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                                                                                    Publication 72                                         
                Electronic Reporting of Form NYS-45 Information 
Section 1 - Introduction 
This publication, which supersedes the 10/14 version, describes specifications, formats, and layouts for reporting Form NYS-45, 
Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and Unemployment Insurance Return, using the Tax Department’s Online 
Services (at www.tax.ny.gov). 
This upload submission will include data from Form NYS-45, Part A - Unemployment insurance (UI) information, Part B - 
Withholding tax (WT) information, and Part D - NYS-1 corrections/additions. 
However, Part C - Employee wage and withholding information, must be reported via upload according to specifications described in 
Publication 69, Electronic Reporting of Quarterly Combined Wage and Withholding Tax (or Publication 911, Electronic Reporting of 
Quarterly Wage and Withholding Tax Information Based on Federal Formats), and cannot be included on this upload. 
Payroll services that report for at least 10 employers may volunteer to use this upload. Prior approval by the New York State Tax 
Department is required. 
Payroll services electing to file via upload must submit a test file for approval. 
Note: The approval process involves several steps, and it can take up to 30 days for you to receive your agent identification number 
and become certified to submit an upload. 
Record retention 
Employers/payers must retain a copy of the uploaded files, or be able to reconstruct the data, for at least four years after the due date 
of the returns submitted in the upload. 
Section 2 - Overview of Form NYS-45 upload 
Upload record types     1 — Header record 
                        5 — DOL Part A - Data on number of employees per month, and Form NYS-45 lines 1–11 and 24  
                        6 — WT Part B data - Form NYS-45 lines 12-20a/b 
                        7 — WT Part D data - Data on Form NYS-1 corrections as reported on Form NYS-45  
                        9 — Trailer record 
Structure               Recd type = 1 Header 
                        Recd type = 5 Part A Employer 1  
                        Recd type = 6 Part B Employer 1 
                        Recd type = 7 Part D Employer 1 (up to 9 entries)  
                        Recd type = 5 Part A Employer 2 
                        Recd type = 6 Part B Employer 2 
                        Recd type = 7 Part D Employer 2 (up to 9 entries) etc.  
                        Recd type = 9 trailer 
                        All data records must have a fixed length of 200 bytes. 
 Rules                  Required records 
                        -     Header and trailer records 
                        -     Part B record required for an employer if Part D record reported for that employer 
                        -     Part D record for an employer must follow the Part B record for that same employer 
                        -     Part A record for an employer is not required if Part B record for that employer is present 
                        -     Part B record for an employer is not required if Part A record for that employer is present 
                        -     Separate upload for UI and WT information may be submitted (flag in header record indicates which 
                              types of information are present) 
 Payments                  For each submission, include two remittances (check or money order only) made payable in U.S. funds  
                           to NYS Employment Contributions and Taxes for: 
                           - unemployment insurance liability for all employers reported on the upload (the payment should equal 
                             the amount displayed in the Total UI box on Form NYS-45-V); and 
                           - withholding tax liability for all employers reported on the upload (the payment should equal the amount 
                             displayed in the Total WT box on Form NYS-45-V). See Section 5 for detailed requirements. 

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Page 2 of 9 Publication 72 (3/16) 
 Certification process      Same validation rules are applied in certification as in production 
                            - A single error on the upload (not meeting specifications) will result in rejection 
                            - Payroll services will not be permitted to file in production unless they are first certified 
                            - Certification process will provide description of failure 
                            - Withholding tax identification number (WTID) will be validated as part of upload processing. The check 
                            digit must be calculated according to the New York State calculation rules, which are in Publication 83.
Section 3 - Submission of test upload 
Payroll services electing to file via upload are required to file a test upload using the format specified in this publication. Tax regulations 
require the Tax Department to certify upload submissions are processible, prior to the acceptance of return information on upload. The 
testing process reduces the potential for unprocessible upload submissions. Unprocessible upload submissions constitute a failure to 
file that may result in penalties. 
Test upload submissions must be submitted using an Agent identification number of 400 in the same upload format that will be used to 
submit actual return information. Live data must be used so that both the Labor and Tax Departments can fully test the upload. 
