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  Table of Contents 
Section 1 –  Introduction .........................................................................................  1 
Section 2 –  Register of Wills  .................................................................................  1 
Section 3 –  Orphans’ Court ....................................................................................  2 
Section 4 –  Definitions ...........................................................................................  3 
Section 5 –  Regular Estates ..................................................................................  6 
Section 6 –  Small Estates ......................................................................................  12 
Section 7 –  Limited Orders ....................................................................................  15 
Section 8 –  Modified Administration .......................................................................  15 
Section 9 –  Inheritance Tax ...................................................................................  17 
Section 10 –  Distribution ........................................................................................  19 
Section 11 – Fees ...................................................................................................  20 
Section 12 – Important Dates .................................................................................  21 
Section 13 – Responsibilities of a Personal Representative ...................................  22 
Section 14 – Powers and Duties of a Personal Representative ..............................  22 
Section 15 – Questions and Answers .....................................................................  23 
  Words of Warning! 
The Register of Wills Office is restricted from giving legal advice.  This book is 
intended to help assist in the preparation of administrative probate. If you have 
additional questions  or a specific situation  not  addressed in this  book, consult 
with your attorney or the Register of Wills before you proceed.   
  Revised November 2017 

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Section 1:  Introduction  
The Maryland Court of Appeals has adopted rules and  forms to be used in 
settling a decedent’s estate. The purpose of this booklet is to inform you about 
this procedure and how to prepare the necessary forms in the event that you are 
selected to  act as  a personal representative of an estate.  The booklet only 
discusses the most common forms used in administrative probate. All forms for 
settling a decedent’s estate are available in the Office of the Register of Wills in 
the county where the decedent lived. More information about the  forms 
discussed in this booklet, along with other forms, can be found in the Maryland 
Rules of Procedure, Title 6, available at most public libraries.  Both the Maryland 
Rules and the Annotated Code of Maryland - Estates and Trusts Article (“ET”) 
can be accessed  online at the Maryland General Assembly  website: 
This booklet addresses only aspects of estate administration in the State of 
Maryland. It does not include any information about state or federal income tax or 
estate tax returns. It  also does  not address the administration of estates with 
property located outside of the State of Maryland that may be subject to another 
state’s jurisdiction or laws. 
This guide will not answer all questions related to the administering of estates in 
Maryland and it is not intended as a substitute for professional legal or financial 
advice which may be important to the administration of estates.  
Section 2:  Register of Wills 
The Register of  Wills is a public office  established under the Constitution  of 
Maryland. The Constitution provides for a Register of Wills in each county and 
Baltimore City.  The Register is elected every four years.  The Register of Wills, 
or designated employee, may assist and advise any person in the preparation of 
forms for administrative probate; but are prohibited from rendering legal advice.  
All forms referred to in this book may be obtained from the Register of Wills office 
or web site.  http://registers.maryland.gov   (select FORMS tab or link).  Forms 
may be downloaded as  required  or  completed online and printed  individually. 
Please note that the forms are in PDF format, thereby requiring Adobe Reader 
software to be installed on your computer. 

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Section 3:  Orphans’ Court 
The Orphans’ Court, located in each county and Baltimore City, has jurisdiction 
over estates of deceased persons.  The  Orphans’ Court  hears all matters 
involving contested  estates and supervises all estates that  are probated 
judicially. Judicial probate is a proceeding that takes place when matters cannot 
be handled administratively. 
The Orphans’ Court  resolves matters involving the validity of wills and the 
transfer of property in  which legal questions and disputes occur. Because the 
Orphans’ Court has limited jurisdiction, generally questions of legal title must be 
determined by the circuit court. An Orphans’ Court has jurisdiction to determine 
whether personal property, not exceeding $50,000 in value, is includable in the 
estate, subject to a proceeding before the Court. The Orphans’ Court approves 
accounts personal representative commissions and attorney’s fees for services 
rendered in connection with the administration of the estate. ET Title 2, subtitle 1


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Section 4: Definitions                       share, even if it is more than the will 
1. Administration of an estate     :  the 
                                             10. Encumbrance: a lien or claim 
   management of a decedent's assets, 
                                             attached to property, such as a 
   which includes the collection  of 
                                             mortgage on real property. 
   property, payment  of  expenses and 
   debts, and distribution to the heirs or   11. Estate: the property of a decedent. 
   legatees.                                 12. Family allowance: an allowance in 
2. Administrative       Probate  :     a     addition to property passing under 
   proceeding that is initiated by an        the will or by the laws of intestacy, 
   interested person with the Register       for the personal use of the surviving 
   of  Wills  for the appointment of  a      spouse and  for the use of each 
   personal representative and  for the      unmarried child under the age of 18 
   probate of a will, or the determination   years. 
   of intestacy of the decedent.             13. Fiduciary: a person or institution 
3. Child (or children): a child who is a     that    manages    and     administers
   legitimate child, an adopted child, an    money and other assets of another.  
   illegitimate child  to the extent         A fiduciary includes trustee, receiver, 
   provided by law,  and  a child            custodian,      guardian,  executor,
   conceived from the  genetic material      administrator,        or     personal
   of a person after the death of the        representative.   
   person to the extent provided by law.     14. Gross estate: the actual value of the 
4. Claimant: a person (or entity)  who       estate assets without the  deduction 
   files  a claim  against a decedent's      of liens, debts or expenses. 
   estate.                                   15. Heir: a  family member who inherits 
5. Debt of record: a recorded debt,          from an estate under  the  laws  of 
   such as a mortgage on real property       intestacy (decedent died without a 
   that is recorded in land records.         will). 
6. Decedent:  a deceased person.             16. Information Report:  the document 
                                             that reports all non-probate property 
7. Descendant: one who is in the 
                                             (property that passes outside the 
   bloodline of        an    ancestor.
                                             probate      estate).    (Non-Probate 
   (Descendants      include       child,
                                             property includes, but not limited to, 
   grandchild, great grandchild, etc.) 
                                             jointly held assets, life estate  or 
8. Domicile: the place where a person        remainder  interests in a trust  or 
   has physically been present with the      deed, trusts in which the decedent 
   intention  to make  the place a           had  an interest,  payable on death 
   permanent home.  (In other words,         (P.O.D.)  assets, and  pension and 
   domicile is the place one would           benefit plans including IRAs  with 
   return to or intend to return to when     named beneficiaries.)  
                                             17. Inheritance tax: a tax imposed on 
9. Election against  the will: the right     the privilege of receiving property 
   provided by statute to a spouse that      from a decedent's estate. 
   allows him/her to receive a statutory 


