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                                                   Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation 
                            2023 Renters’ Tax Credit Application RTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline                                                         October 1, 2023 
                                              Apply online www.taxcredits.sdat.maryland.gov  

APPLICANT DETAILS                                                                                                                                    
  1. Name:  Last, First, Middle Initial                                                                   2. Social Security Number                                          3. Date of Birth 
  4. Mailing Address  (If different from         Property Address and provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper                  5. Current Marital Status: 
  and include with this application.)                                                                                                       
                                                                                                                                                    ☐ Single  
                                                                                                                                                    Widowed  ☐                    
                                                                                                                                            If Married, Separated, Divorced, or Widowed,  
                                                                                                                                                      please include Month and Year   
  6. Name of Spouse or Residential Co-Tenant: Last, First, Middle Initial                                 7. Social Security Number                                          8. Date of Birth 
  9. Principal Address (Include Apartment Number – No P.O. Box)                                           10. City, Town or Post Office                                      11. County 12. Zip Code 
  13. Applicant Status:  
                        ☐    Age  Sixty (60) or Over     ☐          Totally Disabled (Submit Proof)        ☐                        Under  Age Sixty  (60)  with Dependent(s)   
  14.  Check  one of  the following  which describes  your  rented residence:  
  ☐   Apartment  Building Unit     ☐             Single Family  House    ☐        Mobile Home   ☐            Other (Specify)______________________________________ 
  15. Address from Previous Year(Include Apartment Number   – No P.O. Box)                                16. City, Town or Post Office                                      17. County 18. Zip Code 

  19. Did you reside in public housing 2022?              ☐  No     ☐ Yes      
  20. Do you  receive any rental assistance/subsidy? ☐  No                    ☐  Yes – If ‘Yes’ from whom __________________________________________________ ______ 
  21. Do you own  any real estate in the State of Maryland or elsewhere?  ☐  No                        ☐  Yes  - If ‘Yes’ list the address ______________________________________  
  22. Do you rent from a person related to you, including In-Laws?   ☐   No                ☐   Yes        – Name and relationship_________________________________                               
  23. Enter the amount of rent applicant paid each month in 2022:  
  $____________        $____________               $____________        $____________        $____________                                 $____________          TOTAL RENT PAID 2022: 
         January                     February                      March                         April                           May                           June          
  $____________        $____________               $____________        $____________        $____________                                 $____________              $_______________ 
             July                         August                    September                   October                   November                 December     
  24. Mark which utilities and/or services were included in the monthly rent: 
  Utilities:          ☐   None    ☐  Electric (other than for heat)            ☐     Heat              ☐  Gas (other than for heat)                        
  Services:        ☐   None       ☐   Meals          ☐Pet  Fee               ☐   Housecleaning        ☐   Parking Garage Fee        ☐   Other _______________________________ 
  25.  Management  Company      or person (Landlord)  to whom  the applicant  paid rent  for at least six months in 2022:  
  Name: ____________________________________________          Address: _____________________________________________ 
  26.  Current  Management  Company      or person (Landlord)  to whom  the applicant      is now  paying rent:  
  Name: ____________________________________________          Address: _____________________________________________ 
HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS                                  
 27. List all household residents who lived with you in 2022 below.  If  none, please check  this box:   ☐  
 27a. Dependent?               27b.Name                                                   27c. Date of Birth   27d. Social Security Number                                        27e. 2022  Gross Income  
          No ☐     Yes☐                                                                                                                                                           $_______________ 
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                                                      Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation 
                                 2023 Renters’ Tax Credit Application RTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline                                                      October 1, 2023 
                                              Apply online www.taxcredits.sdat.maryland.gov  

2022  WAGES & INCOME                                                                              
                                                                                                                               Spouse/Resident                    Household 
 28. All accompanying schedules and                                                                       Applicant                                                                     Office Use Only 
 submitted         with this                                documents MUST be                                                         Co-Tenant                   Member(s) 
                                  application. DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS.  
