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New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Application for Refund of (9/11)
Sales Tax Paid on Petroleum Products For office use only
Tax Law — Articles 28 and 29 Total $ Date
Audited by
Approved by
Approved by
Approved by
Name1. 2. Period covered by claim (date(s) of purchase)(mm/dd/yyyy)
3.Street address 4. Telephone number
( )
City5. County State ZIP code 6. Employer identification number (EIN)
7. Total amount of refund claimed
Note: Complete this application in full, including the Schedule of motor fuel and diesel motor
fuel purchases on page 3. This form may not be used to claim a refund of the prepaid
sales tax (see instructions).
8. Fuel was used (mark an Xin applicable box; see instructions)
A — by an exempt organization ............................................................................................................................................
If marked, enter 6-digit exempt organization number and attach a copy of Form ST-119,
Exempt Organization Certificate ..............................................................................................................
B — by a qualified Indian nation or tribe ................................................................................................................................
If marked, enter 6-digit exempt organization number and attach a copy of Form ST-119,
Exempt Organization Certificate ..............................................................................................................
C — in farm production or in a commercial horse boarding operation .................................................................................
D — by a qualified empire zone enterprise (QEZE) ...............................................................................................................
Mark an Xin the box next to the applicable employment test worksheet and attach the appropriate form to the
AU-12.1, Employment Test for Businesses Certified by Empire State Development (ESD) Before April 1, 2005
AU-12.2, Employment Test for Businesses Certified by Empire State Development (ESD) On or After April 1, 2005,
and Before April 1, 2009
AU-12.3, Employment Test for Businesses Certified by Empire State Development (ESD) On or After April 1, 2009
E — by an omnibus carrier or vessel operator in local transit service ..................................................................................
F — for residential purposes .................................................................................................................................................
G — by a qualified Indian ......................................................................................................................................................
If marked, enter both of the following: • qualifying tribe or nation ...............................
• qualifying reservation ....................................
H — by manufacturers, processors, generators, assemblers, refiners, miners, and extractors ...........................................
I — other ..............................................................................................................................................................................
If marked, enter explanation ..................................
(continued on page 2)