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                                                       Department of Taxation and Finance
                                                       Highway Use Tax Return                                                                                                  (10/23)

                                                                                                              Taxpayer ID number
Only mark an  Xin a box if applicable  (see instructions).

    Final return (if permanently discontinuing business)                   Amended return                     Period covered:
                                                                                                              Begin date                                       End date
 Legal name                                                                                                   (mmddyy)                                         (mmddyy)
 Mailing address (Number and street or PO Box)
                                                                                                              Due date (mmddyy)
 City                                                                      State         ZIP code

 US DOT #                                                         Change of business information – You can update your address and other business 
                                                                  information by visiting our website (see Need Help? in Form MT-903-I). Select the option to 
                                                                  change your address for further instructions. For more information see Change of business 
                                                                  information in the instructions.
Read the instructions                  Payment: Make your check or money order payable in U.S. funds to:
(Form MT-903-I) before filling                         COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION AND FINANCE 
out this return                        Write your taxpayer ID number, MT-903, and the period covered by this  
                                       return on your check or money order.              Enter payment amount  ....  

      Mark an  Xin the box if you had no activity in New York State for this period, and enter  0          on line 3 below. Continue with the form.

Enter the total taxable miles traveled in New York State for this period by all vehicles  .........................................
Enter the total miles (including Thruway miles) traveled in New York State for this period by all vehicles  .......
Mark an X in the box to indicate filing method, which cannot be            Ifno highway use tax is due for this period, mark an  Xin one of the 
changed during the calendar year:                                          boxes below or enter  0on line 3.
      gross weight method              unloaded weight method                  All miles reported by another (leased motor vehicles)
                                                                               All motor vehicles are exempt (example: crane, mail, household
                                                                               goods, etc.)
 1  Highway use tax schedule totals (First complete Schedule 1 or Schedule 2, or both, and then enter totals in boxes 
      1a and 1b below.)
      Schedule 1 total tax                                       Schedule 2 total tax                         Total highway use tax (add 1a and 1b)
 1a                                                          1b.                                                      1c 
 2  Prior highway use tax overpayments to be applied (attach a copy of Form MT-927) 
    Note: Fuel use tax credits cannot be used to reduce highway use tax ..............................................                                 2 
 3  Highway use tax due (subtract line 2 from line 1c)  .................................................................................              3 
  4  Late filing penalty (see instructions) .......................................................................................................    4 
 5  Late filing interest (see instructions)  ......................................................................................................    5 
 6 Total  (add lines 3, 4, and 5)  ................................................................................................................... 6 
 7  Amount previously paid for this reporting period (see instructions)  .............................................................                 7 
 8  Balance due  (subtract line 7 from line 6; enter a minus (-) sign in front of any negative amounts; see instructions)    8
Certification: I certify that this return and any attachments are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, correct, and complete.
             Printed name of authorized person                   Signature of authorized person                    Official title
 person        Email address of authorized person                                                 Telephone number                                       Date
    Paid       Firm’s name (or yours if self-employed)                                          Firm’s EIN                                               Preparer’s PTIN or SSN
 preparer      Signature of individual preparing this return     Address                                      City                                       State         ZIP code
    only       Email address of individual preparing this return                                Preparer’s NYTPRIN or                                  Excl. code  Date
 (see instr.)
                               Keep a copy for your records                                                           For office use only


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Page 2 of 2  MT-903 (10/23)
To compute the tax due on the schedules below, see the Tax rate tables for highway use tax on Form MT-903-I, Instructions for 
Form MT-903. Be sure to use the proper tables for your reporting method. If you have any questions, see Need help? in Form MT-903-I.

Highway use tax – Schedule 1
                                               Do not report Thruway mileage or vehicles required to be included in Schedule 2.
           Vehicle information                                       Laden                                                                            Unladen
      A          B             C                     D               E                 F              G                                               H            I
   Permit # or   Gross        Unloaded       Taxable miles in        Rate           Tax            Taxable miles in                                   Rate         Tax
   certificate # weight       weight         New York State     (see instr.)        (D x E)        New York State                                     (see instr.) (G x H)

                                               9  Total of column   F.........                    12  Total of column   I                             ..........
    If you need additional lines,           10  Total from attached                               13  Total from attached  
    photocopy this page or attach                   schedule(s)  ..............                         schedule(s)  ..............
    computer printouts.                     11  Subtotal (add lines 9                             14  Subtotal (add lines 12  
                                                    and 10)  ......................                     and 13)  ......................

 15  Enter line 11 amount here .......................................................................................................................
 16 Schedule 1 total tax (add lines 14 and 15; enter the result here and on line 1a on the front page) ..................
Highway use tax – Schedule 2
Complete this schedule only if you operate 3 or fewer vehicles per month hauling certain timber products or bulk raw milk. If you 
operate more than 3 such vehicles, do not complete Schedule 2; list all the vehicles in Schedule 1 (see instructions).
                                               Do not report Thruway mileage or vehicles required to be included in Schedule 1.
           Vehicle information                                       Laden                                                                            Unladen
      J          K             L                     M               N                 O              P                                               Q            R
   Permit # or   Gross        Unloaded       Taxable miles in        Rate           Tax            Taxable miles in                                   Rate         Tax
   certificate # weight       weight         New York State     (see instr.)        (M x N)        New York State                                     (see instr.) (P x Q)

                                            17  Total of column   O........                       20  Total of column  R.........
                                            18  Total from attached                               21  Total from attached  
    Attach computer printouts if used.              schedule(s)  ..............                         schedule(s)  ..............
                                            19  Subtotal (add lines 17                            22  Subtotal (add lines 20  
                                                    and 18)  ......................                     and 21)  ......................

 23  Enter line 19 amount here .......................................................................................................................
 24 Schedule 2 total tax (add lines 22 and 23; enter the result here and on line 1b on the front page) ..................
                               For mailing instructions, see Where to file in Form MT-903-I.


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