 Wages, Salary, Tips, Bonuses, Commissions, Fees                                                     $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Interest & Dividends  (Includes both taxable and non-taxable)                                       $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Capital Gains (Includes non-taxed gains)                                                            $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Rental Income (Net)                                                                                 $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Business Income (Net)                                                                               $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Room & Board paid to you by a nondependent household member, see 
 instructions for  Fields  27a-27e                                                                   $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Workers’ Compensation                                                                               $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Unemployment Insurance                                                                              $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Alimony and/or Spousal Support                                                                      $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Public Assistance Grants (Include copy of AIMS)                                                     $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Social Security (Include copy of 2022 Form SSA-1099)                                                $                         $                                $                       $ 
 S.S.I Benefits for 2022 (Include Proof)                                                             $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Railroad Retirement (Include copy of 2022 Verification or Rate Letter)                              $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Other  Federal Pensions (Not including VA Benefits) per year                                        $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Veterans Benefits per year                                                                          $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Pensions and Annuities (If a rollover, include proof)                                               $                         $                                $                       $ 
 IRAs (If a rollover, include proof)                                                                 $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Deferred Compensation (Include W-2 Statement)                                                       $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Gifts over $300.00                                                                                  $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Expenses Paid by Others                                                                             $                         $                                $                       $ 
 Inheritances                                                                                        $                         $                                $                       $ 
 All other monies received last year not reported above                                              $                         $                                $                       $ 
 TOTAL HOUSEHOLD INCOME FOR 2022                                                                     $                         $                                $                       $ 
 29. Did you or will you and/or your spouse file a Federal Income Tax Return for 2022?                                           ☐  Yes               No☐      If yes, a copy of your 2022 return (and if 
 married & filing separately, a copy of your spouse’s  2022 return)  with all accompanying schedules MUST be submitted with this application                                            
 ☐   I declare under the penalties of perjury, pursuant to Sec. 1-201 of the Maryland Tax- Property Code Ann., that this application (including     any accompanying forms and statements) has been        
 examined by me and the information contained herein, to the best of my knowledge          and belief, is true, correct and complete, that I have reported  all monies received, that I have a leasehold interest 
 in this property, that this dwelling will be my principal residence  for the prescribed period, and that my net worth is less than $200,000  I understand that the Department may request at a later date 
 additional information to verify the statements reported on this form, and that independent verifications of the information reported may be made. Further, I hereby authorize the Social Security 
 Administration, Comptroller of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, the Income Maintenance Administration, Unemployment In             surance, the State Department of Human Resources  and Credit 
 Bureaus to release to the Department of Assessments and Taxation any and all information concerning the income or benefits received.  
 Applicant’s  Signature                                                                                                                    Date  
 Applicant’s Email Address                                                                                                                 Applicant’s Daytime Telephone Number  
                                                                                                                                           (         ) 
 Spouse’s or Resident Co-             Owner’s  Signature                                                                                   Date  
 RETURN TO:  Department of Assessments and Taxation                                                                     FOR IMMEDIATE INFORMATION: 
                         Renters’ Tax Credit Program                                                                    Email: sdat.renters@maryland.gov 
                         P.O. Box 49006                                                                                 Telephone:  Baltimore Area  410.767.4433  
                         Baltimore, Maryland 21297                                                                                           Toll Free 1.800.944.7403 

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                                                              Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation 
                               2023 Renters’ Tax Credit Application RTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline                                                                    October 1, 2023 
                                              Apply online www.taxcredits.sdat.maryland.gov  
                     INFORMATION                                                          percent (18%)      higher      monthly rent     to qualify      Have reached the age sixty (60)  or over on or 
                                                                                          for the credit.                                                  before December 31, 2022; or 
The State of Maryland provides a direct check                                        Trailer park residents are advised to submit                        Be one hundred percent (100%) totally and 
payment of up to $1000.00 a year for renters who                                          an application and allow the state to                            permanently disabled as of December 31, 
paid rent in the State of Maryland and who meet                                           determine eligibility.                                           2022 and submit proof of disability from the 
certain eligibility requirements.             For   more                           Chart  1 is only a guide,  the exact a      mount of your               Social Security Administration, other                             federal 
information, please visit our website at                                           total  gross income and rent will        be used to                     retirement system, Federal Armed Services 
https://dat.maryland.gov/Pages/Tax-Credit-                                                                 eligibility                                               the local City/County Health Officer. 