Submit records for both WT and UI unless the upload will be used for only one of the departments. The Tax Department will notify the 
payroll service within 30 days of receiving the test submission if it has been successfully processed and certified. The Tax Department 
will also provide the payroll service with its unique Agent identification number. 
Section 4 - File preparation 
Payroll services must consult Publication NYS-50, Employer’s Guide to Unemployment Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding 
Tax, for definitions and descriptions of the information that must be reported. 
Payroll services should also consult Forms NYS-45 and NYS-45-I, Instructions for Form NYS-45, to understand how these 
specifications are structured. You must submit your file in an acceptable upload format. New York State will notify you if it is unable to 
process your upload. 
Refunds of unemployment insurance cannot be requested via upload. 
Only one current quarter upload may be filed per quarter. Any report for a prior quarter should be filed separately using a different 
electronic filing method. 
New York State will not accept amended information on upload. Amended information must be submitted on a paper Form NYS-45-X. 
If you have questions about what to file and when, see Need help? on page 9. If you have technical questions about this publication, 
please call (518) 457-7105. 
Separate remittances must be submitted with each upload – separate remittance(s) for the total UI liability for all employers labeled UI 
Payment on the memo line of the remittance, and separate remittance(s) for the total WT liability for all employers labeled WT Payment 
on the memo line of the remittance. 
Section 5 - Submission requirements 
Only one upload per agent identification number, per quarter is allowed. 
The due dates for Form NYS-45 returns are as follows: 
   Quarter                           Due date*
   January 1 to March 31             April 30 
   April 1 to June 30                July 31 
   July 1 to September 30            October 31 
   October 1 to December 31          January 31 
   *  When the actual due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, New York State Tax Law permits you to file on the next 
   business day. 
Each quarter, payroll services using this format: 
   • must submit their upload created exactly according to these specifications; 
   • must print their Form NYS-45-V, Payment Voucher for Form NYS-45 Submitted Online; this voucher will show the total UI and 
     WT amount(s) due; 
   • do not send individual checks or money orders for each employer; 

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                                                                                            Publication 72 (3/16) Page 3 of 9 
   •  must create a separate check or money order for each liability as follows (current process only accepts checks or money orders): 
          o  The UI liability payment for all employers reported on the upload must equal the amount displayed in the Total UI box on 
            Form NYS-45-V; and 
          o the WT liability payment for all employers reported on the upload must equal the amount displayed in the Total WT box on 
            Form NYS-45-V. 
          o If the liability amount due for one UI or WT payment exceeds $99,999,999.99, you will need to submit multiple checks or 
            money orders that total the amount due for that liability. NYS cannot process any one check or money order for an 
            amount greater than $99,999,999.99. 
          o  The check(s) or money order(s) and the payment voucher must be sent in together for your file to be processed. 
    • must write the upload confirmation number and NYS Employment Contributions and Taxes on the checks or money orders 
      and mail them with your Form NYS-45-V payment voucher*, postmarked on or before the due date, to: 
                        NYS TAX DEPARTMENT 
                        RPC-NYS-45-V UPLOAD PAYMENT  
                        PO BOX 15148 
                        ALBANY NY 12212-5148 
            If using a private delivery service, send to: NYS Tax Department, RPC-NYS-45-V Upload Payment, 90 Cohoes Ave,  
            Green Island NY 12183 
    * Do not send any other returns, correspondence, or payments to this address. The amount of the check or money order must 
    match the payment voucher.  
Section 6 - Technical specifications 
All data records must have a fixed length of 200 bytes.  
Deviations from the prescribed record formats are not acceptable. 
Field values that are alphanumeric (such as name and address) must be left-justified, filled with blanks, and not have any special 
Field values that are numeric must be right-justified and zero-filled with implied decimal (if applicable). Data must be recorded in 
uppercase letters only. 
File name must conform to Windows file naming convention, have no spaces, and end in .RPT 
File must be created in a text-based application using ANSI encoding. 
