Enlarge image | FORM BZT V- Page 1 of 1 (Rev. 2/1/2021) CITY OF PORTLAND BUSINESS LICENSE TAX/MULTNOMAH COUNTY BUSINESS INCOME TAX Payment Voucher and Instructions Instructions Online payments: Required for accurate processing: You may make payments directly online at • Fill in the beginning and ending dates of your tax Pro.Portland.gov. year. For most filers, this will be January 1 through Don’t use this form with online payments. December 31 of the tax year. Note: Payments sent with your return do not require a • Enter your FEIN (Federal Employer Identification voucher. Number) or SSN (Social Security Number). • Check the appropriate box for the type of payment Use this voucher only for the following payments: being made. • Estimated quarterly tax payments (this form has replaced Form Q). Make your check payable to: City of Portland (even if • Tax due by the original return s’ due date if you re’ you only owe for Multnomah County Business Income filing your return on extension and you have filed Tax). To ensure proper credit to your account, write the a federal extension. If you are filing an extension filer’s name, FEIN or SSN, and tax year beginning and for City of Portland and Multnomah County only, ending dates on your check. please submit Form EXT. • Tax due sent separate from an original or Mailing information: amended return. If you are mailing your payment For quarterly payments, extension payments, and without a return, please see the Mailing payments made separate from your original or amended Information section. return, mail your check and Form BZT-V to: City of Portland Revenue Division Don’t use this voucher if: PO Box 8038 • Payment is sent electronically. Portland, OR 97207-8038 • Payment is included when you file your original or amended return. If you’re mailing a payment with Note: This voucher isn’t an extension to file. The City of your Combined Tax Return, send the payment and Portland and Multnomah County accept the federal return in the same envelope and don’ t use Form extension. Include a copy of the federal extension form BZT-V. See the instructions for the return you are when you file your Combined Business Tax Return and filing for the mailing address to send your return check the “Federal Extension”box on the Combined Tax and payment. Return. If you need a City/County only-extension, fill out • You need to make a payment for the Clean Energy Form EXT and submit your payment with that form. Surcharge (CES). Use Form CES V - for these account payments. Cut on dashed line below to detach voucher. Visit www.portland.gov/revenue/forms to print more vouchers. OFFICIAL USE ONLY FORM BZT V,- CITY OF PORTLAND BUSINESS LICENSE TAX/ MULTNOMAH COUNTY BUSINESS INCOME TAX PAYMENT VOUCHER Tax year from: ___________________ to ___________________ ACCOUNT # FEIN OR SSN PAYMENT TYPE: (check one) BZT- Quarterly payment NAME OF FILER ON TAX RETURN Extension payment Original return MAILING ADDRESS Check if changed Amended return Check No.: _______________ CITY STATE/PROV ZIP CODE PHONE Payment Amount: $ FORM BZT-V (Rev. 2/01/2021) |