Programs.aspx                                                                      determine your                                                          or                                                                    
                                                                                           Column A                       Column B 
Requirements                                                                                                                                           2.  UNDER SIXTY (60) YEARS OF AGE 
                                                                                                                                                          Had at                                                                              
A new application        must be filed every year if                                    $1 – 20,00010,000                      $117                        eighteen least(18) one         dependent under the2022ageandof  
applicant wishes to be considered for a tax credit.                                           25,000                            423                        is listed on your livingFederalwith youIncomeduringTax Return                        
Applicant                                                                                     33,000                                                       (if filed), and 
requirements mustlisted satisfybelowall five (5) legal                                        39,000                          1,000  800                   social security youcard(s)mustandincludebirthacertificate(s)copy of their 
                                                                                                                                                                        this application;            
considered:                         before eligibility can be                                 43,000                          1,100                        with                             and                                                
1.  Applicant must have a bona fide leasehold                                                 46,000                          1,200                       Did not  receive federal      orstate housing 
    interest  in the property and be legally                                                  49,000                          1,300                        subsidies; and 
    responsible for the rent; and                                                             53,000                          1,400                       Your 2022total  gross household income was 
                                                                                              56,000                          1,500                        below the limit listed in Chart 2. 
2.  First time applicants, and those who have                                                 59,000                          1,600 
    moved during the previous year, must                         submit                       62,000                          1,700                    Important Filing Deadlines 
    a copy of their       lease(s),       rental     agreement,                               66,000                          1,800                    The deadline for  filing an application isOctober 1, 
    cancelled checks, money order receipts or                                                 69,000                          1,900                    2023. A properly completed application means 
    other proof of rent paid. Other applicants                                                73,000                          2,000                    that all questions are answered, the form is 
    must submit a copy upon request; and                                                                                                               signed, c       opies of the entire federal income tax 
                                                                                   Chart 2  – Under 60 Years of Age                                    return, schedules and forms, necessary Social  
3.  The principal residence must be in Maryland                                        If you are a renter under     the age of  sixty (60), who       Security form (SSA-1099), Railroad Retirement 
    and where the applicant resided 2022;for at least                              during2022 had at least one dependent under the  Verification or Rate Letter are all included and 
    six (6) months in calendar year                             and                age of  eighteen (18)  living withyou and did not                   applicant has provided responses to any 
4.  The dwelling may be any type of rented                                         receive federal      orstate housing     subsidies or               subsequent inquiries made by the Department in 
    residence or a mobile home pad on which the                                    reside in public housing,  and the combined                         a reasonable timeframe. 
    residence rentedrests,from abutpublicit mayhousingnot includeauthoany          income of all                    you   are  encouraged to                                                                                                    
                                                                                                    residents of your dwelling is below 
    unit                                                            rity or        the following guidelines,                                           Privacy and State Data System Security Notice
    from  an exempt organization;                  and                             apply.                                                              The principal is to determinepurpose foryourwhich eligibilitythis informationfor a tax is 
5.  Applicant, spouse and/or co-tenant(s) must                                            Persons in                                                   credit. Failure to provide this information will result 
    have a combined net worth of less than                                          Household (Includes                2022 Gross Income               in a denial of your application. Some of the 
    $200,000 as of December 31, 2022.                                                     Applicant and                       Limit                    information requested would be considered a 
                                                                                          Dependents)                                                  “Personal Record” as defined in State 
Applicant may later be requested to submit                                                          2                           $18,310                Government Article, § 10-624 consequently, you 
additional information to verify what was reported                                                  3                     23,030                       have the statutory right  to inspect your                           file and to 
on the application. This request may include a                                                      4                             27,750               file a written request to correct or amend any 
statement      ofliving expenses when it              appears that                                  5                     32,470                       information you believe to be inaccurate or 
the applicant has reported insufficient means to                                                    6                     37,190                       incomplete. Additionally, it is unlawful for any 
pay the rent  and other  living expenses.                                                           7                     41,910                       officer or employee of the state or any political 
         Age 60 or Older OR 100% Disabled                                                         8                     46,630                       subdivision to divulge any income particulars set  
Chart 1                                                                                             9                     51,350                       forth in the application or any tax return filed 
If you are a rente                                               
                                                                                   If you qualify based upon the income limits above,                                   ccordance with judicial 
hundred percent (100%)  r age sixtydisabled,(60)   olderoruse thisor   onechart    the state will                                                      exceptorder. in a                                        legislative 
                                                                                                                 and gross income. 
to see if you should file an application to have the                               formula comparing determinerent your eligibility using     the      officers However,of the state, thiscountyinformationor municipality is availableintotheir 
State determine your        eligibility.                                                                                                                                                                                                       
•   Find your approximate                        total                             Example:      George and Robin Smith,  ages 34 and                  official     the federal   government, as provided                                by    
                                                                                                                                                                    capacity and to taxing officials of any other 
                                                                                   33,                                                                 state, or                                               
    household income in Column 2022                A.  gross                       eighteen have two(18).dependents    under the age of                statute. 