Caution! Importing, copying, or converting file data from one format to another may cause file failures. 
Section 7 - File formats 
A.  Record name: header record (record “1”)  All data records must have a fixed length of 200 bytes. 
 Position   Element name            Length          Remarks                                Field edits 
 1          Header identifier       1               Symbol used to identify the record     must equal 1; 
                                                    as the header (1)                      the header record must be the 
                                                                                           first record in the filing and can 
                                                                                           only appear once in the filing 
 2–4        Agent identification    3               Three-digit number, preassigned by the must be 3 numeric 
            number                                  Labor Department 
 5–34       Agent legal business    30              Thirty-character legal business        required field, left justify; blank fill 
            name                                    name, identifying the reporting agent 
                                                    - only specific characters allowed; 
                                                    see Table F 
 35–40      Date upload is prepared 6               In the format of MMDDYY where          MMDDYY 
                                                    MM = month, DD = day, YY = year 
 41         Withholding tax         1               B if both UI and WT information        only valid characters are B, W, or 
            identifier                              included on upload, or                 U 
                                                    W if only withholding tax information 
                                                    included on upload, or 
                                                    U if only UI information included on 
 42–200     Blank                   159            

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B.  Record name: detail record  UI-information          (record “5”)  All data records must have a fixed length of 200 
 Position   Element name          Length Remarks                                       Field edits 
 1          Detail identifier     1      Symbol to identify the record as              must equal 5 
                                         the detail entry (5) 
 2–4        Agent identification  3      Three-digit number, preassigned by the        must be 3 numeric 
            number                       Labor Department 
 5–11       Employer registration 7      UI employer registration number;              must be 7 numeric 
            number                       7-digit number preassigned by the 
                                         Labor Department 
 12         Blank                 1        
 13-42      Employer’s name       30     Thirty-character name, identifying the        required field, left justify; blank fill 
                                         employer’s name - only specific 
                                         characters allowed; see Table F 
 43-53      WTID                  11     Number assigned by the Tax                    left justify; blank fill 
                                         Department (usually the FEIN)                 - must be 9 or 11 alpha-numeric 
 54-56      Period                3      Period for the reported record in QYY         must be current processing 
                                         format:                                       quarter and year 
                                         Q = quarter 
                                            •     January 1 – March 31 =  1
                                            •     April 1 – June 30 =  2
                                            •     July 1 – September 30 =  3
                                            •     October 1 – December 31 =  4
                                         YY = year (last two digits) 
 57-67      Total remuneration    11     Total remuneration paid for employment        whole dollar amounts only; right 
                                         during this quarter                           justify; zero fill 
 68-78      Excess remuneration   11     Remuneration included in the Total            whole dollar amounts only; right 
                                         remuneration that exceeds the UI              justify; zero fill 
                                         wage base paid each worker during 
                                         the year 
 79-89      UI wages subject to   11     Total remuneration minus Excess               whole dollar amounts only; right 
            contributions                remuneration                                  justify; zero fill 
 90-93      UI rate               4      UI rate assigned to the employer (for         must be numeric 
                                         example, record a UI rate of 3.525% 
                                         as 3525) 
 94         Blank                 1        
 95-105     UI contributions due  11     UI rate times UI wages subject to             dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                         contributions                                 right justify; zero fill 
 106-116    Amount previously     11     Any amount previously underpaid that          dollars and cents with no decimal; 
            underpaid                    should be added to the contributions due      right justify; zero fill 
 117-127    Amount previously     11     Any amount previously overpaid that           dollars and cents with no decimal; 
            overpaid                     should be subtracted from the                 right justify; zero fill 
                                         contributions due 
 128-138    Remittance            11     The amount included in the                    dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                         accompanying remittance for this              right justify; zero fill 
                                         particular employer 
 139-144    Number of employees   6      Number of full-time and part-time             right justify; zero fill 
            — first month                workers in covered employment who 
                                         worked during or received pay for the 
                                         week that includes the 12 day of the 
                                         first month. If there is no employment 
                                         in the payroll period, enter zeros. 