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18. Interested person: the person(s)        25. Limited Order: an order allowing for 
serving  (or petitioning to serve)  as      the search  of assets in the 
personal representative(s), legatees,       decedent’s  name  alone or the will 
heirs (even if the  decedent died           located in a safe deposit box in the 
testate), trustee(s) of a testamentary      name of the decedent. 
trust,  trustee(s) of a living trust, if 
                                            26. Lineal  : heir or legatee: one who is of 
applicable,  and court appointed 
                                            the direct line of the decedent.  
guardian(s) for minors and disabled 
adults who are interested persons.          27. Modified     Administration:  a 
                                            streamlined version of administrative 
19. Intestate: without a will. 
                                            probate  available to the personal 
20. Issue: every living lineal descendant   representative (in estates where the 
except a lineal descendant of a living      decedent died on or after October 1, 
lineal     descendant, including    a       1997). In lieu of an inventory and an 
legitimate child, an adopted child, an      account, the personal representative 
illegitimate child to the extent            is required to file a final report within 
provided by law,  and a  child              10 months from the  date  of 
conceived from the  genetic material        appointment.  (See Section 8 of this 
of a person after the death of the          booklet for details.) 
person to the extent provided by law. 
                                            28. Net estate: property remaining after 
Issue does not include a stepchild or 
                                            the  deduction of liens, debts and 
a foster child. 
21. Joint tenancy: a type  of ownership 
                                            29. Non-probate estate: property that 
where personal  or real property is 
                                            passes outside the  probate  estate, 
held jointly by two or  more persons 
                                            includes,  but not limited to  jointly 
in undivided (equal) shares with the 
                                            held assets, life estate or remainder 
right of survivorship.  When a joint 
                                            interests in a trust or deed, trusts in 
tenant  dies,  his/her  share  passes      
                                            which the decedent had an interest, 
automatically by operation of law  to 
                                            payable on death (P.O.D.) assets, 
the survivor(s).   
                                            and pension and benefit  plans 
22. Judicial probate:          a probate    including     IRAs      with   named
proceeding      conducted        by the     beneficiaries. 
Orphans'  Court  (as opposed to the 
                                            30. Personal  Representative:     the
Register of Wills) when the situation 
                                            person appointed to  administer the 
prohibits    administrative      probate
                                            estate (often referred to as executor 
(such as,  validity of  the will is 
                                            or administrator).  
questioned, will is damaged, or more 
than one qualified person applies for       31. Petition for Probate: the document 
personal representative).                   required      to  initiate a probate
23. Legatee: a person named in a will to 
receive.                                    32. Pour-over Will: a will giving money 
                                            or property to an existing trust. 
24. Letter   of  Administration:    a
document issued  by the  Register of        33. Probate estate: property  owned 
Wills  that  authorizes a personal          solely by the decedent or as a tenant 
representative to administer an             in common. 


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34. Regular   estate:   the     estate      42. Testator/testatrix: male/female who 
procedure  for a decedent who               makes a will. 
owned probate  assets with a gross 
                                            43. Trust, also living  trust or inter 
value in excess of $50,000 (or 
                                            vivos trust: real and/or personal 
$100,000 if the sole heir or legatee is 
                                            property held by one party (trustee) 
the surviving spouse). *
                                            for     the  benefit   of another
35. Residence: living in  a specific area   (beneficiary).  Trust assets are non-
without necessarily having the intent       probate assets. 
to indefinitely stay there. See 
Domicile for difference. 
36. Small estate: the estate procedure 
for a decedent who owned probate 
assets with a gross value of $50,000 
or less (or $100,000 or less if the 
                                                * Note : 
sole heir or legatee is the surviving 
spouse).  *                                     For persons dying prior to October 1, 2012, 
                                                a Regular Estate consists of assets with a 
37. Special   Administrator:       an
                                                gross  value  in  excess  of  $30,000  (or 
administrator of an estate appointed            $50,000  if the sole heir or legatee  is the 
by the court when it is necessary to            surviving spouse) 
protect and manage property prior to             
the appointment  of  a personal                 For persons dying prior to October 1, 2012, 
                                                the Small Estate consists of assets with a 
representative.       (A        special
                                                value not exceeding $30,000 (or $50,000 or 
administrator has limited powers.)              less if the sole  heir or legatee is the 
38. Tenants by  the entirety: a type of         surviving spouse)  
ownership that is created  only 
between husband and wife where 
they hold title  to an interest in 
property together, with the right of 
survivorship upon the death of the 
first to die. 
39. Tenants in common: a type  of 
ownership where two or more 
persons each hold  an undivided 
interest in a piece of property with no 
right of survivorship. Upon the death 
of an owner, his/her interest passes 
to the heirs under the laws of 
intestacy, or in accordance with the 
terms of the will. 
40. Testamentary Trust  : a trust that is 
created  by a will and takes  effect 
when the  settlor  (testator/  testatrix) 
41. Testate: dying with a will. 


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Section 5:  Regular Estate                        once a week for three consecutive weeks 
                                                  in a newspaper of general circulation that 
If the property of the decedent subject to        is  designated       by     the personal
administration in Maryland is established         representative.    The  notice   informs
to have a value in excess of $50,000 (or          persons of their right to  file objections to 
$100,000 if spouse is the sole legatee or         the appointment and  probate of the will. 
heir) the estate shall be administered as a       The notice further notifies creditors of their 
regular estate. In establishing the value of      right to file a claim and the requirements.  
an estate only the assets held in the name         
of a decedent  alone and/or an interest           A Nominal Bond (Form 1116) or Bond of 
held  as   tenants     in common       are        Personal Representative (Form 1115) 
considered.  The value is determined by           must also be filed  with  the  petition. The 
the fair market value of property less debts      nominal bond  may be used if  bond is 
of record secured by the property, as of          expressly excused by the will or by written 
the date of  death,  to the  extent that          waiver of all interested persons. The bond 
insurance benefits are not payable to the         of personal representative is used if the 
lien holder or secured party for  the             bond is not expressly excused by the will 
secured debt.                                     or by written waiver of  all interested 
                                                  persons.  An insurance company must 
The estate is opened in the county in             execute the bond form.  There are 
which the decedent had his domicile at the        companies  that provide service through 
time of death.                                    the Register of Wills office.  
Opening the Estate                                The List of Interested Persons (Form 
                                                  1104)  may also be  filed at this time but 
The original of the Last  Will and                must  be  filed within 20 days after 
Testament and Codicil(s), if any, must be         appointment. The  list includes the  name, 
filed in the Register of  Wills  office in the    address and relationship to the decedent 
county the decedent was domiciled.                of persons named to inherit in the will and 
                                                  heirs at law even if they are not named in 
The   Petition for  Administration (Form          the will.  Additional forms may be required 
1112) and  Schedule A  (Form  1136)    are        depending on the circumstances.  
the forms that  initiate  the opening  of the      
estate. These documents  include the              The Appointment of Resident  Agent 
following:                                        (Form 1106) is required if the person 
(1)  The domicile of the decedent;                petitioning is not a  Maryland resident. 
(2)  Reason the petitioner has a right to be      (Refer to page 26 “What is  a resident 
 appointed the personal representative;           agent and what are the responsibilities?”) 
(3)  Whether the decedent died with or             
 without a will (if the decedent died with        A  Consent to Appointment of Personal 
 a will, the original must be included            Representative (Form 1118)      is required 
 with the petition);                              by all interested persons who have greater 
(4)  The eligibility of the petitioner to serve   priority than the person petitioning. (Note: 
 as personal representative; and                  Form 1118  also includes language 
(5)  The approximate value of the probate         indicating whether  there is consent to 
 assets and debts of the estate.                  waiver of the bond.) 
The Notice of Appointment (Form 1114) 
must be filed with the Petition. The notice 
is published by the Register of Wills office 

