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                              New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
                              Fuel Use Tax Return                                                                        MT-903-FUT
                              Tax Law — Article 21-A                                                                                                                 (1/97)
Taxpayer identification number                   Period covered by return:                       Due date:
                                                from                to                                        Mail to:
Name                                                                                                          NYS TAX DEPARTMENT
                                                                                                              MISCELLANEOUS TAX -
                                                                                                              HIGHWAY USE
                                                                                                              W A HARRIMAN CAMPUS,
                                                                                                              BLDG 8, RM 706
City, State, ZIP code                                                                                         ALBANY NY 12227

Read instructions carefully. Keep a copy of this completed form for your records.
Payment — Attach your check or money order payable in U.S. funds to: Commissioner of Taxation and Finance.
         Write your identification number, MT-903-FUT and the period covered by the return on your check.
                                                                                                           (a) Motor fuel other    (b) Diesel fuel
                                                                                                              than diesel
1  Total miles traveled everywhere .................................................               1
2  Total miles traveled in New York State (including Thruway miles) ...................            2
3  Ratio (divide line 2 by line 1; carry to the nearest .0001) ..............................      3
4  Fuel used in operations everywhere (enter whole gallons only) .....................             4                     Gals.                                Gals.
5  Fuel used in New York State (multiply line 3 by line 4; enter whole gallons only) .......       5                     Gals.                                Gals.
6  Fuel purchased ‘‘tax paid’’ in New York State (enter whole gallons only)          ............. 6                     Gals.                                Gals.
7  a. If line 5 is more than line 6, enter difference here (see lines 8a and 8b)     .........     7a                    Gals.                                Gals. Tax
   b. If line 6 is more than line 5, enter difference here (see lines 9a and 9b)     .........     7b                    Gals.                                Gals.  Cr.
Tax due on fuel used in New York State but not purchased in New York State (see instructions)                                      Tax Due Totals
8  a. Motor fuel other than diesel (multiply line 7a, col. a by                      , or by           ) ...............  8a
   b. Diesel fuel...................(multiply line 7a, col. b by                     , or by           ) ................ 8b
   c. Total tax (add lines 8a and 8b) .......................................................................             8c                                         Tax
Credit for tax paid on fuel purchased in New York State but used outside New York State                                   Credits Accrued Totals
9  a. Motor fuel other than diesel (multiply line 7b, col. a by                      , or by           ) ...............  9a
   b. Diesel fuel...................(multiply line 7b, col. b by                     , or by           ) ................ 9b
   c. Total credit (add lines 9a and 9b) ....................................................................             9c                                         Cr.
Fuel Use Tax Summary                                                                                                               Fuel Use Tax
10 Credit accrued this period (if line 8c (tax) is less than line 9c (credit), subtract line 8c from line 9c) ........... 10                                         Cr.
11 Tax due this period (if line 9c (credit) is less than line 8c (tax), subtract line 9c from line 8c) .................. 11                                         Tax
12 Amount of prior credit applied to tax due:
   a. Prior fuel use tax credits applied to tax due ............................             12a
   b. Prior truck mileage tax overpayments applied to tax due ...............                12b
   c. Total prior credits/overpayments applied to tax due (add lines 12a and 12b, attach MT-927) ............             12c                                        Cr.
13 Fuel use tax due (subtract 12c from line 11) .............................................................             13                                         Tax
14 Late filing penalty (see instructions)    ....................................................................          14
15 Late filing interest (see instructions)   ....................................................................          15
16 Total amount due (add lines 13, 14 and 15) .............................................................               16

Certification: I certify that this return and any attachments are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, correct, and complete.
Date            Signature                                                                    Official title                         Telephone number
Date            Print or type name of paid individual or firm preparing this return           Signature of individual preparing this return

Paid preparer’s ID number     Paid preparer’s mailing address                                                                      Preparer’s telephone number

                                                                 Need Help?
For information, forms or publications, call the Business Tax Information Center at 1 800 972-1233. For information, you can also call toll free 1 800 225-5829. For forms or
publications, call toll free 1 800 462-8100.
Telephone assistance is available from 8:30 a.m. to 4:25 p.m., Monday through Friday.
From areas outside the U.S. and Canada, call (518) 485-6800.
Hotline for the Hearing and Speech Impaired - If you have a hearing or speech impairment and have access to a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD), you can get
answers to your New York State tax questions by calling toll free from the U.S. and Canada 1 800 634-2110. Hours of operation are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m., Monday
through Friday. If you do not own a TDD, check with independent living centers or community action programs to find out where machines are available for public use.
Persons with Disabilities - In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, we will ensure that our lobbies, offices, meeting rooms and other facilities are accessible to
persons with disabilities. If you have questions about special accommodations for persons with disabilities, please call the information numbers listed above.
If you need to write, address your letter to: NYS Tax Department, Taxpayer Assistance Bureau, W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227.

