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MD New Hires Reporting 


Quick ReferenceGuide


             01                                                   02
                                           Helpful templates and file layout guides on the Upload New Hire 
To upload a file, click Upload New Hire 
                                           Data-File page are available for your convenience. You can 
Records from a File, located on your 
                                           download templates to make uploading easy.
                                           When your file is ready, select your file type by clicking on the 
You can upload several types of files.  
                                           button, then click Select File to choose your file from your 
Click on the Upload New Hire Data-File 
page to learn more about file types and 
formats.                                   Choose the file from your computer, click Open, and you will return 
                                           to the Upload page.
There is an Easy Decision Flow Chart to 
help you decide what reporting option is   You can choose to receive notifications of upload status to your 
best for you. Click the link under User    email on file by moving the slider toggle button to YES or NO.
Guides on the Dashboard.

You can upload Excel files or text files. 
Text files are comma separated values 
(csv) files, tab delimited files, or fixed 
width files. 

These types of text files are generally 
what is exported from payroll or                                  03
                                           Select Preview My File to test your file upload. 
bookkeeping software.
                                           You’ll see a Validating File pop up while the file is uploading, then 
                                           you will see a Success pop up when it is finished. 

                                           Click Complete My Upload to submit your file.


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Instructions continued...

Instructions continued...

If there are errors in your file, you  On the screen you will see the Uploading pop up while the file 05
may see the Preview Not Successful     loads. If successful, you’ll see a Success pop up. Click OK and you 
— All Reports Rejected message.        will return to your dashboard.

On this screen, you can see an         If there are errors in your file, you may see the Upload Not 
example of the errors that are         Successful — All Reports Rejected message. On this screen, you 
preventing your file from uploading,   can see an example of the errors that are preventing your file 
such as data in the wrong column or    from uploading, such as data in the wrong column or dates in the 
dates in the wrong format.             wrong format. Click Close to return to the upload screen. Return 
Click Close to return to the Upload    to your file, fix the errors, and then upload again.
screen. Return to your file, fix the 
errors, then preview or upload again. 

If file preview was good, proceed with 
uploading by clicking Complete My 
Upload. Then select Confirm on the 
pop up.

                                       When reports are first entered, they appear in View Pending until the 
                                       file is completely processed on our end.

                                       When reports have been completely processed on our end (less than a 
                                       business day), they will appear in the View History section.

If after you submit a report we discover an issue with the information provided, you will be notified to correct 
your report. You can access the rejected report from View Rejected menu. 

Copyright © 2020 Maryland State Directory of New Hires Reporting, All rights reserved
Phone: (410) 281-6000  (888) 634-4737 Fax: (410) 281-6004  (888) 657-3534|     | 

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