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Publication 862

Sales and Use Tax

Classifications of Capital

Improvements and Repairs 

to Real Property

                          Pub 862 (4/01)

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                                                                    Publication 862 (4/01)

                               About This Publication

Publication 862 provides contractors and their customers (property owners) sales and compensating use tax
guidance for distinguishing between a capital improvement to real property and repairs, maintenance, or
installation services to real property.  For this purpose, we include a list of various activities with respect to
real property and identify them as either a capital improvement or a repair, maintenance, or installation

If a contractor does a capital improvement for a customer and the customer provides the contractor with a
properly completed Form ST-124, Certificate of Capital Improvement, no sales tax is required to be collected
from the customer.  On the other hand, when a contractor performs a job that constitutes a repair,
maintenance, or installation service to real property, sales tax must be collected from the customer, unless the
contractor receives a properly completed Form ST-119.1, Exempt Organization Certification, or other
applicable exemption document.

In determining whether a job is a capital improvement, please keep in mind that the installation of certain
items listed as capital improvements on the following pages may not qualify as a capital improvement if the
items are installed by a commercial tenant as a trade fixture.

As a general rule, a contractor must pay sales tax to its supplier when it purchases tangible personal property.
It does not matter whether the tangible personal property will be used in performing a capital improvement
or a repair, maintenance, or installation service. 

If you have questions about the material presented in this publication, please refer to the back cover of this
publication for the appropriate address or telephone number to contact for more information.


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                          Table of Contents


Part I-General Information
Tax on building materials ...................................................... -6-
Frequently used exemption documents ............................................ -6-
90 day rule for exemption documents ............................................. -7-
Services to real property........................................................ -7-
Real property................................................................ -7-
Tangible personal property ..................................................... -7-
Capital improvement.......................................................... -7-
Leasehold improvements....................................................... -8-
Repair and maintenance........................................................ -9-
Installation.................................................................. -9-

Part II- Listing of Capital Improvements and Repair, Maintenance, and Installation Services

Air cleaners ................................................................ -10-
Air conditioners............................................................. -10-
Bathrooms ................................................................. -10-
Brickwork ................................................................. -11-
Central air conditioning....................................................... -11-
Chimneys.................................................................. -11-
Decks..................................................................... -11-
Doors ..................................................................... -12-
Driveways, parking lots, and walks.............................................. -12-
Electrical .................................................................. -13-
Exterior ................................................................... -13-
Fire, water, wind damage...................................................... -14-
Fireplaces .................................................................. -14-
Floor coverings ............................................................. -15-
Floors and floorings.......................................................... -15-
Garage doors ............................................................... -15-
electric .............................................................. -16-
electric boiler......................................................... -16-
electric furnace........................................................ -16-
gas ................................................................. -16-
heat pump............................................................ -17-
hot water............................................................. -17-
oil.................................................................. -17-
radiant .............................................................. -18-
solar ................................................................ -18-
steam ............................................................... -18-


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                  Publication 862 (4/01)

Heating (cont.)
warm air duct system................................................... -18-
wood burning furnace, boiler, stove........................................ -19-
Hot water heaters............................................................ -19-
Humidifiers ................................................................ -19-
Kitchens................................................................... -19-
Landscaping and yard care..................................................... -20-
Masonry................................................................... -21-
Miscellaneous .............................................................. -21-
Painting ................................................................... -21-
Patios ..................................................................... -22-
piping............................................................... -22-
sinks................................................................ -22-
toilets ............................................................... -22-
tubs and showers ...................................................... -23-
Roofs and roofing materials.................................................... -23-
Septic systems .............................................................. -23-
Stairs ..................................................................... -24-
Sump pumps ............................................................... -24-
Swimming pools ............................................................ -24-
Ventilation ................................................................. -24-
Walls ..................................................................... -25-
Windows .................................................................. -25-
Yard care .................................................................. -26-
Need help?............................................................back cover


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                          Part I - General Information

Tax on building materials As a general rule, if you are a contractor or a property owner, you must pay
                          sales tax on your purchases of building materials, unless some exemption
                          applies, in which case  you must provide an exemption certificate or other
                          document to the supplier which indicates that no tax is imposed or
                          required to be collected when the building materials are purchased.

Frequently used           Instead of receiving a tax payment, suppliers may accept certain exemption
exemption documents       documents. Examples of frequently used exemption documents and from
                          whom they may be accepted are:

                          From contractors

                          - Form ST-120.1, Contractor Exempt Purchase Certificate
                          - Form AU-297, Direct Payment Permit

                          From exempt organizations

                          - Form ST-119.1, Exempt Organization Certification

                          From farmers and commercial horse boarding operations

                          - Form ST-125, Farmers and Commercial Horse Boarding Operations
                          Exemption Certificate (For information on the newly expanded
                          exemptions applicable to farmers and commercial horse boarding
                          operations enacted by Chapter 407 of the Laws of 1999, please see

                          From a Qualified Empire Zone Enterprise (QEZE)

                          -Form ST-121.6, Qualified Empire Zone Enterprise (QEZE) Exempt
                          Purchase Certificate  (For information on sales and use tax exemptions
                          afforded to a QEZE enacted by Chapter 63 of the Laws of 2000,
                          please see TSB-M-01(1)S.)

