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                                   Department of Taxation and Finance

                                   IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return                                                                                                   IFTA-100(5/19)
                                   File this return even if there is no tax due.
                                                                                                                 Mark an X in the appropriate box to indicate
Address         No operation in                              Cancel       Amended                                the quarter covered by this return.
change          any jurisdiction                             license      return                                       Jan 1 - Mar 31                                            Apr 1 - Jun 30
                                                                                                                       Jul 1 - Sep 30                                            Oct 1 - Dec 31
Licensee IFTA identification number
   NY                                                                                                            Enter the year covered by this return: 20
Legal name
                                                                                                                 This return must be filed by the last day of the 
                                                                                                                 month following the end of the quarter.
Street address
                                                                                                                 Most motor carriers are required to e-file their 
City                                                             State    ZIP Code                               quarterly returns.

Use this form for filing your quarterly fuel use tax return as required under the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA).
Read the instructions on page 2 carefully. Make a copy of this return for your records.
     Attach check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: Commissioner of Taxation & Finance.                                                                         Amount enclosed
     Mail to: NYS TAX DEPARTMENT, IFTA RETURNS, PO BOX 15194, ALBANY NY 12212-5194 (see page 2 for details)                                                            $

Attach a Form IFTA-101, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule, for each fuel type reported below. For fuel types listed on lines 1 through 4, 
enter the amount from each Form IFTA-101, page 1, column Q, Totals line. For all other fuel types enter the amount from Form IFTA-101-I, 
Instructions for Form IFTA-101, page 2, worksheet, column S, Total box. Enter any credit amounts in brackets ([ ]).

   1Diesel .......................................................................................................................................................   1 
    2Motor fuel gasoline ...................................................................................................................................         2
 3   Ethanol .....................................................................................................................................................   3
 4   Propane (LPG) .........................................................................................................................................         4
 5   All other fuel types not listed in lines 1 through 4 (from Form IFTA-101-I, page 2, worksheet, column S, Total)                                                 5
 6  Subtotal of amount due or credit (add lines 1 through 5) .........................................................................                               6
 7   Penalty (see instructions) ............................................................................................................................         7
 8  Total balance due or credit (add lines 6 and 7) ........................................................................................                         8
 9   Credits to be applied ................................................................................................................................          9
 10  Balance due or credit (subtract line 9 from line 8) ......................................................................................                      10
11   Refund amount requested ........................................................................................................................                11

Certification: I certify that the above statements are true, complete and correct and that no material information has been omitted. I make 
these statements with the knowledge that willfully providing false or fraudulent information with the intent to evade tax may constitute a 
felony or other crime under New York State Law, punishable by a substantial fine and possible jail sentence. I also understand that the Tax 
Department is authorized to investigate the validity of any information entered on this document.
              Printed name of authorized person                        Signature of authorized person             Official title
    person     Email address of authorized person                                                     Telephone number                                                  Date
     Paid      Firm’s name (or yours if self-employed)                                                Firm’s EIN                                                     Preparer’s PTIN or SSN
   preparer    Signature of individual preparing this return     Address                                          City                                                 State     ZIP code
     only      Email address of individual preparing this return                                      Telephone number                                                       Date
 (see instr.)                                                                                         (   )             

                                                                                                                 For office use only
                                                                                                                                                                        Date received
                                                                          Sig      Corr



