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Department of Taxation and Finance
Instructions for Form DTF-95 DTF-95-I
Business Tax Account Update
General information Sendyourwrittennotificationto:
If you are only reporting an address change, the fastest and easiest way NYS TAX DEPARTMENT
for most tax types is online. Visit our website (see Need help?) and select REGISTRATION AND BOND UNIT
the option to change your address. ALBANY NY 12227-2993
Use Form DTF-95 to correct or update certain business tax records with Certain changes may require you to complete a new registration for your
the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance (Tax Department). business.
You must complete a separate form for each tax type that has updated
information to report. If you are reporting only an address change, and not Entity change
doing so online, you may use Form DTF-96, Report of Address Change for You may not use this form to request a change in the type of entity of your
Business Tax Accounts, instead of Form DTF-95. business (for example, from sole proprietorship to partnership or partnership
Legal name, doing business as (DBA) name, or address changes to to corporation, and so on). Changes of this nature have certain legal
withholding tax information will also update corresponding information on requirements, such as incorporation, dissolution of a corporation, registering
your unemployment insurance account with the New York State Department anewpartnership,alteringthepartners,filingforaDBA certificate,andso
of Labor and your Metropolitan Commuter Transportation Mobility on. Entity types include corporations, partnerships, sole proprietors, and
Tax (MCTMT) account. several types of limited liability organizations (LLC, LLP, LLIC, and LLTC).
See the instructions for your tax returns or contact the Tax Department if
What you may update on this form you need to change your type of entity (see Need help?).
You may report a change to any of the following:
Legal name change
yourbusinessname,identificationnumber,telephoneandfaxnumbers, • If you are a domestic corporation (incorporated within New York State) or
emailaddress,andowner/officer/responsibleperson(s)/affiliated foreign authorized corporation (incorporated outside New York State), or
person(s) information; an LLC or LLP, registered with the New York State Department of State
• your business activity; (NYSDOS), you must report a legal name change with NYSDOS (after
• your business location (physical address) or mailing addresses (you may whichyoumayfileFormDTF-95).
use Form DTF-96 instead for address changes only). • If you are a foreign corporation that is not authorized (registered with
NYSDOS), use Form DTF-95 to report a legal name change. You may be
What you may not update on this form asked to provide further information.
• you may not change your business’ entity (see Entity change); • All other business entities may use Form DTF-95 to report a legal name
• you may not register a business with the Tax Department; change.
• you may not change PrompTax (EFT) program participant information Closing a business
(call the PrompTax Customer Service Center at 518-457-2332); Inmanycasesafinalreturnmustbefiledtoreportyourlastactivityandto
• you may not close your account with the Tax Department (see Closing a close that account. Corporations must complete a dissolution process and
business); obtainafilingreceiptfromtheNYSDOS.Formoreinformationonvoluntary
• you may not add another location or delete a location for sales tax (see dissolution and surrender of authority, see Forms TR-125, Instructions
Form DTF-17, Application to Register for a Sales Tax Certificate of for Voluntary Dissolution of New York State Business Corporations, and
Authority; see Need help?). TR-199, Surrender of Authority-Foreign Corporation, on our website (see
Need help?).
Legal restrictions Foreign addresses
Legal restrictions for petroleum-, alcohol-, and cigarette-related IfyouarelocatedoutsideoftheUnitedStatesandyoufindthatyour
businesses addresswillnotfitinthespacesprovided,youmayattachaseparatesheet
Filing Form DTF-95 is not a substitute for prior approval required for certain with your address information. Be sure to identify for which tax type(s) each
changes. Failure to obtain prior approval may result in the cancellation of address is to be used.
your registration, license, or permit.
InadditiontofilingFormDTF-95,ifyouareregistered,licensed,orgranted Specific instructions
a permit for any of the following activities: You must always complete Steps 1, 2, and 6. Complete Steps 3 through 5
and page 2, as needed, to report your updates.
• a distributor of beer, cider, wine, liquor, or other alcoholic beverages
(Article 18);
Step 1 – Select tax type(s) to be updated
• a cigarette agent, wholesale dealer of cigarettes, distributor of See Legal restrictions before selecting the tax types. Then indicate which
tobacco products or wholesale dealer of tobacco products, or a chain business tax records should be updated by marking an Xin the appropriate
store (Articles 20 and 20-A); box(es) in the section. If the updated information is the same for all your
• a motor fuel distributor, importing/exporting transporter, terminal businesstaxtypesonfilewiththe TaxDepartment,youneedtomarkthe
operator,orliquefiedpetroleumgasfuelpermittee(Articles12-A and firstboxonly,All business tax types on file with NYS Tax Dept. If you are
13-A); notmarkingthefirstboxandyourchangeaffectsataxnotlisted,markthe
• a diesel motor fuel distributor, retailer of heating oil only, or distributor box labeled Other and enter the tax type and account number in the spaces
of kero-jet fuel only (Articles 12-A and 13-A); or below that box.
• an aviation fuel business or residual petroleum products business
(Article 13-A); Step 2 – Identify your business
you must also: Current information on file
• notify the Tax Department in writing to report changes to the all the requested information for your
owner/officer/responsiblepersoninformationofanytypeofregistrantor currentlyonfilewiththe TaxDepartment. Thiswillassistusin
business as
updating your records.
licensee; or
• report changes, additions, and deletions of the location of a cigarette Identification number – Enteryouridentificationnumberasitappearson
agent or wholesale dealer warehouse. materialsyouarecurrentlyreceiving,ortheidentificationnumberthatyou
Legal name – Enter your business’ legal name as follows:
• for a corporation or LLC, enter the exact legal name of the business as it
appears on the Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Registration;