Publication 69 (2/21) Electronic Reporting of Quarterly Combined Wage and Withholding Tax Information Table of contents Page Section 3 – Filing requirements 1 Introduction ...................................................................... 1 New York State requires employers/payers to electronically 2 Compatibility .....................................................................1 filetheirquarterlywagereportingandwithholdingtax 3 Filing requirements ...........................................................1 information. Wage reporting upload is one option available 4 Submission of test media ..................................................1 toelectronicallyfileyourinformationusingthe Tax 5 Submission requirements .................................................2 Department’s Online Services at Using this Technicalspecifications ....................................................2 optionlimitsthepotentialfordataentryerrors,simplifies 7 File formats .......................................................................3 filingfortheemployer/payer,andstreamlinesprocessing. 8 Correction procedures ......................................................5 EffectiveJanuary1,2019,employers/payersmustreport Testfileformat................................................................... 6 total unemployment insurance (UI) remuneration, gross For calendar quarters beginning on or after January 1, federal wages or distribution subject to withholding, and total 2021, there will be a new Online Services application for New York State, New York City, and Yonkers tax withheld for employers, payers and/or agents preparing reports for each calendar quarter for each employee/payee paid during employers/payerstouploadwagereportingbulkfiles. The the quarter you are reporting for. newapplicationwillnolongerprocesswageuploadfilesthat Note: The amounts you report are only the amounts paid or contain errors, including employer or employee data errors, withheld within the quarter you are reporting. formatting errors, and nonfatal errors. The errors contained inthefilewillbedisplayedwithintheWebapplication. All For tax years 2018 and prior, employers/payers must report errorsmustbecorrectedbeforeuploadingthefileforthefile total UI remuneration paid to each employee each calendar tobeaccepted. Aftersubmittingafileanemailwillbesent quarter. On the fourth quarter return (or the return covering forallsuccessfulandfaileduploadedfiles. Thefileformatin the period in which an employer permanently ceases to pay this publication is not changing. wages), employers/payers must also report the cumulative total of gross federal wages or distribution subject to Section 1 – Introduction withholding, and total New York State, New York City, and Yonkers tax withheld. This publication, which supersedes the 3/19 version, describesspecifications,formats,andlayoutsforuploading Record retention employee quarterly wage reporting and withholding tax information using the Tax Department's Online Services at Employers/payersmustretainacopyoftheuploadedfiles, or be able to reconstruct the data, for at least four years after the due date of the report. Employers/payers must report wage and withholding informationusingthespecificationsinthispublication. Penalties While some information on wage reporting and withholding Failingtoelectronicallyfileyourquarterlywagereportingand isincludedinthispublication,specificdefinitionsand withholding tax information may subject the employer/payer requirements are in Publication NYS-50, Employer's to penalties and delays in processing. Guide to Unemployment Insurance, Wage Reporting, and Withholding Tax. Section 4 – Submission of test media Ifyouhavequestionsregardingtechnicalspecifications,call Employers, payers, and/or agents preparing reports for 518-457-7105. employers/payers,andfilerselectingtofileviaupload,are requiredtosubmitatestfileusingtheformatspecifiedin this publication. Test submissions should be submitted in Section 2 – Compatibility the same format that will be used to submit actual return Formats previously submitted and successfully processed information. can continue to be submitted without change. TransmitterswillsubmitatestuploadfileusingtheWeb application and receive immediate results on the success or Need help? failureofthefile. Transmitterswillnolongerneedtowaitup to30daystobenotifiedofthesuccessorfailureofatest Visit our website at file.Uponsubmission,thetransmitterwillbenotifiedwithin • get information and manage your taxes online theWebapplicationifthefileissuccessful.Iftherearefatal errorscontainedinthefile,theerrorswillbedisplayedwithin • check for new online services and features theWebapplication. Allerrorsmustbecorrectedbefore Telephone assistance uploadingthetestfileforthefiletobesuccessful. Withholding Tax Information Center: 518-485-6654 Transmitters who plan on submitting information for more than a single employer/payer should include at least two To order forms and publications: 518-457-5431 employers/payers with at least 20 employee/payee records Text Telephone (TTY) or TDD Dial 7-1-1 for the for each of the included employers. equipment users New York Relay Service Refer to Section 7 for the upload format. |