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                                                                                             Publication 72 (3/16) Page 5 of 9 
 Position  Element name          Length   Remarks                                        Field edits 
 145-150   Number of employees   6        Number of full-time and part-time              right justify; zero fill 
           — second month                 workers in covered employment who 
                                          worked during or received pay for the 
                                          week that includes the 12 day of the 
                                          second month. If there is no employment 
                                          in the payroll period, enter zeros. 
 151-156   Number of employees   6        Number of full-time and part-time              right justify; zero fill 
           — third month                  workers in covered employment who 
                                          worked during or received pay for 
                                          the week that includes the 12thday of 
                                          the third month. If there is no 
                                          employment in the payroll period, 
                                          enter zeros. 
 157       Identify or status    1                                                       must default to zero (0) 
           change flag 
 158-168   Re-employment service 11       Multiply UI wages subject to                   must be numeric; right justify; 
           fund                           contributions by .00075 (dollars and           zero fill; no decimal 
 169-200   Blank                 32        
C.  Record name: detail record - WT summary information                    (record “6”)  All data records must have a fixed 
length of 200 bytes followed by a carriage return and line feed. 
 Position Element name           Length  Remarks                                         Field edits 
 1        Detail identifier      1       Symbol used to identify the record as           must equal 6 
                                         the detail entry (6) 
 2–4      Agent identification   3       Three-digit number, preassigned by the          must be 3 numeric 
          number                         Labor Department 
 5–15     WTID (withholding tax  11      Number assigned by the Tax Department           left justify; blank fill 
          identification number)         (usually the FEIN)                              - must be 9 or 11 alpha-numeric 
 16       WTID check digit       1       Calculate and enter check digit for WTID.       must be numeric 
                                         Computation rules for the WTID check 
                                         digit are in Publication 83. 
 17       Blank                  1        
 18-47    Employer’s name        30      Thirty-character name, identifying the          required field, left justify; blank fill 
                                         employer’s name- only specific 
                                         characters allowed; see Table F 
 48       Seasonal indicator     1       Enter 1 if seasonal; otherwise set to zero      must be 0 or 1 
 49-51    Period                 3       Period for the reported record in QYY           must be current processing 
                                         format:                                         quarter and year 
                                         Q = quarter 
                                          •      January 1 – March 31 =  1
                                          •      April 1 – June 30 =  2
                                          •      July 1 – September 30 =  3
                                          •      October 1 – December 31 =  4
                                         YY = year (last two digits) 
 52-62    New York State tax     11                                                      dollars and cents with no decimal; 
          withheld                                                                       right justify; zero fill 
 63       Blank                  1        
 64-74    New York City tax      11                                                      dollars and cents with no decimal; 
          withheld                                                                       right justify; zero fill 
 75       Blank                  1        
 76-86    Yonkers tax withheld   11                                                      dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                                                                         right justify; zero fill 
 87       Blank                  1        

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 Position   Element name            Length  Remarks                                  Field edits 
 88-98      Total tax withheld      11                                               dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                                                                     right justify; zero fill 
                                                                                     - must equal the sum of New York 
                                                                                      State tax withheld, plus New 
                                                                                      York City tax withheld, plus 
                                                                                      Yonkers tax withheld 
 99         Blank                   1        
 100-110    WT credit from          11                                               dollars and cents with no decimal; 
            previous                                                                 right justify; zero fill 
            quarter’s return 
 111        Blank                   1        
 112-122    NYS-1 payments          11                                               dollars and cents with no decimal; 
            made for the                                                             right justify; zero fill 
 123        Blank                   1        
 124-134    Total payments          11                                               dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                                                                     right justify; zero fill 
                                                                                     - must equal the sum of WT 
                                                                                      credit from previous quarter’s 
                                                                                      return, plus NYS-1 payments 
                                                                                      made for the quarter 
 135        Blank                   1                                                 
 136-146    Total WT amount due     11                                               dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                                                                     right justify; zero fill 
                                                                                     - must equal total tax withheld 
                                                                                     minus total payments 
 147        Blank                   1                                                 
 148-158    Total WT overpaid       11                                               dollars and cents with no decimal; 
                                                                                     right justify; zero fill 
 159        Blank                   1                                                 
 160        Apply overpayments to   1       - Set to  0if account is not overpaid    must be 0, 1, or 2 
            credit or refund                for WT refund 
                                            - Set to  1 if overpayment to be 
                                            refunded or applied to outstanding 
                                            - Set to  2 if overpayment to be applied 
                                            to next quarter (credit) 
 161-168    Ceased paying wages     8       Enter if employer permanently ceased     Must be MMDDYYYY; if none, 
            date                            paying wages                             zero fill 
 169-177    Payroll service federal 9       FEIN of payroll service                   
            identification number 
 178        Does the employer       1       0 = no box checked                       must be 0, 1, or 2 
            offer dependent health          1 = Yes 
            care insurance benefits         2 = No 
 179-200    Blanks                  22                                                
D.  Record name: WT NYS-1 corrections/additions (record “7”)  All data records must have a fixed length of 
200 bytes followed by a carriage return and line feed. 