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General information                                                      Line 10 – Subtract line 9 from line 8. If the amount on line 10 is 
Who must file – Anyone holding a license under the International         a balance due, enter the amount of your payment in the Amount 
Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is required to file, on a quarterly            enclosed box above line 1.
basis, Form IFTA-100, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Return, and            Line 11 – Enter the portion of the credit that you want refunded to 
Form IFTA-101, IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule ,for each            you. If you do not request a refund of the total credit, any remaining 
fuel type.                                                               credit balance will be available on your next quarterly return. 
Form IFTA-100 summarizes the amount of tax due or the amount             Note: Credit balances cannot be carried forward for more than 
to be credited for the various fuel types computed on each               eight quarters (two years) from the quarter in which the credit was 
Form IFTA-101 and is used to determine the total amount due or           earned.
credit, including any appropriate penalty and interest.                  Signature – If you are a sole proprietor, you must sign the return 
                                                                         and include your title, email address, date, and telephone number. 
Instructions                                                             If you are filing this return for a corporation, partnership, or other 
Address change – Mark an X in this box if this address is your new       type of entity, an officer, employee, or partner must sign the return 
or corrected address.                                                    on behalf of the business, and include their title, email address, 
                                                                         date, and telephone number.
No operation in any jurisdiction – Mark an X in this box if you 
did not operate qualified motor vehicles in any jurisdiction including    If you do not prepare the return yourself, sign, date, and provide 
your base jurisdiction during the quarter. Sign this return and mail to  the requested taxpayer information. The preparer must also sign 
the address indicated on the return.                                     the return and include their preparer identification number, address, 
                                                                         and telephone number.
Cancel license – Mark an X in this box if you are filing a final return 
and requesting your license be canceled. Complete this return for        Paid preparer’s responsibilities – Under the law, all paid 
your operations during the quarter and return your IFTA license and      preparers must sign and complete the paid preparer section of the 
any unused decals to the address on your license. Destroy any            form. Paid preparers may be subject to civil or criminal sanctions, or 
used decals.                                                             both, if they fail to complete this section in full.

Amended return – Mark an X in this box if this return corrects a         Mailing instructions
previous return. Indicate the quarter and year of the return you are 
correcting. The amended return should show the correct figures           1.  Attach check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: 
for that quarter – not the difference. An explanation of the changes      Commissioner of Taxation & Finance.
must accompany the amended return.                                       2. Include on your check or money order your identification 
                                                                          number, Form IFTA-100 and the quarter covered by this return.
Mark an X in the box for the quarter, and enter the year, covered by 
this return.                                                             3. Place this form on top of the Forms IFTA-101 you are returning.
Enter your licensee IFTA identification number. This is your             Mail your return to the IFTA Processing Center at:
employer identification number or other jurisdiction assigned                                 NYS TAX DEPARTMENT
identification number as it appears on your IFTA license.                                     IFTA RETURNS
                                                                                              PO BOX 15194
Enter your legal name as it appears on your IFTA license and                                  ALBANY NY 12212-5194
complete mailing address.
                                                                         If not using U.S. Mail, see Publication 55, Designated Delivery 
Line instructions
Note: Enter any credit amounts in brackets ([ ]).                        For additional forms or information, see Need help?.

Line 1 – Enter the amount from Form IFTA-101, page 1, column Q,          Privacy notification 
Totals line, for diesel fuel.
                                                                         New York State Law requires all government agencies that maintain 
Line 2 – Enter the amount from Form IFTA-101, page 1, column Q,          a system of records to provide notification of the legal authority 
Totals line, for motor fuel gasoline.                                    for any request for personal information, the principal purpose(s) 
                                                                         for which the information is to be collected, and where it will be 
Line 3 – Enter the amount from Form IFTA-101, page 1, column Q,          maintained. To view this information, visit our website, or, if you do 
Totals line, for ethanol.                                                not have Internet access, call and request Publication 54, Privacy 
Line 4 – Enter the amount from Form IFTA-101, page 1, column Q,          Notification. See Need help? for the Web address and telephone 
Totals line, for propane (LPG).                                          number.
Line 5 – Enter the amount from Form IFTA-101-I, Instructions for 
Form IFTA-101, page 2, worksheet, column S, Total box, for all            Need help?
other fuel types.
Line 6 – Add lines 1 through 5. This amount is the net of all credits                Visit our website at www.tax.ny.gov
and taxes due for each fuel type reported on lines 1 through 5.                      •  get information and manage your taxes online
Line 7 – Penalty – A penalty of $50 or 10% of delinquent taxes,                      •  check for new online services and features
whichever is greater, is imposed if you fail to file a return, file your 
return late, or underpay taxes due.                                       Telephone assistance
Line 8 – Add lines 6 and 7.                                               Miscellaneous Tax Information Center:              518-457-5735
Line 9 – Enter the amount of prior credit you are claiming. Any           To order forms and publications:                   518-457-5431
credit not claimed will be carried over to the next filing period.        Text Telephone (TTY) or TDD                        Dial 7-1-1 for the  
                                                                            equipment users                     New York Relay Service

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