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A Waiver of Bond  Form(   1117   , or Form      mail or deliver a notice to those creditors.  
1118 above) must be filed by all interested     The personal representative is also 
persons if the will does not excuse bond        required to  file:  sufficient copies of the 
requirements and the estate wishes to file      notice of appointment provided to you by 
a nominal bond.                                 the newspaper for mailing by this office to 
                                                all interested persons within 20  days of 
Any interested person may sign the              appointment;      the    Inventory  and
Waiver of Notice (Form 1101)  to avoid          Information Report within three months of 
notice requirements to  that interested         appointment;  and the accounting within 
person.                                         nine  months of  appointment. Unless a 
                                                complete  and accurate list of interested 
                                                persons was previously filed, a list of 
Appointment of Personal                         interested persons with correct addresses 
Representative                                  (including  zip  codes)  must also be filed 
                                                within  20  days from  the date of 
The Register of Wills may admit the will to     appointment.   
probate   and    appoint  a        personal      
representative. The duties and powers of         
a personal representative commence              Inventory    (Forms 1122 and 1123) 
upon the issuance of         Letters of          
Administration. In granting letters the         Within three months after the appointment 
register observes an  order of  priority as     of a personal representative the personal 
established in Maryland law. The usual          representative shall prepare and  file  an 
order begins with persons named in a will,      inventory of property owned solely by the 
spouse, children, etc., to creditors or any     decedent and  the decedent’s interest in 
other   person.  Maryland      law   has        tenants in common property. Each item is 
established  restrictions  on the right to      to be listed in reasonably descriptive 
letters of administration. The following is a   detail, indicating its gross fair market value 
partial list of some of the persons             as of the  date  of  death of the decedent, 
excluded:                                       and the type and amount of any mortgage 
(1) Under the age of 18 years;                  and encumbrance that  may exist with 
(2) Mentally incompetent;                       reference to  the item. For real and 
(3) Convicted of a  serious crime,  unless      leasehold property, a description sufficient 
  the person shows good cause  for the          to identify the property must be given.  
  granting of letters;                           
(4) Not  a citizen of the United States         Appraisals must reflect the actual date of 
  unless the person is a permanent              death value.  Appraisals containing the 
  resident of the United States and is:         word “approximate” or similar qualifying 
  (a) The spouse of the decedent;               words are not acceptable.  
  (b) An ancestor of the decedent;               
  (c) A descendant of the decedent; or 
  (d) A sibling of the decedent. 
Upon appointment, the Register of  Wills 
office will issue a schedule of  mandatory 
filing deadlines.   As the personal 
representative of a regular estate you are 
required to  make a  reasonably diligent 
effort  to ascertain the names and 
addresses of the decedent’s creditors, and 

- 10 -
The personal representative may                 Information Report      (Form 1124) 
appraise the following:                          
                                                Within three months after the appointment 
(1) Motor  vehicles  –  Instead of an           of a personal representative, the personal 
 appraisal of the  fair market value, a         representative shall prepare and  file an 
 motor vehicle  may be valued by a              Information Report.  The assets reported 
 personal representative on the basis of        on this  form include assets that the 
 the average value of the motor vehicle*        decedent held a  less  than  absolute, or 
 set forth in:                                  whole interest at date of death and assets 
 (a) The  National Automobile Dealers’          that had   a   previously   designated
  Association’s  official used car              beneficiary. Therefore, these assets would 
  guide; or                                     not follow the terms of the will or the laws 
 (b) Any substantially similar price guide      of intestacy. Any such assets passing to 
  designated by the register;                   any persons or entities  other  than those 
(2) Corporate stocks listed on a national or    exempt from inheritance tax pursuant to § 
 regional exchange or over the counter          7-203 of the Tax-General Article must be 
 securities;                                    reported.  
(3) Debts owed to the decedent including         
 bonds, notes and loans made by the             The  following are reportable on the 
 decedent to others  which remain               Information Report: 
 unpaid;                                        (1) Jointly held assets; 
(4) Bank accounts and money;                    (2) Transfer of any material part of the 
(5) IRAs, annuities and life insurance           decedent’s property in the nature of a 
 proceeds payable  to the  estate or             final     disposition   or distribution,
 which have no named beneficiary; and            including any transfer that resulted in 
(6) Real and leasehold property – Instead        joint ownership of property  within two 
 of a formal appraisal of the fair market        years before death; 
 value, real and leasehold property may         (3) Any interest less than absolute in real 
 be valued at:                                   or personal property over  which the 
 (a) The full cash value for property tax        decedent retained  dominion while 
  assessment purposes, as of the                 alive;  
  most recent date of finality; or              (4) Payable  on death  (P.O.D.) or transfer 
 (b) The contract sales  price for the           on death (T.O.D.) accounts; 
  property if the settlement  on  the           (5) Any interest in  an  annuity or other 
  arm’s length contract occurs within            public or private employee pension or 
  one year after the decedent’s                  benefit plan; 
  death.                                        (6) Any interest in real or  personal 
                                                 property for life or for a term of years; 
*    Either the average of the retail and        and 
trade-in values of the vehicle or the private   (7) Any other interest in real or personal 
party value of the vehicle is acceptable.        property less than absolute, in trust or 
**  The property tax assessment valuation       (8) Real or leasehold  property located 
cannot be used for farmland, woodland, or        outside of Maryland  either in the 
national registry land.                          decedent’s name only or as tenants in 
                                                 common, is reported  for informational 
A  personal representative must obtain 
                                                 purposes only.  
an appraisal by a qualified and 
disinterested appraiser for all other 

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All property listed  on the  Information                        VERIFICATION OF ACCOUNT 
Report has the same requirements  for                           MD RULE 6-417(b)(9) 
values and  appraisals as stated in  the         I DO SOLEMNLY  AFFIRM UNDER THE 
section for Inventories in this booklet.         PENALTIES         OF PERJURY        THAT      THE
                                                 CONTENTS OF  THE FOREGOING DOCUMENT 
                                                 (ACCOUNT OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE) 
Accounts                                         ARE TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, 
                                                 INFORMATION AND BELIEF. 
Within nine months after the appointment          
of a personal representative the personal         
representative shall prepare and  file  an                      Personal Representatives 
account. The account should include:                            (Signature required) 
(1) The beginning balance (represents the 
 value of the assets as reported on the 
                                                    (Signature required if applicable) 
(2) Miscellaneous principal receipts;             
(3) Change in assets from date of death;                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 
(4) Income;                                                        MD RULE 6-417(d) 
(5) Disbursements;                                          I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the ___ day of 
(6) Distribution and taxes; and                  ______________________, 20____, I delivered or 
(7) Balance retained for future accounting,      mailed, postage prepaid, a notice to all interested 
 if not a final account.                         persons  listed  below  or  listed  by  attachment,  a 
                                                 notice stating: (1) that an account or affidavit in lieu 
                                                 of account has  been  filed; (2) that  the recipient 
There  is  not a form for filing  an  account;   may file exceptions  with the Court  within 20 days 
however, the Register of Wills office has a      from the Court’s Order approving the account; (3) 
sample account that  may be used as a            that further  information can be obtained by 
guideline. If the account is not a final, then   reviewing the estate file in the office of the Register 
subsequent accounts must  be  filed  at          of Wills       or by contacting    the  personal
                                                 representative  or the    attorney; (4) that  upon 
intervals  of  the first  to occur of:   six     request the personal representative shall furnish a 
months after the prior account is approved       copy  of the account or  affidavit to  any  interested 
or nine  months after the prior account is       person  who  was  given  notice;  and  (5)  that 
filed. If an estate has had no assets during     distribution under the account as approved by the 
an accounting period,  the personal              Court will be made within 30 days after the Order 
                                                 of Court approving the account becomes final. 
representative may file an affidavit of no                      
assets in lieu of an account.                        Interested persons names and addresses: 
The account or affidavit must be verified         
and notice  of the account  or affidavit          
served on all interested persons who have        Personal Representatives 
                                                 (Signature required) 
not waived notice. 
See below for sample of verification of the      Attorney 
account and information required to be           (Signature required if applicable) 
included in the notice.                           