                                                                                                       Their total household income for 
•   If your monthly ren            t is more than the figure in                    2022 was $16,200 and paid $500.00 per month in                      INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING 
    Column B (across from your income), you                                                                                                                                                                                   THE 
                                                                                   rent. They also paid all their own utilities. Since                 APPLICATION 
    may be eligible and are encouraged to apply.                                   their income is below $27,750 and there are four 
Example: Applicant         Mary Jones,           age 67, lives                     persons in the household (see Chart 2), the                            Please Print Clearly 
alone, total income in 2022 was $19,000 and paid                                   Smith’s should apply for the credit.                                   Do Not Staple Documents 
$550 per month in rent. She also paid all her own                                  EligibilityDo Not Send  Original Documents  
utilities. With an income close to $20,000 and rent                                In order  to be eligible for  a Renters’  Tax  Credit,  
that is more than $423 per month, Mary Jones                                       you must  meet  one of  the following eligibility                   Applicant Details  
should apply for the credit.                                                                                                                  ts.      Field 1:  Name - Enter  the full  legal  name of  
                                                                                   requirements and  all five legal requiremen                 
  The rent in Chart 1 assumes that you pay all                                                                                                        applicant (last name, first name, middle initial).  
    your own utilities, separate from the monthly                                  1.     AGE SIXTY (60) OR OVER,   ONEor                              Applicant must have a bona fide leasehold 
    rent.       If rent  includes gas, electric       or heat, you                        HUNDRED PERCENT (100%)                  DISABLED             interest  in the property and be legally responsible 
    may need to have as much as an eighteen                                                                                                            for the rent.  
Field 2: Social Security Number   Enter-                                           Field 3: Date of Birth - Month, Day and Year the                    Field 4: Mailing Address                  - Enter the mailing  
applicant’s nine (9) digit       social        security number.                    applicant was born.                                                 address if it differs from the principal address.  

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                                                           Maryland State Department of Assessments & Taxation 
                              2023 Renters’ Tax Credit Application RTC-1 Form ● Filing Deadline                                       October 1, 2023 
                                              Apply online www.taxcredits.sdat.maryland.gov  
Field 5: Current Marital Status - Mark which                      December 31, 2022, Totally Disabled or Under                 Field 25: Enter the name and address of the 
option best describes the applicant’s current                     Age Sixty (60)  with Dependent  Children.      If            Management       Company or  person to whom the 
status: single;        or provide the month and date for:         applicant is totally disabled, please provide proof          applicant paid rent for at least six (6) months of 
married, separated, divorced (finalized) or                       of  disability.   applicant   If  is under  age sixty (60)   the previous year. 
widowed.                                                          with dependent children, include a copy of their 
                                                                  social security card(s) and birth certificate(s).            Field 26: Enter the name and address of the 
Field 6: Enter  the full, legal     name of Spouse                                                                             current Management              Company or  person to 
and/or Residential Co-Tenant (last name, first                    Field 14: Check  one of  the following which                 whom   the applicant  is now  paying rent.   
name, middle initial). Spouse and/or Residential                  describes your rented residence – Mark whether 
Co-Tenant must have a leasehold interest in the                   the rented residence is an Apartment Building                Household Members 
property. If more space is needed, enter                          Unit,  Single Family House or  Mobile Home.       If         Field 27: List all household residents who lived 
                                                                                                                               with you in 2022. If there were none, PLEASE 
information on a separate sheet of paper and                      none of these, please mark ‘Other’ and write-in              check the box. If there were household residents 
include to this application. 
                                                                  buildingstructure.                                           who lived with you in 2022 complete Fields 27a.   -
Field 7:  Social Security Number - Enter Spouse                                                                                27e.   
and/or Residential Co-Tenant(s)  nine (9) digit                   Field 15: Address from Previous Year – Enter 
social security number.                                           address including house number, apartment                    Fields 27a. 27e.: Applicant must state whether 
                                                                  number, street name or rural route, (No P.O. Box),           each household member is a dependent, provide 
Field 8: Date of Birth - Month, Day and Year the                  of the place the applicant resided in 2022.                  their name(s) (last, first and middle initial), date(s) 
Spouse and/or Residential  Co-Tenant(s) was                                                                                    of birth (month,  day and year), social security 
born.                                                             Field 16: City, Town or Post Office - State the              number,  and their           gross income from   2022. If 
                                                                  name of the city or town where the rental unit the           additional household members, write responses to 
Field 9:  Principal Address – Rental unit where the  applicant lived in the previous year is located.                          these fields on a separate sheet of paper and 
applicant regularly resides and is the location                                                                                include with this application. 