Page 2 of 6 Publication 69 (2/21) Section 5 – Submission requirements paid this quarterfieldshouldbezero-filled.However,ifthe Employers/payers submitting data via upload must not employee/payee had gross federal wages or distribution sendthesamedataonpaper. Agentsreportingforoneor subject to withholding and New York State, New York City, more employers/payers must advise those employers not to and Yonkers tax withheld in that quarter, you are required to submitseparatereportstothe TaxDepartment.Onlyonefile report those amounts for each employee/payee paid during is permitted. the quarter. The due dates for the employee wage reporting and For tax year 2018 and prior, if the employee/payee does withholding data are: not have any gross wages covered by unemployment insurance in New York State during quarters one, two, or Quarter Due date* three, then that employee/payee should not be reported January1toMarch April30 for those quarters. The fourth quarter submission requires April1toJune July31 reporting of the total gross federal wages or distribution July 1 to September 30 October 31 subject to withholding and total New York State, New York October 1 to December 31 January 31 City, and Yonkers tax withheld for all employees/payees * When the actual due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or for all quarters during the year. If the employee/payee legalholiday,New YorkState TaxLawpermitsyoutofile did not have any gross wages covered by unemployment on the next business day. insurance in the fourth quarter, or if the employee is not covered by unemployment insurance in New York State, the UI remuneration paid this quarterfieldshouldbezero-filled. Section 6 – Technical specifications Alldatarecordsmusthaveafixedlengthof128bytes. Employers who are liable under the Federal Unemployment Deviations from the prescribed format are not acceptable. TaxAct(FUTA)mustincludeaseparateemployeerecord for any employee receiving payments of severance pay and Multi-volume media are not acceptable. Data can thefirstsixmonthsofsickpay. Thisadditionalemployee becompressedand/orzippedasneeded. Aproperly recordmustbeidentifiedbyenteringaletter O for other composedfilebeginswithaCode1A recordandendswitha typesofwagesatposition43ofthe1Wrecord.Specific Code 1F record. details related to these types of other wages are available in Publication NYS-50. Transmitters for multiple employers must use consolidated files,ratherthanaseparatefileforeachemployerorclientof Allgross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding the transmitter. Submissions that include multiple employers and total New York State, New York City, and Yonkers must be sorted in ascending EIN order. tax withheld must be reported in the 1W employee record containing regular wages (that is, with the letter Win Printfilesarenotacceptable. position 43). Data must be recorded in uppercase letters only. File composition – Aproperlycomposedfilecontainsthe Money amounts following records in sequence. –Allmoneyfieldsarestrictlynumeric(exception:for an amended record, enter spaces in positions 45 Record1A Transmitterrecord through 57 and an inXposition 58 of record 1W). Record 1E Employer/payer record Record 1W Employee/payee records – Include dollars and cents with the decimal point assumed. Record 1T Total record Donotuseanypunctuationinanymoneyfield. Record 1F Final record (only occurs once after all –Right-justifyandzero-fillallmoneyfields. employer/payer records) –Inamoneyfieldthatisnotapplicable,enterzeros. Repeat records 1E, 1W, and 1T for each employer on the file. – Negative (credit) money amounts are not acceptable. The employer identifying number in New York State is –High-ordersignedfieldsarenotacceptable. primarily the federal EIN with two exceptions: – In general, UI remuneration paid this quarter must – temporary nine-character numbers beginning with TF are includewagesthataresubjecttoLaborLaw Article18. used until the federal EIN is assigned; and These wages are the basis for claims for unemployment –decentralizedemployersmayapplyforalocationsuffixto insurancebenefitsinNew YorkState. their federal EIN. – In general, gross federal wages subject to withholding is Wage reports– Beginning with tax year 2019, if the the amount of wages that are subject to withholding tax. employee/payee does not have any gross wages covered by unemployment insurance in New York State, gross – Total tax withheld is the sum of taxes withheld for federal wages or distribution subject to withholding, and New York State, New York City, and the city of Yonkers. New York State, New York City, and Yonkers tax withheld in Employee/payee name formats – Left-justify the name, the calendar quarter you are reporting, the employee/payee inuppercaseonly,andlistthelastnamefirst.Separateall should not be reported. segments of the name, including each initial, by blanks. If the employee/payee did not have any gross wages Connect parts of a compound surname by a hyphen. covered by unemployment insurance or if the employee Donotuseablanktoseparatesingleletterprefixes is not covered by unemployment insurance in New York (such as Oor D) from the rest of the surname; they may be State in the quarter you are reporting, the UI remuneration |