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MT-903-FUT (1/97) (back)
                                              Instructions for Completing MT-903-FUT
General Information — Carriers must report vehicles that are subject to            Line 12a – If you have prior fuel use tax credit, enter the amount needed
the New York fuel use tax either on Form MT-903-FUT or on their IFTA               to satisfy any fuel use tax liability shown on line 11. Include only fuel use
(International Fuel Tax Agreement) tax return filed with their base                 tax credits for which you have not filed a claim for refund. Fuel use tax
jurisdiction. The following vehicles are subject to the New York fuel use tax.     credits may be applied against any fuel use tax liability on returns covering
– motor vehicles that have two axles and a gross vehicle weight or                 a period that falls wholly within the following two years.
registered gross vehicle weight exceeding 26,000 pounds; or                        Line 12b – If you have a prior unused truck mileage tax overpayment,
– motor vehicles that have three or more axles regardless of weight; or            enter the amount needed to satisfy any fuel liability shown on line 11 less
– motor vehicles that are used in combination, when the weight of such             the amount of prior fuel use tax credits entered on line 12a. Truck mileage
combination exceeds 26,000 pounds gross vehicle weight.                            tax overpayments made after December 31, 1993, expire four years from
                                                                                   the date of the overpayment.
See Publication 538, Guide to Highway Use Taxes and Other New York                 Line 12c – Add lines 12a and 12b.
State Taxes for Carriers, for a list of the vehicles exempt in New York State
from the fuel use tax.                                                             Line 13 – Subtract line 12c from line 11. This is the amount of fuel use tax
                                                                                   due. If there is no fuel use tax due, enter ‘‘0’’ on this line.
A carrier that operates a vehicle subject to the fuel use tax, but not subject
to IFTA, must report the vehicle on Form MT-903-FUT.                               Line 14 – Any tax due shown on line 13 that remains unpaid after the due
                                                                                   date of the return is subject to a penalty of $50 or 10% of the unpaid
A carrier that operates a vehicle in two or more IFTA jurisdictions must get       portion of the line 13 amount, whichever is greater.
an IFTA license if the vehicle is subject to the fuel use tax in any of the
IFTA jurisdictions in which the vehicle operates. A carrier that operates a        In addition, failure to file returns and pay any tax due may result in criminal
vehicle under an IFTA license should report the vehicle on its base                penalties under Article 37 of the Tax Law.
jurisdiction’s IFTA tax return.                                                    Line 15 – Any tax due shown on line 13 that remains unpaid after the due
Line Instructions                                                                  date of the return is subject to interest computed at the rate of 1% per
                                                                                   month or any part of a month from such due date until the date the tax is
Line 1 – Enter the total miles traveled both in and outside New York State         paid.
by vehicles that entered the state during the reporting period. Include            Certification
mileage traveled by tractors with no trailers. Use whole miles.
                                                                                   Sign and date the return and enter your official title and telephone number.
Line 2 – Enter the total miles traveled in New York State by vehicles              Only the taxpayer or an authorized agent may sign the return.
during the reporting period. Include mileage traveled by tractors with no          Additionally, if anyone other than an employee, owner, partner or officer of
trailers, and mileage on the New York State Thruway. Use whole miles.              the business is paid to prepare the return, he or she is required to sign
Line 3 – Divide line 2 by line 1, and enter the decimal ratio. Carry to the        and date the return and provide his or her mailing address and telephone
nearest four decimal places (e.g., .0001).                                         number.
Line 4 – Enter the total gallons of fuel used in operations both in and                              Calculating Alternative Rates
outside New York State by vehicles that entered the state during the
reporting period. Use whole gallons.                                               If you maintain substantiating records, you may compute the sales tax
                                                                                   components for diesel and other motor fuel based on the average price
Line 5 – Multiply the number of gallons on line 4 by the ratio on line 3,          per gallon of these fuels used during the reporting period, instead of
and enter the result. This is the number of gallons used in operations in          using the prevailing price sales tax component included in the tax and
New York State. Use whole gallons.                                                 credit rates provided by the Business Tax Information Center. To
Line 6 – Enter the total number of gallons of fuel purchased tax paid (fuel        compute the sales tax components separately for diesel and other