- 12 -
Personal Representative’s If payment is for a debt or fee which 
Commissions and Attorney’s Fees                     was  generated            prior to     the 
                                                    decedent’s      death,    a     notice of
The personal representative and/or the              proposed payment stating the amount 
attorney for the estate are  entitled to            and the  details for the basis of the 
reasonable compensation  for services               payment must be sent to all interested 
rendered in the  administration of the              persons         including all   claimants
estate. If the  property subject to                 pursuant to Md. Rule 6-414.  
administration is not over $20,000,                  
commissions  may not exceed 9% of the                
gross  estate. If  the property  subject to       Claims 
administration  is   over     $20,000,             
commissions may not exceed $1,800 plus            A claimant may make a claim against an 
3.6% of excess over $20,000 of the gross          estate, within the time allowed  for 
estate.                                           presenting claims by: 
                                                  (1) Delivering or mailing  it to the personal 
Any payment out of estate funds made to             representative;  
the  personal representative and/or the           (2) Filing the claim with the register of the 
attorney for the estate are only permitted          county in which probate proceedings 
after filing of the  following, as applicable:      are being conducted or and delivering 
                                                    or mailing a copy to the personal 
• Subject to court approval - A petition            representative; or 
  setting  forth in detail the services           (3) Filing suit.  
  performed on behalf of the estate and            
  the amount of compensation requested            A claim must be presented within the 
  for said services must be filed with the        earlier of the following dates: 
  Register of Wills and include a signed          (1) Six  months after the date of the 
  verification of the facts and a certificate       decedent's death; or  
  of notice to  all interested  persons,          (2) Two  months after the personal 
  including claimants. An order  of the             representative mails or otherwise 
  court approving  the fees must  be                delivers to the creditor a copy of the 
  signed before payment is permitted.               “Notice of Appointment,  Notice to 
                                                    Creditors,  Notice to  Unknown  Heirs” 
• Consent in lieu of  court approval                form or other written notice, notifying 
  (Form 1138) - A petition is not required          the creditor that his claim will be barred 
  if    the combined sum      of     the            unless he presents the claim within two 
  commissions and fees does  not                    months  from the  mailing or other 
  exceed    the   maximum     allowable             delivery of the notice. 
  amount as stated  above; and  each                 
  unpaid creditor and all interested              If the claim is filed prior to the appointment 
  persons consent in writing to the               of the personal representative, the 
  payment;     and  the signed written            claimant may file the claim with the 
  consent  form states the amount of              register in the county in  which the 
  payment and is filed with the register.         decedent was domiciled or in any county 
                                                  in which the decedent resided on the date 
                                                  of death  or in which real property or a 
                                                  leasehold interest in real property of the 
                                                  decedent is located.  


- 13 -
A claim filed by the Department of Health       Miscellaneous 
against the estate of a decedent must be         
filed within the earlier of the  following      Election to Take Statutory Share (Form 
dates:                                          1126) 
(1) Six  months after publication  of notice    Instead of  property left by the will, the 
 of  the first  appointment of a personal       surviving spouse may elect to take a one-
 representative; or                             third share of the net estate if there is also 
(2) Two  months  after the  personal            a surviving issue, or  a one-half share of 
 representative mails or  otherwise             the net estate if there is no surviving issue. 
 delivers to the Department's Division of        
 Medical Assistance Recoveries a copy           Petition and     Order for  Funeral
 of the  “Notice of  Appointment,  Notice       Expenses  (Form 1130)  
 to Creditors, Notice to Unknown Heirs”         Funeral expenses shall be allowed at the 
 or other written notice, notifying the         discretion of the court. In no event may the 
 Department that  the claim will be             allowance exceed the statutory amount of 
 barred unless the Department presents          $15,000 unless:  
 its claim within two months from receipt       (1) The estate of  the decedent is solvent 
 of the notice.  ET 8-103(f)                     and a special order of court has been 
                                                 obtained; or  
                                                (2) The estate is solvent and the will 
Effect of the Approval of an Interim             expressly empowers the personal 
Account and the Final Account                    representative to pay the expenses 
                                                 without an order of court. 
The register shall  promptly audit the 
account. Following the audit and approval 
of the account by the court, the court 
immediately shall execute an order  of 
approval subject to any exceptions. 
Exceptions to the  account shall  be filed 
within 20 days after entry of  the  order 
approving the account and shall include 
the grounds  for the  exceptions in 
reasonable detail.  A copy of the 
exceptions shall be served on the 
personal representative. If no timely 
exceptions are filed, the order of the court 
approving the account becomes  final. 
Distribution under       the     account   as
approved by the court  must  be made 
within 30 days after the order of court 
approving the account becomes final. The 
final approval of the  final account 
automatically closes the estate.   

- 14 -
Section 6:  Small Estate                          documentation as to the amount owed at 
                                                  the time of death should also be filed .
If the property of the decedent subject to         
administration in Maryland is established         Probate property consists of real and 
to have a value  of $50,000  or less (or          personal property owed solely by the 
$100,000 if the spouse is the sole legatee        decedent or as a tenant in common.  
or heir) the  estate  may be administered 
                                                  The original of the Last  Will and 
as a small estate. In establishing the 
                                                  Testament and Codicil(s), if any, must be 
value of an estate only the assets held in 
                                                  filed in the Register of Wills office in the 
the name of a decedent alone and/or an 
                                                  county that the decedent was domiciled. 
interest  held as tenants in common  are           
considered.  The value is determined by 
                                                  Notice of  Appointment, Notice to 
the  fair market value of property less 
                                                  Creditors, Notice to Unknown Heirs 
debts  of record secured by the  property                       is required with the petition 
                                                  (Form 1109) 
as of the date of death, to the extent that       if the value  of the assets in the estate 
insurance benefits are not payable to the         exceeds the allowable funeral expenses, 
lien holder or secured party for the              applicable family allowances and costs to 
secured debt.                                     the register combined. The   notice  is 
                                                  published by the Register of  Wills office 
                                                  once in a newspaper  of general 
Documents Required 
                                                  circulation that is designated by the 
As petitioner for appointment as personal         personal representative. The Notice  of 
representative,  the official  process of         Appointment informs persons  interested 
opening the small estate is started  by           in the estate of their right to file objections 
filing the  Petition for  Administration          to the appointment of the personal 
(Form 1103)   and  Schedule B  (Form              representative and the probate of the 
1137). These documents include the                decedent’s will, if applicable.  The notice 
following:                                        also informs creditors of their right to file a 
(1) The domicile of the decedent;                 claim against the estate and the 
(2) Reason the petitioner has a right to be       requirements.  
 appointed the personal representative;            
(3) Whether the decedent died with or             The List of Interested Persons (Form 
 without a will (if the  decedent had a           1104)  must be  filed prior to the 
 will, the original will must be included         appointment of a personal representative. 
 with the Petition);                              The list includes all persons named in the 
(4) The eligibility of the petitioner to serve    will to inherit  from the estate (legatees) 
 as personal representative;                      and all heirs at law, even if they are not 
(5) A list of the decedent’s probate              named in the will. The list also includes 
 property (both real and personal);               the personal representative (petitioner). 
(6) Any lien secured by the property, such        When distribution is to be made to a trust, 
 as mortgage on home or lien on                   each trustee  is an  interested person. 
 vehicle; and                                     Indicate the     relationship        of each
(7)  A list of known creditors.                   interested person to the decedent. 
                                                  An interested person may sign the 
Supporting documentation showing the                                                   to avoid 
                                                  Waiver of Notice (Form 1101) 
value of each asset as of the decedent’s          notice requirements  to that interested 
date of death may be required. If there is        person.  
a mortgage or  lien on the property,               


