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                                    Department of Taxation and Finance                                                                                             TP-650
                                    Application for Registration Under Articles 12-A and 13-A                                                                          (1/21)
Read Form TP‑650‑I, Instructions for Form TP‑650, carefully before completing this form.  Attach additional sheets as necessary to fully 
answer all questions.
Print or type. All applicants must complete lines 1 through 14.
  1   Legal name

  2   DBA or trade name (if different from legal name above)

  3   Address of principal place of business (number and street; not a PO Box)                   City                                 State               ZIP code

  4   Mailing address (if different from business address)                                       City                                 State               ZIP code

  5   Business telephone                                                                                6   Date business began or will begin in New York State (NYS) (mmddyyyy)
      (       )
 7a   Employer identification number (EIN)                                                              7b  Email address

  8 Type of organization      (mark an  Xin one or more boxes)
          Sole proprietor (individual)                           Partnership                                Corporation 
          Limited liability partnership (LLP)                    Limited liability company (LLC)            Other (specify):

  9  Do you have an IRS Letter of Registration as a result of filing a federal Form 637, Application for Registration (For Certain Excise Tax Activities)?
      Yes (attach a copy)                      No

 10 Types of registration
      Mark an  Xin the appropriate box for which this form applies            (see instructions):
            New applicant                                  Change of registration                       Transfer of registration

      Mark an  Xin the box(es) for the license/registration for which you are applying and complete the lines indicated         (see instructions):
      a.    Distributor of diesel motor fuel (lines 1-17 and 23)                                  f.    Retail seller of aviation gasoline (lines 1-16, 21, and 23)
      b.    Retailer of non-highway diesel motor fuel only (lines 1-16 and 23)                    g.    Importing/exporting transporter (lines 1-14, 19, and 23)
      c.    Distributor of kero-jet fuel only (lines 1-16, 21, and 23)                            h.    Terminal operator (lines 1-14, 20, and 23)
      d.    Aviation fuel business (lines 1-14, 22, and 23)                                       i.    Distributor of motor fuel (lines 1-16, 18, and 23)
      e.    Residual petroleum product business (lines 1-16 and 23)                               j.    Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District (MCTD) motor fuel  
                                                                                                        wholesaler (lines 1-16 and 23)
                                                                                                  k.    Liquefied petroleum gas permittee (lines 1-14 and 23)
  11 Activities   (mark an  Xin all boxes that apply)
      A      Importing or causing to import product owned by the applicant                            D    Selling at retail in NYS (other than at a filling station):
             into NYS for use, distribution, storage, or sale in NYS:                                       motor fuel
                  motor fuel                                                                                diesel motor fuel (includes No. 2 heating oil)
                  diesel motor fuel (includes No. 2 heating oil)                                            kero‑jet fuel
                  kero‑jet fuel                                                                             residual petroleum product
                  residual petroleum product                                                                other fuel
                  other fuel                                                                          E    Owner of a vehicle powered by:
      B      Refining, manufacturing, compounding, blending, or otherwise                                   liquefied petroleum gas
             producing within NYS:                                                                          compressed natural gas
                  motor fuel                                                                                propane
                  diesel motor fuel (includes No. 2 heating oil)                                            other (identify)
                  kero‑jet fuel                                                                       F    Retailing aviation gasoline at an airport
                  residual petroleum product                                                          G    Retailing kero‑jet fuel and no other diesel product
                  other fuel                                                                          H    Industrial user:
      C      Selling to other resellers in NYS:                                                             diesel motor fuel (includes No. 2 heating oil)
                  motor fuel                                                                                residual petroleum product
                  diesel motor fuel (includes No. 2 heating oil)                                      I    Importing kero‑jet fuel into NYS in fuel tanks of aircraft
                  kero‑jet fuel                                                                       J    Supplying passenger or cargo air carrier services to others
                  residual petroleum product                                                          K    Selling or purchasing motor fuel in the Metropolitan Commuter  
                  other fuel                                                                               Transportation District
                                                                                                      L    Other (explain):

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Page 2 of 4  TP-650 (1/21)
  12a   List owner(s), officers, directors, partners, and responsible employees (see instructions).   Attach additional sheets if necessary.
 Name                                                                                Social Security number (SSN) or EIN Type(s) of registration(s) (a‑j)                                                             (see instr.)  

 Home address (number and street)                                                    Percentage of ownership              Title

 City                                                      State           ZIP code  Duties (a‑g) (see instructions)      Telephone number
                                                                                                                          (                     )
 Name                                                                                SSN or EIN                           Type(s) of registration(s) (a‑j) (see instr.)  