upon which New York State sales and fuel taxes have been paid) in New              motor fuel:
York State during the reporting period for use in operations both in and           1.     Determine the total cost of fuel used during the reporting
outside this state. Tax-paid fuel does not include fuel sold to another entity,           period, including federal, state and local taxes, but not
fuel put into a vehicle that is being reported by another (e.g., leased                   including state or local sales taxes or any other taxes upon
vehicle), or fuel that has not been transferred to the fuel tanks of motor                which state and any local sales tax is not computed. For
vehicles. Use whole gallons only.                                                         example, in New York State the diesel motor fuel tax and
Line 7a – If line 5 is greater than line 6, subtract line 6 from line 5. If line 6        the motor fuel tax are not included in the total cost of fuel.
is equal to or more than line 5, enter ‘‘0’’.                                      2.     Divide this amount by the total number of gallons of fuel
Line 7b – If line 6 is greater than line 5, subtract line 5 from line 6. If line 5        you used in your operations (either in or outside New York
is equal to or more than line 6, enter ‘‘0’’.                                             State) to arrive at the average price per gallon.
The rates used for lines 8a, 8b, 9a and 9b are established by the                  3.     Compute the sales tax component by multiplying the
Commissioner of Taxation and Finance for each period. To get the rates                    average price per gallon by 7% (rounding to the nearest
for any particular filing period, call the Business Tax Information Center                 tenth of a cent; e.g., .08753 5 .088).
at 1 800 972-1233. Telephone assistance is available from 8:30 a.m. to             4.     Subtract the sales tax component included in the tax/credit
4:25 p.m., Monday through Friday.                                                         rate provided by the Business Tax Information Center, and
If you maintain substantiating records, see Calculating Alternative Rates                 add the sales tax component that you computed.
for lines 8a, 8b, 9a, and 9b.
                                                                                   If the rates you calculated are different from the rates provided by the
Line 8a – Multiply line 7a, column (a), by the tax rate provided by the            Business Tax Information Center, indicate your rates in the boxes on
Business Tax Information Center, and enter the result.                             the corresponding line, and use them in computing your fuel use tax
                                                                                   liabilities and credits.
Line 8b – Multiply line 7a, column (b), by the tax rate provided by the
Business Tax Information Center, and enter the result.
Line 8c – Add lines 8a and 8b.                                                                             Privacy Notification
                                                                                   The right of the Commissioner of Taxation and Finance and the Department of
Line 9a – Multiply line 7b, column (a), by the tax rate provided by the            Taxation and Finance to collect and maintain personal information, including
Business Tax Information Center, and enter the result.                             mandatory disclosure of social security numbers in the manner required by tax
                                                                                   regulations, instructions, and forms, is found in Articles 8, 12-A, 13-A, 21, and 21-A of
Line 9b – Multiply line 7b, column (b), by the tax rate provided by the            the Tax Law and 42 USC 405(c)(2)(C)(i).
Business Tax Information Center, and enter the result.                             The Tax Department will use this information primarily to determine and administer
                                                                                   the gas and diesel motor fuel, petroleum, highway use, and fuel use taxes under
Line 9c – Add lines 9a and 9b.                                                     Articles 12-A, 13-A, 21, and 21-A of the Tax Law, and for any other purpose
Line 10 – If line 8c is less than line 9c, subtract line 8c from line 9c. The      authorized by law.
balance is the credit accrued this reporting period, and may be carried            Failure to provide the required information may result in civil or criminal penalties, or
forward and applied against any fuel use tax liability accrued within the          both, under the Tax Law. In some cases, failure to provide the required information
following two years. You may apply for a refund of this credit by filing            may result in denial, cancellation, or suspension of a registration as a distributor of
Form MT-907, Claim for Fuel Use Tax Refund, within 49 months from the              motor fuel or of a license as a terminal operator or importing/exporting transporter.
end of the reporting period covered by this report.                                This information will be maintained by the Director of the Registration and Data
                                                                                   Services Bureau, NYS Tax Department, Building 8 Room 924, W A Harriman
Line 11 – If line 9c is less than line 8c, subtract line 9c from line 8c. This     Campus, Albany NY 12227; telephone 1 800 225-5829. From areas outside the U.S.
is the tax due this period.                                                        and outside Canada, call (518) 485-6800.

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