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                                                           Department of Taxation and Finance
             Mark an Xfor only onefuel type:
                                                           IFTA Quarterly Fuel Use Tax Schedule                                                                                           (5/19)
                        Code  Fuel Type                    Attach this schedule to Form IFTA-100, IFTA Quarterly                            Mark an X in the appropriate box to indicate
             Tax on:       D        (Diesel)               Fuel Use Tax Return.                                                             the quarter covered by this schedule.
                          G         (Motor fuel gasoline)
                          E (Ethanol)                           Prepare a separate schedule for each fuel type.                                Jan 1 - Mar 31        Apr 1 - Jun 30
                                                                Use additional sheets if necessary.
                                                                                                                                               Jul 1 - Sep 30        Oct 1 - Dec 31
                          P (Propane)                           Make a copy for your records.
                                                                                                                                            Enter the year covered by this schedule: 20
Licensee IFTA identification number                                         Legal name
Enter credits in brackets ([ ]). Round to the nearest whole gallon or mile. Read Form IFTA-101-I, Instructions for Form IFTA-101, carefully.
                                                                            Miles per gallon (mpg) calculation
(A) Total IFTA miles      +         (B)  Total non-IFTA miles             =   (C)  Total miles      ÷     (D)  Total gallons                       =      (E)  Average fleet mpg
                                                                                                                  (all IFTA and non-IFTA jurisdictions)      (round to 2 decimal places)
(A)                       +         (B)                                   =   (C)                   ÷  (D)                                         =      (E)          .            
           F              G                 H            I                  J       K             L               M           N              O                  P               Q
      Jurisdiction      Rate        Total IFTA Taxable                    MPG       Taxable    Tax-paid           Net taxable Tax  Tax due or credit       Interest  Total due
                        code           miles   miles                      from E    gallons       gallons         gallons     rate M x N (Tax)               due     (O + P)
                                    (see instructions) (see instructions) above     (I ÷ J)    (see instructions) (K - L)          K x N (Surch)

           Subtotals from page 2
                                                                                                    For diesel, motor fuel gasoline, ethanol, and propane reported, transfer the column Q Totals 
Note: When listing additional jurisdictions                                                           from each schedule to the corresponding line on Form IFTA-100. 
and more space is needed, use page 2 of                                                             For all other fuel types transfer the column Q Totals from each schedule to Form IFTA-101-I, 
this form.                                                                                            page 2, worksheet, column S.

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Page 2 of 2 IFTA-101 (5/19)

             F             G       H          I                          J         K       L                  M           N    O                 P        Q
      Jurisdiction         Rate    Total IFTA Taxable                    MPG       Taxable Tax-paid           Net taxable Tax  Tax due or credit Interest Total due
                           code    miles      miles                      from E    gallons gallons            gallons     rate M x N (Tax)       due      (O + P)
                                   (see instructions) (see instructions) on page 1 (I ÷ J) (see instructions) (K - L)          K x N (Surch)

Transfer the Subtotals to Subtotals
page 1 of this schedule.

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