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                                                                                                          TP-584-REIT (5/20)
                              Department of Taxation and Finance                                                                      RecordingOffice TimeStamp

                              Combined Real Estate Transfer Tax Return and
                              Credit Line Mortgage Certificate for
                              Real Estate Investment Trust Transfers

Before completing this form, see General information on page 2.
Schedule A – Information relating to conveyance
     Grantor             Name (if individual; last, first, middle initial)                                                         Social Security number
  Individual Corporation
  Partnership   Other    Mailing address                                                                                           Employeridentificationnumber(EIN)

                         Name (if individual; last, first, middle initial)                                                         Social Security number
 Individual  Corporation
  Partnership   Other    Mailing address                                                                                           EIN

       Tax map designation                                                  Address                                   City/village    Town                                         County
     Section  Block           Lot

Type of property conveyed (check applicable box)
1    Vacant land                         4        Office                            Dateofconveyance
2 Commercial/industrial                  5        Other
3    Apartment building                                                                             month day           year

Condition of conveyance (check all that apply)
a.   Conveyance of fee interest                   c.                        Transfer of a controlling interest (state   e. Other (describe)
b.   Acquisition of a controlling interest (state                           percentage transferred                    %)
     percentage acquired                 %)       d.                        Conveyance which consists of a mere
                                                                            change of identity or form of ownership or
                                                   organization (attach Form TP-584.1, Schedule F)
Schedule B – Real estate transfer tax return (Tax Law Article 31)
Part 1 – Computation of tax due
  1  Enter amount of consideration for the conveyance (if you are claiming a total exemption from tax, enter consideration
       and  proceed to Part 2)  ................................................................................................................................................ 1
 2 Continuing lien deduction (see instructions if property is taken subject to mortgage or lien)  ................................................                               2 
  3 Taxable consideration (subtract line 2 from line 1)  ..........................................................................................................              3
 4 Tax due: $1 for each $500, or fractional part thereof, of consideration on line 3 ........................................................                                    4

Part 2 – Explanation of exemption claimed in Part 1, line 1 (check either box that applies)
a. Conveyance is a mere change of identity or form of ownership or organization where there is no change in
     beneficialownership ......................................................................................................................................................................... a.
b. Other (attach explanation)  ................................................................................................................................................................... b.
Schedule C – Credit line mortgage certificate (Tax Law Article 11)
Complete the following only if the interest being transferred is a fee simple interest.
I (we) certify that:(Mark an  Xin the appropriate box)
1      The real property being sold or transferred is not subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage.
2      The real property being sold or transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. However, an exemption from the tax is 
       claimed for the following reason:
             The transferofrealpropertyistoapersonorentitywhere50%ormoreofthebeneficialinterestinsuchrealpropertyafterthetransfer
             is held by the transferor.
             The maximum principal amount secured by the credit line mortgage is $3,000,000 or more and the real property being sold or transferred 
             is not principally improved nor will it be improved by a one- to six-family owner-occupied residence or dwelling.
             Please note: for purposes of determining whether the maximum principal amount secured is $3,000,000 or more as described above, 
             the amounts secured by two or more credit line mortgages may be aggregated under certain circumstances. See TSB-M-96(6)R for 
             more information regarding these aggregation requirements.
             Other (attach detailed explanation).
3      The real property being transferred is presently subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage. However, no tax is due for the 
       following reason:
             A check has been drawn payable for transmission to the credit line mortgagee or his agent for the balance due, and a satisfaction of 
             such mortgage will be recorded as soon as it is available.
4      The real property being transferred is subject to an outstanding credit line mortgage recorded in
       (insertliberandpageorreelorotheridentificationofthemortgage).                Themaximumprincipalamountsecuredinthemortgage
       is                                              . No exemption from tax is claimed and the tax of 
       is  being paid herewith. (Make check payable to county clerk where deed will be recorded or, if the recording is to take place in New York 
       City, make check payable to the NYC Department of Finance.)
Forrecordingofficer’s                                                               Date                                              Transactionnumber


