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MD Employer File Submission Layout - Create MS Excel file.

Field                   Type         Col Opt'l/Req'd                           Comments
                                                          Federal Employer Identification Number (no hyphens). 
                                                          Use the same FEIN for which listed employee(s) 
Employer FEIN           Numeric 9    A Required
                                                          quarterly wages will be reported under. If you have 
                                                          questions, please contact our Registry.
                                                          State Unemployment Insurance Number, all numeric, 
                                                          has leading zeros which are required. Special note: 
Employer SUIN           Numeric 10   B Required
                                                          Use "EXEMPT" if exempt, or "APPLIEDFOR" if 
                                                          company has applied for a SUIN.
Employer Name           Char 45      C Required           At least two characters, left justify.
Employer Address Line 1 Char 40      D Required           At least two characters, left justify
Employer Address Line 2 Char 40      E Optional           Left justify if present. Spaces if unused
Employer City           Char 25      F Required           At least two characters, left justify
                                                          Valid state or territory abbreviation. Not required for 
Employer State          Char 2       G Required
                                                          foreign address.
                                                          If a non-foreign address then only U.S. 5 digit zip code,
Employer Postal Code    Char 20      H Required
                                                          left justified. If foreign address then left justify
                                                          If present, must be 4-digits. Spaces if unknown or 
Employer Zip+4          Char 4       I Optional
                                                          international address
Employer Country Code   Char 2       J Optional           For foreign addresses only
Employee First Name     Char 16      K Required           At least one character, no special characters.
                                                          If non-blank must be at least one character, no special 
Employee Middle Name    Char 16      L Optional
                                                          At least one character, no special characters except 
Employee Last Name      Char 30      M Required
Employee SSN#           Numeric 9    N Required           As reported by employee.
Employee Address Line 1 Char 40      O Required           At least two characters, left justify
Employee Address Line 2 Char 40      P Optional           Left justify. Spaces if unused.
                                                          At least two characters, no special characters except 
Employee City           Char 25      Q Required
                                                          Valid state or territory abbreviation. Not required for 
Employee State          Char 2       R Required
                                                          foreign address.
                                                          If a non-foreign address then only U.S. 5 digit zip code,
Employee Postal Code    Char 20      S Required
                                                          left justified. If foreign address then left justify.
                                                          If present, must be 4-digits. Spaces if unknown or 
Employee Zip+4          Numeric 4    T Optional
                                                          international address
Employee Date of Birth  Numeric 8    U Optional           If present, numeric. Format - MMDDYYYY
Employee Date of Hire   Numeric 8    V Required           If present, numeric. Format - MMDDYYYY
                                                          Valid state or territory abbreviation. Field is required for
Employee State of Hire  Char 2       W Optional           registered Multistate employers that report all new 
                                                          hires directly to this state.
Employee Salary         Numeric 10   X Required           $$$$$$$.cc (Use decimal point if including cents)
                                                          Please indicate the frequency that the Employee 
Employee Salary                                           Salary (previous field) is paid to employee. H=Hourly; 
                        Char 1       Y Required
Frequency                                                 B=Bi-Weekly; W=Weekly; S=Semi-Monthly; 
                                                          M=Monthly; Y=Yearly
                                                          Employer contact ten-digit phone number including 
Employer Phone Number Numeric 10     Z Optional
                                                          area code (no hyphens or parentheses).
Employer Contact        Char 20      AA Optional          Name of contact for employer.

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File Naming Guidelines

When you are ready to save your file, please name the file with the first four characters of your company name, plus the 
day and month you are creating it. 

For example:

Acme Incorporated, file created on December 1st - acme1201.xls
Microsoft Corporation, file created February 14th - micr0214.xls

If you are unable to use this naming convention, please name your file as uniquely as possible. Using 4-8 letters that are 
an acronym of your company name, or actually spelling your company name is acceptable. If you are sending multiple 
files, please provide a unique name for each file. Multiple files with the same name cannot be processed.

Please do not use "newhire" or any variation of "newhire" for your file name.

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