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                     Department of Taxation and Finance

                     Instructions for Form TMT-1                                                                         TMT-1-I(4/16)
                     Application for Highway Use Tax (HUT) and Automotive Fuel 
                     Carrier (AFC) Certificates of Registration (C of R) and Decals

General information                                                    Attorney, with this application, granting the representative access to 
                                                                       the business’s tax records.
Which form should I use to establish a HUT account? 
Use Form TMT-39,   New Account Application for Highway Use          Line 10   Mark an  Xin the box, if the physical or mailing address 
   Tax (HUT) and Automotive Fuel Carrier (AFC), if you plan to order   you reported on line 8 or line 9 has changed from previous filings 
   your HUT credentials online.                                        with the Tax Department, and you have not already notified us of 
                                                                       the change. If your business name or tax identification number has 
•  Otherwise, use Form TMT-1 to establish your account and request     changed, call us before mailing this application (see Need help?).
   your credentials.
All vehicles with HUT or AFC credentials must display decals.       Line 11   Mark an  Xin the appropriate box, indicating how your 
                                                                       business is organized.
How do I obtain my HUT credentials if I already have a HUT             Line 12  If this is your first time applying for HUT credentials, 
account?                                                               complete this line.
•  Go to www.oscar.ny.gov to order your credentials.                   •  Corporations – enter the information for all corporate officers.
•  Otherwise, use Form TMT-1.                                          •  LLCs – enter the information for all members.
                                                                       •  Partnerships and LLPs – enter the information for all partners.
Line instructions                                                      •  Sole proprietors – enter the information of the proprietor (owner).
We will return incomplete and incorrect applications to you. Read 
these instructions carefully and complete all items fully to avoid     If you need more space to report all required individuals, attach a 
delays in the processing of your credentials.                          separate sheet using the same format. Include your legal name and 
                                                                       tax ID on each sheet.
You must complete all lines on Form TMT-1, unless otherwise noted. 
Line 1  Enter your identification number.                             Line 13  If this is your first time applying for HUT credentials, you 
                                                                       must complete this line.
•  Enter the business’s federal employer identification number (EIN)   •  Enter the name of the custodian of the business’s tax and mileage 
   for corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies (LLCs),    records.
   limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and sole proprietors who 
   have been assigned an EIN. If the Tax Department issued you a       •  Enter the address and telephone number of the location where 
   temporary ID number, enter that number in the EIN box. (Be sure        the records are maintained.
   to notify the Tax Department when the EIN is assigned so your       Line 14 –   This information is required when an application is 
   records get updated.)                                               prepared by:
•  Enter your social security number (SSN) if you are a sole           •  A company employee who is not an officer, member, partner or 
   proprietor who does not have an EIN.                                   proprietor, or
Line 2  Enter your USDOT number. If you do not have one, you          An agent, service, accountant or any other representative.
can get it online (at www.safersys.org). You must have a USDOT 
number to obtain HUT credentials.                                      Additionally, if you expect to contact the Tax Department about 
                                                                       this application or any other tax matters, you must attach a power 
Line 3 –   Enter the telephone number of the business, including area  of attorney authorizing you to have access to this business’s New 
code.                                                                  York State tax records. Without a power of attorney, Tax Department 
                                                                       employees are prohibited from discussing the business’s tax records 
Line 4 –   Enter your email address. We may email you if there is a    with you (including this application). Further, without a power of 
question about your application.                                       attorney the department will not accept your written requests on 
Line 5 –   Enter your fax number. We may fax you if there is a         behalf of the business.   
question about your application.                                       Line 15 –   One of the following must sign this application:
Line 6 –   Enter the exact legal name of the business. A corporation’s •  Corporation – a corporate officer 
legal name is the name that appears on its certificate of              •  LLC – a member
incorporation. An LLC’s legal name is the name that appears on 
its articles of organization. A partnership or LLP’s legal name is the •  LLP – a partner
name that appears on its partnership agreement. A sole proprietor’s    •  Partnership – a partner
legal name is the name on the individual’s social security card.       •  Sole proprietorship – the proprietor (owner)   
Line 7  Enter  your business’s trade name or assumed name,            Employees not listed above, agents, services, accountants or any 
commonly known as a DBA (doing business as) name, if it is             other representative must attach a power of attorney authorizing 
different than the legal name.                                         them to act on the business’s behalf in New York State tax matters, 
Line 8  Enter  the  physical address of the business. It must be the  if not previously submitted (see line 14).
street address where the main office or headquarters is located. Do    Line 16 –   Enter the number of credentials you are ordering and 
not enter the address of an agent, service, accountant or any other    multiply by $1.50. This fee ($1.50) includes both a C of R and a 
representative, or a PO box.                                           decal for each vehicle. Attach a check or money order payable 
Line 9 –   Enter the business’s mailing address, if different than the in U.S. funds for this amount to Commissioner of Taxation and 
physical address. All mail from the Tax Department will be sent to     Finance.
the mailing address, including confidential tax account information,   Line 17 – Vehicle information – Complete columns A through L 
assessments and notices.                                               according to the following instructions. If you have more than ten 
If the mailing address is that of an agent, service, accountant or any vehicles to register, complete Form TMT-1.1, Continuation Sheet 
other representative, you must submit a Form POA-1, Power of           for Form TMT-1, following these instructions. You may list up to ten 

