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New York State Department of Taxation and Finance
Office of Tax Policy Analysis
Taxpayer Guidance Division TSB-M-09(5)M
May 13, 2009
Voluntary Disclosure and Compliance Program Legislative Change
Regarding the Disclosure of Information
Chapter 57 of the Laws of 2009 amended the provisions of the Voluntary Disclosure and
Compliance (VDC) program contained in section 1700 of Article 36 of the Tax Law.
The amendment provides that the Tax Department is permitted to disclose any return or
report filed by a taxpayer under the VDC program to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United
States, his or her delegates (this includes the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)), or the proper tax
officer of any state or city, as otherwise permitted in the Tax Law.
Prior to the amendment, the law allowed for the disclosure of returns and reports filed
under the VDC program to another agency only if the taxpayer failed to comply with the terms
of a voluntary disclosure and compliance agreement.
The amendment took effect on April 7, 2009, and applies only to returns or reports filed
under the VDC program on or after that date. The amendment does not apply to any other
information obtained from a taxpayer during the voluntary disclosure process, including the
taxpayer’s actual disclosure under the VDC program. That information remains confidential and
will not be shared with another agency.
NOTE: A TSB-M is an informational statement of existing department policies or of
changes to the law, regulations, or department policies. It is accurate on the date
issued. Subsequent changes in the law or regulations, judicial decisions, Tax
Appeals Tribunal decisions, or changes in department policies could affect the
validity of the information presented in a TSB-M.
W A Harriman Campus, Albany NY 12227 www.nystax.gov