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TP-584-REIT (5/20) (page 2)
General information                                                   paymentofatenant’sattorneys’         fees;
A conveyance of real property to a real estate investment         (e)  to acquire any interest in real property (including an 
trust(REIT),asdefinedintheInternalRevenueCode(IRC)                ownership interest in any entity owning real property) 
section 856A, may be subject to the transfer tax at the reduced   except an acquisition that would qualify for the reduced 
rate of $1 for each $500 or fractional part of consideration. The rate of tax provided for a REIT transfer (without regard to 
conveyance may be to the REIT itself or to an entity, such as a   this requirement); or
partnership or a corporation, in which a REIT owns a controlling  (f)  for reserves established for any of the purposes described 
interest immediately following the transfer (REIT transfer).      in items (a), (b), (c) or (d) above.
To qualify for the reduced transfer tax rate, REIT transfers that For purposes of this requirement, the term real property 
are in connection with the initial formationofthe  REIT must      includes real property owned directly or indirectly by the REIT, 
occur on or after June 9, 1994. In addition, the REIT transfer    whether located inside or outside New York State. Also, the 
must also meet certain Ownership retention requirements           calculationofthenetcashproceedsfromtheinitialoffering
and the Use of proceeds requirement described below. See          of the REIT is made without regard to any proceeds resulting 
TSB-M-94(4)R, 1994 Amendments to the Real Property                fromtheexerciseofanyunderwriter’sover-allotmentoptionin
Transfer Gains Tax and the Real Estate Transfer Tax, for          connectionwiththeinitialofferingoftheREIT   shares.
the requirements for determining whether a REIT transfer 
qualifiesasbeingatransferthatoccursinconnectionwiththe            Payment of estimated personal income tax by 
initial formation of the REIT.
                                                                  individuals, estates, and trusts
In addition, REIT transfers other than those in connection        Nonresidents – Nonresident individuals, estates, and trusts 
with the initial formation of the REIT qualify for the reduced    taxed under Tax Law Article 22 must comply with the provisions 
transfer tax rate if they occur on or after July 13, 1996, but    of Tax Law section 663, estimating the personal income 
before September 1, 2023. Furthermore, in order to qualify for    tax on the gain, if any, from the sale or transfer of certain 
the reduced transfer tax rate, a REIT transfer must meet the      real property located in New York State. Such nonresident 
Ownership retention requirements described below.                 individuals, estates, and trusts are required to either complete 
                                                                  Form IT-2663, Nonresident Real Property Estimated Income Tax 
Ownership retention requirements                                  Payment Form; or Schedule D of Form TP-584, Combined Real 
As part of the consideration for the conveyance of real property  Estate Transfer Tax Return, Credit Line Mortgage Certificate 
or interest therein, the grantors must receive ownership          and Certification of Exemption from the Payment of Estimated 
interests in the REIT, or in an entity controlled, or to be       Personal Income Tax,andfileitwithForm     TP-584-REIT.
controlled by the REIT, which have at least a certain minimum     Residents   The requirement for payment of estimated 
value as described herein. The value of those ownership           personal income tax under Tax Law section 663 does not 
interests received in the REIT, or in an entity controlled, or to apply to individuals, estates, and trusts who are residents of 
be controlled by the REIT, must be equal to at least 40% (50%     New York State at the time of the sale or transfer. Resident 
if the conveyance is other than in connection with the initial    individuals, estates, and trusts must complete Schedule D of 
formationof a REIT) of the equity value of the real property      FormTP-584,andfileitwithForm     TP-584-REIT.
or interest therein conveyed by the grantors to the grantee. In 
addition, the ownership interests in the REIT, or in an entity    See Payment of estimated personal income tax, on page 1 
controlled, or to be controlled by the REIT, received by the      of Form TP-584-I, Instructions for Form TP-584 for more 
grantors as part of the consideration for the conveyance must     information.
be retained by the grantors (or an owner of the grantor) for a 
period of at least two years from the date of the REIT transfer,  Specific instructions
except in the case of the subsequent conveyance of these 
interests as a result of the death of an individual grantor. See  Schedule A
TSB-M-94(4)R for the method used to calculate the equity 
value of the property and the value of the ownership interests    Condition of conveyance
received.                                                         Indicate the condition of conveyance by checking all the 
                                                                  conditions that apply. If you check item d, attach Form TP-584.1, 
Use of proceeds requirement                                       Real Estate Transfer Tax Return Supplemental Schedules, to 
At least 75% of the net cash proceeds (after deducting            Form TP-584-REIT, with Schedule F completed.
underwriting discounts) received by the REIT from its initial 
offeringmustbeusedforthefollowingpurposes:                        Schedule B
(a)  to make payments on loans secured by any interest in the     Line 1 – Enter the consideration for the conveyance as set forth 
     real property owned directly or indirectly by the REIT;      in Tax Law section 1402(b)(3). See TSB-M-94(4)R for more 
(b)  to pay for capital improvements to the real property owned   from operations.
     directly or indirectly by the REIT;
(c)  to pay costs, fees and expenses (including brokerage fees,   Line 2  See Form TP-584-I,page 3, for more information on 
     commissions and professional fees) incurred in connection    the continuing lien deduction.
     with the creation of a leasehold or sublease pertaining to   Line 4 – Compute and enter the amount of tax due based 
     the real property owned directly or indirectly by the REIT;  on the consideration entered on line 3. The rate is $1 for each 
(d)  to make payments to or on behalf of a tenant as an           $500, or fractional part thereof, of taxable consideration on 
     inducement to enter into a lease or sublease, including but  line 3.
     not limited to the following:
     (i)  a cash bonus paid to a tenant for signing a lease;      Schedule C
     apaymentfortheunexpiredtermofatenant’sprevious               Mark an  Xin the appropriate box on Schedule C, if this 
        lease;                                                    schedule is required.
        constitute capital improvements (such as temporary 
        partitions or non-permanent electrical wiring for 
        computer equipment); and

Signature and affirmation (both the grantors and grantees must sign).
knowledge, true and complete, and authorize the persons submitting such form on their behalf to receive a copy for purposes of 

               Grantor signature                            Title               Grantee signature                        Title

               Grantor signature                            Title               Grantee signature                        Title


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