If record 7 is included, it must be preceded by record 6. Repeat for each line of corrections/additions to be made in Part D. Limited to 
nine occurrences per employer (if more than nine occurrences for same employer, entire return must be submitted on paper). 
 Position   Element name            Length  Remarks                                  Field edits 
 1          Detail identifier       1       Symbol used to identify the record as    must equal 7 
                                            the detail entry (7) 
 2-4        Agent identification    3       Three-digit number; pre-assigned by      must be 3 numeric 
            number                          the Labor Department 

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                                                                                         Publication 72 (3/16) Page 7 of 9 
 Position Element name            Length  Remarks                                   Field edits 
 5-15     WTID                    11      Number assigned by the Tax                left justify; blank fill 
                                          Department (usually the FEIN)             - must be 9 or 11 alpha-numeric 
 16       WTID check digit        1       Calculate and enter check digit for       must be numeric 
                                          WTID. Computation rules for the WTID 
                                          check digit are in Publication 83. 
 17       Blank                   1
 18-47    Employer’s name         30      Thirty-character name, identifying the    required field, left justify; blank fill 
                                          employer’s name - only specific 
                                          characters allowed; see Table F 
 48-50    Blanks                  3
 51-54    Original last payroll   4       Format MMDD where MM = month              MMDD 
          date reported                   and DD = day of originally reported 
                                          NYS-1 (for example, 0204 for 
                                          February 4) 
 55       Blank                   1
 56-66    Original total withheld 11                                                dollars and cents with no 
          reported on NYS-1                                                         decimal; right justify; zero fill 
                                                                                    - if greater than zero, must 
                                                                                    have entry in original last 
                                                                                    payroll date reported in 51-54 
 67       Blank                   1
 68-71    Correct last payroll    4      Day of originally reported NYS-1 (for      must be MMDD; otherwise zero 
          date                           example, 0512 for May 12)                  fill 
 72       Blank                   1
 73-83    Correct total withheld  11                                                dollars and cents with no 
                                                                                    decimal; right justify; zero fill 
                                                                                    - if greater than zero, must have 
                                                                                    entry in correct last payroll date 
                                                                                    reported in 68-71 
 84-200   Blanks                  117
E.  Record name: trailer record (record “9”)  All data records must have a fixed length of 200 bytes followed by a 
carriage return and line feed. 
