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                                                                                          RP-466-a [Rockland, Steuben] (1/07) 
                                     OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES 
                                     (For use in Rockland or Steuben County Only) 
                          Do not file application with Office of Real Property Tax Services 
1.  Name and telephone no. of owner(s)                           2.   Mailing address of owner(s) 
    Day No.  (        )  _________________________                                                                       
    Evening  No.  (        ) ______________________                E-mail (optional)                                     

3.  Location of property:              Rockland County            Steuben County 
    Street address                                                                                                       
    City/Town                                                        Village (if any)                                    
    Property identification (see tax bill or assessment roll) 
    Tax map number or section/block/lot:                                                                                 

4.  Name of incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated volunteer ambulance service: 
5.  Relationship to incorporated volunteer fire company, fire department or incorporated volunteer ambulance 
    service indicated in question 4 (see instructions):   
    a.   certified by company, department or service as enrolled member for at least five years;  
    b.   certified by company, department or service as having accrued at least 20 years of  active service;  
    c.   un-remarried spouse of deceased enrolled member who received exemption under 5(a) or 5(b) and 
       who was killed in the same line of duty; or 
    d.   un-remarried spouse of deceased member who received exemption under 5(b). 
6.  Does the applicant reside in the city, town, or village served by the incorporated volunteer fire company, fire 
    department or incorporated volunteer ambulance service indicated in question 4?                yes          no 
7.  Is the property the primary residence of the applicant?          yes          no 
8.  Does the applicant or do the applicant and his/her spouse own the property?              yes         no    (attach  
    proof of ownership.) 
9.    Is any portion of the property used for other than residential purposes (farming, commercial, vacant land, 
    professional office, etc.)?                yes                   no          
    If yes, explain such use and describe the portion that is so used.                                                   
10.  Did the applicant previously receive a village tax exemption for service as a volunteer firefighter pursuant to 
    section 466 of the Real Property Tax Law?                       yes            no 
    If yes, indicate name of village and last year in which exemption was granted.                                  

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RP-466-a [Rockland, Steuben] (1/07)                                                                       2 
I certify that all statements made on this application are true and correct. 
Signature of applicant (and spouse, if spouse also owns property) 
_______________________________________/_____________________________________    (_____________) 
             AMBULANCE WORKERS EXEMPTION IN CERTAIN COUNTIES                                         Clear Form
Authorization for exemption:        Section 466-a of the Real Property Tax Law authorizes the governing body of a 
county, city, town or village in a county having a population of between (i) 261,000 and 270,000 according to the 
1990 census  (only Rockland County satisfies this standard) or (ii) 98,700 and 99,000 according to the latest federal 
decennial c ensus  (only S teuben C ounty  currently sat isfies  this st andard) t o  partially exe mpt t he  residence of a  
volunteer firefighter or volunteer ambulance worker.  The exemption does not apply to school taxes. 
Computation and duration of exemption:  The exemption is available only to members of incorporated volunteer 
fire companies, fire departments or incorporated volunteer ambulance services who have been certified as being 
enrolled members for at least five years.  The municipality determines the procedure for certification.  In addition, 
at local option of the county, town or village, the exemption may be granted for the life of an enrolled member who 
has accrued more than 20 years of active service.  At further local option, the exemption is also available to the un-
remarried spouse of an enrolled member who was receiving the exemption when he or she was killed in the line of 
duty.  In addition, at local option, the exemption may be continued or reinstated for the un-remarried spouse of an 
enrolled member who accrued at least 20 years of active service and was receiving the exemption prior to his or her 
       The exemption may be granted only to applicants who reside in the city, town or village served by the fire 
company, fire department or ambulance service.  T he exemption is available only to the primary residence of the 
applicant and only to property (or the portion thereof) exclusively used for residential purposes. 
       The exemption equals 10 percent of the assessed value of the property to a maximum of $3,000 multiplied 
by the latest state equalization rate for the assessing unit in which the property is located.  However, for village tax 
purposes, w here  the pr operty p reviously r eceived  the $50 0 e xemption a uthorized by  s ection  466 o f  the R eal 
Property Tax Law, the minimum exemption is $500. 
Place and time of filing application:  The application must be filed annually in the assessor’s office (or other 
official as designated by the municipality) on or  before taxable status date.   Taxable status date in most towns, 
including those within Rockland and Steuben Counties, is March 1.  Taxable status date in cities is governed by city 
charter.  Taxable status date for most villages which assess is January 1, but the village clerk should be consulted 
for variations.   P roof of certification  of e nrolled membership i n t he f ire  company or  de partment o r a mbulance 
service or status as un-remarried spouse of enrolled member killed in the line of duty or who served 20 years shall 
be as required by the county, city, town or village authorizing the exemption.  Proof of ownership of the property 
needs to be filed with the owner’s initial application.  T he assessor may request proof of primary residence (e.g. 
voter’s registration, tax return). 

                                         ASSESSOR’S USE 
1.  Date application filed:                          2.  Taxable status date:                             

3.  Action on application:           Approved  or     Disapproved 

4.  Amount of exemption: 

 County:                               City/Town:                              Village:                   
             Assessor’s signature                                                              Date 

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