                          From retailers

                          - Form ST-120, Resale Certificate

                          From New York State and its political subdivisions and the United
                          States and its agencies

                          -Government Purchase Orders


- 7 -
                                                                             Publication 862 (4/01)

90 day rule for exemption  If you are a contractor or supplier who makes a sale of services or
documents                  building materials that is exempt from tax, you must have a properly
                           completed exemption document in your possession no later than 90
                           days after the service is rendered or you will be required to collect
                           tax and the purchaser will need to file a claim for refund of the tax with
                           the Tax Department.

Services to real property  Services to real property are classified as either a capital improvement
                           or a repair, maintenance or installation service. Installation services
                           include the installation of tangible personal property which remains
                           tangible personal property after its installation.

Real property              The term real property means real property, property or land as defined
                           in the Real Property Tax Law and includes but is not limited to:

                                      land and vegetation growing on the land such as trees,
                                        shrubs, bushes, and grass; 

                                      buildings and structures erected upon, under, or above
                                        land, or affixed to the land;

                                      utility lines, wires, and poles;

                                      mains, pipes and tanks for conducting steam, heat,
                                        water, oil, gas, and electricity; and

                                      boilers, heating, ventilating, lighting apparatus, and

Tangible personal property The term tangible personal property means corporeal personal property
                           of any nature having a material existence and perceptibility to the
                           human senses including but not limited to materials, tools, equipment
                           and supplies.

Capital improvement        A capital improvement is an addition or alteration to real property that:

                                      substantially adds to the value of the real property, or
                                        appreciably prolongs the useful life of the real property;

                                      becomes part of the real property or is permanently
                                        affixed to the real property so that removal would cause
                                        material damage to the property or article itself; and

                                      is intended to become a permanent installation.


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                       However, the addition of a mobile home to real property is never a
                       capital improvement, regardless of how it is installed.

                       For special rules regarding when the installation of a floor covering
                       constitutes a capital improvement, see page 15.

                       In the case of a capital improvement, if you are a property owner who:

                               purchases materials and supplies only and you perform
                                 your own labor, you pay tax to the supplier on the
                                 materials and supplies.

                               purchases materials and supplies and hires a contractor
                                 to perform the labor, you pay tax to the supplier on
                                 the materials and supplies, but you do not pay tax to
                                 the contractor for the labor.

                               purchases materials and supplies and labor from the
                                 contractor, you pay no tax.

                       In the case of a capital improvement, if you are a contractor who
                       purchases materials and supplies, you pay tax to the supplier and you
                       do not collect any sales tax from your customer.

Leasehold improvements As a general rule, additions or alterations to real property for or by a
                       tenant with respect to leased premises are presumed to be temporary in
                       nature.  Consequently, they do not qualify as capital improvements.
                       However, these additions or alterations may qualify as capital
                       improvements if there is a demonstrated intention to make them
                       permanent (assuming the other qualifications are met).  For example,
                       an intention of permanence would be demonstrated by a provision in
                       the building lease indicating that immediately upon installation title to
                       the installation vests with the lessor and the installed property is to
                       remain with the premises after the termination of the lease.  

                       If a lease does not contain these provisions, other factors such as the
                       nature of the installation, or written agreements other than a lease
                       provision may be considered in determining the intention of the parties
                       with respect to the permanence of the installation.  Please see TSB-M-
                       83(17)S for further information on leasehold improvements.


- 9 -
                                                               Publication 862 (4/01)

Repair and maintenance Repair and maintenance relates to keeping real property in a condition
                       of fitness, efficiency, readiness and/or safety or to restoring it to such

                       In the case of a job that constitutes repair or maintenance, if you are a
                       property owner who:

                               purchases materials and supplies only and performs
                                 your own labor, you pay tax to the supplier on the
                                 materials and supplies.

                               purchases materials and supplies and hires a contractor
                                 to perform the labor, you pay tax to the supplier on
                                 the materials and supplies and to the contractor for
                                 the labor.

                               purchases materials and supplies and labor from a
                                 contractor, you pay tax to the contractor on the total

                       In the case of a job that constitutes repair or maintenance, if you are a
                       contractor who:

                               purchases materials, you pay tax to the supplier, even
                                 though you are also required to collect tax from your
                                 customer.  However, you are entitled to a refund or
                                 credit of the tax that you paid on the materials that you
                                 transferred to the customer.

                               purchases supplies, you pay tax to the supplier.

Installation           Installation services are services related to setting up tangible personal
                       property or putting it in place for use.

                       If you are a contractor who installs items such as washing machines,
                       clothes dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators, furniture, etc., which when
                       installed or placed in real property do not become part of the real
                       property, you must collect tax on your charge for the installation.  The
                       individual charge for any of these items is also taxable as the sale of
                       tangible personal property.