 Home address (number and street)                                                    Percentage of ownership              Title

 City                                                      State           ZIP code  Duties (a‑g) (see instructions)      Telephone number
                                                                                                                          (                     )
 Name                                                                                SSN or EIN                           Type(s) of registration(s) (a‑j) (see instr.)  

 Home address (number and street)                                                    Percentage of ownership              Title

 City                                                      State           ZIP code  Duties (a‑g) (see instructions)      Telephone number
                                                                                                                          (                     )
  12b For a corporation only, enter the total percentage of voting stock held by all shareholders (the percentage of voting stock in lines 12a and 12b 
     must total 100% see;  instructions)  ..........................................................................................................................................................................       %
  13  During the last five years, has the applicant or any person listed in line 12a:
    •  owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, more than 10% (25% or more if there are four or fewer shareholders) of the voting stock of a business other 
       than the applicant, or
    been an employee of a business (other than the applicant) who was under a duty to file a return or pay taxes under Articles 12-A or 13-A on behalf of 
       such business, or
    •  been an officer, director, or partner of a business other than the applicant?
      Yes                No         If Yes, complete below (see instructions; attach additional sheets if necessary)   
       Name of other business                                                                                          EIN

       Address (number and street)                                              City                                                           State     ZIP code

       Name of person or applicant                                                                                     Inclusive dates

       Name of other business                                                                                          EIN

       Address (number and street)                                              City                                                           State     ZIP code

       Name of person or applicant                                                                                     Inclusive dates

  14  In the past five years, was any person listed in line 12a convicted of any crime, or was any person listed in line 12a associated with a business (as 
      described in line 13) at the time the business was convicted of any crime (see instructions)?
      Yes                No         If Yes, complete below (see instructions; attach additional sheets if necessary)  
       Name of person                     Name of business (if applicable)                                             City and state of arrest

        Date of conviction (mmddyyyy)     Court of conviction              Statute section convicted of violating  Disposition (fine, imprisonment, etc.)

        Description of charges:

Lines 15 and 16 should be completed by a distributor of diesel motor fuel, retailer of non‑highway diesel motor fuel only, distributor of kero‑jet 
fuel only, residual petroleum product business, retail seller of aviation gasoline, distributor of motor fuel, and MCTD motor fuel wholesaler.
  15  Depending on the type of registration for which you are applying, enter the number of gallons of fuel sold or used in each of the last three years
      (see instructions).
          Year                 Diesel motor fuel (gal.)    Kero‑jet fuel (gal.) Residual petroleum product (gal.)      Aviation gasoline (gal.)          Motor fuel (gal.) 

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                                                                                                                                     TP-650 (1/21)                                    Page 3 of 4
 16  Capacity of bulk storage tanks you own (see instructions)  .............................................................................................................                    gal.
     Capacity of bulk storage tanks you lease or rent from another  ...................................................................................................                          gal.
     Is any motor fuel or diesel motor fuel stored on the site of these bulk storage tanks?    Yes No
 17  Only distributors of diesel motor fuel should complete line 17 (see instructions).
   a.  Gallons of diesel motor fuel you expect to sell or use each month in NYS  ...........................................................................                                     gal.
   b.  Gallons included in 17a that you expect to sell for specific exempt purposes  ..................................................................................                          gal.
   c.   Gallons of non-highway diesel motor fuel included in 17a that you expect to sell to other registered distributors  ................                                                      gal.
   d.  Gallons of highway diesel motor fuel included on line 17a sold to a registered distributor within a terminal  .........................                                                   gal.
   e.  Gallons of highway diesel motor fuel included in 17a and purchased tax paid in NYS  .........................................................                                             gal.
 18  Only distributors of motor fuel should complete line 18.
     Gallons of motor fuel you expect to import, manufacture, refine, produce, or compound each month in NYS  .........................                                                          gal.
 19  Only importing/exporting transporters should      complete line 19.
     a.  Identify your method(s) of transporting motor fuel (truck, tractor‑trailer, barge, tanker, pipeline, railroad, etc.)
     b.  Gallons of motor fuel you expect to import into NYS during the next 12 months  .................................................................                                        gal.
     c.   Gallons of motor fuel you expect to export out of NYS during the next 12 months  ..............................................................                                        gal.
     d.  List all terminals/storage facilities located in NYS where you load/unload motor fuel:
      Location of terminal/facility