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vehicles on the front page of that form and ten more on the back          Column J (Optional)  If you assign an internal tracking number, 
page. Attach additional forms as needed.                                  such as a unit number, to your vehicles and want this number 
                                                                          printed on your C of R(s), enter it in this column.
Column A    Type  Mark an  Xin the  HUT box if the vehicle does 
not carry automotive fuel. Mark an  Xin the    AFC box if the motor       Column K   Enter the license plate state or province abbreviation 
vehicle (truck or trailer) carries or hauls automotive fuel (gasoline,    in the first two spaces, followed by the license plate number of the 
ethanol, kerosene, heating oil, No. 2 fuel oil, diesel fuel, No 1. diesel motor vehicle. We will not process your application without this 
fuel, No. 2 diesel fuel, kero-jet fuel, etc.).                            information.
Column B  Enter the manufacturer’s vehicle identification                Column L   Mark an  Xin the box if you have a temporary plate 
number (VIN). You must enter the entire number. This number               or registration document. You must provide the permanent plate 
appears on the vehicle’s title and is stamped, embossed, or               number within 90 days via the OSCAR website or by mail.
otherwise permanently affixed to the vehicle.
Column C   Mark an  Xin the box that describes the type of vehicle       Where to file
as truck, tractor, or automotive fuel carrier trailer. Do not list buses  Mail your payment and application to:
used only for non-business purposes. Also, do not list buses that:                 NYS TAX DEPARTMENT
•  are engaged only in the interstate or foreign transportation of                 HUT/ IFTA APPLICATION DEPOSIT UNIT
                                                                                   W A HARRIMAN CAMPUS
passengers,                                                                        ALBANY NY 12227-0863
•  are subject to the U.S. Department of Transportation or any state 
agency regulating passenger transport, and                                Private delivery services
•  have a seating capacity of more than seven persons in addition         If you choose, you may use a private delivery service, instead of the 
to the driver. These buses are exempt from the certification              U.S. Postal Service, to mail in your application and fee payment. 
requirements of the highway use tax.                                      However, if, at a later date, you need to establish the date you filed 
                                                                          your application or paid your fee, you cannot use the date recorded 
Mark an  Xin the  Truck box for buses that are not exempt.                by a private delivery serviceunless you used a delivery service that 
Column D   Mark an  Xin the box that describes the type of fuel          has been designated by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury or the 
used to power the vehicle. If you mark an X in the Other box, enter       Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. (Currently designated delivery 
the type of fuel. Mark an  Xin the None box if the unit is not powered    services are listed in Publication 55,Designated Private Delivery 
(AFC trailer).                                                            Services. See Need help? below for information on obtaining forms 
                                                                          and publications.) If you have used a designated private delivery 
Column E –   Enter the name (make) of the vehicle manufacturer as         service and need to establish the date you filed your application, 
it appears on the vehicle title.                                          contact that private delivery service for instructions on how to obtain 
                                                                          written proof of the date your application was given to the delivery 
Column F –   Enter the vehicle year as it appears on the vehicle title.   service for delivery. If you use any private delivery service, whether 
Column G –   The unloaded weight of the vehicle is the actual weight      it is a designated service or not, send to: NYS Tax Department, 
of the motor vehicle, which includes the weight of the fuel tanks         RPC-HUT, 90 Cohoes Ave, Green Island NY 12183-1515.
used to propel the vehicle and all equipment:
•  necessary for its performance as a vehicle,                            Penalties 
•  necessary for its safety,                                              It is a violation subject to penalties to operate a motor vehicle on 
                                                                          the public highways of New York State without first securing the 
•  permanently attached to the vehicle,                                   necessary credentials or to operate a motor vehicle with an actual 
•  used exclusively for the protection of its load, or                    gross weight or unloaded weight in excess of the gross or unloaded 
•  used exclusively for loading or unloading the vehicle.                 weight specified on the issued C of R.
The weight of the driver and a helper is not included.                    A decal must be displayed on each vehicle. If you operate a vehicle 
                                                                          without the proper HUT or AFC C of R and decal, or you operate 
Column H                                                                  a vehicle with an actual gross weight or unloaded weight above 
Gross weight means the:                                                   that listed on the HUT or AFC C of R, you face a penalty under 
                                                                          Tax Law section 512.1(e) of up to $3,500 and a penalty under 
•   unloaded weight of the truck, tractor, or other self-propelled        Tax Law section 1815(a)(1) of up to $500.
vehicle; plus
•   unloaded weight of the heaviest trailer, semitrailer, dolly, or other Privacy notification
device to be drawn by that motor vehicle; plus                            New York State Law requires all government agencies that maintain a system 
•   maximum load to be carried or drawn by the motor vehicle.             of records to provide notification of the legal authority for any request, the 
                                                                          principal purpose(s) for which the information is to be collected, and where it 
Note: Gross weight excludes the weight of the driver and a helper.        will be maintained. To view this information, visit our website, or, if you do not 
For a tow truck, it excludes the weight of any vehicle that’s being       have Internet access, call and request Publication 54, Privacy Notification. 
towed partly or wholly upon the towed vehicle’s own wheels. Gross         See Need help? for the Web address and telephone number.
weight of a flatbed tow truck must include the weight of the heaviest 
vehicle being transported on the bed of the truck.
                                                                          Need help?
The gross weight of a trailer transporting automotive fuel is the 
unloaded weight of the heaviest tractor used to pull the trailer,                   Visit our website at www.tax.ny.gov
plus the unloaded weight of the trailer, plus the heaviest load to be 
carried by the trailer.                                                               (for information, forms, and online services)
Column I   Mark an  Xin either the Own box or the Lease box. If                 Miscellaneous TaxInformation Center:            (518) 457-5735
the lease or other agreement is for 30 days or less and the owner 
(lessor) already has credentials for the vehicle, the carrier (lessee)           To order forms and publications:                (518) 457-5431
does not have to get credentials. However, if the lease or agreement 
covers a period of more than 30 consecutive days, the lessee must                Text Telephone (TTY) Hotline
obtain credentials unless the lessee will operate the vehicle for 10                (for persons with hearing and
days or less in New York State.                                                    speech disabilities using a TTY):             (518) 485-5082

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