Publication 69 (2/21) Page 3 of 6 separated by an apostrophe or be contiguous with the rest of the name. Do not use commas to separate names. Connect lastnamesuffixes(suchasJr,Sr , or MD) to the last name with a hyphen. Section 7 – File formats Record 1A Transmitter record Length = 128 bytes Location Field Length Description and remarks 1-2 Record identifier 2 Constant 1A 3-8 Upload creation date 6 MMDDYY 9-19 Transmitter's identification number 11 Transmitter'sfederalEINorNYStaxidentificationnumber; left-justifyandfillwithblanks;nohyphensorspacesnnumber 20-59 Transmitter's name 40 Organizationtransmittingthefile;left-justifyandfillwithblanks 60-89 Street address 30 Street address of transmitter 90-114 City Left-justifyandfillwithblanks 115-116 State 2 Use standard FIPS postal abbreviation 117-125 ZIP code Left-justifyandfillwithblanks 126-128 Blanks 3 Enter blanks Record 1E Employer/payer record Length = 128 bytes Location Field Length Description and remarks 1-2 Record identifier 2 Constant 1E 3-6 Quarter being reported 4 MMYY; enter the last month of the quarter being reported (e.g., 0321, 0621, 0921, 1221, etc.) 7-17 Employer's identification number 11 Employer'sfederalEINorNYStaxidentificationnumber; left-justifyandfillwithblanks;nohyphensorspacesinnumber 18 Blank 1 Enter blank 19-58 Employer/payee name Left-justifyandfillwithblanks 59 Blank 1 Enter blank 60-89 Street address Left-justifyandfillwithblanks 90-114 City Left-justifyandfillwithblanks 115-116 State 2 Use standard FIPS postal abbreviation 117-125 ZIP code Left-justifyandfillwithblanks 126 Blank 1 Enter blank 127 Type of return 1 Letter - OriginalO Letter A -Amended 128 Seasonal employer indicator 1 Enter if the employerSdoes not anticipate activity during part of the year. Otherwise, leave blank. Record 1W Employee/payee record Length = 128 bytes Location Field Length Description and remarks 1-2 Record identifier 2 Constant 1W 3-11 Social Security number 9 Omit hyphens 12-41 Employee's name Surname,blank,firstname,blank,middleinitial,blanks; left-justifyandfillwithblanks;commasnotpermitted 42 Blank 1 Enter blank 43 Wages for unemployment insurance benefit computation/Other wages 1 Letter W -benefitwages;letterO - other wages 44 Blank 1 Enter blank 45-58 UI remuneration paid this quarter Right-justify;zero-fill;dollarsandcents;implieddecimal 59 Blank 1 Enter blank 60-73 Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding Right-justify;zero-fill;dollarsandcents;implieddecimal 74 Blank 1 Enter blank 75-88 Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld Right-justify;zero-fill;dollarsandcents;implieddecimal 89-128 Blanks 40 Enter blanks |
Page 4 of 6 Publication 69 (2/21) Section 7 – File formats (continued) Record 1T Total record (one Record 1T for each Record 1E) Length = 128 bytes Location Field Length Description and remarks 1-2 Record identifier 2 Constant 1T 3-9 Number of 1W records 7 Enter the total number of 1W records for this 1E records, right-justifyandzero-fill 10-44 Blank 35 Enter blanks 45-58 Total UI remuneration paid this quarter Right-justify;zero-fill;dollarsandcents;implieddecimal 59 Blank 1 Enter blank 60-73 Total gross federal wages or distribution Right-justify;zero-fill;dollarsandcents;implieddecimal subject to withholding 74 Blank 1 Enter blank 75-88 Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld Right-justify;zero-fill;dollarsandcents;implieddecimal 89-128 Blanks 40 Enter blanks Record 1F Final record Length = 128 bytes Location Field Length Description and remarks 1-2 Record identifier 2 Constant 1F 3-12 Number of 1E records 10 Total number of 1E employer/payer records; right-justify andzero-fill 13-22 Number of 1W records 10 Total number of 1W employee/payee records; right-justify andzero-fill 23-128 Blanks 106 Enter blanks |
Publication 69 (2/21) Page 5 of 6 Section 8 – Correction procedures The employee record with the Xin the UI remuneration Tofileamendedrecordsviauploadyoumustprovidethe paid this quarterfieldmustbeimmediatelyfollowedwith previously reported employee record that is to be completely the replacement record. This replacement record must replaced, followed immediately by the corresponding include all the data for that employee as it should have been replacementrecord. Thenewemployee-specificinformation reported including UI remuneration paid this quarter, Gross is a complete replacement for what was originally reported. federal wages or distribution subject to withholding, and Total Only those employees that have corrections should be NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld. reported. The total for the amended records is the new The total record (1T) should include a count of the total information only for those employees being reported. numberofemployeerecordsintheamendedfile.Boththe Allfilesmuststartwitha1A transmitterrecordanda1E original (with an Xin the UI remuneration paid this quarter employer record. The amended component begins with an field)andthereplacementrecordfortheemployeeare employer record (1E). The employer record should indicate counted.Thetotalsforthedollarfields (UI remuneration paid the quarter/year being amended in position 3 through 6 this quarter, Gross federal wages or distribution subject to and include an Aas the type of return in position 127. withholding, and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld) The quarter/year being amended is the quarter/year of the mustincludeonlyreplacementrecordsintheamendedfile. original submission that needs to be corrected. Thefinalrecord(1F)fortheuploadmustincludeacountof The Social Security number and employee name serve the employer records and a count of the employee records. to identify which original employee record (1W) is being The following Examples below illustrate the appropriate corrected. The original employee record that must be method for making corrections. replacedisfirstidentifiedbyplacingan X in position 58, which is the end of the UI remuneration paid this quarterfield (positions45through58,rightjustify,blankfill).Positions60 through73and75through88(theothertwodollarfields)for thatemployeerecordmustbezero-filled. Examples Originally reported records 1W records field Error in Erroneous UI remuneration paid Social Security number Social Security