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                             Part II - Listing of Capital Improvements and
                             Repair, Maintenance, and Installation Services

                               Capital improvement*                                 Repair, maintenance, or

Air cleaners                 Installation of central air cleaner systems          Repair or replacement of the following in self-
                                                                                  contained or central units:
                             Original installation of ductwork or required         collector plates
                               additional ductwork                                 electronic plates
                                                                                   power boxes
                             Replacement of complete central air cleaner           return air ducts
                               units                                               sails

                                                                                  Installation or replacement of self-contained
                                                                                    air cleaners

Air conditioners (other than Original installation or complete replacement        Repair or replacement of the following in in-
central air conditioning       of through-the-wall mounted units                  window or through-the-wall mounted units:
systems)                                                                           air flow controls        fans
(see also - Central air                                                            blowers                  fan motors
conditioning)                                                                      casings                  filters
                                                                                   compressors              grilles
                                                                                   copper tubing            motors

                                                                                  Installation or replacement of window air

Bathrooms                    Complete remodeling of bathrooms (toilet,            Installation of free-standing cabinets
(see also - Electrical,        tub, and vanity)
Plumbing, and Walls)                                                              Repair of:
                             Complete installation or replacement                  cabinets                tile
                             (including any necessary fixtures) of:                exhaust fans            toilets
                              cabinets                   toilets                  faucets                 tubs
                                    (permanent)           tubs                     mirrors                 tub or shower 
                              exhaust fans               tub or shower            shower heads                enclosures
                              floor tiles (if               enclosures             sinks                   vanities
                               ceramic or quarry          vanities
                               type)                      wall tiles             Replacement of faucets and shower heads
                              tile (floor or wall)


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                                                                                                 Publication 862 (4/01)

                                Capital improvement*                          Repair, maintenance, or

Brickwork                     Construction of new or complete replacement   Fixing cracks
(see also -Chimneys,          of brick:
Masonry)                       chimneys             stairs or steps       Replacing damaged bricks
                               exterior surfaces    structures
                               fireplaces           walls                 Repointing


Central air conditioning      Installation of central air conditioning      Maintenance contracts
(see also - Air conditioners) systems
                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                              Original installation of ductwork or required   blowers               excess moisture     
                                                                             coils                      drains
                                additional ductwork                          compressors           fans
                                                                             condenser coils       filters
                              Replacement of complete central air            control devices       refrigerant
                                conditioning units                            ductwork sections     refrigerant tubes

Chimneys                      Addition or complete replacement of flue or   Chimney cleaning
(see also - Brickwork,          liner  (metal or foam)
Fireplaces, Masonry)                                                        Fixing cracks
                              Complete replacement of chimneys
                                                                            Installation of spark arrestors
                              Installation of new chimneys
                                                                            Repair of flues


                                                                            Sealing of flashings 

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             caps                  loose mortar
                                                                             damaged bricks        pots
                                                                             flashings              rain and draft           

Decks                         Additions to decks                            Cleaning of decks
(see also - Patios)
                              Installation or complete replacement of:      Repair or partial replacement of :
                              entire decks                                decks
                              floor of deck                               floor of deck
                              footings                                    footings
                              stairs                                      stairs
                              railings                                    railings

                              Water sealing, staining or painting of new    Water sealing, staining or painting of existing  
                                decks                                         decks


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                             Capital improvement*                               Repair, maintenance, or

Doors                        Closing off a doorway                            Addition of paneling to a door

                             Cutting of doorways                              Caulking (interior/exterior)

                             Installation or replacement of doors, or doors   Elimination of binding or looseness
                             and frames, or storm doors with related
                             hardware                                         Installation of the following items in an
                                                                              existing door:
                             Painting, varnishing or staining a new door       closers                    mailslots
                                                                               decorative                 peepholes
                                                                                moldings                   thresholds
                                                                               kickplates                 weather stripping

                                                                              Repair of existing doors

                                                                              Painting, varnishing, or staining existing 

                                                                              Repair or replacement of:
                                                                               casing                     locksets
                                                                               closers                    panels
                                                                               door frames                saddles
                                                                               door knobs                 screens
                                                                               glass panes                stiles
                                                                               handles                    stops
                                                                               head jambs                 thresholds
                                                                               hinges                     top rails
                                                                               jambs                      trim
                                                                               locks or latches           weather stripping

Driveways, parking lots, and Installation or complete repaving (resurfacing)  Replacement of:
walks                        of driveways, parking lots, and walks             cobblestones
(see also - Exterior,                                                          crushed stone
Landscaping and yard care)   Original landscaping of parking lot islands        crushed stone with oil

                             Original installation of gravel or crushed stone Repairing and patching of holes and cracks
                                                                              Replacing sections of concrete or blacktop       
                             Original striping (line painting) on new           driveways, parking lots, and walks
                             parking lot
                                                                              Restriping, sealing, and dressing

                                                                              Resurfacing of  gravel or crushed stone 
                                                                                driveways with new gravel or crushed

                                                                              Maintaining or repairing of parking lot 
                                                                                islands, including ongoing landscaping 


- 13 -
                                                                                               Publication 862 (4/01)

                             Capital improvement*                           Repair, maintenance, or

Electrical                Complete wiring or rewiring of structures or    Installation of a dimmer switch to replace an 
                             the upgrading of a service                     existing switch