 20  Only terminal operators should complete line 20 (attach additional sheets if necessary).
     a.  List all terminals/storage facilities located in NYS where you will store motor fuel or diesel motor fuel.
          Location      OwnedO( ) or          Capacity             Method of           Method of      Blending                Type of fuel                                    Gallons of motor fuel 
                        Leased ( )L                                supply             distribution    capability                stored                                        or diesel motor fuel
                                                                                                     (Yes or No)              (premium or                                     handled during the
                                                                                                                               regular)                                       last 12 months

     b. For all leased terminals/storage facilities listed in line 20a, complete the following:
          Location                 Lessor’s name and address                        Lessor’s EIN                   Capacity leased                                            Lease expiration
                                                                                      or SSN                                                                                  date (mmddyyyy)

     c. Do you lease or sublease any terminals listed in line 20a to other persons? Yes            No              If Yes, complete the following:
          Location            Lessee’s/sublessee’s name and address          Lessee’s/sublessee’s                  Capacity leased                                            Lease expiration
                                                                                     EIN or SSN                                                                               date (mmddyyyy)

     d. List principal suppliers of each terminal/storage facility:
          Location of              Supplier’s name and address                       Method of                        Supplier’s EIN                                          Gallons supplied
      terminal/facility                                                             transportation                       or SSN                                               for last 12 months

     e. List principal transporters from each terminal:
          Location of              Transporter’s name and address                    Method of                     Transporter’s EIN                                          Gallons transported
      terminal/facility                                                             transportation                       or SSN                                               during last 12 months

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 21  Only distributors of kero-jet fuel only and retail sellers of aviation gasoline should complete line 21 (attach additional sheets if necessary).
 a.  List all places located within NYS where you sell kero‑jet fuel or aviation gasoline:
        Name of place of business                        Name of airport                   Location of airport (street, city, county)         Type of fuel
                                                                                                                                      Kero‑jet       Aviation

 b.  Are all sales of kero‑jet and aviation gasoline delivered directly into the fuel tanks of aircraft? Yes            No
   c.  If you are registering as a distributor of kero-jet fuel only, do you sell any diesel motor fuel (other than kero‑jet fuel at retail) at any location within 
         NYS?  Yes           No
   d.  If you are registering as a retail seller of aviation gasoline, do you sell any motor fuel (other than aviation gasoline at retail) at any location within 
         NYS?    Yes         No

 22  Only aviation fuel business applicants should complete line 22.
   Are you an airline (see Definitions in instructions)? Yes             No
 If you are not an airline, would you prefer to file monthly tax returns instead of annual tax returns?  Yes            No

 23  Signature (all applicants must complete line 23)
   I certify that all information provided is true and complete, and that this application has been completed with the knowledge that making a willfully 
 false written statement is a felony under Tax Law § 1812(c)(1) and a misdemeanor under Tax Law §§ 1812(c)(2), 1812-f(c)(1), and 1812-f(c)(2) and 
 Penal Law § 210.45 punishable by fines and penalties therein. I further declare that this application has been completed with the knowledge that making a 
 false statement herein may result in the cancellation, suspension, or revocation of any license or registration issued by the Tax Department pursuant to the 
 tax articles to which this form applies. I also understand that the Tax Department is authorized to investigate the validity of the accuracy of any information 
 entered on this application.
  Printed name                                                             Signature
  Title                                                                             Date (mmddyyyy)                     Daytime telephone number
                                                                                                                        (    )

Additional attachments required
If you are applying for a license/registration as a distributor or motor fuel, liquefied petroleum gas fuel permittee, distributor of diesel motor fuel, retailer of 
non‑highway diesel motor fuel only, distributor of kero‑jet fuel only, residual petroleum product business, or retail seller of aviation gasoline, you must submit:
  •  a current financial statement (to register as a distributor of motor fuel, your current financial statement must be a certified, unqualified statement); and
  •  a letter from each supplier that includes the following information:
   –  the quantity and type of product that they agree to supply to you each month;
   –  payment and/or credit terms; and
   –  the terminals from which the fuel will be shipped and the method of shipment (ocean vessel, barge, tank truck, pipeline, etc.).
If you are not currently registered as a sales tax vendor, you must apply and receive your NYS Certificate of Authority before this application will be approved 
for licensing/registration. You may apply online by using the New York Business Express at www.businessexpress.ny.gov.
The Tax Department will notify you if you are required to file a bond or other acceptable security (see Bonding requirements in instructions).
Mail completed application and all required documents to:
                                                                    NYS TAX DEPARTMENT
                                                                    REGISTRATION AND BOND UNIT
                                                                    W A HARRIMAN CAMPUS
                                                                    ALBANY NY 12227-2993
If not using U.S. Mail, see Publication 55, Designated Private Delivery Services.

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