number (3-11) 111223333 555555555 Employee name (12-41) Taxpayer John Q Taxpayer Sue Z Wages for UI benefit computation/Other wages (43) W O Gross UI remuneration paid this quarter (45-58) 00000001603011 00000000975111 Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding (60-73) 00000004642111 00000003900411 Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld (75-88) 00000000761211 00000000429011 Corrected information Employee 1W records Social Total UI Gross federal wages Total NYS, NYC, Security Employee name Wages for UI/ remuneration or distribution subject and Yonkers number Other wages paid this quarter to withholding tax withheld 111223333 Taxpayer John Q W X 00000000000000 00000000000000 111223333 Taxpayer John Q W 00000000163011 00000006412411 00000000761211 555555555 Taxpayer Sue Z O X 00000000000000 00000000000000 123456789 Taxpayer Sue Z O 00000000975111 00000003900411 00000000429011 Total 1T Number of Total UI Gross federal wages Total NYS, NYC, record 1W records remuneration or distribution subject and Yonkers paid this quarter to withholding tax withheld 0000004 00000001138122 00000010312822 00000001190222 Theamendedemployeerecordsshouldreflectthefollowing: Increase in an employee’s wages: Delete the original record Record 1 Enter theSocial Security number and Employee name as originally reported, and an Xin position 58. Zero-fillGross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkerstax withheld fields. Create a replacement record with current data Record 2 Enter the Social Security number and Employee name, UI remuneration paid this quarter, Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding,and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkerstax withheld. |
Page 6 of 6 Publication 69 (2/21) Correction in the reporting of an employee’s Social Security number: Delete the original record Record 3 Enter the Social Security number and Employee name as originally reported, and an Xin position 58. Zero-fillGross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld fields. Create a replacement record with current data Record 4 Enter the Social Security number,Employee name, UI remuneration paid this quarter, Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding, and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld. Deletions It is possible to delete records that were mistakenly reported Ifthecorrection(s)affect(s)thewithholdingtaxamounts, in a quarter. These employees/payees must have the employers must also complete Form NYS-45-X, Amended originally reported Social Security number and Employee Quarterly Combined Withholding, Wage Reporting, and name, and an Xin the UI remuneration paid this quarterfield. Unemployment Insurance Return, to report the changes in withholding amount. Additions Each employer must group and report amended employee Toaddanemployeeontheamendedfilewhowasnot records by the quarter being amended. Submissions of reported originally, report the information as a replacement amended records for multiple quarters by the same employer record. There mustnot be an original record with an Xin the can be included on the upload, but each quarter being UI remuneration paid this quarterfield.Iforiginalinformation amended must have an employer record (1E) and a total wasrequiredtobefiledviaupload,thecorrectionstothat record (lT). informationmustalsobefiledviaupload,unlessthereare 16 or fewer corrections. The Tax Department requests that Do not include amended employee information on the same corrections for 16 or fewer employees/payees be submitted uploadedfileasoriginalemployeeinformation. byfilingFormNYS-45-ATT withtheAmended Return box checked. (Filing federal Form W-2C will not amend your wage reporting.) Section 9 – Test file format Record1A ........................... Transmitter record .............................................. Complete with actual transmitter data Record 1E ....................... Employer/payer record ....................................... Complete with actual employer data Record 1W ................... Employee/payee records ................................... Provide information for 20 employees, including Social Security number, Employee name, UI wages/Other wages, UI remuneration paid this quarter, Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding, and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld. Record 1T ....................... Total record ........................................................ Employer total information for the four employee records Record 1F ........................... Final record ........................................................ Grandtotalforfile Secondtestfile: Record1A ........................... Transmitter record .............................................. Complete with actual transmitter record Record 1E ....................... Employer/payer record ....................................... Complete with actual employer data Record 1W ................... Employee/payee records ................................... Provide four employee amended records (see below) including Social Security number, Employee name, UI wages/Other wages, UI remuneration paid this quarter, Gross federal wages or distribution subject to withholding, and Total NYS, NYC, and Yonkers tax withheld. Record 1T ....................... Total record ........................................................ Employer total information for 20 employee records Record 1F ........................... Final record ........................................................ Grandtotalforfile |