                          Additions to wiring systems; for example, new   Repair of:
                             circuits                                      floor outlets                metal raceways
                                                                           fluorescent                multi-outlet strips
                          In-wall installations of electrical wiring and    fixtures                     outdoor lamppost
                                                                           lighting fixtures            wall boxes
                             communications cables in connection with      main power boxes             wall fixtures
                             the installation of burglar alarms or                                       wiring
                             security systems
                                                                          Replacement of:
                          Original in-wall installations of telephone      circuit breakers             fuses
                                                                           fluorescent fixture          light bulbs
                             wiring, speaker wire, computer cable or        parts: (ballasts,          outlets
                             coaxial cable, with the exception of the       starters, tubes)             receptacles
                             installation of telephone wiring installed                                  switches
                             by the telephone service provider, in 
                             connection with the telephone service that 
                             it is selling or cable television cable 
                             installed by the cable television service 
                             provider in connection with its service. 

                          Original installation of:
                            circuit breakers         receptacles
                            outlets                  switches

                          Original installation or complete replacement
                            add-on panels            main power boxes
                            breaker panels           metal raceways
                            ceiling fixtures         multi-outlet strips
                            door bells               outdoor lamp posts
                            door buzzers             wall boxes
                            door chimes              wall fixtures
                            floor outlets            wiring

Exterior                  Additions to existing structures                Installation of:
(See also - Driveways,                                                     canvas awnings
parking lots and walks,   Application of siding to structures              patching cracks
Landscaping and yard care)
                          Complete replacement of porches                 Painting of existing:
                          Construction of:                                 concrete
                            decks                     garages
                            dormers                   new homes         Repair of louvers and shutters
                            footings                  new porches
                            foundations               pole barns
                                                                          Repair or maintenance of:
                          Deepening existing water wells                    awnings (including canvas)
                                                                           exterior surfaces
                          Drilling or boring new water wells               roof decks
                                                                           water well pumps
                          Excavation work if for a capital improvement


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                           Capital improvement*                               Repair, maintenance, or

Exterior (cont.)         Insulating structures                              Repair, replacement, or maintenance of:
                                                                             canvas awnings
                         Installation of new or complete replacement of      fence pickets, posts, rails or sections
                         existing:                                            flashings
                          awnings (other                 fences            shingles (partial)
                           than canvas)                   louvers           siding (partial)
                          gutter and                  shutters
                           downspout                      water well pumps Excavation work - if for repair and 
                           systems                                            maintenance

                         Installation or complete replacement of            Snow removal
                           permanent (non-floating) docks 
                                                                            Installation or replacement of floating docks
                         Complete re-siding of structures
                                                                            Repair or maintenance of any dock
                         Painting of new structures

Fire, water, wind damage Rehabilitation of damaged structures (See          Cleaning
                           appropriate sections for work performed.)
                         Demolition of a building or structure
                                                                            Refinishing floors

                                                                            Removal of water or debris


                                                                            Replacement of broken glass

Fireplaces               Installation or complete replacement of            Cleaning
(see also - Chimneys,      fireplaces (other than freestanding units or
Heating - wood burning     inserts)                                         Fixing cracks
furnace, boiler, stove)

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             ash pits                 headers
                                                                             cold air inlets          hearths
                                                                             damaged bricks           lintels
                                                                             dampers                  mantels
                                                                             damper controls          smoke chambers
                                                                             fireboxes                smoke shelves
                                                                             firebricks               warm air outlets

                                                                            Installation, maintenance or repair of 
                                                                              freestanding fireplace unit or insert


- 15 -
                                                                                                      Publication 862 (4/01)

                              Capital improvement*                               Repair, maintenance, or

Floor coverings             Installation of carpet, carpet tile, carpet        Installation of carpet, carpet tile, carpet
(See also-Floors and        padding, linoleum and vinyl roll floor               padding, linoleum and vinyl roll floor
floorings, Bathrooms, Fire, covering, linoleum tile, vinyl tile, and other       covering, linoleum, vinyl tile, and other
water and wind damage)      similar floor covering, as the initial finished      similar floor coverings in an existing
                            floor covering:                                      building, or in a building more than 6
                             in the new construction of a building or           months after the building has otherwise
                              structure; or                                      been completed.
                             in a new addition to an existing building or
                              structure; or
                             in the total reconstruction of an existing       Repair maintenance or replacement of any of 
                              building or structure.                             the above floor coverings.
                            (The installation of floor covering under any 
                              other circumstance is not a capital 

Floors and floorings        Installation or complete replacement of            Repair, maintenance or partial replacement of 
                              floorings such as wood floor, floating             floorings such as wood floor, ceramic tile
                              wood laminate floors, ceramic tile floor,          floor, terrazzo, marble, concrete and other
                              terrazzo, marble, concrete and other               similar floors
                              similar floors
                                                                               Cleaning, stripping, sanding, waterproofing, 
                            Cleaning, sanding, waterproofing, painting,          painting, staining, varnishing and waxing
                              staining, varnishing and waxing   new              existing floors 

