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 MARYLAND   REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATION                                                       OFFICE USE ONLY
            OF TAX FILINGS                                  Tax year(s)                                    Request:
  130                                                                                                              Approved
                                                            Control Number Assigned
                                                                                             Type of 
                                                            ITIN        SSN
Applicant’s Information                                                                      photo ID
Print using black or blue ink only.
Last name                                                   Suffix              First name                                                                           M.I.

Current mailing address

City                                                        State      ZIP code +4                   Applicant’s ITIN or SSN

1. Did you file a Maryland tax return during one or both of the previous two years? 
   If yes, complete 1a and 1b.      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   Yes     No

   1a.  Name as shown on return(s), if different from above:

      ___________________________________________                  __________________________
                                   Name                                            Tax year

      __________________________________________                   __________________________
                                   Name                                            Tax year
   1b.  Mailing address as shown on return(s), if different from above:

     Street                                        City                 State                ZIP code   +4                                                   Tax year

     Street                                        City                 State                ZIP code   +4                                                   Tax year

2.  Did you file federal Form 4868 (Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. 
   Individual Income Tax Return) or Maryland Form extension to file personal income tax return  
   for the most recent tax year?    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .     Yes     No

3. Were you claimed as a dependent on a Maryland tax return during one or both 
   of the previous two years? If “Yes”, complete 3a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                Yes     No
   3a.  Name(s) and ITIN(s)/SSN(s) of taxpayer(s) claiming you as a dependent and tax year(s) you were claimed as a dependent.

      ______________________________________                 ________________________             ___________________
                       Name of Taxpayer                                ITIN/SSN                            Tax year(s)

      ______________________________________                 ________________________             ___________________
                       Name of Taxpayer                                ITIN/SSN                            Tax year(s)

                                              COMPTROLLER OF MARYLAND.

SIGNATURE and VERIFICATION:        I understand that taxpayer information is confidential and authorize the Comptroller of 
Maryland to release the requested information to the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration in accordance with the Maryland 
Highway Safety Act of 2013. And further, I certify that to the best of my knowledge all information provided on this form is true, 
correct and complete.

       _________________________________________                   __________________________________________
                       Signature of applicant                                                Date

                        Telephone number                                                   Email address
COM/RAD-035 04/22

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WHO MUST FILE                                                          •  A photo ID and any 3 of the following 5 items from the most 
This form is only required for immigrants presenting foreign             recent Maryland tax return:
documentation without valid accompanying United States                   -  Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)
Citizenship and Immigration Services documentation in order to           -  Filing Status
obtain a driver’s license or identification card. It is not required     -  Number of Exemptions
for individuals who have an existing Maryland driver’s license or        -  Dollar amount of REFUND or BALANCE DUE
identification card.
                                                                         -  Deduction  Method,  i.e.  Standard  or  Itemized,  and  the 
PURPOSE OF FORM                                                             dollar amount; or,
The Maryland Highway Safety Act of 2013 expands the                    Proof  of  identity  acceptable  to  the  Motor    Vehicle 
authority of the Motor Vehicle Administration (“MVA”) to issue           Administration  (MVA)  (see  this  link  https://mymva.
a driver’s license, identification card, or moped operators              maryland.gov/go/web/OnlineDocumentGuide), the address 
permit to an individual who does not have lawful status, but             from which the most recent year’s tax return was filed, and 
requires that any such applicant who is not a current holder             the ITIN or SSN.
of an identification card under §12-301 of the Transportation 
Article, a moped operator’s permit under §16-104.2 of the              NOTE:  The  name  on  the  Social  Security  Card  or  ITIN  letter 
Transportation Article, or a license to drive issued under the         MUST match the name on the photo identification used to provide 
Transportation Article, must provide documentary evidence              proof of identity.
that the applicant, for each of the preceding 2 years, has filed       If you have a different name on your Social Security Card from 
a Maryland income tax return or been claimed as a dependent            your  photo  ID,  you  must  change  your  name  with  the  Social 
by an individual who has filed a Maryland income tax return in         Security Administration (SSA) prior to coming to the the Maryland 
order to be issued such card, permit or license by the MVA.  To        Comptroller’s Office. The new name must match the name that the 
obtain the required documentation, applicants must complete            SSA has on record. (For information on Social Security Numbers, 
Form 130 and visit one of the Comptroller’s branch offices to          please visit socialsecurity.gov/ssnumber/). 
obtain a letter certifying proof of filing or that they were claimed   If you have a different name on your ITIN letter from your photo 
as a dependent on another taxpayer’s filing prior to making            ID, you must change your name with the IRS prior to coming to 
application to MVA.                                                    the Comptroller of Maryland’s office. The new name must match 
INSTRUCTIONS                                                           the name that the IRS has on record. For information on ITINs 
This form must be filled out in its entirety and submitted in person   please visit irs.gov. 
with acceptable proof of identification (see below) to any branch      WHERE TO SUBMIT FORM 130
office of the Comptroller of Maryland. Do not mail this form; it 
must be submitted in person.                                           You  can  submit  Form  130  at  any  of  the  branch  offices  listed 
Do not sign  Form  130  until  you  are  instructed  to  do  so  by  a below.  Offices are open Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 
representative  of  the  Comptroller  of  Maryland,  Revenue           You must schedule an appointment to submit this form at 
Administration Division.                                               a  branch  office. You  may  schedule  an  appointment  online  at 
                                                                       marylandtaxes.gov or by calling 410-260-7980.   
The following proof of identification is required:                     FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR SPECIAL ASSISTANCE
  •  A photo ID and the original or copy of the ITIN letter from       Visit our Web site at marylandtaxes.gov
  the IRS or SSN card; or,                                             or call 410-260-7980 or toll-free 800-638-2937.
                                                                       Maryland Relay Service (MRS)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711

Annapolis                             Cumberland                                             Salisbury
Revenue Administration Division       3 Pershing St., Ste 101                                Sea Gull Square 
110 Carroll St.                       Cumberland, MD 21502-3042                              1306 South Salisbury Blvd., Unit 182
Annapolis, MD 21411-0001              Elkton                                                 Salisbury, MD 21801-6846
Baltimore                             Upper Chesapeake Corporate Center                      Towson
We’re moving in early 2024!           103 Chesapeake Blvd., Suite D                          Hampton Plaza  
Please confirm location prior to      Elkton, MD 21921-6391                                  300 East Joppa Rd., Ste. Plaza Level 1-A
your visit by calling 1-800-638-2937. Frederick                                              Towson, MD 21286-3020
                                      Courthouse/Multiservice Center                         Waldorf
State Office Building               100 West Patrick Street, Rm. 2603                      1036 St. Nicholas Dr., Unit 202
301 W. Preston Street, Room 206       Frederick, MD 21701-5578                               Waldorf, MD 20603-4760
Baltimore, MD 21201-2326 
                                      Greenbelt                                              Wheaton
New office                          Triangle Centre                                        Westfield Wheaton South Building
7 St. Paul Street                     6401 Golden Triangle Drive, Suite 100                  11002 Veirs Mill Road, Suite 408  
Ground Floor                          Greenbelt, MD 20770-3201                               Wheaton, MD 20902-5919
Baltimore, MD 21202                   Hagerstown
                                      Crystal Building
                                      1850 Dual Hwy., Suite 201 
                                      Hagerstown, MD 21740-6686

COM/RAD-035       Rev 08/23

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