- 15 -
The Appointment of Resident  Agent              (3) Convicted of a serious crime,  unless 
(Form 1106)     is required if the person        the person shows good cause for the 
petitioning is not a  Maryland resident.         granting of letters; 
(Refer to  page 26, “What is a  resident        (4) Not a citizen of the United States 
agent and what are the responsibilities?”)       unless the  person is a permanent 
                                                 resident of the United States and is: 
A Consent to Appointment of Personal             (a) The spouse of the decedent; 
Representative (Form 1118)     is required       (b) An ancestor of the decedent;  
by all interested persons who have               (c) A descendant of the decedent; or 
greater priority to serve as personal            (d) A sibling of the decedent. 
representative      than  the  person            
petitioning.  (Form 1118  also includes         Upon appointment, the Register of  Wills 
language indicating  whether there is           office will issue a schedule of mandatory 
consent to waiver of bond.)                     filing deadlines.  
When the estate is established to have a        As the personal representative of a small 
value of $10,000 or more  after the             estate you  are required to  make a 
payment of allowable expenses, a Bond           reasonably diligent effort to ascertain the 
of Personal Representative (Form                names and addresses of  the  decedent’s 
1115) is required unless bond is excused                 , and mail or deliver a notice to 
in the probated will,  or each interested       those creditors.  You are also required to 
person files  a Waiver of Bond (Form            file an Information Report. 
1117   , orForm 1118 above  )                    
Additional forms may be required to open        Information Report   (Form 1124) 
certain estates, depending on the                
circumstances.                                  Within   three     months   after  the
                                                appointment of a personal representative, 
                                                the personal representative shall prepare 
Appointment of Personal                         and  file an Information Report.  The 
Representative                                  assets reported on this form  are  assets 
The Register of Wills may admit the will to     that the decedent  held  a less than 
probate    and  appoint   a    personal         absolute,  or whole interest  at date  of 
representative. The duties and powers of        death,  or assets that had a  previously 
a personal representative commence              designated beneficiary. Therefore, these 
                                                assets would not follow the terms of the 
upon       issuance  of   Letters of
Administration. In granting letters the         will or the laws of intestacy. Any such 
register observes an  order of  priority as     assets passing to any persons or entities 
established in Maryland law. Priority of        other than those exempt from inheritance 
appointment     begins   with  person(s)        tax  pursuant to § 7-203 of the Tax-
named in the will to serve, surviving           General Article must be reported. 
spouse, children, etc., to creditors or any      
other person.  Maryland law has                 The following  are  reportable on the 
established  restrictions on the right to       Information Report: 
letters of administration. The  following is    (1) Jointly held assets; 
a partial list of some of the persons           (2) Transfer of any material part of the 
excluded:                                        decedent’s property in the nature of a 
(1) Under the age of 18 years;                   final   disposition     or distribution,
(2) Mentally incompetent;                        including any transfer that resulted in 


- 16 -
    joint ownership of property within two       A claim must be presented  within the 
    years before death;                          earlier of the following dates: 
(3) Any interest less than absolute in real      (1)  Six  months after the date of  the 
    or personal property over  which the             decedent's death; or  
    decedent retained  dominion while            (2)  30    days after     the     personal
    alive;                                           representative mails or otherwise 
(4) Payable on death (P.O.D.) or transfer            delivers  to the creditor a copy of  the 
    on death (T.O.D.) accounts;                      “Notice of Appointment,  Notice  to 
(5) Any interest in  an  annuity or other            Creditors, Notice to  Unknown Heirs” 
    public or private employee pension or            form or other written notice, notifying 
    benefit plan;                                    the creditor  that his  claim will be 
(6) Any interest in real or personal                 barred unless he presents the claim 
    property for life or for a term of years;        within  30 days from the  mailing or 
(7) Any other interest in real or personal           other delivery of the notice. 
    property less than absolute, in trust or          
    otherwise.                                   If the claim is  filed prior to the 
(8) Real or leasehold property located           appointment     of     the        personal
    outside of Maryland  either in the           representative, the claimant  may file the 
    decedent’s  name only or as a tenant         claim with the register in the county in 
    in common        is reported    for          which the decedent was domiciled  or in 
    informational purposes only.                 any county in which the decedent resided 
                                                 on the date of his death or in which real 
All property listed on the Information           property or a leasehold interest in real 
Report has the same requirements  for            property of the decedent is located. 
values and appraisals as stated  for the          
Inventory in a Regular Estate (Section 5         A claim filed by the Department of Health 
of this booklet).                                against an estate must be filed within the 
                                                 earlier of the following dates: 
                                                 (1) Six  months after publication of  notice 
Application to Fix Tax on Non-Probate                of the first appointment of a personal 
Assets   (Form 1125)                                 representative; or 
                                                 (2) Two months after  the personal 
Where there is no formal administration of           representative mails, or otherwise 
an estate an Application to Fix Tax on               delivers to the Department's Division 
Non-Probate Assets shall be  filed within            of Medical Assistance Recoveries a 
90 days after the decedent’s death.                  copy  of the “Notice of Appointment, 
                                                     Notice to   Creditors,      Notice to
Claims                                               Unknown Heirs” or other written 
                                                     notice, notifying the  Department that 
A claimant may make a claim against an               the claim will barred unless the 
estate, within the  time allowed  for                Department presents  its claim within 
presenting claims, by:                               two months from receipt of the notice.  
(1) Serving       it on the       personal           ET 8-103(f) 
(2) Filing it with the register of the county 
    in which probate  proceedings are 
    being conducted and delivering or 
    mailing a copy to the personal 
    representative; or  
(3) Filing suit.  