                            Raised flooring [see TSB-M-98(2)S for more 

Garage doors                Installation or replacement of complete garage     Adjustment of spring tension 
                                                                               Lubrication of parts 
                            Installation or complete replacement of            
                              electric garage door openers and controls        Repair or maintenance of electric garage door  
                                                                                  openers and controls
                            Painting, varnishing or staining of new garage 
                              doors                                            Painting, varnishing or staining of existing       
                                                                                 garage doors

                                                                               Repair or replacement of:
                                                                                cables                  panels
                                                                                casings                 rollers
                                                                                door frames             saddles
                                                                                door sections           springs
                                                                                glass panes             stiles
                                                                                hinges                  stops
                                                                                jambs                   tracks
                                                                                locks                   trim


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Publication 862 (4/01)

                         Capital improvement*                                 Repair, maintenance, or

Heating -electric        Addition to permanently installed electric         Cleaning
                         heating systems
                                                                            Maintenance contracts
                         Installation or replacement of permanently 
                         installed electric heating units or systems        Repair of baseboard heaters and wall heaters

                                                                            Repair or replacement of heating elements
                                                                              and thermostats

Heating -electric boiler Installation or complete replacement of            Cleaning of electric boiler
                         electric boilers
                                                                            Maintenance contracts

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             automatic airvents        pressure controls
                                                                             circulators               relief valves
                                                                             controls                  return lines
                                                                             drain valves              supply lines
                                                                             expansion tanks           thermostats
                                                                             heating elements

Heating -electric furnaceInstallation or complete replacement of            Cleaning of electric furnaces
                         electric furnaces
                                                                            Maintenance contracts

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             blowers                   low-voltage             
                                                                             condensers                 terminals
                                                                             elements                  relays
                                                                             filters                   sequencers
                                                                             fuses                     thermostats

Heating -gas             Installation or complete replacement of gas        Cleaning of gas furnaces
                                                                            Maintenance contracts

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             burner heads              pilot gas lines
                                                                             draft hoods               pressure regulators
                                                                             filters                   safety control          
                                                                             main gas valves               valves
                                                                             main shutoff              safety thermostat    
                                                                              valves                       elements
                                                                                                        vent pipes


- 17 -
                                                                                             Publication 862 (4/01)

                  Capital improvement*                                 Repair, maintenance, or

Heating -heat pumpInstallation or complete replacement of heat       Cleaning of heat pump units
                  pump units
                                                                     Maintenance contracts

                                                                     Repair or replacement of:
                                                                      blowers                 compressors
                                                                      coils                   valves

Heating -hot waterAdditions to hot water systems                     Bleeding of radiators

                  Installation or complete replacement of hot        Cleaning
                  water boilers or systems
                                                                     Flushing of boilers
                  Original insulation of new or replacement
                  piping systems                                     Maintenance contracts

                                                                     Repair or replacement of:
                                                                      air vent valves          pressure reducing   
                                                                      boiler tubes               valves
                                                                      circulating pumps        pressure-relief         
                                                                      coils                      valves
                                                                      drain cocks              radiators
                                                                      expansion tanks          return mains
                                                                      furnace controls         risers
                                                                      main shutoff             supply mains
                                                                       valves                   thermostats
                                                                      piping sections          thermocouples
                                                                                                water supply lines

Heating -oil      Installation or complete replacement of oil        Cleaning of oil furnaces or boilers
                  burner guns
                                                                     Maintenance contracts
                  Installation or complete replacement of oil       
                  furnaces or boilers                                Repair of oil burner guns

                  Original installation or replacement of oil        Repair or replacement of:
                  tanks                                               air tubes              refractory firepots
                                                                      blowers                stack-control relays
                                                                      fuel lines             storage tanks
                                                                      motors                 strainer pumps
                                                                      oil - level control    transformers


- 18 -
Publication 862 (4/01)

                        Capital improvement*                               Repair, maintenance, or

Heating -radiant        Additions to radiant systems                     Cleaning of radiant systems

                        Complete replacement of radiant systems          Maintenance contracts

                        Installation of radiant systems                  Repair or replacement of:
                                                                          balancing valves         furnace controls
                                                                          circulating pumps        returns
                                                                          coils                    shutoff valves
                                                                          common returns           tanks (to trap air)
                                                                          drain cocks              thermostats
                                                                          feed lines               vents

Heating -solar          Additions to permanent solar systems             Cleaning of solar heating systems

                        Installation or replacement of permanent solar   Maintenance contracts
                                                                         Repair or maintenance of solar heating             

Heating -steam          Additions to steam systems                       Cleaning of steam systems

                        Installation or replacement of steam boilers or  Maintenance contracts
                                                                         Repair or replacement of:
                        Insulation of piping systems                      air vents                shutoff valves
                                                                          drain cocks              steam gauges
                                                                          drain plugs              steam mains
                                                                          piping (sections)        thermostats
                                                                          radiators                water gauges
                                                                          reducers                 water supply lines
                                                                          safety valves            wet returns

Heating - warm air duct Additions to warm air duct systems               Cleaning of warm air duct systems
                        Installation or replacement of warm air duct     Repair or replacement of:
                            systems                                       angle boots              plenums
                                                                          balance dampers          plenum takeoffs
                        Original insulation of new or replacement duct     cold air returns         side stack takeoffs
                                                                          duct sections            starting collars
                        systems                                           elbows                   supply stackheads
                                                                          endcaps                  top stack takeoffs
                                                                          floor diffusers


