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                                     MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS & TAXATION 
                     Application to be filed with the Supervisor of Assessments at the appropriate office; a list of offices is attached. 
     This form seeks information for the purpose of an exemption for the surviving spouse of a disabled veteran on the indicated property. 
     Failure to provide this information will result in denial of your application. However, some of this information would be a  “personal 
     record” as defined in General Provisions Article, §4-501. Consequently, you have the statutory right to inspect your file and to file a 
     written request  to correct or amend any information you believe to be inaccurate or incomplete. Additionally, personal information 
     provided to the State Department of Assessments and Taxation is not generally available for public review. However, this information 
     is available to officers of the State, county, or municipality in their official capacity and to taxing officials of any State or the federal 
     government, as provided by statute. 
     Full Name of Titled Property   Owner(s): ___________________________________________________________________________  
     Address of property: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 
     County Account Number: ___________________________ (Baltimore City) Ward _____  Section _____ Block _____   Lot _____  
     Description of  Property: _____________________________________________________________________________________  
  Date Property Acquired: __________        Former Address If purchased after Veterans Death: ________________________________  
  Veteran’s Name: _____________________________________   Date of Death: _______  State Death Occurred _____________  
  Has the applicant remarried? (Yes/No): _______ Was the veteran a Maryland resident at time of death?  (Yes/No): ________ 

     I declare under the penalties of perjury, pursuant to Section 1-201, Tax Property Article, of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 
     that this return (including any accompanying schedules and statements) has been examined by me and to the best of my 
     knowledge and belief is  a true, correct, and complete return.                                                      
     Signature of Surviving Spouse: _______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________ 
       Printed Name: _______________________________________________  Email: _______________________________________ 
     Mailing Address: _____________________________________________  Daytime Phone: _______________________________ 
          Please check if transferring an exemption, provide previous address:  ___________________________________

  ☐       Check to apply for a refund of any property tax paid for which you may be eligible under Tax Property Article 7-208.                                  
     •  Attach a copy of the Veteran’s Honorable       Discharge       or a copy of DD-Form     214 as required by law. (Maryland          Annotated 
        Code,  Tax-Property Article, § 7-208) Attach a copy of the veteran’s most recent rating           notification packetby the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.).
        Document from the V.A. must indicate that the veteran’s final service connected disability rating was 100% permanent
        and total or 100% permanently unemployable. This document must include the  disability rating’s effective date and 
        date of the V.A. rating’s decision.Applicant must be a Maryland resident.  Attach copy of a  current Maryland driver’s license, voter’s registration,   or
        redacted     previous year Maryland income taxes as proof of residency. 
 The United States Veterans Administration (V.A.) hereby certifies that the above named veteran, prior to or after his/her death, was 
 declared by the V.A. to have had a service-connected disability, which was not incurred  through  misconduct;  that  the said disability 
 was                    % disabling, permanent in character, and reasonably certain to have continued throughout the life of the said 
 veteran; had been receiving disability payments as allowed for reasons of                    % disability, or          % unemployability. 
  The character of the disability is as follows: _____________________________________________________________________  
  Effective Date of Final  Disability Rating: ________    Date of V.A. Final Rating Decision: _____________  
  Adjudication/Service Officer Name: _________________________________________ Date _______________________ 
  Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________     
  Daytime Phone __________________________________                            Email: _____________________________________   
                                            THIS APPLICATION IS NOT OPEN FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION  
                                                       FOR ASSESSMENT OFFICE USE ONLY  
 Office Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 
                     Approved  [   ]          Disapproved  [   ]              Effective Date: _____________________  
 Supervisor’s Signature _______________________________________________________                              Date: ________________________ 

  SDATRP_EX4B         Rev July 2024                                                                                                   http://dat.maryland.gov 

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                                                                            MARYLAND STATE DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS & TAXATION 
                                                                                       REAL PROPERTY DIVISION 
                                                                    Listed below are the mailing addresses for local assessment offices 

