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Department of Taxation and Finance
Application for Highway Use Tax (HUT) and Automotive Fuel TMT-1(4/16)
Carrier (AFC) Certificates of Registration (C of R) and Decals
Order your credentials online in minutes at www.oscar.ny.gov
To use OSCAR all you need is an active USDOT number and a Highway Use Tax ( HUT ) account
— Read the instructions, Form TMT-1-I, before completing this form. For office use only
— You mustcomplete all lines of this form, except as noted in the instructions. We will return an incomplete application to you. Total amount Number of
— All vehicles with HUT or AFC credentials must display decals. credentials
— This form is available as a fill-in form on our Web site (see Need help? in Form TMT-1-I). Type your information, then print,
sign, and mail it. $
Deposit number
1 Identification Employer identification number Suffix, if any Social security number (SSN)
2USDOT number 3 Telephone number 4 E-mail address 5 Fax number
6Legal name 7 Doing business as (DBA) name, if different from legal name
8Physical address ( number and street ) 9 Mailing address( if different than physical address; number and street or PO box )
City State ZIP code City State ZIP code
Country ( enter if other than United States; do not abbreviate ) Country ( enter if other than United States; do not abbreviate )
10 Mark an Xin the box if your physical or mailing address has changed and has not been reported to us. Enter new address on line 8 and/or line 9, above. If your business
name or tax identification number has changed and has not yet been reported to us, call us before mailing this application (see Need help? in Form TMT-1-I).
11 Type of business( mark an Xin one box and specify if Other )
Sole proprietor Corporation Partnership LLC LLP Other:
12 For new accounts, list the name, title, social security number, and address of each principal officer of a corporation, or of each partner, or member of an LLC/LLP, or
owner if sole proprietorship.
Name Title SSN Number and street City State ZIP code
13 For new accounts, enter the location where tax and mileage records will be available for audit.
Name of custodian of records Number and street City State ZIP code Telephone number
14 If this form is prepared by a company employee who is not an officer, partner, member, or owner, or by an agent, service, accountant or other
representative, you must provide the information below. Additionally, if you expect to contact the Tax Department about this application or any other tax
matters, you must attach a Power of Attorney (usually Form POA-1) authorizing you to have access to this business’s New York State tax records.
Name of person preparing form Number and street City State ZIP code Telephone number
15 Signature of owner, partner, officer, member or individual with a Power of Attorney on file with the New York State Tax Department
Certification: I certify that the above statements are true, complete and correct and that no material information has been omitted. I make these statements with
the knowledge that willfully providing false or fraudulent information with the intent to evade tax may constitute a felony or other crime under New York State Law,
punishable by a substantial fine and possible jail sentence. I also understand that the Tax Department is authorized to investigate the validity of any information
entered on this document.
Signature Printed name of person signing Title Date signed
16 Amount due with application. The C of R and decal (credentials) cost $1.50 per vehicle. Mail application and payment to:
Number of HUT/AFC credentials ordered × $1.50 = $
Make check or money order payable in U.S. funds to Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. W A HARRIMAN CAMPUS
ALBANY NY 12227-0863