- 19 -
                                                                                                 Publication 862 (4/01)

                          Capital improvement*                                Repair, maintenance, or

Heating -wood burning   Installation or replacement of wood burning         Cleaning of wood burning furnaces, boilers      
furnace, boiler, stove      furnaces or boilers                                 and stoves
(see also - Fireplaces)
                        Original installation of wood burning stoves        Maintenance contracts
                          (Including strengthening floors and 
                          fireproofing walls and floors)                    Replacement of wood burning stoves

                                                                            Repair and maintenance of wood burning
                                                                              furnaces, boilers or stoves

Hot water heaters       Installation or replacement of hot water            Cleaning of hot water heaters
                                                                            Maintenance contracts

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             anode rods               inlet-outlet pipes
                                                                             burners                  outlet pipes
                                                                             casing covers            tank linings
                                                                             connectors               temperature             
                                                                             drain pipes                  control  knobs
                                                                             drain valves             temperature-           
                                                                             draft diverters             pressure relief     
                                                                             flue baffles, bodies        valves
                                                                                 or collars            thermocouples
                                                                             glass inner tanks        thermostats
                                                                             heating elements

Humidifiers             Installation or complete replacement of             Cleaning of humidifiers
                          permanently installed humidifiers
                                                                            Maintenance contracts

                                                                            Repair or replacement of:
                                                                             evaporator pads          motors
                                                                             fans                     trays

Kitchens                Installation or complete replacement of:            Installation of ductless hoods
(see also - Electrical,  built-in                 countertops
Plumbing, and Walls)      dishwashers              ducted hoods            Installation of free-standing appliances
                          freezers                 exhaust fans
                          ranges                   garbage disposals
                          refrigerators            kitchen cabinets        Painting, varnishing or staining of existing        
                          ovens                    sinks                        kitchen cabinets
                                                   water softeners
                                                                            Repair or maintenance of:
                        Painting, varnishing or staining of new              cabinets                 freezers
                          kitchen cabinets                                   countertops              garbage disposals
                                                                             dishwashers              ovens
                        Complete reconditioning of kitchen cabinets           ducted or ductless     ranges
                                                                                  hoods                refrigerators
                                                                             exhaust fans             sinks`


- 20 -
Publication 862 (4/01)

                              Capital improvement*                             Repair, maintenance, or

Kitchens (cont.)                                                             Replacement of:
                                                                              cabinet doors            portable
                                                                              faucets                     dishwashers
                                                                              portions of                    freezers
                                                                                   countertops              ranges
                                                                              portions of                    refrigerators

Landscaping and yard care Original installation or complete replacement      Application of fertilizers, herbicides and 
(see also - Driveways,    of:                                                  pesticides
parking lots, and walks,     fences (permanent)       lawns or complete    
Exterior)                    flagstone walks            sections* of a lawn Installation of free standing fountains
                              patio block or other ponds (permanent)
                              types of walks           retaining walls
                             fountains (except       rock gardens          Installation of temporary or moveable ponds 
                               free standing)          underground lawn    
                             gates                      sprinkler systems   Maintenance contracts

                          Planting or replacing perennials                   Mowing of lawns

                          Planting or replacing of shrubs and trees          Planting of annuals

                          Original installation of gravel or crushed stone   Pruning, winter banking, fertilizing of trees 
                              paths                                            and shrubs

                          Original installation or complete replacement      Removal without replacement of trees or 
                              of concrete and blacktop sidewalks               shrubs (when not part of a capital
                                                                               improvement project)
                          Resurfacing of blacktop sidewalks
                                                                             Repair of walks; adding stone, replacing 
                          * A “complete section” of a lawn is a section        damaged patio blocks or bricks, releveling
                              surrounded by driveways, buildings,              walks, repairing cracks in concrete
                              walks, structures or other barriers which 
                              divide it from other sections of lawn.         Repair of fences and gates

                                                                             Repair or replacement of the following in
                                                                             underground lawn sprinkler systems:
                                                                              centrifugal pumps
                                                                              pump controllers
                                                                              remote control valves
                                                                              sections of piping
                                                                              sprinkler controllers
                                                                              sprinkler heads

                                                                             Repairing sections of retaining walls

                                                                             Replacement of fence fabric

                                                                             Reseeding or overseeding of lawns

                                                                             Sodding bare spots

                                                                             Straightening or repairing retaining walls


- 21 -
                                                                                                            Publication 862 (4/01)

                              Capital improvement*                                Repair, maintenance, or

Masonry                Installation or complete replacement of:                Repair or partial replacement of:
(see also - Brickwork, block walls      • poured concrete                    • block walls                • poured concrete
Chimneys)              brick walls                    posts                  • brick walls                       posts
                       footings                       slabs                  • footings                          slabs
                       foundations                    sidewalks              • foundations                       sidewalks
                       w a lk s                       stairways              •walks                              stairways
                                                        walls                                                      walls

Miscellaneous          Asbestos removal (when done as part of a                Asbestos removal (when done as part of a 
                         capital improvement contract)                            repair or maintenance contract) 