- 17 -
Section 7:  Limited Orders                       Section 8:  Modified Administration 
If a will is located in a safe deposit box in    Modified Administration is a  streamlined 
the decedent’s name alone, or the assets         procedure available in a regular estate 
are titled in the decedent’s name alone          where the  decedent died on or  after 
and the amount of any asset is unknown,          October 1, 1997. The procedure can only 
the  only way to access the  box or to           be used if: 
ascertain the value of the assets is to file     1)  The residual takers are limited to:  
a Petition for a Limited Order (Form              a)  The personal representative;  
1147) and Schedule C (Form 1148).                 b)  Individuals or entities exempt from 
                                                         inheritance tax in the decedent’s 
A  Limited Order to Locate the Will                      estate under §7-203(b), (e), and (f) 
(Form 1149)  authorizes the financial                    of the Tax-General Article; and  
institution to enter the safe deposit box in      c)  Trusts  under which each person 
the presence of the  Register  of Wills  or              who has a current interest in the 
the Register’s authorized deputy for the                 trust is an individual or entity 
sole purpose of locating the will  for                   exempt from inheritance tax in the 
delivery to the Register of Wills office.                decedent’s estate under §7-203(b), 
                                                         (e), and (f) of the  Tax-General 
A Limited  Order to Locate  Assets                       Article; and 
(Form 1150) authorizes       named               2)  The estate is solvent and sufficient 
institutions to disclose the values of            assets exist to satisfy all testamentary 
assets  titled in the  sole name  of the          gifts. 
decedent. This Order will not  authorize          
transfer of  any assets.  The limited order      This     procedure   eliminates          the
to locate assets is not necessary if a           requirement of an Inventory (Forms 1122 
determination can be made that the               and  1123) and account,  and requires 
estate will be opened as a regular estate.       minimal supervision by the Register of 
The issuance of this order is intended           Wills.  
for the use of the person with priority           
to serve as personal representative.             The personal representative must file an 
                                                 Election for Modified  Administration 
                                                 (Form 1141) within three months after the 
                                                 appointment as personal representative.  
                                                 All of the residuary legatees of a testate 
                                                 decedent  or  the heirs at law of an 
                                                 intestate decedent  must also  file a 
                                                 Consent to Election for Modified 
                                                 Administration (Form 1142)   within three 
                                                 months after the appointment.  
                                                 Instead of an Inventory and account, the 
                                                 personal representative must  file a 
                                                 verified Final Report Under Modified 
                                                 Administration (Form 1143)     and, if 
                                                 applicable, a Certificate of Service 
                                                 (Form 1144)   no later than ten  months 


- 18 -
after the date of the appointment.  The           For an estate opened on or after October 
Final Report must include:                        1, 2015, court approval for payment of 
1)  A  statement     representing    the          funeral expenses  in excess of the 
   continued qualification  for modified          applicable statutory allowance of $15,000 
   administration;                                is  not required when the personal 
2)  Itemized schedule of the  decedent’s          representative includes the expenses on 
   property and the basis of the                  the Final Report. 
3)  Itemized  schedule of  liens, debts,          On the request of any interested person, 
   taxes, funeral  expenses of  the               the personal representative must provide 
   decedent,  administration expenses of          a  formal inventory and account  to all 
   the estate, fee, any outstanding costs;        interested persons.  
4)  Schedule setting forth  distributive          Modified Administration can be revoked 
   shares of the estate;  and  any                by the: 
   applicable inheritance tax.                    1)  Filing of a timely request  for judicial 
Final  distribution of  the  estate must be       2)  Filing of a written objection to modified 
made  within  12 months from  the date of          administration      by    an interested
appointment. An estate under modified              person; 
administration should close not later than        3)  Filing of a withdrawal of the  election 
13 months from the date of appointment.            by a personal representative; 
                                                  4)  Orphans’ Court, on its own initiative, 
If additional time is needed for the filing of     or for good cause shown by an 
the Final Report, the  initial time periods        interested person or by the Register of 
for filing the Final Report and making             Wills; or 
distribution may be extended for 90 days          5)  Failure to timely file the Final Report 
on Consent for Extension of Time                   and make distribution. 
(Form 1146)    signed by the  personal             
representative and   each      interested         If a modified  administration is revoked, 
person, and filed within ten months from          the estate  must proceed as a regular 
date of appointment.                              estate administration and  the personal 
                                                  representative shall file an Inventory and 
For a date of death on or after October 1,        account with the Register of Wills. Notice 
2015, the register may extend the time            of the revocation will be mailed to all 
periods  for  filing the Final Report and         interested persons by the register.  
making distribution  for an  additional            
period not to exceed 90 days on the filing        If the personal representative discovers 
of a  Request for  and Consent to                 property of the decedent after the time for 
Further Extend Time to File a Final               filing a Final Report Under Modified 
Report and to Make Distribution in  a             Administration,      the       personal
Modified Administration  (Form 1152)              representative shall  file a Final Report 
signed by the personal representative             with respect to the  after-discovered 
and each interested person  and filed             property  within 60 days of the  discovery 
before the expiration of the first extension      of property, and make final distribution of 
period for filing the Final Report.               the property  within 90 days of the 
                                                  discovery of the property. 

- 19 -
Section 9: Inheritance Tax                      
An inheritance tax is imposed on the right     NOTE: (for inheritance tax purposes) 
to receive property passing from  a 
decedent that  has  a taxable situs in the     “Child”  includes  a  stepchild or former 
State of Maryland.                             stepchild. 
Inheritance tax may be collected on (the       “Parent” includes a stepparent or former 
net value of) all probate property reported    stepparent. 
in a regular estate  and all non-probate        
property reportable on the Information         “Surviving spouse”  means a surviving 
Report or Application to Fix Inheritance       spouse who has not remarried. 
Tax passing to individuals or entities not      
exempt  from inheritance tax under  
§ 7-203 of the  Tax-General Article, 
regardless of  the type of estate 
proceeding,   and    including   property
passing from a trust. (No inheritance tax 
is collected on probate property reported 
in a small estate.) 
For decedents dying on or  after July 1, 
2010, inheritance tax does not apply to 
the receipt  of property  that  passes from 
the decedent for the use of: 
(1) A grandparent; 
(2) A parent; 
(3) A spouse of the decedent; 
(4) A child  of the decedent  or a  lineal 
 descendent of a child of the decedent; 
(5) A spouse of a child of the decedent or 
 a spouse of a lineal descendant of a 
 child of the decedent; 
(6) A surviving spouse  of a deceased 
 child of the decedent or of a deceased 
 lineal descendant of a child of the 
 decedent who was married to the child 
 or lineal descendant of the child at the 
 time      of the    child’s   or lineal
 descendant’s death;  
(7) A brother or sister of the decedent; or 
(8) A corporation, partnership, or limited 
 liability  company   if     all  of its 
 stockholders, partners,  or members 
 consist of  individuals specified in 
 items (1) through (7) above. 

- 20 -
For decedents dying on or  after  July 1,       taxable    property reported   on   the
2010, collateral inheritance tax at the rate    Information Report or the  Application to 
of 10% applies to property of the               Fix Inheritance  Tax. (The tax is due  on 
decedent  that passes to anyone  other          the clear fair market value as of the date 
than those  persons listed in  (1) through      of transfer or the date of death, whichever 
(8) above.                                      is applicable.)  Evidence of date of death 
                                                balances (appraisals when necessary), 
Property exempted  from inheritance tax         evidence of outstanding liens on the 
includes the following:                         property (such  as mortgage), and  the 
(1) Property that passes to any one             name, address and  relationship to the 
    person if  the total value does  not        decedent of  each beneficiary  must be 
    exceed $1,000;                              provided.   
(2) Property that passes to a charitable         
    organization that is  exempt  from tax      When an interest in a trust is subject to 
    under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal     inheritance tax, in addition to  a copy of 
    Revenue Code  or certain transfers          the trust instrument, the following may be 
    which are deductible under  Section         required:  
    2055 of the Internal  Revenue Code          (a) A list of the assets,  
    in accordance with  Tax  -  General         (b) A  list of expenses paid or to be paid 
    §7-203(e);                                   from the trust,  
(3) A life insurance policy that is payable     (c) The names and addresses of the 
    to a named beneficiary (other than the       trustees,  
    estate);                                    (d) The dates of  birth  of all life tenants, 
(4) Property not in excess of  $500 that         and  
    passes from  a  decedent  under a will      (e) The relationship to the decedent of all 
    for grave maintenance;                       beneficiaries. 
(5) Holocaust   monies     (contact     the      
    Register of Wills for details); and         The trust documents are  for review 
(6) Income on probate assets  –         For     purposes only. The documents will not be 
    decedents dying on or after January 1,      made    public  record     and will be  
    1998, the inheritance tax does not          shredded, or returned upon request
    apply to the receipt of property that is 
    income, including gains and losses, 
    accrued on probate  assets after the 
    date of death of the decedent.    
For decedents dying prior to July 1, 2010, 
contact the Register of Wills office for the 
appropriate rate  of inheritance tax that 
was in effect at the date of death. 
Inheritance tax on probate property is due 
when the        personal   representative
accounts for the distribution of the taxable 
property in an accounting.   
Inheritance tax on non-probate property is 
due when the Register of Wills assesses 
and bills for the  amount  based on  the 