                                                ASSESSMENT OFFICE MAILING ADDRESSES                                                                 PHONE          FAX      EMAIL 
Allegany County Assessments 112 Baltimore Street, 3rd Floor, Cumberland, MD 21502                                                             (301) 777-2108 (301) 777-2052 sdat.alle@maryland.gov 
Anne Arundel County Assessments 45 Calvert St., 3rd Floor, Annapolis, MD 21401                                                                (410) 974-5709 (410) 974-5738 sdat.aa@maryland.gov 
Baltimore City Assessments Wm. Donald Schaefer Tower, 6 Sain       t Paul Street, 11th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21202                             (410) 767-8250 (410) 333-4626 sdat.baltcity@maryland.gov 
Baltimore County Assessments Hampton Plaza, 300 E Joppa Road ,Suite 602, Towson, MD 21286                                                     (410) 512-4900 (410) 321-4148 sdat.blco@maryland.gov 
Calvert County Assessments State Office Bldg. 200 Duke Street ,Room 1200, Pr    ince Frederick, MD 20678                                      (443) 550-6840 (443) 550-6850 sdat.calv@maryland.gov 
Caroline County  Assessments Denton Multi-Service Center,  207 South 3rd St, Denton, MD 21629                                                 (410) 819-4450 (410) 819-4441 sdat.crln@maryland.gov 
Carroll County Assessments  15 E Main Street,  Suite 229, Westminster, MD 21157                                                               (410) 857-0600 (410) 857-0128 sdat.carl@maryland.gov 
Cecil County Assessments District CourtMulti-Service Center, 170 East Main Street, Elkton, MD 21921                                           (410) 996-2760 (410) 996-2770 sdat.cec@maryland.gov 
Charles County Assessments Southern  Maryland Trade Center, 101 Catalpa Drive Suite 101A, LaPlata, MD 20646                                   (301) 932-2440 (301) 932-2189 sdat.char@maryland.gov 
Dorchester County Assessments  501 Court Lane,  PO Box 488, Cambridge, MD 21613                                                               (410) 228-3380 (410) 228-3704 sdat.dor@maryland.gov 
Frederick County Assessments 5310 Spectrum Dr, Suite E, Frederick, MD 21703                                                                   (301) 815-5350 (301) 663-8941 sdat.fred@maryland.gov 
Garret County Assessments County Courthouse 317 East Alder St. ,Room 106 ,PO BOX 388, Oakland, MD 21550                                       (301) 334-1950 (301) 334-5018 sdat.gar@maryland.gov 
Harford County Assessments Mary E.W. Risteau District Court Multi-Service  Center, 2 South Bond Street ,Suite 400    , Belair,  MD 21014      (410) 836-4800 (410) 838-5914 sdat.harf@maryland.gov 
Howard County Assessments District Court Multi-Service Center, 3451  Court House Dr, Ellicott City, MD 21043                                  (410) 480-7940 (410) 480-7960 sdat.how@maryland.gov 
Kent  County Assessments 114-A Lynchburg Street, Chestertown, MD 21620                                                                        (410) 778-1410 (410) 778-1525 sdat.kentco@maryland.gov 
Montgomery County Assessments 30 W.  Gude Drive, Suite 400,   Rockville MD 20850                                                              (240) 314-4510 (301)424-3864  sdat.mont@maryland.gov 
Prince George's County Assessments 14735 Main Street, Suite 354B,  Upper Marlboro, MD 20772                                                   (301) 952-2500 (301) 952-2955 sdat.princeg@maryland.gov 
Queen Anne's County Assessments Carter M. Hickman District Court Multi-Service   Center, 120 Broadway Suite 7, Centreville, MD 21617          (410) 819-4160 (410) 819-4170 sdat.qaco@maryland.gov 
St Mary's County Assessments Carter Building, 23110 Leonard Hall Drive, Room 2059,PO Box 1509 Leonardtown, MD 20650                           (301) 880-2900 (301)475-4856  sdat.stm@maryland.gov 
Somerset County Assessments 11545 Somerset Avenue, Princess Anne, MD 21853                                                                    (410) 651-0868 (410) 651-1995 sdat.som@maryland.gov 
Talbot County Assessments 29466 Pintail Drive, S teui12, Easton, MD 21601                                                                     (410) 819-5920 (410) 822-0048 sdat.talb@maryland.gov 
Washington County Assessments 3 Public Square, Hagerstown, MD 21740                                                                           (301) 791-3050 (301) 791-2925 sdat.wash@maryland.gov 
Wicomico  County Assessments Salisbury District Court Multi-Service Center, 201 Baptist Street, Box 8  Salisbury, MD 21801                    (410) 713-3560 (410) 713-3570 sdat.wic@maryland.gov 
Worcester County Assessments One West Market Street, Rm. 1202,  Snow Hill, MD 21863                                                           (410) 632-1196 (410) 632-1366 sdat.wor@maryland.gov 

                                                           ALL ASSESSMENT OFFICES ARE OPEN MONDAY   -             FRIDAY 8:00 AM   4:30 PM, 
                                                                    EXCEPT BALTIMORE CITY WHICH IS OPEN 8:00 AM   5:00 PM 
                                 For a complete list of office locations visit http://dat.maryland.gov/realproperty/Pages/Maryland-Assessment-Offices.aspx 

        Revised: 3 20/23 

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