                       Debris removal from construction sites (when            Debris removal from construction sites (when 
                         done as part of a capital improvement                    done as part of a repair or maintenance      
                         contract)                                                contract)

                       Fire sprinkler system installed or replaced in          Installation or replacement of:
                         ceilings and connected to water supply                •• attic fans                •• mail boxes               
                         systems                                                  (removable)                  (installed on wall 
                                                                               •• independent smoke            or post)
                                                                                  or heat detectors •• smoke detectors       
                       Installation or complete replacement of                                                 (battery operated)
                                                                               Periodic maintenance services on elevators      
                       Installation or complete replacement of:                   and escalators
                       ••attic fans                   ••central vacuum         
                             (permanently               systems                Pest control
                         installed)       ••suspended ceilings
                       ••fire or smoke
                         detectors                                             Repair or maintenance of central vacuum          
                             (permanently                                         systems
                                                                               Repair or maintenance of elevators
                       Installation of winter protection, temporary      
                         heat, electric and plumbing at construction   

Painting               Painting of new buildings, structures, or               Painting or repainting of existing buildings,      
                         additions                                                structures, or parts thereof

                       Painting of any new additions or installations
                         that constitute capital improvements


- 22 -
Publication 862 (4/01)

                        Capital improvement*                                 Repair, maintenance, or

Patios                Installation or complete replacement of:             Painting, varnishing or waterproofing existing  
(see also - Decks)      blacktop patios        patio roofs                     patios
                        concrete patios        wood patios
                        flagstone, block or                               Repair or maintenance of patios
                        brick patios
                      Painting, varnishing or waterproofing new            Repairing and patching of holes or cracks
                                                                           Replacing sections of concrete patios

                                                                           Replacement of blocks and flagstones

Plumbing -piping      Additions to piping systems                          Repair of pipes and fittings

                      Excavation required for installation or              Repair of sprinklers, water softeners and well  
                        complete replacement of piping systems               pumps

                      Original insulation of new or replacement            Repair or replacement of:
                        piping systems                                      air chambers            shutoff valves
                                                                            cabinets                storage tanks
                      Installation or complete replacement of:               relief valves           traps

                        garbage disposals      water softeners           Thawing frozen pipes
                        piping systems         water pumps
                        sprinkler systems
                                                                           Unclogging of main drain pipes

Plumbing -sinks       Installation or complete replacement of sinks        Repair or replacement of:
                        and necessary sink fittings                         aerators                   inlet seals
                                                                            bottom cages               locknuts,              
                                                                            couplings                      connectors
                                                                            diverter assemblies        packing nuts
                                                                            escutcheons                seats
                                                                            faucets                    spouts
                                                                            handles                    spray heads
                                                                            handle assemblies          stems
                                                                            hose assemblies            traps
                                                                            hose guides                washers

                                                                           Unclogging of sink drains

Plumbing -toilets     Installation or complete replacement of toilets      Cleaning
                        and necessary toilet fittings
                                                                           Repair or replacement of:
                                                                            float arms/balls        tank drains
                                                                            flush handles           toilet seals
                                                                            guide arms              toilets seats
                                                                            inlet valves            trip sleeves
                                                                            lift wires              tubes
                                                                            plungers                valve seats
                                                                            tank balls              washers

                                                                           Unclogging of toilet drains


- 23 -
                                                                                                       Publication 862 (4/01)

                                Capital improvement*                              Repair, maintenance, or

Plumbing -tubs and showers  Installation or complete replacement                Cleaning
                            (including necessary fittings) of:
                                Shower stalls                                  Repair of enclosures
                                Tub enclosures                                 Repair or replacement of:
                                                                                 automatic diverters           retainer clips
                                                                                 cartridges                    shower bases
                                                                                 ears                          shower heads
                                                                                 faucets                       stems
                                                                                 faucet heads                  stop tubes
                                                                                 handles                       traps
                                                                                 red flats                     washers

                                                                                Unclogging of tub-shower drains

Roofs and roofing materials Complete replacement of a roof or roofing           Application of roof coating or resaturants to     
                              materials (entire building), or the complete          existing roofs
                              side of a peaked  roof, or the complete roof
                              or roofing materials on a wing, turret,           Cleaning and repairing of all types of roof        
                              dormer, etc.                                          systems, gutters, downspouts, drains, etc.

                            Installation or replacement of complete gutter      Repair or spot replacement of all types of         
                                 and downspout systems                              roofs or roofing materials (asphalt, shingle,  
                                                                                    slate, tile, built-up, metal, single ply)
                            Original installation of all types of roof          
                              systems including accessories                     Repair or replacement of the following items
                                                                                or accessories:
                                                                                 copings                    louvers and screens
                                                                                 cornices                   metal or                   
                                                                                 drip edges                    composition          
                                                                                 electric heating         valleys
                                                                                    tape                     metal ornaments
                                                                                 expansion joints           metal stacks
                                                                                 flashings (all            rain and  draft          
                                                                                    types)                   deflectors
                                                                                 gravel stops and           shingles (all types)
                                                                                     fascias                 skylights and            
                                                                                 gutter and                 scuttles
                                                                                     downspout            snow guards
                                                                                     systems (partial)       snow slides
                                                                                 heating cables             ventilators