- 21 -
Section 10: Distribution                         ORDER OF DISTRIBUTION 
                                                 OF NET INTESTATE ESTATE 
If the decedent  had  a will, the personal       If the decedent is survived by: 
representative must      distribute the          a spouse and children, at least one of 
property according to the provisions in the      whom is a minor - the spouse receives one 
probated will.                                   half of the net estate and the children divide 
                                                 the remaining one half equally* 
A surviving spouse is entitled to receive        a spouse and children, all are adults - the 
                                                 spouse receives the first $40,000 ($15,000 
distribution of a  family allowance in the 
                                                 for a date of death prior to October 1, 2017) 
amount of $10,000. An  allowance  of             plus one half of the remaining net estate, 
$5,000 must be paid for the use of each          and the children divide the remaining  
unmarried minor child (under the age  of         one half equally* 
18). (Contact the Register of  Wills  for        children only - the children divide  
family allowances applicable for a date of       net estate equally* 
death prior to October 1, 2013.)                 a spouse and parents - the spouse receives 
                                                 the first $40,000 ($15,000 for a date of 
                                                 death prior to October 1, 2017)  plus one 
The contest of a will is beyond the              half of the remaining net estate and the 
authority of the Register of  Wills and,         parents divide the remaining one half, or 
therefore, is not discussed in this booklet.     the surviving parent receives the  
                                                 remaining one half 
Without court approval or intervention, a        a spouse without any other heirs listed 
surviving spouse may elect to take his or        above - the spouse receives the  
her statutory share instead of the property      entire net estate 
                                                 parents without any other heirs listed above 
left to  him or her by  will.  This share is 
                                                 - the parents divide the net estate, or the 
one-third of the net estate if there is also     surviving parent receives the  
surviving issue or one-half  of the net          entire net estate 
estate if there is no surviving issue. There     brothers and/or sisters without any other 
are time limitations  on  filing an election     heirs listed above - the brothers and sisters 
and a withdrawal, and other issues to            divide net estate equally* 
consider. Therefore, a  surviving  spouse        grandparents without any other heirs listed 
                                                 above - the grandparents divide net estate 
who is thinking about filing an  election 
                                                 equally (if all grandparents deceased, 
should consider consulting an attorney for 
                                                  to issue of the grandparents)  
legal advice.                                    great-grandparents without any other heirs 
                                                 listed above - divide net estate equally (if all 
If the decedent did not have a will, the         great-grandparents deceased, to issue  
personal representative must distribute          of the great-grandparents) 
the  net estate to the heirs in the  order       stepchildren without any other heirs listed 
prescribed by Maryland law. The order of         above - stepchildren divide  
                                                 net estate equally 
distribution is described opposite. 
                                                 no living heirs or stepchildren - the entire 
                                                 net estate passes to the Board of Education 
                                                 in the county in which the estate is opened, 
                                                 or to the Department of Health if the 
                                                 decedent received long term care 
                                                  benefits under the  
                                                 Maryland Medical Assistance Program  
                                                 * The share of a deceased heir in these categories 
                                                 passes to the issue of the deceased heir. 


- 22 -
Section 11: Fees 
A probate fee is charged for the administrative processing of the estate. This fee 
is based on the total gross estate, as stated in the tables below. There may also 
be charges for  additional services including, but not limited to,  the  following: 
additional Letters of Administration; plain, certified or exemplified copies; entering 
claims; and entering caveat papers. 
  If The Value Of The  But No More Than     The Fee Is 
  Small Estate  
  Is Greater Than 
  $0                                $200    $2 
                                            1% of the value of the small estate 
  $200                              $5,000 
 For a small estate having a value of more than $ 5,000, see the regular estate probate fees 
  listed below 
  If The Value Of The  But Is Less Than     The Fee Is 
  Probate Estate Is  
  At Least 
  ----                              $10,000 $50 
  $10,000                           $20,000 $100 
  $20,000                           $50,000 $150 
  $50,000                           $75,000 $200 
  $75,000              $100,000             $300 
  $100,000             $250,000             $400 
  $250,000             $500,000             $500 
  $500,000             $750,000             $750 
  $750,000             $1,000,000           $1,000 
  $1,000,000           $2,000,000           $1,500 
  $2,000,000           $5,000,000           $2,500 
                                            $2,500 plus .02% of excess 
  $5,000,000                        ---     over$5,000,000 

- 23 -
Section 12: Important Dates for               Small Estate  
Personal Representatives to                    
Remember                                      1.  If  the  decedent had a will, the 
                                               custodian of the original document 
Regular Estate                                 must file it with the Register of Wills 
                                               promptly after the date of death. 
1.  If  the  decedent had a will, the         2.  The Petition for Probate, Schedule B 
 custodian of the original document            and  all required papers should be 
 must file it with the Register of Wills       filed with the Register of  Wills 
 promptly after the date of death.             promptly after the date of death. 
2.  The Petition for Probate, Schedule A      3.  The Notice of Appointment  for a 
 and  all required papers should be            Small Estate must  be filed  if there 
 filed with the Register of  Wills             are remaining assets after payment 
 promptly after the date of death.             or  deduction of funeral  expenses, 
3.  The List of Interested Persons must        family allowance, and Register's fee. 
 be  filed either with the Petition  for      4.  The Information Report must be filed 
 Probate or       within    20  days           within three months after  date of 
 after  appointment      of personal           appointment. 
4.  The Inventory  and    Information         Modified Administration  
 Report must be  filed within three            
 months after  appointment of the             1.  The    Election for  Modified
 personal representative.                      Administration and  consent forms 
5.  The first account must be filed within     from all residuary legatees/heirs 
 nine months after appointment of the          must be filed within three months 
 personal representative.                      after date of appointment of personal 
6.  If  subsequent   accounts       are        representative in a regular estate. 
 necessary, they must be  filed at            2.  The Information Report must be filed 
 intervals of the earlier of six months        within three months after date  of 
 after  the    prior account       was         appointment. 
 approved,  or nine  months after the         3.  The Final Report must be filed within 
 prior account was filed.                      ten months after date of appointment 
                                               unless an extension was approved.  
                                              4.  Inheritance taxes (if applicable), 
                                               probate fee, and any additional costs 
                                               are due at the time the Final Report 
                                               is filed. 
                                              5.  Complete and final  distribution must 
                                               be made within twelve months  from 
                                               date of  appointment, unless an 
                                               extension was approved. 