 Position Element name            Length  Remarks                                   Field edits 
 1        Trailer identification  1       Symbol used to identify the record as     must equal 9; 
                                          the trailer (9)                           must be last record in file 
 2-4      Agent identification    3       Three-digit number pre-assigned by the    must be 3 numeric 
          number                          Labor Department 
 5-10     Total number of         6       Number of employer records submitted      right justify; zero fill; 
          employer records                on this upload for record types 5, 6, and must total the number of 5, 6, 
          reported on upload              7                                         and 7 records 
 11-21    Total amount paid with  11      Total amount paid reported on this        dollars and cents with no decimal; 
          upload                          upload                                    right justify; zero fill; 
                                                                                    must equal the WT and UI 
                                                                                    remittances added together 
 22-32    Number of 5 records     11      Records reporting NYS-45 Part A data      right justify; zero fill; 
                                          for unemployment insurance                must equal number of 5 records 
 33       Blank                   1        
 34-44    Number of 6 records     11      Records reporting NYS-45 Part B data      right justify; zero fill; 
                                          for withholding tax                       must equal number of 6 records 
 45       Blank                   1        
 46-56    Number of 7 records     11      Records reporting NYS-45 Part D data      right justify; zero fill; 
                                          reflecting changes to NYS-1               must equal number of 7 records 
 57-200   Blanks                  144      

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F.  Special characters: only specific ASCII characters are allowed in the upload 
 DEC        HEX            CHAR   DEC HEX CHAR DEC HEX CHAR 
 32         20             Space  64  40  @    96  60  `
 33         21             !      65  41  A    97  61  a
 34         22             "      66  42  B    98  62  b
 35         23             #      67  43  C    99  63  c
 36         24             $      68  44  D    100 64  d
 37         25             %      69  45  E    101 65  e
 38         26             &      70  46  F    102 66  f
 39         27             '      71  47  G    103 67  g
 40         28             (      72  48  H    104 68  h
 41         29             )      73  49  I    105 69  i
 42         2A             *      74  4A  J    106 6A  j
 43         2B             +      75  4B  K    107 6B  k
 44         2C             ,      76  4C  L    108 6C  l
 45         2D             -      77  4D  M    109 6D  m
 46         2E             .      78  4E  N    110 6E  n
 47         2F             /      79  4F  O    111 6F  o
 48         30             0      80  50  P    112 70  p
 49         31             1      81  51  Q    113 71  q
 50         32             2      82  52  R    114 72  r
 51         33             3      83  53  S    115 73  s
 52         34             4      84  54  T    116 74  t
 53         35             5      85  55  U    117 75  u
 54         36             6      86  56  V    118 76  v
 55         37             7      87  57  W    119 77  w
 56         38             8      88  58  X    120 78  x
 57         39             9      89  59  Y    121 79  y
 58         3A             :      90  5A  Z    122 7A  z
 59         3B             ;      91  5B  [    123 7B  {
 60         3C             <      92  5C  \    124 7C  |
 61         3D             =      93  5D  ]    125 7D  }
 62         3E             >      94  5E  ^    126 7E  ~
 63         3F             ?      95  5F  _              

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                                                                                Publication 72 (3/16) Page 9 of 9 
 Need help?                                                     
                                                               Private delivery services 
 Tax Department website: www.tax.ny.gov                        If you choose, you may use a private delivery service, 
 (for information, forms, and publications)                    instead of the U.S. Postal Service, to mail in your form 
                                                               and payment. However, if, at a later date, you need to 
 Withholding Tax Information Center: (518) 485-6654 
                                                               establish the date you filed or paid, you cannot use the 
 Text Telephone (TTY) Hotline (for persons with hearing and    date recorded by a private delivery service unless you 
 speech disabilities using a TTY): (518) 485-5082              used a delivery service that has been designated by the 
                                                               U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or the Commissioner of 
 New York State Department of Labor                            Taxation and Finance. (Currently designated delivery 
 Unemployment Insurance (UI) Division                          services are listed in Publication 55, Designated Private 
 Telephone assistance is available 8:30 A.M. to 4:25 P.M.      Delivery Services.) If you use any private delivery service, 
 (eastern time), Monday through Friday.                        send Form NYS-45-V to: NYS Tax Department, 
                                                               RPC-NYS-45-V Upload Payment, 90 Cohoes Ave, Green 
 For information on UI rates or registration: 1 888 899-8810  
                                                               Island NY 12183 
 To confidentially report employer fraud call toll free:       
 1 866 435-1499 
 For additional UI phone/fax numbers and addresses, see 
 Publication NYS-50, Employer’s Guide to Unemployment 
 Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding Tax, Section 6, 
 Need help? or visit the Labor Department’s website at 

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