designated by the renter for       the   legal  purpose of        Field 17: County - Provide the two (2) digit            code 
voting,  obtaining a driver’s license,  filing income             of the county where the rental unit the applicant            Wages & Income 
tax returns,  and for     which the tax credit  is being          lived in the previous year is located. See Field 11.                    Wages &  Income               - All resident co-
                                                                                                                               Field 28: 
applied.                                                          Field 18: Zip Code - List the postal code in which           tenants,  including the applicant          and spouse, must       
Field 10: City, Town or Post Office - State the                   the rental unit the applicant lived in the previous          report their    gross income.  Income from all             sources 
name of the city or town where the rental unit is                 year is located.                                             must  be reported,  including taxable and non-
located.                                                                                                                       taxable income. Income for this application is not 
                                                                  Field 19: Did you reside in public housing    in             limited to the definitionof  gross income for federal             
Field 11: County - Provide the two (2) digit                 code 2022? – Mark ‘No’ or ‘Yes’.                                  or  state income tax filing purposes. Social               security 
of the county where the rental unit is located.                   Field 20: Do you  receive any rental                         benefits, worker’s compensation, deferred 
            County                      Code                      assistance/subsidy? – Mark ‘No’ or ‘Yes’. If ‘Yes’,          compensation, etc., must be reported. The full 
 Allegany                         01                                                                                           amount      ofan inheritance is income.         All   gifts in 
 Anne Arundel                     02                              state whom the assistance or subsidy is from. 
 Baltimore City                   03                                                                                           excess of $300 and expenses paid on applicant’s 
 Baltimore County                 04                              Field 21: Do you own any real estate in the State            behalf by others must be reported as income. 
 Calvert                          05                              of Maryland or elsewhere? – Mark ‘No’ or ‘Yes’. If           Losses from business, rental or other endeavors 
 Caroline                         06                              ‘Yes’ list the address of the real estate owned.             may not  be used to reduce the amount   gross   of
 Carroll                          07                                                                                           income reported. Any household occupant not 
 Cecil                            08                              Field 22: Do you rent from a person related to               being claimed as a dependent                                   
 Charles                          09                              you,                -Laws? -                                 paying reasonable fixed charges, and           who is not       
 Dorchester                       10                                   including In                  Mark ‘No’ or ‘Yes’. If                                                such as room 
 Frederick                        11                              ‘Yes’, state name and relationship to applicant.             and board,  must  report  their  total  gross income(s)  
 Garrett                          12                                                                                           from the previous year.  
 Harford                          13                              Rental Information 
 Howard                           14                              Field 23: Enter the amount of rent applicant                 Field 29: If you filed or will file a Federal Income 
 Kent                             15                              actually paid each month in the State of Maryland            Tax Return for  2022, or if married and filed or will 
 Montgomery                       16                              from January 1 through December                       2, and 
 Prince George’s                  17                              do not include subsidies paid on their 31,behalf 202    such com separately,pleted federalinclude a photocopy of the    
 St. Mary’s                       19                              as HUD/Section 8 payments. Do not include                                                                    forms, when 
 Queen Anne’s                     18                                                                                           accompanying schedules tax return(s),and other including all  
 Somerset                         20                              monthly fees for any services such as meals, pet             submitting this application.       If income was derived 
 Talbot                           21                              fees,  garage charges,  late charges, security               from a partnership or corporation, a copy of the 
 Washington                       22 
 Wicomico                         23                              deposits, etc. If  applicant  lives in a home in a           partnership return (Form  1065,  including Schedule 
 Worcester                        24                              trailer park, report only the rent paid for the              K-1) and/or a copy of the corporate return (Form 
                                                                  trailer pad or lot.                                          1120 or  1120S,  including Schedule K-1) must also 
Field 12:  Zip Code - List the postal code in which               Field 24:  Mark which utilities and/or services were         be included.   
                                                                                                                                                                               as we are 
the rental unit is located.                                       included in the monthly rent from the previous               Do not send original documents 
Field 13:  Applicant Status – Mark whether the                    year. If none, mark ‘None’. If not listed, mark                                                    
applicant    is:Age Sixty (60) or   Over            as of         ‘Other’ and write-in service.                                unable to return them. 

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