- 24 -
Section 13: Responsibilities of a               Section 14: Powers and Duties of a 
Personal Representative                         Personal Representative 
The personal representative of an estate        The personal      representative   may
has  a  fiduciary obligation to settle the      exercise the authority granted him/her 
estate and  distribute the assets as            by statute or in the will, without approval 
promptly as possible, in accordance with        of the court. 
the terms of the will or the laws of             
intestacy.                                      These powers include: receiving and 
                                                holding   assets, depositing     funds,
The position of personal representative         satisfying charitable  pledges made by 
is one  of confidence, trust  and good          the decedent, paying or compromising 
faith.  It is held to the highest standard      claims, paying funeral expenses and 
of care acknowledged by the law.  The           other debts or expenses, paying taxes, 
personal representative may incur               insuring property, investing or selling 
personal liability if he/she  fails to  meet    property, continuing        a business,
this standard.                                  performing contracts entered into by the 
                                                decedent, employing specialists to 
                                                advise or assist, and making partial 
                                                or  final     distributions during the
                                                administration of the estate. 
                                                Other powers may be granted to the 
                                                personal representative by the court 
                                                upon written request. 
                                                In addition to the above powers, the 
                                                personal representative has a statutory 
                                                obligation to timely file  all  required 
                                                documents, comply with all court orders, 
                                                and give proper notice to interested 
                                                persons when necessary. 


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Section 15:  Questions and Answers 
What is a will? 
  A will is a written document, legally executed, which directs disposition of 
one’s property after death.  A will only controls those assets that are in the name 
of the decedent alone or as tenants in common.  It has to be in writing, signed by 
the testator/testatrix (person making the will), and attested and signed by two or 
more credible witnesses in the presence of the testator/testatrix. It becomes 
effective upon the death of the testator/testatrix and is probated. 
  If you have a will prepared outside of Maryland and then move into 
Maryland, it is valid if it is executed in accordance with the laws of the state in 
which it  was prepared. However, if  you move to another state, check with its 
Register of  Wills or  Clerk in the Probate  Division of your new  jurisdiction to 
determine if your will prepared in Maryland is valid.  Laws vary in different states. 
Where should I keep my will? 
  Once a will is prepared, signed and witnessed properly, be sure to keep it 
in a safe place where it cannot be lost, stolen or misplaced.  A safe deposit box is 
a secure place, provided someone is aware of its location.  If the safe deposit 
box is in your name only, upon your death it is necessary for a deputy from the 
Register of Wills office to be present at the opening of the safe deposit box and 
removal of the will for filing with the Register of Wills.   
 You may also file your will with the Register of Wills for safekeeping for a fee 
 of $5.00.  An original will brought to the Register of Wills for safekeeping will 
 be sealed in a pre-numbered envelope and you will be asked to print your 
 name, address, date filed, and who is filing the will on the space provided on 
 the envelope.  During your lifetime, the will you deposited in the Register of 
 Wills office cannot be opened or released to anyone but you or to a person 
 authorized by you in writing to receive the same. If you need to make a copy 
 of the will once it has been filed it is necessary for you to remove it and then 
 the will may be re-filed for an additional $5.00 fee.  You should always make 
 sure that the person  you have named  as your  personal representative is 
 made aware of the location of your will. 
What should I do with a will after a person dies? 
  After the death of a person, the person having custody of the will should 
present the will to the Register of Wills.  If the person having possession of the 
will is the nominated personal representative, they should call the office prior to 
arrival to determine if additional requirements may be applicable. You may also 
schedule an appointment with a deputy in order to promote faster service. 

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 A custodian who willfully fails or refuses to deliver a will to the register 
after being informed  of the death of  the testator/testatrix is liable to  a person 
aggrieved for the damages sustained by reason of the failure or refusal.   
Does a spouse have the right to renounce a will? 
 Instead of property left to him or her by a will or if omitted by a will, the 
surviving spouse may elect to take a one-third share of the net estate if there is 
also a surviving issue (child or children), or a one-half share of the net estate if 
there is no surviving issue (child or children). 
 The election by a surviving spouse to take an elective share shall be made 
within the later of:  nine months after the date of the decedent’s  death;  or six 
months after the first appointment of a personal representative under a will.  The 
court may extend the time for election, before its expiration, for a period not to 
exceed three months at a time, upon notice given to the personal representative 
and for good cause shown.  
What is a caveat? 
  A caveat of  a will is the challenge of  the validity of any instrument 
purporting to be the  decedent’s will or codicil, whether or not  offered  for or 
admitted to probate.   A caveat may be filed by an heir of the  decedent or a 
legatee in any instrument purporting to be a will or codicil of the decedent.  It 
requires a judicial hearing with notice being sent to all interested persons.  Fees 
must be paid when the petition is filed. 
 If  a personal representative has been appointed prior to the petition to 
caveat being filed, the appointment of the personal representative is reduced to 
that of a special administrator until a determination as to the validity of the will is 
made by the court. 
Is an estate always required? 
 If a person  dies owning any property in his or her name alone or as 
tenants in common it is necessary to open an estate in the  Register  of Wills 
office.  The value of the assets in the name of the decedent alone or a tenant in 
common determines  the type of estate that is required.  (See Regular Estate, 
Small  Estate and  Modified Administration  sections of  this book for further 
If an estate is not required do I still have to file the will? 
 If  the  decedent did not have any property in their name  alone  or  as  a 
tenant in common, you are still required to file the will with the Register of Wills 
office in the county in which the decedent was domiciled at the time of death.  


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Who has priority to be paid if there are insufficient assets? 
The personal representative shall  make payment in the  following order if  the 
assets of the estate are insufficient to pay all claims in full: 
•  Fees due to the register; 
•  Costs and expenses of administration; 
•  Funeral expenses not to exceed $15,000 (applicable for estates opened on or 
   after October 1, 2015); 
•  Compensation of personal representative in a regular estate, legal services 
   and commissions of licensed real estate broker; 
•  Family allowance – Spouse $10,000; each minor child of the decedent $5,000 
   (contact the Register of Wills for the family allowance applicable for a date of 
   death prior to October 1, 2013); 
•  Taxes due by the decedent; 
•  Reasonable medical, hospital, and nursing expenses of the last illness of the 
•  Rent payable by the decedent for not more than three months in arrears; 
•  Wages, salaries or commission for services performed for the decedent within 
   three months prior to death of the decedent; 
•  Public assistance claims; and  
•  All other claims 
A preference shall not be given in the payment of a claim over another claim of 
the same class. However, claims filed  by the Department of Health receive a 
priority over all other claims of the same class. (See § 8-105 of the Estates and 
Trusts Article.) 
The Federal Insolvency Statute, 31 U.S.C. §3713, gives absolute priority for 
debts due to the United States, such as taxes due to the IRS. 
What is a resident agent and what are the responsibilities? 
A nonresident of the State  does not qualify to be appointed  personal 
representative unless  on  file with the Register of Wills office  is an irrevocable 
designation by the  nonresident  of an appropriate  person who resides in  the 
State.   That person, upon accepting the appointment and signing a form with 
their address, then becomes the resident agent.  The only responsibility of the 
resident agent is to accept service of process in the same manner and with the 
effect as if it were served personally in the State on the nonresident. 

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