires all government agencies that maintain 
delays, be sure to:                                                     a system of records to provide notification of the legal authority 
•  specify as best you can the type of information being                for any request for personal information, the principal purpose(s) 
   requested,                                                           for which the information is to be collected, and where it will be 
•  provide the reason for your request,                                 maintained. To view this information, visit our website, or, if you do 
                                                                        not have Internet access, call and request Publication 54, Privacy 
•  include a daytime phone number,                                      Notification. See Need help? for the Web address and telephone 
•  sign Part D of this form, and                                        number.
provide a form of identification from which your signature 
   can be validated.
                                                                        Need help?
Specific instructions                                                               Visit our website at www.tax.ny.gov
Part A – Taxpayer information                                                       •  get information and manage your taxes online
Complete this section for all requests.                                             •  check for new online services and features

Part B – Tax return information                                         Telephone assistance
If you want us to provide only information regarding whether the        Personal Income Tax Information Center: 518-457-5181
returns and years requested were timely filed, mark an X in the box     Corporation Tax Information Center:     518-485-6027
in Part B. If you mark this box, we will not provide copies or any      Sales Tax Information Center:           518-485-2889
other return-specific information.                                      Withholding Tax Information Center:     518-485-6654
Mark an X in the appropriate boxes in Column A and list the years       Miscellaneous Tax Information Center:   518-457-5735
or periods requested in Column B. List the specific information you     To order forms and publications:        518-457-5431
would like to receive in Column C. If you need certified copies, mark 
an  Xin the box in Column A.                                            Text Telephone (TTY) or TDD             Dial 7-1-1 for the  
                                                                          equipment users                     New York Relay Service
If you are requesting proof of sales tax paid on a purchase of a 
motor vehicle, or a copy of your Form DTF-802, Statement of 
Transaction – Sale or Gift of Motor Vehicle, Trailer, All Terrain 
Vehicle (ATV), Vessel (Boat), or Snowmobile, provide the vehicle 
identification number (VIN) in the space provided.


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