Septic systems              Excavation required for installation                Cleaning or pumping out of septic tank

                            Installation or complete replacement of:            Excavation required for repair or maintenance
                              distribution boxes     lines
                              dry wells              seepage pits             Repair or maintenance of:
                              grease traps           septic tanks              distribution boxes         lines
                              leach fields                                      dry wells                  seepage pits
                                                                                 grease traps               septic tanks
                                                                                 leach fields


- 24 -
Publication 862 (4/01)

                         Capital improvement*                              Repair, maintenance, or

Stairs                Installation or complete replacement of sets of    Eliminating squeaks
                         stairs or staircases
                                                                         Painting, varnishing or staining of existing        
                      Painting, varnishing or staining of new stairs         stairs
                         or staircases
                                                                         Repair or replacement of:
                                                                          balusters             termite damage
                                                                          handrails             treads
                                                                          newels                wet and dry rot

                                                                         Tightening of loose balusters

Sump pumps            Digging of sump pump holes                         Installation or replacement of portable sump 
                      Installation or complete replacement of            
                        permanent sump pumps                             Repair or replacement (in permanent or
                                                                         portable sump pumps) of:
                                                                          electrical cords      piping and                
                                                                          floats                 connectors 
                                                                          motors                pump suction heads
                                                                                                 shutoff switches

Swimming pools        Installation of in-ground swimming pool,           Installation or replacement of:
                        including excavation work done in                • above ground swimming pool including      
                        connection with the installation                      excavation work done in connection with 
                                                                              the installation
                                                                         • pumps, filters etc.
                      Original installation or complete replacement      • heater for above ground swimming pool
                      • heater for in-ground swimming pool               Repair or maintenance of above ground or in-
                      • liner for in-ground swimming pool                ground swimming pool, including:
                                                                         • cleaning
                                                                         • repairing of liners
                                                                         • repairing pumps and heaters 

Ventilation           Installation or complete replacement of            Installation or replacement of portable attic      
                      permanent:                                           fans
                       attic fans            roof vents
                       exhaust fans          soffit vents              Repair, maintenance or replacement of the
                       gable vents           wind turbines             following in permanent or portable attic or
                                                                         exhaust fans:
                                                                          bearings               motors
                                                                          blades                 shutters


- 25 -
                                                                               Publication 862 (4/01)

        Capital improvement*                                 Repair, maintenance, or

Walls   Baseboards and trim installed in connection        Cleaning
        with paneling walls
                                                           Fixing nail pops
        Baseboards and trim installed on new or     
        completely replaced walls                          Painting of existing walls (including murals)

        Complete paneling of new or existing walls         Patching cracks

        Finishing of new or completely replaced walls      Regrouting of ceramic tile

        Installation or complete replacement of tile       Repair of:
        walls                                               dents                  termite damage
                                                            split wallboard tape   wet and dry rot
        Installation or complete replacement of a wall
                                                           Replacement of:
        Original insulation of new or completely            ceramic fixtures
        replaced walls                                       damaged ceramic tiles
                                                            existing baseboards, molding, trim
                                                            wallboard panels
        Painting of new or completely replaced walls        wood panels
        (including murals)
                                                           Stopping water leaks
        Removal of a wall
        Wallpapering of new or completely replaced         Taping of existing walls
                                                           Wallpapering of existing walls
        Waterproofing new or completely replaced

Windows Application of window film or coating in           Applying putty, window film or coating to       
        connection with original installation or             existing windows
        complete replacement
                                                           Caulking of existing windows
        Caulking of new or completely replaced
                                                           Eliminating sticking
        Installation or complete replacement of
                                                           Installation of:
        permanent combination storm windows                 drapery rods/           valances
                                                             hardware                Venetian blinds
        Installation or complete replacement of             shades                  window quilts
        complete windows (frames and sashes)
                                                           Lubricating sashes
        Painting, varnishing or staining of new or
        completely replaced windows                        Painting, varnishing or staining of existing       
        Installation or complete replacement of            
        permanent window shutters                          Repair of:
                                                            broken glass            window frames
                                                            termite damage          window sills
                                                            wet and dry rot


- 26 -
Publication 862 (4/01)

                           Capital improvement*   Repair, maintenance, or

Windows (cont.)                                 Replacement of:
                                                 aprons                 sash weights
                                                 balances               sash weight              
                                                 frames                     pulleys
                                                 hardware (latches,     side casings
                                                handles, locks,          side jambs
                                                etc.)                    stools
                                                 inside stops           storm windows        
                                                 parting strips          panes or screens
                                                 pocket covers          window frames
                                                 sash balances          window panes          
                                                 sash cords                 (glass or plastic)
                                                 sash stiles            window sills
                                                                         yoke or head jambs


Yard Care
(See - Landscaping and yard

* Items characterized in this Part as Capital Improvements will not qualify as capital improvements if they are
installed for a tenant and the lease provides that they must be removed at the end of the lease if the item is otherwise
intended not to be permanently installed.  Please see “Leasehold improvements” on page 8 of this publication.


- 27 -
Publication 862

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