RP-467-d (9/08) NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION & FINANCE OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES APPLICATION FOR PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION FOR CERTAIN LIVING QUARTERS OCCUPIED BY SENIOR CITIZEN OR DISABLED INDIVIDUAL Application for exemption or renewal of exemption must be filed with Town of Cortlandt Assessor by taxable status date. Do not file form with the Office of Real Property Tax Services. 1. Name and telephone no. of owner(s) 2. Mailing address of owner(s) _____________________________________ __________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________________ Day No. ( ) _________________________ __________________________________ Evening No. ( ) ______________________ E-mail (optional) ___________________ 3. Location of property ______________________________________________ Town of Cortlandt Street address Property identification (see tax bill or assessment roll) Tax map number or section/block/lot ________________________________________________ 4. New application Renewal application 5. Is this residential property the legal residence of its owner yes no 6. Living quarters constructed or reconstructed to provide living quarters to senior citizen or disabled person (check one-attach proof of age or receipt of social security disability payments; proof of age need be submitted only with original application) 7. Description of construction or reconstruction of residential property made for the purpose of providing living quarters to senior citizen or disabled individual ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 8. Date of commencement of construction of living quarters: ________________________________ Date of completion of construction of living quarters: ___________________________________ 9. Are the living quarters the legal residence of the senior citizen or disabled person? yes no (attach proof of residency) I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Signature(s) of owner(s) Clear Form |
RP-467-d (9/08) 2 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Authorization for exemption Section 467-d of the Real Property Law authorizes the Town of Cortlandt. Westchester County, to adopt a local law authorizing a pa rtial exemption from town taxes and special ad valorem levies equal to the increase in value to residential property as the result of the construction or reconstruction o f dwelling space f or pe rsons w ho are at l east 65 years of age or w ho are di sabled and receiving s ocial s ecurity disability pa yments. In a ddition, ( 1) t he t own’s z oning m ust pe rmit s uch c onstruction, (2) t he construction must be within the geographic area where such construction is permitted, (3) construction or reconstruction of t he l iving qua rters m ust ha ve oc curred s ubsequent t o J anuary 1, 1999 a nd (4) t he property must be the owner’s principal residence. 2. Duration and computation The exemption is limited to the lesser of (1) the increase in the assessed value attributable to the new dwelling space, (2) twenty [20] percent o f the t otal assessed value of the property, or (3) twenty [20] percent of the median sale price of residential property in the county. In addition, if the senior citizen or disabled resident changes his or her legal residence, the exemption ends. 3. Filing of application Application for the exemption or for the renewal of the exemption must be filed annually with the Town of Cortlandt Assessor on or before taxable status date. Westchester County towns have either a May 1 or June 1 taxable status date; contact the assessor. FOR ASSESSOR’S USE 1. Date application filed _________________________________ 2. Applicable taxable status date ___________________________ 3. Action on application Approved Disapproved 4. Exempt assessed value $ _______________________________ __________________________________________ _________________________ Assessor’s signature Date |